Chapter 15

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The birds sang merrily. And the wind swished, here and there and here. The clouds dotted the sky, casting a soft glow against the land of Chandpur.

The late afternoon and the golden sun had cocooned everyone in their rooms. The hallways and corridors remained bare as the royals napped and gossiped within the huge walls. Some corners had maids giggling and preparing for the evening. Some rooms had spread out work to be done. The adjacent guest house was even barren. The golden heat had maybe melted everyone.

The maids carried the heavy luxe dresses up the grand spiral stairs for the evening to unfold. Their steps as light as feathers. But up and far away from everyone, on the open main terrace floor, she was.

The open rooms were wide and spread out on the terrace. Especially designed for cozy evenings, they were furnished and polished head to foot. White pillars were supported the vast ceilings. And large wall length windows surrounded the rooms. And heavy rich scarlet silky curtains hung from ceiling to floor accompanied by the door. The plush floor throw spread out with various thrown on cushions. The floors were white. Spotless and shining. And the moulding on the walls, encased mirrors made the setting all over rich and royal.

Down the four rooms was a spacy walking area and waterfall fountain. The statues of the lions with their mouths open, poured gushing water into the ring that circulated and maintained the water cycle.

The main terrace boundary was wide and long to accompany the whole of royal staff.

Guards patrolled around. Standing erect with chest puffed out, ready to lurch at any enemy body.

In one of the rooms, the music played. Slow and calming. Soft and melodious as it rang away from the ears of the guards and bounced off between the four walls. The soles turned pink and tingled against the slow beat. The floor blushed itself everytime the bangles clinked and threw in a harsh breath.

The embroidered skirt flared and pooled with each twirl and each step. Long wavy hair swished with the wind despite being twisted into a braid. And kohl filled honey brown eyes closed and snapped open in a dramatic rhythm. Slender fingers spread out as the lyrics rolled in. And arms opened accordingly. Spine curved with every dip and twisted with each dance step. The tissue mirror work pishwas protested in delight as it swished and swashed against the slender body. The rose peach colour of the dress adding more to her skin.

Miraal's glass bangles clinked harshly as she took a sharp turn before repeating the step. She moved slowly and carefully and then swiftly. She knew what she was doing. The melody seemed to match her accord dance. And under the glow of the sun rays that poured in, she brightened. Her cheeks scarlet and her eyes confident and determined.

In a corner, on the plush cushions sat Sitara and the five little girls. Miraal's cousins had specially come to see her dance. While the little girls gazed at Miraal in fascination and amazement, Sitara felt herself envious for the first time ever. But then who wouldn't be envious looking at Miraal.

Sitara prayed in her heart, for Miraal, to keep all evil eyes away from her. But she raskhed over her too. Miraal's movement looked phenomenal and raw and passionate. She looked like a glass dancing doll. Fragile and graceful. She had that softness to her movements that could wrap anyone in her magical pink spell.

Miraal was lost between the beats and unaware of Sitara and the girls, she was repeating the same mistake again and again. She couldn't just practice this last step of her performance and it was stressing her out now. Her foot landing was intolerable now
and with each twirl and composition, she tried harder until she was finally satisfied.

Her glass bangles chanted nosily. Repeatedly. Her arms extended towards the ceiling and her fingers and wrist curled as she danced her way around the room.

Her hard work was for Nelofar's wedding. For the dholak function, she had promised Nelofar a dance and she was preparing for it now.

Her dress swished against her ankled with the last swirl she took before calming down. The little girls clapped immediately, stunned by the performance they had witnessed. Miraal was their idol already.

A blush crept on Miraal's cheeks and she giggled despite her head spinning. Her little cousins stood up and so did Sitara. She filled a glass of cool water for the shehzadi as she walked up to her.

" It's time for your tuition. Now run. Go!"

Miraal said messing up their hair and they grinned before obeying. For all their lives, they wouldn't forget the twirls and dips they learned today. This day would be etched on their minds for the longest of days.

" You were very good, infact stunning, Shehzadi!"

Miraal smiled widely.

" I'll just return in a few minutes. The jug needs refilling."

Miraal nodded as she fanned herself. Sitara left quietly and the shehzadi hummed to herself before she changed the song. This one had a soothing melody too. A romantic touch and silvery feel. Miraal's toes itched before she followed her mind and moved herself to the lyrics.

Her tendrils flew over her face and covered her eyes, while some rouge strands disturbed her earrings. She slowed down her feet and lowered the volume when she saw a manly shadow falling on the floor from behind the swishing curtains.

