Aesthetic or Ass-thetic?

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"I dunno, I prefer the sexy look," Namjoon commented absent-mindedly, leafing through some paperwork on the coffee table.

"I like it when she looks cute, like a little girl, kinda childlike," Jungkook interjected, leaning over my shoulder from his seat on the couch behind me.

I was sat cross-legged on the floor in a massive baby blue sweater and black cotton PJ shorts in front of the coffee table, my entire bag of makeup spread out where Namjoon's piles of papers weren't. A relatively large, rectangular mirror was right in front of my face, reflecting my conflicted face as my eyes darted between the different brands and colour palettes.

"Sexy attracts men," Namjoon stated, putting one set of stapled sheets down to pick up another.

"Actually, a survey in Korea said that Korean men preferred cute girls who look innocent and dainty," Jungkook pointed out, poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue. I watched him in the mirror, scrunching up my nose.

"How about both?"

I looked up, twisting my body to find Hoseok leaning against the doorframe. His head was tilted slightly at his suggestion, ruffled hair falling to the side, only just skimming the top of his eyes.

"I don't think that'd work," Namjoon said doubtfully. "Sexy and childlike are rather contrasting looks."

"Sexy girls can be cute girls too, hyung," Jungkook argued.

"Childlike, Jungkook, childlike," Namjoon emphasised with a sigh. I could hear Hoseok's laughter as he came to sit down right next to me, staring at the layout of various products, ranging from baby pink lip tints, to deep powder blue eyeshadows, to the most daring shade of scarlet blush.

"What're you guys doing?" Taehyung's voice interrupted the silence that had fallen upon the room as we all stared down the items on the coffee table.

"Deciding on a makeup look for our little Miso soup," Jungkook answered, raising his chin from my shoulder for a split second to glance over at Tae before resting it right back down again. I shifted a bit at the ticklish feeling. "You have a very soft sweater," he added approvingly.

"Ooh, can I help?" Taehyung asked, excitement seeping into his voice. He padded over in his oversized peach sweatshirt, plopping down on my other side, wedged in between Namjoon and I. His eyes sparked with curiosity as they darted from product to product. I laughed at his enthusiasm, letting him pick up several things to open and scribble on his hand.

"This is cute," Jungkook commented, pointing at a light cherry lip tint in a watermelon ice lolly shaped tube.

"The dark red colour over there is nice too, very sexy," Namjoon added, nodding his head over at a deep rouge lipstick.

"Woah, this is cool!" Hoseok exclaimed, holding a golden honeycomb-patterned lipstick tube in his hands. I swatted Taehyung's hand away from my favourite palette of blushes as I peeked over at what Hoseok was holding. When he removed the lid and twisted the actual lipstick up, it turned out to be an almost clear peachy colour with a little lilac flower encased inside the middle.

"Oh, Jin got me that!" I replied, taking it off him and swatching it on my hand. Despite the apparent lack of pigment, it came out bright red with a glossy sheen. Hoseok's eyes widened, his jaw falling slack.

"Hey Taehyung, do my makeup," I requested, pulling on his sleeve. He giggled, wiggling out of my grip and shifting his body so that I was facing him head on.

"What kind of look do you want?" he asked, leaning forward in excitement. Jungkook's chin left my shoulder when Jimin walked into the room, readying himself to go out to the dance studios for a bit.

"What you guys doing?" Jimin inquired curiously, slipping on his high-tops.

"Miso's makeup," Hoseok replied, grinning and leaning over.

"Oh wow, you have makeup remover, right? You're gonna need it." With that, Jimin and Jungkook left the dorms.

Hoseok looked momentarily offended, whilst Taehyung whispered quietly, "We do have makeup remover, right?" I nodded with a grin.

"We're gonna make you look so cute that Jungkook and Jimin will faint from how adorable you'll look when they come back," Taehyung announced, fist-bumping Hoseok.

"Yeah!" Hoseok cheered. "So uh, how do we do this?"

"Hyung, you do one side of her face, I'll do the other," the younger ordered, inspecting a rose eyeshadow.


Soon enough, both boys were dabbing at my face with God Knows What under the disapproving gaze of Namjoon. I saw Hoseok pull out a coral lipstick and paint it on my cheeks at one point, and Taehyung discovered a palette of glittery pastel eyeshadows that went everywhere but my eyes.

"What's this for?"

"Ooh, sparkly."

"Oh my god wait what is that?"


After about half an hour, Taehyung and Hoseok made eye contact from the side of me that they were sat, nodding and moving away.

"Tada!" Taehyung cheered, turning the mirror around to let me see my reflection.

My jaw literally fell open, displaying a smudge of the glittery khaki green lipstick that was painted onto one half of my lips smeared on part of my front teeth.

