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Sometimes, I wonder if there was another way- another ending where we all ended up happy and most importantly, alive.

Steve was my everything but I loved my dad to death- something that made it impossible for me to choose sides upon when they were both superheroes.

I didn't know what was right.

I still don't know if what's happening right now is right.

ELI STARK 1950's



filmed before a live studio audience

part 2


Ellie arrived at Wanda and Vision's home hoping she could just go to her room and eat the still warm cookies she had gotten from the nearby bakery. Elli used to the think that people really had no kindness in them but seemingly, small towns had proved her wrong. She walked in, without bothering to knock to see candles set all around the room as smooth music played.

Then the weirdest sight met her-  Wanda in a quite strange dress as she went up behind a stranger who stood with a woman (probably his wife) and covered his eyes.

"Guess who?" she asked and Ellie had a strong desire to run before things got worse.

Vision was as surprised as she was when he came into the room.

"Wanda!" He called out in surprise, his eyes trailing down her dress.

"Vision!" the red head gasped she took her hands away from the strangers eyes.

"Oh! Oh! Ah..."

Ellie felt sorry for her sister-in-law- seems like the heart on the calendar did not really mean her wedding anniversary.

"What is the meaning of this?" the man questioned as Ellie joined the group hoping to help her family out.

"Well, what is... Yeah, what is the meaning of... Oh, the meaning of it!" Vision stammered- a truly rare sight, "You want to know the meaning of it and the meaning of it is that this- this is-"

"Is the traditional Sokovian greeting of hospitality!" She interrupted him, giving the strangers a confident smile. A voice inside her told her that the best way to lie was to sound confident and not giving too many details at once.

A woman with beautiful red hair filled her mind but Ellie shook it off.

Wanda walked over to her and Vision, nodding in approval of the lie as Vision performed a similar action on Wanda, covering her eyes.

"Guess who?" He asked, an uncomfortable smile gracing his face and if the circumstances were different, Ellie would have burst out laughing.

Wanda played along with her husband, "Is that my host behind me?"

"It certainly is."

Then Wanda turned around and they shook hands.

"Lovely to make your acquaintance."

Ellie clapped her hands together, as if to say 'show's over' and spoke- "Yes! That's exactly how we do it, " she smiled, "I feel that my brother forgot to tell you that our dear Wanda is from Europe."

"Oh, how exotic!" The woman smiled and for a second there Ellie thought her lie was working till-

"We don't break bread with Bolsheviks."

Thankfully his wife had better manner. Ellie was just about to dislocate his head from his neck.

"Oh, hush, Arthur! Have you no culture at all?" his wife chuckled, "And that dress!"

"Yes! It's... It's so... Sokovian, is what it is! Yes!" Vision said, relieved.

"Can I just see you in the kitchen for a moment, sweetheart? You too, Elli darling?"

"Oh, yes!" both Ellie and Vision said at once.

Grabbing their hands, Wanda pulled both of them to the kitchen.

" Who are those people?" Wanda questioned.

"What are you wearing?" Vision inquired.

"Do we have any food?" Elli asked. She had bigger priorities.

"Why are they here?" Wanda ignored Ellie.

"What are you wearing?" Vision ignored Wanda.

"I am guessing that's a no," Ellie concluded.

The somewhat of an argument still remained.

Wanda looked at Vision with a surprised face, "Well, it's our anniversary!"

"Our anniversary of what?" the man asked instead.

Ellie decided that she better make a run for it before the town exploded.

"Well, if you don't know, I'm not going to tell you!" Wanda spoke and noticing her best friend make her way to the back door, she yelled, "Maria Elizabeth you better not leave this house."

Ellie turned around and shrugged.

At least she tried.

"That..." The man finally started to explain, "That man through there is my boss, Mr. Hart! And his dear lady wife, Mrs. Hart! The heart on the calendar was an abbreviation!"

Ellie groaned. Seriously?

"You move at the speed of sound, I can make a pen float through the air and Ellie can scream loud enough to deafen the entire country. Who needs to abbreviate?"

"Darling, listen, it's all romantic to do the candles, the music, that stunning outfit..."

