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"Jeju island was so fun!" I gush for the umpteenth time. Taehyung laughs from beside me, reaching up to take his carryon baggage off the overhead rack.

As a reward for our hard work on the previous album, all of the members had been sent off to different holiday locations in pairs; 8 members, 4 pairs. Tae and I both wanted to visit the Teddy Bear Museum on Jeju island, so we paired up. After the long holiday, we were finally on a plane back to Incheon airport.

"Have you got everything?" Taehyung asks, slinging his bag over his shoulder. I nod cheerfully, still rambling about how amazing and sunny it was. We slip on our face masks and sunglasses, me with my cap pulled firmly over my head, before making our way off the plane.

"...And the little red bow on the tiny ones!" I continue, grinning from ear to ear.

"So cute," I hear Taehyung giggle from next to me, before casually slinging his arm around my small shoulders; we continue the casual couple-just-back-from-vacation look, strolling off the plane and going through customs safe and sound. With our manager right behind us, we begin making our way to our designated taxi bay.

"-but the glass cases meant we couldn't touch the precious things, which is understandable, but still..." I mumble with a pout, hidden by my mask. Suddenly, Taehyung's pace picks up, and I can no longer hear his amused little giggles. Instead, another voice echoes through my ears, one that sends shivers racing down my spine, and panic flaring in my chest.


Taehyung's pace becomes even faster, the grip he has on my shoulders harder. I can hear the high-pitched shrieks of the girls behind us, their footsteps echoing on the floor. Unable to tell which footsteps belong to the manager, and which belong to the screaming girls, I run alongside Taehyung with my heart rate speeding up by a thousandfold.

"GET AWAY FROM TAEHYUNG OPPA, SLUT!" one of them shrieked. Suddenly, a set of sharp nails dug into my arm through my thin sweater, meriting a squeak from me. I struggle in their arms, feeling Taehyung desperately trying to pull me away on one side, and the girl ripping past my sweater on the other. It's chaos.

"Let go!" I yell, but my voice comes out feeble and exhausted. The girl's determination is strong, and by this time, there is a massive tear in my favourite sweater, as well as a stream of tears running down my cheeks.

"Never!" the girl hisses in return. The scene we're now making has attracted a lot of attention, and I can see airport staff trying to break through the crowd. Taehyung's grip on me has loosened as he himself is buried in people; his torso has been consumed by arms and his mask is hanging off one ear, the sunglasses long gone. Both of our bags are lost on the floor under the stampede of shoes, and there are now so many rips in my sweater that you can see through it.

We've never had a sasaeng incident this bad before, and that's saying quite a lot.

"Yah, let go of her!" Taehyung's voice is drowned out by over-excited screams, his desperation evident in the little amount of sound that carried to my ears. I can hear a few ARMYs yelling to let go, followed by even more screams and shrieks of protest; I can hear everything, yet I can barely hear anything.

Panic fills my head; what if I get hurt? Even worse, what if Taehyung gets hurt? I can feel a pounding pain in my head to accompany the throbbing ache all the way down my arm that is now lines of ripped skin. We should've acted better... was it my acting that gave it away? Maybe I should've hugged him back and acted more like a couple instead of ranting about dumb teddy bears. He probably doesn't even find the teddies interesting anymore.

Suddenly, a firm grasp grips my shoulder and forcefully yanks me away from the clawing girl, who is also being dragged away kicking and screaming. I yelp in surprise, automatically reaching out to Taehyung as a reflexive response to possible danger; surprisingly, his eyes are urging me to relax, his head nodding at me encouragingly. With a jolt, I look back to see a man in a fluorescent yellow-green rivers jacket pulling me away from the crowd.

"Taehyung!" I yell in panic - only now, it's not about my own safety; it's about Taehyung's.

"It's okay!" he shouts back, narrowing being missed by a flailing arm adorned in bangles and bead bracelets of all sorts. I finally feel the butterflies in my stomach slowly fluttering away and I see another man in a fluorescent vest and padded coat shove his way through the crowd of screaming fans. The man managed to pry the girls off Taehyung with the help of another and a few other fans; he stumbles free and starts running towards me.

