Chapter 16- "Their decisions..."

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"Baby, your command is my priority...His last line is drilling into my mind. I punch the punching bag hard for the last time and the hook attached to the ceiling opens to thwack it on the floor. I look at my knuckles. Despite being wrapped with bands, they have blood patches. What can I do? Nandini took a promise from me that I will behave rationally. Rationally my foot! How could that manwhore talk to her like this? Angel is mine, only mine. Nobody can even think of her in an inappropriate way. And here that bastard has dared to touch her. I kick the punching bag to shed my frustration and sit on the gym utility bench, panting due to a rigorous workout. Workout is just an excuse to control the demon inside me. I have to keep my word. After all, angel swore on Mini and my anger is not bigger than my family. However, I can't let him go like this. He dared to disturb my life so, I have the responsibility to destroy his too. At least a small cut across his face. A diabolic grin at last peeks on my lips. I unwrap the blood-drenched bands from my hands and fist them a couple of times to subside the pain. I know that dickhead is a coward. Otherwise, he didn't use the darkness to disturb Nandini at the party. But who can he be? Any of my known for sure. Any business client? A media person or a high-profile government official? He can be anyone but he must be influential. Or else, he would have thought hundred times before messing with me. But I couldn't recognize his voice over the call. He must have distorted his voice to camouflage his real identity. But how long? I smirk. Angel's swear words can control my anger but they can't control my devil's mind. If it can't be this way then it will be that way"

Manik licks his chafed knuckles. The sweat beads formed in between his fingers are causing a burning sensation in the wounds. However, it is giving him a masochistic pleasure to focus on his next step. Last night he was angry with Nandini. But when she explained the cause of her restlessness and moreover when that phone call came to support her fear, he was feeling to cage her in his protective arms. He could imagine what she must have gone through during this period. That bastard was calling her, disturbing her and she couldn't share it with him.


He swears under his breath. Suddenly something strikes his mind. He immediately gets up and fishes out the mobile of his track pant.

"Ayan, I am sending you a number. Trace the caller and let me know...yes, very urgent. And remember, do it secretly. No one, I mean no one, especially Nandini shouldn't know about this. It can be a bit hard as the caller is using different sim cards or mobile. Use your all contacts but I want the man. Hmmm...okay. Any update about Nandini's parents? Good."

He hangs up the call and gulps some water following to empty the bottle over his head. Shaking up his head, he tries to normalize his inner rage.

"Angel, a tiger can furl his paws but can't shed his nails. This devil will set the fire world around you but never let a flame touch you."

He hisses out and runs his fingers through his wet tresses.


"Do you want to keep this baby? Because I don't."

Cabir's words are slashing Navya's heart again and again. She slams the taxi door and commands,

"Atlanta Apartments, 8th street St Marks Place."

The driver puts the location on his GPS and presses the accelerator. She glances outside for the last time. In a moment, Cabir standing on his apartment balcony gets vanished from her sight. Her eyes feel a burning sensation. It was expected, still, maybe she had hope beyond hope. Navya bites her lower lip to control her outburst. Some words and flashes come in front of her eyes that happened a few minutes ago. She leans back and closes her eyes.


"Why don't you want? I am not asking you to marry me. Nor am I asking you to take any responsibility."

Navya asks in a stern voice while getting off the bed. Cabir's piercing eyes still don't leave her restless face.

"So, you want to bring him or her into this world without my support? Superb! What an ambition! Here I am trying to make you my business partner and you are more interested to become a mother. Holy Fuck! I was so wrong in judging you. I thought you are an ambitious and free-minded girl who is focused on her career. Not on any emotional bondage. I like you because you seemed different to me but I was so wrong. You girls...all of you are the same. Husband, family, kids...these are your ultimate goals. Nothing different."

Cabir utters with sarcasm. Meanwhile, Navya changes herself into her previous clothes. Till now, she was listening to his every word minutely lest she misunderstands something. But Cabir's mirthless eyes harden her jaws. Warping the scarf around her neck, she retorts,

"Is it? That means your mother was also no different. Or you regret your birth too that your mother also should have thought like you. Maybe then a devil like you didn't come to this world to destroy others' life."

She hisses out the last line and turns on her heels to leave but two strong hands grab her from her forearms and flip her to face him. Fire is spitting from Cabir's eyes.

