Chapter 3

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" There're so many flowers I am afraid they're going to feed flowers to her too."

Nargis looked up to me and I giggled covering my mouth. The crowd moved from around us as the men left to settle on the arrangements that had been done for them on the opposite end. Whilst Zaki and his cousins stayed put.

" I don't want this all on my wedding." Afrozah pouted and Nargis and I slightly laughed.

" Don't worry, Shamoon won't let this all happen."

I smiled seeing Shamoon now make his way towards the groom and his cousins. To tease Afrozah, I said.

" hmm, looks like you'll have to be ignored for a while but I could help you get his attention."

" How so?"

She asked knowing me all too well and placed a hand over her hip.
" Just wait and watch!"

I said confidently. Picking up the most full bloomed marigold, I took my aim at Shamoon who was still walking unfazed. I squinted my right eye and positioned my hand to aim. I shot my aim and Afrozah gasped, the marigold went flying through the air and I grinned but-

a manly back covered Shamoon's figure and my breath hitched seeing the flower heavily land over the unknown man's ear and fell down just like my heart. I gasped or perhaps it was Nargis. The flower landed on the man's ear and he jerked in surprise. I closed my eyes as the girls whispered my name all together.

" Miraal."

Upon opening my eyes, I saw two large green eyes staring at me. As the scorching intensity of the gaze burned me, I felt as though I'd passed out any second now yet my eyes remained fixed on him.
Nargis and Afrozah kept muttering besides me yet I was so occupied I couldn't concentrate what rubbish they were uttering. From the corner of my eye, I could see Shamoon frozen as well as he kept a hand over one of the man to gain his attention. However the green eyed man bent his knees and picked up the flower. One of Zakariya's cousins stepped before him as he took a step forward in my way but one look at the man and he was already moving away.

" Miraal! we are going, you stand here."

Nargis nudged me yet I could only gulp seeing the man now walk towards us. Adorned in a cream sherwani and white trousers, he effortlessly covered the distance between us. I blinked my eyes rapidly seeing him stand at a decent distance from us as he was exchanging greeting now.

" It's a pleasure to meet you too."

Afrozah's sweet voice reached my ears and I turned to look at her, feeling as if she was someone foriegn. The man was having a nice chat with my sister and Afrozah when I finally came out of my trance. He smiled with dimples. And my heart beats turned normal. Phew! I almost thought I was doomed.

" And-"

He started to say and his green eyes cut to me. The corner of his lips lifting. I blinked and quickly glanced at the girls, seeing them look at us incredulously.

" I am afraid your flower has landed in the wrong territory. Or perhaps it was to gain attention only?"

His voice was so smooth and thick as he asked but as I realized what he had said, I clenched my jaw hard.

" Excuse me mister-"

" Dilawar Mehboob Shah."

He interrupted me, stressing over his name. And now I was seconds away from pointing my finger at him.

What an arrogant freak!!

" Your grace! We've heard a lot about you. It's a pleasure that you're visiting our small palace."

Nargis said and I looked at her in shock. What? From where did she even learn those words.

" Hm and now that I am here, I am afraid we would be meeting quiet often."

His eyes looked at me and he smirked making me take an involuntary step back. He took one forward unnoticeably and held my hand. The gasp died somewhere within me as my eyes widened. He opened my palm and lay the flower before closing his hand over mine again. I flushed with the feel of his hand, the sun, the attention of everyone and his green eyes. The man leaned in and whispered only for my ears making my heart pound against my chest.

" You better keep it safe with you. Trespassing can be dangerous for flowers and hearts."

I was frozen on my spot when he confidently turned around and went back to his squad. My widened eyes looked at his back and then at Shamoon seeing him as shocked as me. But he composed himself before leading Zaki and his cousins and that man to the seating area.

" Miraal, do you even know who he was? He's the prince of Mehranpur."

Heena exclaimed as the girls gathered around me. Gushing over him but I was too shaken to even react to a single thing they were saying. Thankfully Nargis pulled my hand and lead me away from the crowd.

" Here." She handed me a cool glass of water as we stood by the refreshment table. I gulped the water in three goes and then looked at my sister as she turned all her attention to me.

" You be very careful now. He's the king of the other state Miraal, thankfully he was cool and very generous otherwise someone else could have created a whole fiasco about it."

I nodded my head in understanding and stood up.

" Lets go, Mama would be waiting for us."

I said as we returned to the ladies area. Nelofar was sitting in the swing whilst Mahrani begum sat besides her on the sofa with my aunts and mama. On the other side were Nelofar's in laws. I smiled as they started the flower ceremony. Exchanging huge bouquets of flowers, sweets and gifts. The bride's mother in law helped her into new floral jewellery and garlands.

The happiness on Nelofar's face could be probably detected from miles apart. She had such a glow around her that everyone couldn't help but gush.

