The Begining

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All 7 men were only children when they learned about their bending. But also were very young when they met each other

Because they were born into a modern era, were colonies, tribes, and Empires never existed, only Nations and Countries, Continents, Earth

As a child Seokjin was born into a wealthy family, Waterbenders were never known for their wealth in ancient times, until the tables turn during a war, now Seokjin was poised and graceful as all waterbenders should, peaceful and kind but powerful, now Jins family never let Seokjin out because they were trying to mold him into a business man, to make the Kim family more money

Until Seokjin met Namjoon in 12th grade

Namjoon was born into a middle wage family (like most other members) they had enough money to have a good house, pay bills and still have enough to buy a single luxury item, Namjoon and Earth Bender was very strong as a child he was very clumsy when taught bending, he was very intelligent, top of his class, but oh so clumsy

He stumbled into class tripping on nothing but air, one the first day of high school, when he's seated next to a very attractive boy in the back of the classroom, by the window, no he wasn't staring off into the distance

His nose stuck in a book about business and economics, stock markets, and other boring topics

Namjoon sat down but missed the chair tumbling to the ground with a small "oof"

Seokjin tightens his hands on the book and he quivers, Namjoon thought Seokjin was going to punch him or kick him

But instead a laugh broke out from the elder and Seokjin turn around smiling and said "Hi I'm Seokjin, nice to meet you Namjoon, I hope we'll be good friends" Seokjin held out his hand for Namjoon to grab and he slowly sat in his chair

Infront of Namjoon and Jin was a boy with glaring eyes that almost looked like a cats, he turned around and said "do you mind class hasn't started and I'm trying to study" he whisper shouts, to the Freshman and Senior

(Yoongi was born in a very wealthy family, powerful and rich, fire nation motto, Yoongi was stiff, he was cold and annoyed most of the time, his parents, mostly his father, made him this way, Yoongi was a bubbly child filled with hope and joy until he turned 5 and his father started teaching fire bending telling him about power, poor Yoongi lost his gummy smile and was rewarded with an iced glare, but oh everyone has a soft side)

Of course as if the Avatar himself said "fuck you"

Hoseok walks in the loudest person in class, the happiest, bubbliest, most radiant Water Bender known the Yoongi

Poor Yoongi puts his head down as Hoseok plops down next to him, he says "hi Hyung, I'm glad we are in the same classes together"

Oh Yoongi, poor Yoongi, his heart beats hard as the ginger was smiling at him (a smile that could melt an icy glare, or heart)

"Oh hello I'm Hoseok nice to meet you" Hoseok has turned his body to look at Namjoon and Seokjin

"Hello Im Namjoon!" He stuck his hand out to shake but almost punched poor Hoseok in the process, scaring the younger causing him to flinch and make an ice wall with Namjoons poor hand stuck inside

(Hoseok born into a not so wealthy, but not poor family, definitely more then Namjoon, but sadly less then Seokjin, Hoseok a Waterbender was actually the great 100x grandson of the earth king, but why isn't he royal or earthbender? Well that's because after empires were destroyed so we're Royal titles, so Hoseoks great x60 grandfather was never royal and they didn't mind and continued on with life, as for Hoseok he was part earthbender and Waterbender, but he turned out mostly and totally Waterbender, with a pinch of earthbender)

Hoseok carries a small pouch of water like all water benders do, but your to never bend in school, Namjoon was pulling with all his might to break free and Hoseok opened an eye and saw what he did quickly turned the ice wall into liquid and sealed it away in the pouch, he looked at Namjoon saying

"I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!"

Namjoon smiles a dimpled smile and says

"Don't worry it's ok I hope become good friends, you too Yoongi!"

Yoongi looks up and mumbled "I hope we become good friends too"

In a small play ground next to the middle school sat Park Jimin on the grass looking at a beautiful little dandelion, he took a dead breath and lighting blew the flower making the fluffy seeds fly off

When he was rudely interrupted buy another child a mean one too, he came and stood infront of Jimin and smirked, saying

"Look flower boy is blowing dandelions!"

