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Everyone is working.

I've been laid on the couch in Yoongi's office for an hour now, scrolling through Twitter and Instagram until my thumbs hurt. Yoongi himself hasn't taken his headphones off for the entire day, only going out to grab a glass of water. Namjoon walked in once, but went out almost as soon as he came in with Yoongi's spare computer mouse in hand.

Yawning, I dragged my body away from the pillows and slid out from under the pile of blankets. I stared at Yoongi's hunched back for a few seconds before walking out, unicorns slippers cuffing on the floor.

"Kookie?" I call sleepily, knocking on our shared room's door before stepping in. He's not there.

Aish, I'm so bored.

"Jin?" I shout in a hushed voice. Jin's in the kitchen with his laptop playing soft yet loud classical music on the worktop while he chops up a leek, adding them to a pan full of soup on the hob. He doesn't look up, instead turning to add more leek to the pan, and walking to the fridge.

With a resigned and quite frankly tired sigh, I walk to Taehyung's room, opening the door only to see his sleeping figure curled up in the bed. I can't disturb him... he was working out the entire morning...

Closing the door with a gentle thump, I turn back around. Par the classical music still floating in the air, the dorms are silent. Hobi and Jimin are in the dance studios, practicing some new dance of theirs that the rest of us don't know.

We don't usually have days like this, although them have been getting more frequent. Everyone is usually doing something together, occupied by either hobbies or work; Namjoon and Yoongi in the office, Hobi and Jimin in the dance studios, and me with either Jin doing baking or Taehyung and Jungkook, fighting it to the death on Overwatch.

I slink back to Yoongi's office, back to the couch. I sit down for about 5 seconds before getting right back up and trailing over to stand behind his chair, leaning over so I can see his screen; there's no point. I understand nothing.

I slowly make my way around the chair, carefully studying Yoongi's face for any signs of annoyance, and slide onto the cushion situated loosely on his lap. Due to the fact that I often come over and fall asleep on his lap, he has started keeping cushions on his lap whenever he sits down out of habit; it's also earned me the nickname 'kitten' which I don't really like, but can deal with if it's from one of the members.

He doesn't react, so I simply curl up and fall asleep. It doesn't last long, however, when I feel an impatient tapping on my shoulder and wake up to see Yoongi's face scrunched up.

"Yoongi?" I murmur sleepily. He seems to be doing it subconsciously, a habit I'd grown to notice him do often.

"What?" His voice is sharp, gaze unwavering as he clicks the mouse furiously.

"I- Nevermind." I crawl off his lap and go to Taehyung's room, carefully opening the door and closing it behind me. With both hands enveloped in my jumper sleeves, I crawl under the covers and curl up, my back slotting perfectly into his front. His arms wrap around my small body as he lets out a tired groan, pulling me closer. However, due to my earlier nap, I can't sleep and simply lay like this for ten minutes before growing restless.

Eventually, I cautiously slide out of his arms and off the bed with a soft thump. Then, slipping my unicorn slippers back on, I walk out to see Jimin and Hobi taking their shoes off at the door.

"Oh, hi Miso," Jimin greets with a grin. Hobi sends me a tired wave before making his way to the bathroom, picking up a towel on the way.

"Hi Jimin!" I exclaim in return, perhaps a little too excited at human interaction. Jimin mocks shock.

"Woah, you're actually happy to see me?!" he asks, clutching the fabric over his heart and pretending to collapse on the couch. I laugh and run over to dive-bomb him, ignoring his sweat-soaked t-shirt and scruffy hair. He grins again, wrapping his arms around me and rolling off the couch. We both land in a giggling heap and have to untangle ourselves before we end up just staying there forever.

"Where's everyone else?" Jimin asks as soon as we're off the floor. It's only now that I realise the classical music is no longer playing and Jin has vanished from the kitchen, with only the soft whirring of the oven left behind.

I shrug. "Everyone's been busy all day. I haven't talked to a single human since yesterday until now." Jimin's eyebrows furrow in confusion, and he nudges past me to go knock on Yoongi's door. I grab his arm and bite my lip.

"I really don't think you should-"

"Go away, Miso!" comes the irritated shout. I feel a pang in my heart, and my grip on Jimin's arm tightens slightly. It seems her feels it by the way his jaw muscles clench and he grits his teeth.

"Yoongi, it's me!" he calls plainly. "Jimin."

"What's going on?" I turn to see Jungkook walking towards us in a simple white tee - slightly creased - and tousled hair, probably from sleeping or something similar.

"Yoongi is being a prick," Jimin replies tautly.

