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Pervious Part

After we were done we all decided to go to the park which was just infront of us. We just have to cross the road. I told Mia that she should talk to them there only. We were going Jin, Suga, Jimin and Jungkook crossed the road. Now Mia was crossing and V was behind her. Suddenly a car in full speed came towards her and

💥 BOOM  💥

Author's POV


Yes, Taehyung pushed Mia but the car hitted him. Now he was lying on the road, blood surrounding him. Hearing there voice the rest members looked and became shocked. Mia came running towards V. All of them started crying.  Then YN rushed towards the limo and told everyone to come. All of them came and V was in Jin's hands. YN stated driving. After they reached hospital they called the doctor. The doctor came and took V and stated the operation. All of them were crying except Jin and YN. They thought that if they will cry then who will take care of their rest siblings. YN was sitting with her head between her hands. Then Mia came towards her and said

Mia- Unnie will he be fine?

YN looked towards her and saw that she was also a crying mess. The girl didn't get a chance to apologise to her brothers and now she was regretting everything. Then YN said

YN- Mia don't worry he will be fine. He is a very strong boy nothing will happen to him. Hmm

Mia- Unnie it's all my mistake. He-He risked his life because of me.  I should be the one lying inside the hospital but now.....

I treated them very bad them also he saved my life. I am so bad unnie.

YN- Mia please don't say like that. You realised your mistake and no need to worry about V. I know he will be fine.  Now stop crying please.

Then YN wiped Mia's tears. She stands up and goes to others and wiped there tears also and told them not to worry. All of them started to calmed down except Jimin and Jungkook. She put both of there heads on her laps and calmed th down but after sometime they both slept in her lap only. She carefully removed their heads form her lap and then goes towards Jin who was standing at the corner of the room with a emotion less/blank face. YN walked towards him and placed her hands on his shoulder. He looked behind and saw her. Then YN said.

YN- I know Jin you are hiding your emotions so that you can take care of others but there is no need. I am here. I know you are also feeling like you wants to cry very much so please don't hide your years and let them flow. You will feel better.

After Yn said Jin hugged YN and stared crying. RM, Suga and Jhope were looking shocked because they  never saw their Jin Hyung crying or being weak. But seeing him cry makes their heart weak.

Time Skip
After 4 hours


It's been freaking 4 hours but the doctors didn't came yet. Jimin and Jungkook were also awake now but they were not crying right now. Jin was with them. Suga was there with RM and Jhope and I was sitting here with Mia. Suddenly the the door opened and the doctor came towards us. We a rushed towards him but Me and Jin were the first one. They all started asking him questions like

How is he?

Is he fine?

He is out of danger right?

And many more. Then Jin said

Jin- Guys atleast let the doctor speak.

Then all of them stopped speaking and looked towards doctor.

Doctor- Thanks. So He is out of danger now and fine also. He have some injuries in his head but he will be perfectly in a month. He will discharged after 2 days.

We all sighed in relief. Then Jungkook said.

Jungkook- Can we meet V Hyung.

Doctor- Sure you can but he is not conscious yet. It will take sometime for him to wake up.

Me- How much time?

Doctor- Maybe 2-3 days. Then you can take him to your house.

Me- Ok And Thank you so much.

Doctor- Don't worry miss. It was my work. You can go inside.

Then the doctor went away and we all went inside. We saw V was lying there on the bed with some bandages around him. We all were standing beside his bed and Jimin and Jungkook were sitting on the chair beside the bed with V's hands in thore hands. We alls pent sometime there and then I told Jin to take all of them to the house since it's late and all of them were tired. None of them wants to go but after forced them they all went. I was saying at the hospital to take care of V. I don't have to worry about them because I know Jin will take care of them and Mia will not do anything to them.

At home
Jin's POV

We all were now at the house. We didn't went inside our rooms instead were sitting in the living room. But what shocked me was Mia Noona was also sitting there with us. I thought she will again do something to game the Maknaes or Hobi. But she didn't she was just sitting there with her head low. Then she said something.

Mia- Jin.

Me- N-Ne Noo-na

I was stuttering beacuse I was scared of her. She came towards me and sat on her knees infront of me and took my hands in her. I was very sacred. Then she say

Mia- Jin I am so sorry for treating you all like that. I know it's very late and I should not ask you but then also Please Forgive Me. Please

Why is she behaving like this? Is she saying the truth or any other plan is going in her mind.

Mia- I know you must be thinking that I am just faking ths also but I promise I am not. I realised my mistake. I want to apologise to you all after we left the Ice cream shop but I couldn't. And if you don't believe me you can even ask unnie. She knows. Infact she was the one who made me realise my mistake.

Suga- That means you will not beat us, shout at us or make us do your work.

Mia- Yes. I will not do that. I promise.

I looked towards the others. Except for RM and Suga the rest were denying me.

Me- Noona can we talk for a minute then we will be tell us your decision.

Mia- Sure

Then all of us came towards the corner. Jhope and Maknaes were denying and Suga and RM were confused same as me. So I thought of an idea.

Me- See I know we all are very sacred of her and you 3 are more but she said that YN noona also knows. So I think she might me telling truth.

Suga- Hyung are you saying that we should forgive her?

Me- No. I think we should just give her a second chance. Maybe she really realised her mistake.

RM- What if she not?

Me- Don't worry we have YN Noona with us. Till she is with us Mia Noona can't do anything to us.

Jimin- I kinda agree with Hyung.

Suga- Me too

RM- Me also.

Me- What about you two?

They both looked towards each other and then said

Jhope and Jk- We don't agree. But  Hyung  just for you we are ready to give her a second chance. 

Me- Ok then let's go.

Then we all went towards her. Then Suga said

Suga- Noona we can't forgive you easily but...

Mia- But.?

RM- We will give you a chance to prove yourself.

Mia- Really, Thank you so much.

Then Noona told us what happened today morning and how she realised her mistake. I am so happy that now we don't have to be afraid of our own Noona. After sometime we all decided to sleep. But no one wants to sleep in alone so we all went to a big room which YN Noona told us is used when she is having sleepover. We all went there and then slept.

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By By

( A long chapter. Proud of myself)



Words Count- 1471

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