Gently, she tiptoes towards the curtains and peeked out. The back of Farrukh's head greeted her as the man walked down towards the fountain area. But he stopped and took a turn. Miraal sighed, seeing as the man paced anxiously. She bit her bottom lip. She wanted nothing to do with the man right now or may be ever.

She resumed her dance taking some delicate steps towards the center of the room. And mimicked all the steps from before. She put all her heart into her performance and she felt the sweat that trickled down the column of her neck.

Her eyes swept to the manly shadow again as it loomed outside the room before reached towards the door. Miraal swiftly moved behind her curtains and hid behind them.

But she gasped loudly in horror. Arms snaked around her waist and pulled her behind the silk curtains. Breaths hit her ears and she squirmed, half paralyzing by the effect of the arms that were around her and the hand that covered her mouth preventing her from screaming her lungs out.

She wanted nothing but to slap Farrukh across the face.

" Shsh it's me."


She stopped squirming as he dropped his palm from against her mouth. With wide eyes she tilted her head to look at the man. And there he was.

Bright fiery passion green eyes and the boyish smile. She relaxed, letting her shoulders drop before she pulled away from him. But the man was quick as he pulled her closer to him. Cocooning them within the curtains.

" Relax. Your cousin is outside."

" What-"

" Malka janum, I love your voice but would you quieten down please!"

He hissed with a frown. She frowned back at him. Throwing a harsh glare his way. A glare he couldn't keep up with because he embraced her closely. Miraal froze at the unexpected gesture. But his scent enveloped her senses and oh Allah she had missed him so much.

Reluctantly she reached her hand up to his arm but just then he pulled back and stared deeply into her eyes.

" Even across border, even across seven seas, even across the world; I have not seen eyes as beautiful as yours and beauty as beautiful as you."

Scarlet hot heat filled her cheeks as she lowered her gaze. And he took his time to admire her. She noticed he was dressed differently. He sported fitted pants, a neat pressed shirt and long brown overcoat. Hm, he still looked handsome.

" I was actually expected you to be waiting for me."

Dilawar complained innocently as he held her hands. She turned her head away to keep herself busy playing with the edge of her dupatta.

" You came late than your expected time. So I moved on."

Dilawar chuckled as he kissed her forehead.

" Had to stay a little longer. But now I am here all for you."

Her heart bloomed and butterflies found home in her stomach. Something was definitely wrong with her heart. She suddenly remembered Sitara and panicked.

" You have to leave. Someone would be here soon."

She pushed his arms as they curled around her.

" Shsh. We are safe here."

She shook her head, pleading him silently.

" Please don't be stubborn and go."

He nodded his head and gently kissed her wrists.

" I'll go but you'll have to come to meet me tonight."

" No-"

He pulled her closer, cutting her off. His nose sharply brushed against her warm ones and she shivered with tightly closed eyes.

" I am leaving for my state tomorrow morning."

Her large eyes opened and swept up to his green ones. A sadness bore hole in her and she gulped.

" I'll wait for you."

He whispered, still staring into her deep eyes. And she wordlessly nodded. He released her gently. And just like he had come, he disappeared. Miraal wrapped her arms around herself seeing the scarlet silk curtains, behind which she still stood.

And she shivered when a hand swept her braid over her shoulder and traced the column of her neck. Whilst Dilawar whispered.

" You're a stunning dancer. I am a fan now."

And then he was finally gone.

Miraal grinned to herself as she came out from behind the curtains and adjusted them properly. Just then Sitara barged in.

" The men have returned from the State."

Miraal hummed, seeming not interested. And as Sitara kept the refilled jug back on its place she straightened and spoke.

" Mahrani begum is calling you downstairs."

Miraal nodded before she left the room. Taking Dilawar's scent with her.


Miraal sat in her brother's room. Shamoon was sprawled on his bed. His face hiding within his pillow and Miraal could only gaze at him.

" Shamoon."

She called yet again.

" Miraal go."

Her heart was clenching. There was something terrible he was hiding and not telling her. It had always been like this. Shamoon being distant with her always meant he was hiding something from her. But he shared everything with her then why was he acting like this.

Why was he pushing everyone away?

Miraal was worried. She didn't want to lose him too. She was everything she ever had.

Her chin wobbled before she dropped her head over his back and sobbed silently.

The man stiffened. His eyes closed in agony.