"Miso, run to the black car in the lay-by, right now!" he calls to me, securing his face mask back over his lower face and charging full speed out of the crowd with both of our bags slung lopsidedly over his arms. I nod, partly to myself as a small motivational action, and turn around to then nod at the man in the fluorescent vest, who had his arm around my small frame in an act of defence.

Now that more people had been alerted of the situation, a large group of airport staff had rushed over to create a wall, blocking and holding back the screaming people. Taehyung had managed to escape, and was now slowing down into a rushed jog until he reached me. his arms enveloped me in a massive bear hug, and I grinned.

"Are you alright?" he asked, looking directly into my eyes and holding my shoulders before scanning my ripped sweater sleeves the the cuts running down my arms.

"I'm fine, really, don't worry-" 

Before I can say another word, Taehyung has me under his arm again, shielding my body from the crowd and walking me over to the car. He abruptly opens the door and urges me in before getting in himself and slamming the door shut, telling the designated driver to go straight back to the Bighit dorms, no exceptions. He then proceeds to gently take my arms and examine the cuts.

"They don't look too deep, but still, I'll get the medical staffs to check up on it, just in case," he mumbles almost to himself. Whilst he is still staring intently at my arm, turning it this way and that and muttering to himself as the car drives away, I manage to check him for any signs of pain.

He had mostly just been attacked by hugs, which sounds fine under different circumstances, but those were pretty violent. Looking closely, I notice a few rips in his shirt running down and off to the sides. Through the gaps, I can see spots of red.

"Tae!" I gasp, removing my arm from his grip and pawing the new holes in his shirt. "You're hurt too!" There's a pause, before Taehyung bursts into laughter.

"You're so dramatic, Miso," he snorts in amusement, fondly ruffling my hair with his massive hand. I pout and pull away, batting at his hand. "Whatever, I'll talk to Namjoon and Bang PD about it later," he continues absent-mindedly.

"Okay... okay."


Hello ARMYs! We have recently had an incident regarding sasaengs and the issue of meeting idols at the airport. As much as we love fans, this incident crossed the line completely.

Two of our younger members, Kim Miso and Kim Taehyung, had just returned from a holiday on Jeju Island, and flew back via airplane, arriving in Incheon airport. The plan was to get out quietly and calmly without being noticed to prevent too much chaos; as many of you already know, Incheon is a massive, bustling airport, and a cluster of fans would only anger and slow others down. Therefore, we tried to prevent such an incident.

However, to our dismay, Miso and Taehyung were spotted making their way out of the airport and into the lay-by where the taxi was waiting to take them back. They made a massive deal out of the situation that could've been avoided, and some even cursed our Miso out, calling her unacceptable names that were completely uncalled for. Both Miso and Taehyung sustained injuries from the incidents.

We hope this will never happen again, and have faith in our fans that the issue will be resolved on its own. We personally don't have anything against fans greeting us at the airport - it's super sweet, and just shows how you're willing to take time out of your day to welcome us into the country - however, when it is an intentional action that fans are not alerted, we would hope that they respect our decision and keep their distance.

We love you! 

BTS, BigHit Ent. x



Firstly, I hope you enjoyed this little imagine; slightly longer than usual but ehh. It was supposed to be posted yesterday, but some stuff came up, and I'm really sorry. To be frank, these kind of fans make me feel so ashamed; their behaviour influences the way people think of our fandom as a whole, and the thought of ARMYs being depicted as clingy squirrels on crack (no seriously) just makes me feel so mad.

Onto a lighter topic, I've recently fallen into the pothole of subliminals. I don't- I just- hhhhhhh okay I'm really confused about them, like do they actually work?? I think my problem is that its seems to good to be true.

If you don't know what a subliminal is, it's basically videos that are able to go "below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone's mind without their being aware of it." Basically, it's kinda like a sort of hypnosis(?) where messages are sent past your conscious mind and into your sub-consciounce. They then basically do some shit that I'm still yet to understand and the said shit then manages to change some aspect of you. Some of them apparently can change your physical aspects, such as face length and shape and eye colour.

I'm rambling sorry.

Anywho the point is if you know anything about subliminals hit me up and send me a PM bc I am genuinely interested in this, like you're offering to change my face for free? Yes pls.

Please don't forget to like, comment and vote! x

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