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Taehyung couldn't focus on singing.

Everyone could see it. Everyone commented about it.

Bring a little emotion. Try another note. How about this? What are you thinking that you can't get it right?

The producer's words started irritating him. "Do you need break, Taehyung?" The producer asked for the fourth time in the last half an hour. Taehyung sighed, taking off his headphones and plopping down on the sofa nearby.

"I'm sorry, hyung, but I don't think I can get this done properly today." The producer nodded in understanding. It wasn't normal for Taehyung to be out of it. He was usually very dedicated to his work, wanting to be perfect to deliver the best. So, when he acted like this, no one could really say anything.

"That's alright. We'll do this tomorrow." After getting the permission, Taehyung immediately slipped out, wanting to get out of the building as fast as possible.

But things don't go according to one's will everytime.

"Are you leaving?" Jimin's honey voice stopped Taehyung in his tracks. Normally, he'd talk to him with a smile but today, he couldn't bring himself to do anything except frown.

"Yes, I'm leaving," he said, looking back at his friend, who was more like his soulmate. Jimin felt bad for his friend however. He knew what happened last night with Aera was not letting him be at peace but he couldn't really understand why he behaved like that.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jimin asked pointing inside the smaller studio. Taehyung stared at the room, then his friend. Did he want to talk? Would it help?

Sighing deeply, he motioned Jimin to go inside, following behind quickly. "Speak. I'm listening," he sang, even before Taehyung could take a seat. He took his time though. Making himself comfortable, taking a sip of water, wetting his dry lips by swiping his tongue over them, playing with his fingers but no talking.

Jimin sighed, "Dude, we don't have the whole day. Stop procrastinating!" Taehyung rolled his eyes at the impatient friend or maybe 'exasperated with his antics' friend. It didn't make him feel any better.

"I don't know what happened yesterday," he started slowly, his voice coming out low and deep. "I just felt really irritated seeing her getting so close to you. The way she laughed and the way she treated everyone. I didn't like the way she teased Jungkook and then how he turned red because of her. I didn't like the way she kept complimenting Namjoon hyung for his songs. I didn't like the way she smiled so brightly at Hoseok hyung, trying to make him smile and I so didn't like the way Yoongi hyung called her cute and gave her his gummy smile. Like, he does it so rarely with us and he did it with her on first meeting!"

Jimin could only stare at Taehyung as he ranted, telling him every reason that ticked him off. But he didn't also miss the way his eyes dilated everytime he referred to her as 'she', or the way his fist tightened when he talked about how much attention she got from every single male present there.

"You like her," Jimin stated simply with a smirk, making Taehyung spit out the water in his mouth. Thankfully, none of it ended on his graceful self. However, it made Taehyung cough profusely.

"What the hell, Jimin? Like her? Are you crazy? I don't even know her. No one can like a person after meeting them only once." Jimin could only chuckle, as his friend huffed like a child angrily. He knew, he had hit the mark though.

"Say her name," Jimin challenged, feeling victorious when he saw Taehyung's cheeks reddening. "What kind of demand is that? You know what? I'm not having this conversation with you. I'm going home."

Taehyung huffed again, as he heard Jimin laugh loudly, shouting something about him being in love but it only made him scoff. He couldn't possibly like her. He had only met her once. Or had he?

He remembered seeing her in the restaurant last night. He had been shocked at first when the unknown woman declared to the world that she was hungry enough to die. He had found her cute but then she had turned to look his way and he had damn near stopped breathing.

He could swear on Jimin's life that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen but that's not what made his heart pick up its beat. It was her eyes that made him feel light headed all of a sudden. They held a kind of familiarity, a warmth that seemed to fill a void in him that he didn't know existed.

As the night had went on, he just couldn't stop himself from looking at her shamelessly. She had a round face, a cute, small but straight nose. Her lips weren't extremely thin or thick, they were just normal sized and so incredibly pink. But the most captivating were her eyes. Her big, doe, expressive eyes. The same eyes that had been surprised when she first caught him staring. They later on became shy, stealing glances at him, making him feel so powerful and yet so giddy.

But then he had also seen apprehension set in them as he ruined the moment with his sharp words. He had seen a deep dislike create for him in her eyes. Aera's eyes.

He stopped in his steps, getting a few curses from his fellow walkers for stopping so abruptly. But it didn't matter.

It didn't matter when he realised, he had messed up real big. And he realised, he did like Lee Aera.



Ayo, Hitman Bang!
So, Wattpad finally decided to co-operate with me and update the chapter.

Hope you liked it..

Thank you for reading!!!

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