" Why are you crying now?"

His question made her cry harder. Shamoon shifted making her straighten and he sat up as well.

" Come here."

He said and Miraal leapt to his chest and cried her heart out while he rubbed her back soothingly. Once she was done with all her crying she asked.

" Did you apologize to baba?"

He nodded silently.

" Are you lying?"

He shook his head in negative.

" Are you upset with me?"

He shook his head again.

" With Afrozah?"

" No Wallahi. What is wrong with you?"

He asked in annoyance and Miraal glared at him.

" Do you know how worried we all were because of you."

He sighed.

" I know and I am sorry. I was rude to Afrozah even. But it's all sorted now and I've even apologized to everyone."

Miraal nodded and silence prevailed for a few seconds before the shehzadi spoke again.

" Tell me what it is?"

Shamoon acted dumb as he frowned.

" What is what?"

" You know and don't you dare lie!"

The seriousness that powdered over Miraal's face was rare and Shamoon knew. Before he sighed and took her hands in his.

" Miraal, when the time comes. I want you to believe the truth and chose it. No matter what you have believed all your life. No matter your whole life was a lie but when the truth is unraveled, please believe that even when if I am not around."

" Why are you saying that? And what truth?"

She was worried now and she searched her brother's eyes for answers but there were none.

" I don't know right now. But I want you to trust me please."

She nodded but the frown only grew. And Shamoon pulled her head to his chest.


With each meeting with Naemuddin Kamal and his brothers, Dilawar felt himself succeeding in all of his plans. Sometimes he felt he didn't need to do the extra effort.

The meeting had just ended with the sunset. And the men moved out from the meeting room and towards the parallel spiral staircase.

Naemuddin Kamal was himself escorting the Mehboob Shah's to their guest house but Dilawar politely declined.

He had important business to attend to before leaving for his room. His mind was already racing with a thousand thoughts when his eyes fell over the familiar beautiful face.

Wallahi his heart skipped beats.

Miraal had left her brother's room and was descending the stairs parallel from him with her arm looped with Shamoon's. The duo were engrossed in a conversation as Dilawar stared at them for the longest of minute.

His men walked past him and the Kamal's were just on the floor above him. He thought of ideas for grabbing her attention but nothing would work without gaining attention.

So he took off his expensive watch and slid it in his pocket silently. And then addressed his cousin.

" I think my watch fell somewhere around here."

The men immediately started to talk and stop on the staircase as they looked around for the missing watch.

" Allow me to check upstairs."

Someone said and Dilawar dismissively nodded. As the crowd grew around the stairs, it caught Miraal's and Shamoon's attention. As they came to stand by the foot of the staircase, Shamoon asked.

" Your highness, is there a problem?"

Dilawar sighed in relief.

" My watch is missing, I might have dropped it around here somewhere."

From behind Shamoon's shoulder, Miraal peeked at the most relaxed man while the others anxiously looked around.

" Seems like it was a very precious watch."

Dilawar stepped down towards them as he smiled.

" Yes it was my grandfather's."

" Oh well, I hope you find it soon."

Dilawar nodded before he signalled his man towards his and murmured without notice.

" Divert Shamoon's attention."

His man immediately went to follow the order and started to make conversation with Shamoon. The green eyed man focused his eyes on his target and nodded towards her. He tilted his towards the side and pointed towards the main door.

Miraal couldn't understand any signal thrown her way as she panicked with so many people around them. So she followed her mind and told Shamoon that she was leaving and took off towards the inner passage.

As predicted Dilawar fell in steps with her within a second and grabbed her hand.

" What mystery were you trying to solve by standing there?"

Miraal smirked as she reached in his breast pocket and withdrew his watch and placed it on his palm.

" This."

Dilawar smiled cheekily and closed his palm.

" I am going."

Miraal turned to leave but he stopped her.

" Meet me at midnight behind Gulaab Mehal."


" Don't have dinner."

" Dilawar but-"

" No buts. You'll have to come or else.."

He left the sentence incomplete as he walked backwards and she could only stare at him.

" Wear off white."

He mouthed before walking away. Miraal giggled. He had already said he loved off white on her and now these demands of him. She walked to the adjacent corridor of the Gulaab mehal thinking how would she be able to meet him.

What if they were caught?

She shook her head, no. But if she didn't go, she'll never be able to carry on her story and she wouldn't find her heart. The heart she had already given to Dilawar unknowingly.

She would got to meet him after midnight.

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