Chapter 29 - "Cobweb of conspiracy..."

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Being assured about Abhimanyu's confinement, Dhruv comes to his bedroom. It's a lazy afternoon. Ideal for unwinding at home. However, he can't afford this luxury. Dhruv feels jealous of Abhimanyu a bit. How peacefully he is sleeping.

"Lucky chap..."

He mumbles with a satisfactory smile and sits on the stool kept in the bar corner. He turns a glass downside up and pours some whisky into it. Sipping on the liquor he starts contemplating something.

"'s good that I got you before you reach Manik but that's not enough, Bro. I know someday Manik will find out who is behind all these. From you or any other source. I do not doubt his smartness."

A lopsided smile adorns his face. He murmurs,

"That's why I have to be smarter. I can mute you anytime, Abhi, but I don't want to. At least not now because you can be useful to whom I can put all the blame if needed in future. You can consider yourself as my safeguard whom I can use in need. Phew..."

He makes a pretentious tired sound and rounds on the stool. His eyes are flickering with a cunning smile.

"But right now, I have to shift my focus a bit on other people. Nandini and SP Apoorva Bhosle. It's been a long, Nandini; I haven't heard from you, Sweetheart. I know how desperately Manik is trying to keep you away from Bhosle. But what to do? This meeting is needed for my next plan."

Dhruv raises the glass and looks at the floating ice cubes in the alcohol while concluding with a hissing voice,

"Try Manik, try! But...this time you will lose this game. Nandini will slip from your grip...slowly...slowly and I will enjoy your defeat...ha...ha...ha..."

He laughs and takes out the mobile from his pocket. He searches out Nandini's number. He saved it as a 'Pawn'. A pawn to checkmate his friend Manik or to destroy an enemy. Who knows? Dhruv chuckles slyly. It didn't take long and Nandini picked the call up. They exchanged their numbers on the day they met at the mall. Or at least, that's what Nandini thinks. In reality, Dhruv had already obtained her number. How else could he be the unknown admirer or the villain in her life?


Dhruv makes the voice sugar-coated.

"Yeah...Nandini...I am good...what about you? wanted to talk to you only. Manik and I talk almost every day...and to be frank, he is very boring...ha...ha...okay jokes apart. Actually, Aliya wanted to meet you. She always complains that after that party, you both haven't met again... oh really? Then she would be the best option for you. As you know she is a nutritionist and trust me, I am not praising her because she is my fiancée. She is really good. You can't believe I lost 7 kgs in 3 months without any exercise just by following her diet chart. You definitely should consult her... Oh, come on! You are like family. You don't need an appointment. I am sending you her number, just call her and land up there...right...and don't delay...go today only because she is going out of the city tomorrow for a week...yeah...what's the need to tell Manik? You know hyper he is. He will ask so many questions and will put so many conditions. It's better if you just show him the result. I am sure after following Aliya's diet, you will be more fit, healthy and attractive...enough to attract Manik more...ha...ha... forgive my lame jokes. I am sending you her number. Meet her...yeah...Anytime...anytime...bye...all the best."

Dhruv cuts the call. A triumphant grin creeps on his lips. He forwards Aliya's number to Nandini and utters to himself,

"Women are always dissatisfied about their weight. Now, who will tell Nandini that men love voluptuous women more...tch...tch...okay now, the next step. Let me call Bhosle."

He connects SP Bhosle's number.

"Hello, Mr Bhosle! How are you?... I am good...I am good. Actually, I called you as you asked once if I could remember anything important about that party night...well, I have almost told you everything but one thing slipped my mind. That night Nandini, I mean Manik's wife seemed very disturbed and Manik as usual was pressuring her to tell the reason. However, she didn't say anything and after that, Manik and Aryamaan got into a verbal fight that I told you already. Actually, that day we all met Nandini for the first time and naturally, none of us considered it correct to ask her anything personal. In fact, Aliya noticed her perturbation...but...anyway today Nandini is meeting Aliya in her clinic...maybe they will open up to each know it takes time to be friends...Anyway, I think it helped you to figure out that we friends are very close but still we maintain a line. Look, Mr Bhosle, it's right that we are childhood friends and we know each other in and out. But now we have grown up. Our lives have changed and our priorities have changed because some new people have entered our lives. So, we stopped entering into each other's life unnecessarily. In a crisis, we stand with each other but in private matters, we prefer to stay aside. Hope you more topic?...In Panchgani? And what is that?"

Bhosle's words form deep lines on Dhruv's forehead. He tries hard to keep his tone normal and mouths,

"No problem...I will meet you tomorrow at your place. Fix the time and confirm. I will be there...sure...I will be happy to help you and your force...hmmm...have a nice day."

He hangs up the call and keeps mum for some seconds. Every line of his face indicates that it was not expected at this moment. Dhruv slowly rises from the stool and mumbles with a deep frown,

"Why are they reopening Mukti's case?"


It's 4:30 pm. Nandini is driving along the busy road of Manhattan city. Her expression is mixed with myriad feelings; curiosity, independence, self-reliance yet slight anxiety and guilt. Today she literally sneaked out of her home and disobeyed Manik's instruction for the second time. The first time she went to the mall without guards. However, at that time Manik couldn't know about it. He instructed her to go anywhere with bodyguards and drivers. And today she avoided both. The irony is that once Manik taught her driving but today he will surely regret his decision. The thought brings a temporary smile to Nandini's lips. In the next moment, she feels sad to take advantage of Manik's trust. However, it was necessary. For a few months, Nandini has been experiencing a lack of appetite yet she is gaining weight. She knows that after childbirth these kinds of problems are very common. She consulted her gynaecologist too and she tested her hormone level as okay. She only suggested to consult a nutritionist or dietician. Thankfully Dhruv suggested Aliya for this. Sometimes Nandini thinks Dhruv shouldn't belong to the Notorious 5 gang because he is too sober and grounded, unlike his other friends. Secondly, Nandini feels suffocated by the bodyguards who follow her everywhere. Third and most importantly if she had taken the driver and guards then Manik would have known her destination which she doesn't want to expose right now. Dhruv was right. Sometimes wives should surprise their husbands. The GPS girl announces,

"After 200 metres, take left."

Nandini glances at the GPS map and calculates that it will take another half an hour to reach Aliya's clinic. Suddenly the car gets a jerk on a speed breaker due to her lack of concentration and Mini who was sleeping in her portable cot fastened to the passenger seat wails. Nandini got Mini with her because she didn't want to leave her at home. After that Lakehouse incident, she became timid a bit. Stretching her hand, Nandini touches her daughter but Mini doesn't get pacified. Being concerned, Nandini pulls up the car aside and unfastens herself to reach Mini properly. She must be hungry. Suddenly a voice distracts her. She turns at the driver's window glass. A person is tapping on the closed window. Nandini lifts Mini in her lap and rolls down the glass. The person bends to meet her face.

"Hello, Mr Malhotra. We met again."

His baritone voice makes Nandini's breath hitch for a second. The person is smiling at her. Nandini presses Mini more tightly to her breast and greets the person meekly,


"Can you give me a ride? I have something to discuss with you."

The person utters. It sounded more command than a request. He gets into the car without waiting for Nandini's permission. Being seated in the back seat the person again instructs,

"Any café. I won't take much time."

Author's note: Will Dhruv's plan work? Who is this person? SP Bhosle? Will he tell everything to Nandini about Manik? Will she believe him? To know all these, keep reading.

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