Many small children started laughing and pointing, until a rock was thrown at the mean child's head, he turned to see Kim Taehyung, the innocent looking boy glared at the mean child, and said "leave him alone"

(Park Jimin was born into a small family an air bending family, the most peacful of all elements, they are kind, generous, kind hearted, not weak, but never hurt a fly, Jimin was taught to never fight but only to protect himself, and that what he did, he never fought, until today)

Jimin stood and glared at the mean child, and said "leave me alone" just as Taehyung said

The mean child laughed and said "and what are you gonna do if I won't"

Jimin smiles and said "I'm gonna push you"

The mean child laughed and lunges at Jimin

Jimin gracefully jumped high and landed softly and saw the boy turn and charge again like and angry stupid bull, this time he's met with Taehyung and a small bolder

Taehyung smiles and says "go away or I squish you"

The mean child ran with his little group of non-bender losers

Jimin turns to Taehyung and bows saying

"Thank you, your very kind"

Taehyung bows in return saying " it's ok I don't like bullies"

(Kim Taehyung Born into a giant family of  earthbenders he was taught to protect himself and others, to never tolerate any bullshit from anyone, so he grew stronger with his bending and learned to make bolders)

After that day Taehyung and Jimin we're stuck like leaches to each other

When they were walking home together they past the elementary school with small children running, screaming, laughing, outside it was recess, a teacher monitoring the small delicate children, and smiling when a young boy with a cute little bunny sweater gives her a small flower

"Aw thanking Kookie! Where did you find his from?" The teacher said

Jungkook said nothing but pointed to the grass with small flowers growing

The teacher was going to thank Jungkook until a blast of fire came from the distance and pebbles were thrown to the school wall

The teacher told Jungkook to stay still and hold her flower for her

Jungkook did as told until he saw a friend walking down the street with a person

Jungkook ran to the fence and smiled as Taehyung walked over and squated infront of Jungkook and said

"Hi kookie! How are you today?"

"Kookie happy!!!" Jungkook chirped

Another boy squated next to Taehyung and Jungkook hid from him

Then Taehyung reached over the fence because it was only about 4 feet tall and scooped up Jungkook

The teacher look over and saw Jungkook and Taehyung and said

"Hi Tae Tae you here for Kookie?"

Taehyung smiles and says " yup thank you for taking care of him"

Taehyung was not Jungkooks older brother

But his babysitter, he took care of Jungkook for Mr. and Mrs. Jeon

Being millionaires means being at work from 3 am to 12 midnight everyday, they didn't have time to take care of their precious baby, so they hired Taehyung to watch him and they've become Bestfriends

(Jeon Jungkook born into the 4th wealthiest family in all South Korea, a small fire Bender, who doesn't know what bending is, such a cute little boy so playful, strong)

8 YEARS later

Seokjin was graduated as Yoongi

Hoseok and Namjoon in college

As well as Jimin Taehyung and Jungkook

They lived together after meeting eachother in highschool

Well Jimin Taehyung and Jungkook met Namjoon and Hoseok and were introduced to Seokjin and Yoongi

They lived in a large home with 8 rooms, 4 bathrooms, large living area and huge backyard for practicing bending

Seokjin has just picked up the younger and drove home to find yoongi on the floor with two children jumping and squishing the poor man

Until Hoseok walked in

"UNCLE HOBI!! They screeched

Hoseok smiles and got down on one knee with his arms wide open and said

"Meena! Juki!" They got off the squished man and tackled Hoseok

Jimin walked over to Yoongi who was laying on the floor, playing dead sand Jimin played along

"Oh no!"

Which got the attention of the twins and the other members

"My king Yoongi has been killed! By to demons!!"

Jimin dramatically put his arm over his eyes and the other to his heart playfully sobbing

The other members snicker and Namjoon turns to Jin asking if the elder made lunch

They walk into the kitchen leaving the soap opera, in the living room

Jungkook and Taehyung went to do homework

While Jimin Yoongi and Hoseok played with the twins when Hoseoks sister came to pick them up

They hugged and kissed Hoseok goodbye and left

When suddenly there's a screech that's came from Hoseok

He was sitting in the living room when a large spider crawled onto the coffee table

Jin Namjoon and Yoongi come over to what he was screaming about when they saw the large insect

Jin did a full 180 and said "I'm out"

Then Jimin walked in and said "what?"  As he passed Jin into the living room

"KILL IT!" Hoseok screeched

Yoongi looks at Hoseok and says "Hoseok, your a water bender just freeze it or something"

Hoseok glared at Yoongi and says "your a FireBender burn that little demon to hell!"

Jimin rushes over and picks up the spider making Hoseok faint

And he walks out letting the spider out


Hi nice to meet you all I'm Vlzqz

I recently thought of this book and have absolutely not plot to this, if you wanna see something happen comment it idk, give me ideas, I would love to hear them

Thanks for reading

- Author-nim

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