" Come on girls now your turn!"

One of the woman, dressed extravagantly addressed us. Nelofar's ears perked up and she beckoned me towards her with her hand. I shook my head in hesitancy but she called me out,

" Miraal, come here."

Seeing the attention driven towards me, I had no choice but to sit next to her.

" Here you shehzadi." Nelofar's mother in law forwarded a floral garland towards me and I slid it past my wrist. Casting a huge smile at the woman. My noticed my tight fist before opening it to see the flower from earlier being crushed in my tight hold. I looked at it for a second before letting it fall to the carpeted floor beneath me.

The floral garland started to be distributed among the other girls and I sat with Nelofar under the shower of rose petals as the staff girls did the job efficiently.

" Perhaps we should call Zakariya as well."

Maharani begum said and I leapt up from my seat seeing Nelofar blush shyly.

Zaki's mother, Tauseefa begum, sent one of the woman to call Zaki while another two women held up a floral curtain before Nelofar. A stool was set on the other side of the curtain.

" Okay, I am here now."

We heard Zakariya from the other side as he sat down. Two hands threaded through the curtain before it was parted and the groom poked his head out. The girls giggled and the women gasped.

" Adaab!"

Zaki said boyishly while his eyes remained on Nelofar.

" Zakariya, till the wedding Nelofar and you will be parted by this curtain. Simply meaning that you two would not be allowed a glimpse of each other."

" Oh Nelofar."

I settled next to her and whispered as Mahrani begum announced.

" We are traditional royals Mahrani begum. And traditions are what our generations would follow. Nelofar and Zakariya would do as you say."

Tauseefa begum said. Zakariya smiled cheekily before he let go of the curtains and the flowers hid him behind them.

The afternoon was spent exchanging gifts and pleasantries. Later our guests were shown the guest house and we were all allowed to retire to our rooms. The Mehboob Shah royals were famous for their traditions and ethnicity and we were astonished seeing that they had brought their own staff help and had politely declined our staff. Their uniformed staff carried all their luggage whilst their guards patrolled outside their guest house.

Sitara had informed me that the royal dinner would be served in the open gardens outside tonight. And as being among the hosts, I was reminded to be present there way earlier than dinner.

For dinner, I changed into a deep rich red pishwas and matched it with silver antique jewellery. My heavy organza dupatta was settled over my shoulders while I parted my hair and braided them behind my back. Sitara had filled my honey brown eyes with Kohl and matched a potli bag for my outfit.

When I stepped out of my room in my heels, Afrozah was waiting for me outside.

" I thought you'd be taking longer than this."

She smiled before tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

" You could've come inside, I am sorry if I kept you waiting."

I smiled as we started to walk, she simply shook her head. Afrozah was daughter to Laila and Inzamam Kamal's daughter. My first cousin. Aunt Laila and Inzamam uncle had raised her to be kind, humble and empathetic. She was sweet and definitely the perfect match for Shamoon. It was years back when Shamoon's wedding was discussed however he was way younger to be eloped, but Mahrani begum had stated that, 'as long as Afrozah is in this palace, we do not need to bring someone else's daughter as Shamoon's bride' from that day onwards a secret affair had started between the two. That was not so secret now and everyone knew that they both were to get married one blessed day.

When we stepped down the royal stairs, I placed a hand over Afrozah's purple sleeves.

" I have to go meet Baba, I'll meet you at the dinner table."

She nodded in understanding and left while I took the opposite staircase that lead to Baba's study room. As expected when I knocked, I head him say come in.

I opened the door and saw my baba seated behind his desk reading some paper work. His brown sherwani did nothing to hide his wrinkled face and sometimes by heart ached seeing how fast he was aging.

" Baba."

I called out tenderly seeing him look at him with soft eyes.

" Miraal, come bacha."

He beckoned as he stood up and embraced him sideways.

" Why hasn't my princess gone for dinner yet?"

He asked and I creased out the invisible wrinkles from his sherwani.

" Because her baba isn't there."

I replied jutting my lips. My father shook his head before signing and moving to sit on his seat again.

" I am not well, Miraal. I prefer to retire to my bedchambers early tonight."

Worry etched on my face and I moved towards his desk.

" What happened baba? Are you okay?"

" I'll be okay if I take some extra rest. There's no need for you to worry princess. You go and enjoy it's your cousin's wedding. You should be there for Nelofar."

I nodded but my heart suddenly felt uneasy. I turned around to go but stopped.

" Baba, is your absence because of Nelofar's in laws."

Baba's face turned blank before he looked up at me.

" Miraal, that is not the reason. Please go and have dinner."

His voice made me question no more and I bid him goodnight before leaving his study. I took my time reaching the gardens. And took the longer route. I needed sometime to think. Something was not right. Why was baba not entertaining the guests? If it had something to do with Aapabi's failed marriage then ghe matters could be solved or could be ignored? What if Aapabi's husband wasn't here at all? What if-

" Aaahhhhhh."