"Well..." Wanda looked down.

"I don't wanna be unappreciative, but right now..."

"But we have a problem," Ellie spoke just as Wanda said-

"Your boss and his wife are expecting a home-cooked meal."

Vision looked apologetic both his adopted sister and his wife, "Exactly."

"Any chance they'd settle for a single chocolate-covered strawberry split three ways?" Wanda asked as Ellie turned to look at a chocolate-covered strawberry on the kitchen table.

"Uh..." Vision shook his head before turning to Ellie, "I thought you went shopping today. What did you get?"

Ellie's eyes widened as her eyes went to the small packet in her hands, "Cookies and Ellie doesn't share food. You guys have a miscommunication problem- not my fault so not my food."

Wanda shook her head, "I might have a better idea."

Wanda snapped her fingers as a new dress appeared on her as she hummed.

Later in the kitchen as Vision entertained their guests, Ellie sat on the tiny table as Wanda let their neighbor Agnes in through the back door- yes the same one Ellie had tried to make her escape from.

"Oh, Agnes!" Wanda smiled, "You're a life-saver!"

Agnes entered with various ingredients in her hands.

"What kind of housewife would I be if I didn't have a gourmet meal for four just lying about the place?" Agatha asked as Ellie looked at her in confusion.

"A normal one?"

Wanda hid her smile as she helped Agnes unload some of the ingredients.

"Not that Ralph ever wants to eat anything but baked beans which explains a lot about his personal appeal, mind you," Agatha was still speaking as she dropped a huge pot, "Oh, my!"

Ellie heard Vision say- "but I am sure the girls are fine in there.

"Oh, thank you, Agnes," Wanda spoke handing Ellie a few things as she stood up to help, "I think We've got it covered from here."

"Oh, are you sure, dear?" Agnes asked, her attention solely on Wanda, "Many hands make light work and many mouths make good gossip."

"You're so naughty!" The three women laughed and though Ellie laughed, she wasn't sure she even found it funny.

While Wanda looked into the menus, Ellie began pushing Agnes towards the back door as the woman reached for the oven.

"Oh, shall I just pre-heat the oven then, dear?" she asked as Ellie groaned in annoyance.

"That won't be necessary."

"Oh, All right, then."

Ellie again pushed Agnes towards the door and opened it, but Agnes just turned around and walked back to the kitchen. Ellie ropes her around the kitchen as she talks.

"Well, I know you're in a pinch so this menu can be done in a snap," Agnes spoke, "Lobster Thermidor with mini-minced meat turnovers to start. Chicken à la King with twice-cooked new potatoes for your second course, and Steak Diane and mint jellies for your main. Do you set your own jellies, dear?"

"Yes," Wanda called out.

"Good girl."

Ellie pushed her to the door again.

"Recipe cards are on the counter there. Bon appétit!" she spoke and much to Ellie's relief, she finally left.

Ellie then watched as Wanda used her powers to open every cabinet and floats cooking tools all over the kitchen. They would be lucky if they made out of this dinner party from hell.

Just as Ellie picked up a pot- she felt the worst pain in her head, causing her to stumble but luckily catch her self before the floor did.

"Are you quite alright, Ellie?" Wanda asked, and for some reason she looked extremely... scared.

"Ah yes, it's just my head," she answered, "I am having a headache."

Wanda nodded, a little relieved but still not enough, "Why don't you go upstairs and rest? Come down in a few?"

"Are you sure you will manage on your own?" Ellie asked, not wanting Wanda to be overwhelmed.

"Yes, very."

Ellie walked down from her room almost half an hour later, famished. She hoped that Wanda was successful in making something.

"-high hopes for you." she heard Mr. Hart speaking, "But from what I've seen here tonight, you can barely keep it together. I mean, look around. There's all this chaos going on in your household. Now, when are we gonna eat?"

"Dinner is served," Wanda announced and Ellie smirked at her best friend's timing. Her headache had now seized to be just a memory and Ellie felt much more comfortable.

Ellie walked over the table and her eyes widened as she saw-

"Breakfast for dinner?" Mr. Hart said in disbelief, "How very..."