"Jimin, don't say that," I scold. He just raises an eyebrow at me before knocking at the door again.

"Yoongi!" he shouts. "You've been in there all day! Come out and socialise for the love of god!"

I can hear scuffling and a few things dropping to the floor before the door opens to reveal a frustrated-looking Yoongi. "What?"

"Stop ignoring Miso," Jimin says, calming down a little. They stand, eye to eye, both refusing to blink. I eventually have to hop in front of them and wave my sweater-clad hands in their faces.

"It's fine, really, I'll just go back to mine and Jungkook's room," I insist, not wanting to stir up trouble. Jungkook walks up behind me and lazily swings his arms around my shoulders, pulling me into a back hug and resting his chin on the top of my head.

"Miso, you're clearly hurt by this," Jimin replies. "Where the hell is everyone else? Surely not everybody is busy," he grumbles.

"Jin went for a nap while lunch cooks, Taehyung is asleep, Hobi went for a shower, and Namjoon went to see the manager about concept themes and stuff," Jungkook states sleepily before yawning and rearranging his arms around me.

"You're kidding," Jimin grumbles in response.

"Jimin, just let it go," I mumble, tugging on his sleeves lightly. Jungkook gently pulls my arm away, back to his embrace. Yoongi is still stood in the doorway looking annoyed.

"If you guys have nothing to say to me then please go away," he says sharply. I flinch; he doesn't usually use such a tone.

"Can you guys keep it down?" Now, Jin is in the room, checking the oven before making his way towards us. "What's going on?"

"Yoongi is being a-" Jin clicks his tongue at Jimin before turning to stare at me. I quickly mask over my hurt expression with a small smile.

"Nothing, it's fine," I respond.

"Yoongi?" Jin asks sternly, turning to the man stood in the doorway.


"Aish, what's with this attitude?" Jin folds his arms, leaning his weight on his right leg and staring at Yoongi. I know for a fact that Yoongi was brought up to respect elders that deserve it such as Jin, and it becomes even more visible when he sighs, closing his eyes before staring at me. I bite my lip nervously, shrinking into the cocoon that is Jungkook's gentle embrace.

I notice Yoongi's gaze soften a little.

"Okay... Okay, fine," he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm just stressed, I'm really sorry Miso." We make eye contact for a moment, and suddenly, I feel a wave of guilt.

Of course he's stressed, it's our comeback soon...

"I'm really sorry," I apologise quietly. "I should've seen you were stressed, and probably should've just left you alone."

"There we go," I hear jin breathe out, before the oven promptly starts beeping loudly. He makes his exit to go tend to the food, and Jimin pats my head as he walks away to the bathroom for a shower. Jungkook hesitantly removes his arms from around me and sluggishly trails back to our room, probably to either go to sleep or play more games.

"It's not your fault." Yoongi's voice snaps me out of my daydream, his eyes scanning my face as I try to hide the hurt in my own irises. I remain silent, looking at my slippers.

Suddenly, I feel a pair of warm arms around my small frame, encasing me in a hug that conveyed his apology through the contact.

"Forgiven?" he asks hopefully, pulling his face away from where it had previously resisted in the crook of my neck. I purse my lips before grinning and nodding.


"Oh my GOD you guys took so long!" I spin around in Yoongi's arms to see Hoseok free-falling backwards onto the couch with a dramatic sigh. "Lunch is already ready," he adds in disbelief. Both Yoongi and I laugh, and start making our way towards the group gathered at the table when Yoongi grabs my arm, pulling me back.

"Hey, tomorrow, we'll have a Yoongi and Miso day, yeah? Just the two of us," he whispers, tilting his head cutely. "We've missed out on a lot of time together that we need to make up for. Perhaps go to the fair, or maybe into Hongdae... girls like shopping, right?" Yoongi continues to ramble on and on, even when we sit down to eat.

After dinner, he brings me to his studio and lets me fall asleep on his lap while he works with the promise of waking up to a day of fun tomorrow.


I feel like I ended that awkwardly. Anyway.

FIRST OF ALL, thank you for over 100 reads! This was just meant to be practice for me, so the fact that over 100 individual beings chose to read it really confuses me.

SECOND OF ALL, if you haven't already seen it, please please please go check out the video in the media slot or the external link. It's the dance version of Callin' by A.C.E. Honestly it's been playing on repeat for ages, I love the music and the dance and just itS SO GOOD?? I only just found it a few hours ago too asdfghjkl

If you have the time, please also go check out the MV for it (flashing lights warning btw) and possibly other music of theirs! I feel like they're really under appreciated...

Please don't forget to vote, comment, and share! x

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