I yelped.

I felt as if my world had taken a 360 degree turn as my feet left the ground and I struggled to find balance again. My head had hit something hard. I clutched onto someone's hand as my right foot finally touched the ground. I opened my tightly closed eyes and exhaled deeply hearing a voice breath over me.

" Chashm e badoor." ( Far be the evil eye)

" Huh!"

Green eyes greeted mine. And I glanced at the manly face, taking in all the features in detail as fast as I could. Black hair that are perfectly styled and defined cheekbones and a fine nose. Rich black trimmed beard and a set of full lips. Arched eyebrows that looked too perfect to be natural. A set of thick lashes covered the green mesmerizing eyes that were now burning me up. I gulped finding the will in my be function. I blinked rapidly seeing the eyes not waver for a second and looked down at my position.

I was in his hold, with his hand wounded around my waist. The curve of my spine now straightened out on his manly arm. My other hand clutched his at our hands remained between us with my almost hanging midair if he wasn't holding me up. His body remained hovered over mine preventing me to fall down. I gasped as minutes passed by and a shooting back caused uneasiness in my back.

" Are you okay?"

He asked worriedly, his eyes looking down at me. I gulped yet again, at lost of words.

He efficiently pulled me up and allowed me to stand on my feet. My back protested as I straightened and I bit back a hiss.

" I don't think you are well. Perhaps we should see a doctor right now."

He pulled at my hand and I noticed that he was still clutching it. And worriedly, I pulled my hand back.

" No."

I stated shakily.

" You're hurt."

He said and looked at me. I blinked and looked away. Seeing the guards behind him, I flushed in heat and looked around to notice that I was at the back of the Gulaab Mehal and had just descended the stairs.

" I am not hurt, I am fine."

I stated and brushed a hand over my forehead feeling a low bump there.

" I am sorry, that must have been my brooch."

He said making me look at him pointing to the ruby brooch on his white sherwani. No wonder why his green eyes are standing out so much, because of that white gorgeous sherwani.

" I am really sorry, I didn't see where I was walking to and you seemed to be lost as well. And we just bumped."

He explained and I shook my head. Allah, where are my manners tonight.

" Your grace, I am sorry-"

" Dilawar, please shehzadi Miraal. Call me by my name."

The smoothness of his voice had my heart pounding extra faster. And I looked away hesitantly. He seemed to have noticed my uncomfortable state and took a step back.

" We could still go to the doctor if you're hurt."

" Thank you so much, but we should be heading towards for the dinner."

I said softly and almost fled from around him awkwardly not even stopping to see if he was following or not. My heart was a frenzy and so was my mind. I breathed in and out before finally making an appearance at the dinner table set up for the woman.

Sitting on my seat besides Afrozah and Nelofar, I smiled seeing no one had noticed my late entry. Yet Nelofar nudged me under the table.

" What took you so long?"

She whispered and I shook my head.

" Long story I'll tell you later."

I smiled and looked at Mahrani begum as she announced for the dinner to be served.

" Mahrani begum, Dilawar sahb hasn't arrived yet. Let's wait a few minutes for him."

Nelofar's father said from the other table and the older woman nodded. My eyes looked around seeing that large tables were accommodating the royal family and the lights were brightening up the dark blue hue sky. I looked down at my plate and toyed with my fork hearing everyone fall into peaceful conversation.

" He's here."

I heard one of my aunt's say quietly and all voices died down. Suddenly the air became chilly and I feared that perhaps Nelofar and Afrozah could hear how hard my heart was beating. I looked up with fluttering eyelashes seeing Dilawar Mehboob Shah walk down the carpeted steps of the garden with his guards. His steps were confident and his aura was powerful and absolutely king like. And his eyes were focused.




I froze seeing his unmoving eyes. Everyone was already looking at him. And he was-

" He's smiling at you!"

Afrozah whispered into my ear. And I jerked back from her slightly looking at her and then back at Dilawar. Indeed he was smiling as he passed by our table.

" Oh my Allah, he's smiling at you Miraal." Nelofar said and held my hand.

I wetted my dried lips and took my glass of water and gulped it down. Slow conversation started again. And I looked around to see if anyone else had noticed except for the girls. But the ladies were into their own world.

" What is going on?"

I hissed hearing Nelofar and Afrozah say at the same time. Their eyes searching for answers and I shrugged in anxiety. What do I tell them? Nothing is going on, right?

" I-I-"

" Dinner is served."

I heard the call of my saviour and breath out a sigh of relief.

Yipeee! How did you like the update.

Did you find Dilawar flirtatious? Do lemme know. However I tried not to make him flirtatious, even if he sound so please lemme know.

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