The glittery khaki green lipstick side apparently belonged to Hoseok, and compared to the rest of his side of my face, the practically glowing lipstick was nothing. Smeared all over my eyelid, all the way up to my brow bone and partly in my actual eyebrow, was a shimmery bright orange eyeshadow. Hobi had seemingly attempted eyeliner, which was really just a tiny black line at the very end of my upper lash line. The lipstick that I felt him smear on my cheek earlier was a line of shiny gloss, completely unblended, like thick, fresh pink acrylic paint brushed onto a canvas in one stroke.

Then there was Taehyung's side.

The lipstick wasn't that bad, ignoring the fact that he seemed to have used bright blue mascara to paint his half of my lips. Going up, you could see where he put the glittery pastel eyeshadows; that was, right across my cheek to create a rainbow. Due to the flakes of glitter in the eyeshadow, my entire cheek was almost blinding. To add to the Knock 'Em Dead With Over-Exposure look he had apparently went for, there was a streak of rose gold highlighter across my cheekbone; admittedly, it was pretty well blended. My eye makeup consisted of the bright blue mascara he had used on my lips, plus what looked like a repeat of the rose gold highlighter on the very corners of my eyelids.

"Wow," I breathed, unsure of what else to say. "I'm... a reflective, shimmery... forest-monster unicorn-poop hybrid?" I concluded, raising one brow at a time and staring at my reflection, which just laughed at me in return.

"Oh, are you guys finished— holy shit." Namjoon stared at me, wide-eyed with furrowed brows. "Well, one things for sure," he finally said. "Jungkook and Jimin may actually faint."

I laughed loudly, not caring that some of the bight blue mascara had transferred from my lips to my teeth, right next to the khaki green.

"Oh, oh!" Taehyung suddenly started slapping my arm, jumping up and down where he was sat with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Oh?" I repeated, confused. Hoseok also shot the younger a puzzled look.

"You should walk into Yoongi's office looking like that!" Tae exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear at the thought of the elder's reaction. I pursed my lips before breaking out into Taehyung's contagious grin, the idea taking root in my mind.

"Yes yes yes yes yes!" Hobi chanted, jumping up and hopping around the room.

"Okay okay, go to his door and knock," Taehyung instructed me. "He's working right now, so be careful," he added.

"I'll record his reaction!" Hoseok announced, running off to grab Jungkook;s camera from our room. Meanwhile, Tae and I tip-toed to the door leading to Yoongi's studio. A printed white cat was flipping us off at the bottom of the doorway, making Taehyung and I giggle. As soon as Hoseok arrived with the camera rolling, I knocked on the door gently.

"Yoongi? It's Miso, can I come in?" I called sweetly. "Pretty please?"

"Yeah, yeah," came his somewhat tired reply.

"Okay, thank you!"

I pushed the door open, gesturing for Taehyung and Hobi to hold the door open with the camera. I fake-sneezed really loudly to catch Yoongi's attention, as well as to trick him into thinking that the door did in fact click shut, and that the sound was just covered by my sneeze.

"Hi Miso,' Yoongi greeted, clicking a window shut before spinning around in his chair. "How are y- what the fuck."

"Do I look cute, oppa?" I asked, cupping my cheeks with my palms and fluttering my eyelashes. The blue mascara on Taehyung's side of my face clumped slightly, so I blinked more to clear my vision.


Yoongi stared at my face in silence, several emotions passing over his expression as his eyes grazed over literally every inch of my face. He lingered on the rainbow on my cheek, furrowing his eyebrows at the shimmering orange shadow dust in my eyebrow on Hobi's side, until his expression turned into anger.

"WHICH ONE OF YOU FUCKERS WROTE KISS ME DADDY IN NEON GREEN ON MISO'S FOREHEAD?" Yoongi yelled, getting up from his chair and storming past me to where Taehyung and Hobi were peeping around the doorframe with the camera. Hoseok let out a screech and ran away, quickly followed by Tae. The slam of a door could be heard echoing down the hallway, followed by the sound of Jin yelling and Yoongi shouting.

I, on the other hand, caught my reflection in the black screen of one of Yoongi's monitors mounted on the wall and saw the neon green writing right across my forehead saying KISS ME DADDY.

How the hell did I miss THAT? I am going to fucking castrate Hobi and Taehyung.

I stormed out into the hallway, slamming Yoongi's door behind me and making my way past Namjoon still sat at the coffee table surrounded by green glitter and paperwork.

However, before I could reach the room that Hobi and Taehyung had escaped to with the footage of me and Yoongi, I heard the front door open with a click, startling me. I whipped around to see Jungkook and Jimin stood frozen in the doorway, both scarlet-faced; I couldn't tell if they were blushing or refraining from laughing.

My question was soon answered when Jungkook ran straight out of the door, wide eyed and scarlet, and Jimin leaned his body on the wall looking conflicted.

Oh my fuc-

• • •

Sorry if this is turning up in your notifications, I realised after rereading this that Taehyung magically became Jungkook like midway through the chapter, and then suddenly Jungkook was escaping with Hoseok when Jungkook turned up at the front door??? So I'm sorry to anyone who got confused (literally anyone who read this), but I noticed my mistake and will viciously repent at church ♥︎

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