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"Hold still," I mumbled quietly. Taehyung froze before me, eyes gently shut as I applied a thin layer of red-orange eyeshadow onto his lids.

"Miso, you poked my eye!" he whined, pouting but not opening his eyes. He simply furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"Sorry, sorry," I apologise, moving away after blending it together. He opened his eyes warily before staring at me with an innocent face. I tried my best to contain a laugh, but it burst out before I could do anything about it, and soon enough I was on the floor in hysterics.

"Hey hey, what do I look like? Is it really that bad?" Taehyung asked, widening his eyes and scrambling for the mirror on the floor.

"N-no, you look great-" It wasn't long before I burst into laughter again. "Come here, I haven't finished just yet!" He gave me a cautious look before sitting down again on the fluffy rug of my bedroom. I got up and ran to my closet before pulling out a pale brown wig. It had a perfectly straight fringe - slightly dispersed - and long hair that curled at the ends.

"Wait, Miso, what-"

"Head straight up please." I held his cheeks in my palms, squishing his face inwards, before bursting into a fit of childish giggles and letting go. "Okay, don't move." I slipped the wig onto his head and secured it with a few hairgrips until it was stable enough. Stepping back, I stare quietly at him before laughing loudly again.

"What the heck, Miso!" he exclaimed, looking back I got the mirror.

"What do you mean? You look just like me!" I laugh, popping up behind his reflection. He pouted his lips, testing out different facial expressions before pursing his now-painted-vivid-red lips.

Suddenly, the door burst open to reveal our eldest group member adorning a pink bear apron. "Miso, what the hell happened to the lasagna in the oven-"

Both Taehyung and I whipped our heads around in surprise, Taehyung's wig smacking me in the face.

"Oh, Seokjin, hold on," I say, getting up and walking over to him. "Taehyung, the makeup wipes are somewhere in the ensuite," I add before racing downstairs.

It's not burnt, thank god.

With a sigh of relief, I pull the lasagna out of the oven and rest the tray on the hob before closing the oven again.

"I told you I should've cooked," Jin chided, walking into the kitchen with a quirked eyebrow.

"Shut up, it's perfectly fine," I reply, examining the top whilst taking my oven gloves off. "See, it's not burnt." I point at it, looking at Jin proudly.

"If you say so," he breathed quietly, before laughing when I hurled an oven glove at his chest. He threw it right back, landing it perfectly on my face.

"Owww," I whine, forming a protective cross over my head with my arms. "Okay, I give in, don't attack me!" He snorted before chucking the other oven glove at me from the table.

"Fine," he said. Suddenly, I heard a loud crash from upstairs, quickly followed by a thud. I run up in alarm with Seokjin hot on my heels, skidding up the stairs one at a time whilst Jin ran up two at a time with his longass legs. We finally reached my bedroom, and I flew into the ensuite, only to find both Taehyung and my shelf on the floor, surrounded by toiletries and makeup.

He looked up at me with the most guilty puppy eyes I've ever seen - apart from the fact that he still had all the makeup on - and opened his mouth to say something before closing it and giving me another apologetic look.

"M-Miso, I'm so sorry, I'll pay for a new shelf, I swear! I was looking for the makeup wipes like you said and thought you'd put them on the high shelf with the other packets. On the bright side I think I found them!" he babbled. In his raised hand was a single pad, wrapped up in its protective plastic layer.


I hear yet another thud - which just so happens to be my basket of lip tints falling to the ground and landing on Taehyung's crotch area - followed by a loud thump; that one was Seokjin throwing his head into the wall with a sigh.

Pursing my lips, I smile reassuringly at the wincing Taehyung and take the pad out of his hands.

"This," I say, indicating towards the pad in my hand, "is a pad. You know what a pad is, right?"

His ears turn a bright scarlet as he nodded in confirmation. I laugh gently, offering a hand. He takes it gratefully, hauling himself up before shooting Jin a mix of guilty and apologetic looks.

"Come on, let's get the actual makeup wipes and clean this off your face," I sigh, walking over to the table by the door and picking up the wipes. Taehyung's eyes widen.

"No way. They were there the entire time?" he asked in disbelief. Laughing, I nodded and took his hand, leading him over the mess and into my room.

"Sit down," I order. "Gosh, you're almost as bad as Namjoon," I add quietly. He hangs his head in further shame.

"Was it really that bad?"


Jin seemed to have gone back downstairs to tend to the lasagna, leaving me to sort out this mess. I open the wipes and gently swipe it over Taehyung's skin. His eyes are closed and his expression is relaxed.

"Miiiisssssoooo," he called, opening one eye cautiously. "Are you done yet?"

"Yeah, yeah, you are free to go," I command dramatically. Taehyung pushed himself off the floor and helped me put the wipes away before standing in front of the ensuite door. Spinning around, he took a deep breath and shot me an extremely apologetic look before I cut him off. I could just tell he was going to offer to pay for my future wedding and every event after that.

"Taehyung, it's fine," I laugh. "I've needed to replace that shelf for a while, so your clumsy ass actually did me a favour."

Relief floods his now makeup-free expression, and he runs downstairs to grab a serving of lasagna. I can hear the rest of the members crowd the kitchen. With a sigh, I turn around to survey the destruction. Along with the entire shelf, a ton of baskets had fallen to the ground, the contents spread over the entire floor.

It's gonna be a long night.

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