Chapter 7- "Love just for love..."

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Navya doesn't know what happened to her after seeing the photograph in Manik and Nandini's bedroom. She felt a pang of jealousy in her heart. A perfect picture of her manifestation. She and Cabir. Unmindfully her hand crawls on her belly. This morning only, she came to know that she is pregnant. She and Cabir are expecting their child. Their? Her brows scrunch in apprehension. No, she is expecting her baby. Cabir only expects her presence. Her physical presence. In his meeting room and in his bed. Tears needle her eyes. She roams her eyes here and there lest anyone observes her.

" are here and I was searching for you everywhere. Come! I have to introduce you to some business clients. They are interested in investing in our new venture. Come!"

Cabir pulls Navya by her elbow while saying excitedly. Navya immediately tries to normalize her previous melancholic face. She asks in an iffy tone,

"New venture? You mean the project that Dhawans are partnering with Malhotra? But that is already finalized, Cabir. All agreements and legal procedures are completed. Both companies are bound to run this venture without any third party's involvement. Then how can you call for some other clients? It's a violation of ethics and rules. Have you told Manik about this? Does he know?"

Disbelief and disagreement are palpable in Navya's eyes. In a moment, the amicable smile disappears from Cabir's face. His grip on her arm becomes tighter. He grits out in a raspy voice,

"You are my personal assistant, Ms Navya Mehta. Not my philosopher and moral guide. I know what am I doing and I know what is good for the Dhawan Industry. You don't have to think about Manik. I can manage him. You just manage your work that is to impress the clients. Come and talk to them."

He finishes his line in a commanding tone. Navya looks into his merciless eyes. 

"Cabir Dhawan, you are nothing but a ruthless hardcore businessman. I would rather hate you."

 Her inner voice cries. However, her tongue opposes,


She mumbles. The fire in Cabir's eyes gradually simmers down. He leaves her elbow and shackles her by her shoulder and approaches the corner where some people are talking with each other making a circle.

"Try to convince them. I am sure you can do it."

Cabir whispers in her ears. Navya tightens her jaws and strides toward her destination.


Nandini is looking around like a desperate soul. Her heart is pounding like a bellow. She feels like crying her heart out.

"Manik...I need you...please!"

She sobs out. That nasty, disgusting touch on her body is still burning her skin. Bile rushes towards her throat. Suddenly her eyes contact with her desired sight. She rushes toward Manik. His back is facing her. He may be talking with some business partners. Without thinking anything, Nandini grabs Manik from behind and hides her face on his back. A suppressed sob lets out of her mouth. The touch is familiar but the gesture is not. Manik gets startled and flips with a jerk. The reality nudges Nandini. What is she doing? She can't create a scene amidst this party. What will she say? Someone tried to molest her? A jerk, who can be anyone among these guests took advantage of the darkness and crossed the line? Will Manik spare anyone after listening to this? No! He will cross every limit to find out that person and it will be no good for Malhotra Industries as well as for his reputation.

"What happened Angel? Everything alright? Why are you crying?"

Manik's intense and worried voice breaks Nandini's trance. Her hands which were clutching Manik's blazer lapels loosen their grips. She looks into his quizzical eyes. Manik cups her face and again asks. But this time his voice is more fretful,

"Nandini, what happened? Did anyone say something?"

He shifts his anxious eyes from Nandini and roams them all around, trying to gauge the reason.

"I...I was scared. The was dark. I was lost...I was searching for you."

Nandini covers his hands placed on her cheeks and stammers out. Manik looks into her eyes again. They are still red and watery. They are clearly showing how much she was missing him.

"I was here only, Jaan. I thought you must be with Aliya, Dhruv or Aryamaan. I am sorry. I am really sorry. I will fire the security in charge. This power cut is totally unexpected."

Manik sounds piqued. He embraces Nandini in his protected arms. A sigh of comfort and faith escapes Nandini's chest. She again hides her face in his torso. The guests who were talking to Manik mumble their consoling words. Suddenly a snigger hits her ears following some words,

"Angel and her Devil. What a fairytale! Relax Nandini. It was just darkness. I thought you are a brave girl. At least brave enough to confront the darkness. What do you say, Manik? I guess you love her because she is fearless, special and of course hard to have."

Nandini withdraws her face from Manik's chest and turns at the person. Aryamaan Khurana. Her jaws clench.

"Arya, please stop it. Enough is enough!"

Dhruv steps forward and utters in an irked tone. Manik looks at Aryamaan and gradually roams his eyes on everyone. The incident forces all his friends to gather around them.

"What enough is enough, Bro? Nandini and Aliya asked me to prove that love is an overrated emotion. Love at first sight, true love and unconditional love doesn't exist actually. You love Aliya because according to you, she suits your nature. In a different meaning, she never interferes in your matters. A non-clingy partner that you like. Where is love in it? Similarly, Manik loves Nandini because she is unique and challenging and we all know how much Manik loves challenges. So, again, where is love, Bro? All is about gross reasons. People love or like someone because she or he suits their basic instincts. Love just for love is bullshit."

Aryamaan finishes his monologue and triumphantly toasts his wine glass. Aliya flares her nose in revulsion. Navya's eyes are fixed on Nandini. Maybe she is expecting something from her. However, the reply comes from Manik. He shackles Nandini from her shoulder and nears Aryamaan.

"To some extent, you are right Arya. She is special and was a challenge for me. My love for her is also not totally unreasonable. And the reason is her unconditional love for me. You are right. I am a Devil. In fact, we all friends have a devil's heart inside us and we all need an angel to teach us what is love. Fortunately, I found mine in her."

Manik pecks Nandini's side head and continues in a content voice.

"Love just for love doesn't exist for the devils like us but it does exist for the angel like her. She had every reason to hate me, to not accept me, to punish me but still, she loves me because, for her, love is unconditional. Yes, she is fearless because she doesn't fear the darkness inside me."

Manik pauses for a moment. The entire room is silent. Nobody was expecting this kind of reaction and words from Manik Malhotra. Aryamaan is still looking at Manik's shining eyes. A snigger is still lingering on his lips. Manik raises his index finger and taps it on the left side of Aryamaan's chest. He utters in a determined and passionate tone,

"I will pray that very soon you will experience this unconditional love and change your opinion. After all, every brute deserves his angel."

Author's note: Personally, I enjoyed writing this chapter.🤗 Manik Malhotra was never so vocal about his love for Nandini. I am impressed. Ha..ha.😁😁 Love really changes people. Sorry, I can't reveal the name of that mysterious person. So, again, keep guessing. I like guessing games.😉😉



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