Thankfully, Mrs. Hart was an idiot- "European."

"Ooh!" she smiled at everyone, "Let's have a toast!"

"To my lovely and talented wife," Vision spoke, "And my beautiful sister."

"To our esteemed guests," Wanda and Ellie spoke at the same time.

They all picked up glasses and clinked them together.

Ellie smiled, "Cheers."

They all took sips as Wanda spoke, "Well, please eat before it gets cold."

"So, where did you three move from?" Mr. Hart asked as everyone settled in their seats. Ellie was about to answer but before she got a chance to, Mrs. Hart was already speaking.

"What brought you here? How long have you been married? Why don't you have children yet? And where in God's name is your sister's husband?"

Ellie looked around panicked to see Wanda stare off into the distance."

"I think what my wife means to say is that we moved from..." Vision started.

"Yes, we moved from..." Wanda nodded.

"And we were married..." Vision disregarded their previous home unable to answer.

"Yes, yes, we were married in..." Wanda answered.

"And my husband is..." Ellie just couldn't remember.

"Well?" Arthur Hart raised his eyebrows, "Moved from where? Married when? Husband's where?"

"Now, patience, Arthur," Mrs. Hart spoke, "They're setting up their story. Let them tell it."

Ellie felt confused. Where was her husband?

"We... Our story..." Wanda chucked nervously looking at her family.

"Yes, what exactly is your story?" Mr. Hart asked

"Oh, just leave the poor kids alone."

"No, really," the man continued to push, I mean, I think it's a perfectly simple question. Honestly. Why did you come here? Why?"

No one responded and Ellie felt the urge to scream the man to the moon. Mr. Hart slammed his hand on the table.

"Damn it, why?" He was getting louder, "Why did yo-"

Ellie felt like she was paralyzed as Arthur began choking on food.

"Oh, Arthur, stop it. Stop it." Mrs. Hart chuckled as if this was a common occurrence, "Stop it."

His choking became worse as Ellie, Wanda and Vision just stared- baffled.

"Stop it. Stop it. Stop it," The wife kept saying.

Ellie turned to look at Wanda in confusion- she was scared.

"Stop it. Stop it. Stop it," Mrs. Hart chuckled.

Ellie watched as Mr. Hart fell on the floor.

"Stop it. Stop it. Stop it."

The three looked at each other.

"Stop it."

"Vision, help him," Wanda said and Vision got up from his seat and knelt down beside Mr. Hart.

He phased his hand into Mr. Hart's throat and pulled out the food as the man coughed and finally breathed normally.

"Let me help you up," Vision said, "Give me your hand."

Mrs. Hart smiled as Ellie remarked in her head about how strange this all was.

"All right, steady on, sir."

As Wanda and Ellie got up, Mr. Hart panted and then looked at his watch.

"Well, would you look at the time?" He chuckled.

"Yes," his wife got up, "We'd better be going."

"Well... Are you both all right?" Ellie questioned, genuinely concerned,

"We had such a lovely time."

"Thank you for coming," Wanda chuckled and then sighed as Mr. and Mrs. Hart walked out of the door- she looked happy it was over.

"You made me proud tonight, son," Arthur spoke, "First thing Monday morning, you and me are gonna have a little chat. We'll see about that promotion."

"Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!" Vision smiled.

"What do you even do in there?" Ellie asked Vision as she stood beside him.

"I'd be damned if I knew, Ellie," Vision sighed, "I'd be damned."

Just as the Hart's left, Ellie remembered the 'star' on the calendar. She was about to ask Wanda and Vision when her eyes caught a man approaching the door.

He was built- Ellie was sure he was the best looking person she ever seen (not that she had been wondering that) and his eyes were definitely a pleasure to look at. She knew who this man was as he stood in front of her in a captain's uniform. He was her home.

"Steve?" she whispered- unsure if this was real.

"You are a beautiful sight to see after a long journey, Mrs. Rogers," the man smirked.

Ellie couldn't believe it. It was Steve! It was her husband!

"Look's like we have a new family member," Ellie heard Vision tell Wanda.

She ignored him and just kissed Steve.

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