"Yes, I regret my birth because my mother used to think exactly like you. She became pregnant when she was just 18. She sacrificed her life, career, looks everything just because she wanted to be a mother. My father used to fool her and confined her in a utopian world where she was happy with her two kids. But the reality was far ahead of this. Do you know what a man wants in his partner? He wants her to be perfect in both places, in the kitchen and in bed. If one lacks, he loses interest. My mother was so involved in us that she couldn't realise when she started losing her beauty, her charm and her efficiency in bed. It was obvious, right? When you are just 22 and you are looking like a tired mom of two kids. Always occupied in nappies and poops. It's obvious that your husband will lose his interest because he is a man after all. He doesn't care what she sacrificed for him, for his family, for his love. You were right, my mother shouldn't have brought me into the world because this devil doesn't believe in love and sacrifice. So, this pregnancy is bullshit for me. It will make you only frustrated and regressive. At some point, you will regret your decision just like my mother did. No, Navya Mehta...I am not destroying your life rather I am trying to stop you from ruining your future. This baby or me and your shining career. The choice is yours."

He mouths intensely pulling her closer so that he can feel the warmth of her surging breath. For some moments, their eyes continue seeking the passion in each other that is now clouded with disbelief and bitterness. Gradually, Navya frees herself from his grip and steps back. Her eyes now have pity for him.

"I knew that you have commitment phobia but I didn't know that you have a perfect excuse to justify your weakness. You don't want to be a father because you think that in future, I also regret my decision like your mother. Or you are scared to be just like your father who can objectify a woman with her body and beauty. But let me remind you, you started liking me because of my intelligence. We came to your bed after a long time. And motherhood may change our bodies but our intelligence and compassion remain the same. I feel pity for you, Mr Cabir Dhawan. Men like you can only feel a woman's body. They can't feel their heart. I will give birth to this child. You want it or not. And don't try to fire me from my job because there is no such law that a girl can't continue her job due to her pregnancy. Don't worry, I won't claim your fatherhood for my child or embarrass you among the so-call society. This is my decision and trust me...I won't regret it."

Navya's every word lashes on his face. She lifts up the bag and heads to the exit door. Before stepping outside, she turns and mouths in a mirthless tone,

"See you in the office, Mr Dhawan. Tomorrow's meeting agendas are ready. I am taking leave today. But tomorrow, I will be in the conference room on time. I am sure you won't regret my performance. Bye. Have a good day."


SP Bhosle was working on a file when officer Rane approaches his desk.

"Sir, is it true? You are going to the U.S.A?"

Bhosle doesn't answer his words, instead, gestures to him to take the seat in front of him. Officer Rane enthusiastically occupies the chair. Without lifting his eyes from the file, Bhosle mutters,

"Not only me. We are going to Boston. And from there to New York and at last, Manhattan. I have taken over that drug consignment case from the custom department. Now, we are on a mission on Mr Aryamaan Khurana."

"Really, Sir? But how? I mean it's a narcotics department case. How can we investigate it?"

Rane almost chides in excitement and then lowers his voice. SP Bhosle looks at his button eyes and nonchalantly smiles.

"We can when a murder case is associated with it. I explained to them how Manik Malhotra is involved with Aryamaan Khurana and how he and his wife run away from India to avoid that man's murder case who was Manik's employee. There was something fishy and we should interrogate Manik and Nandini Malhotra regarding this. They agreed and handed over Khurana's case too. So, pack your bags. You will be going to face some real devils."

Bhosle sounds thrilled. Rane leaps up and says in a confident tone,

"And we are the daredevils. Thank you, Sir."

He salutes and leaves.


The cashier swipes the card for the fourth time and waits for some minutes.

"Sorry, Mam. Your card is continuously declining. If you have cash or any other card, we can make it."

The girl says with a complaining tone. Nandini embarrassedly looks here and there gripping Mimi tightly in her lap. For the last 30 minutes, she has been standing in the queue. All the people waiting in line are getting impatient. By all means, it's a stroke of bad luck for her. After a week, she came to shop for Mini and it had to happen today. Suddenly a hand forwards a credit card to the cashier.

"Take this card and leave her soon. Technical glitch. It can happen to anyone. Nothing to complain about. In fact, she should be impatient as you can see a cute baby is with her. So, be kind and please do it."

Nandini turns to the virile voice. A surprised call comes out of her mouth,


Author's tone: So, Manik is on his prowl. Navya broke up with Cabir and chose her baby over him. SP Bhosle is coming to Manhattan to finally end this hide-and-seek game. Whom did Nandini meet with in the appeal store? To know all these, keep reading. ❤❤

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