Part 7

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Y/N's POV~

Me: You guys are dorks...

Kookie: Sexy dorks?

Me: No. Just weird ass dorks😈

Yoongi: At least we're not annoying brats like you

Jin oppa: When will you guys ever stop?

Yoongi: Can be savage when I want to, ok?...

Me: Savage my ass...

Jungkook: Whatever let's just go. PD-nim would get mad if we're late.

Hoseok: Yeah.

Namjoon: Let's go!

Taehyung: KAJJA!! (let's go!)

At BigHit Studios...


Taehyung: YASS! We're not late!

Yoongi: There's no difference. PD-nim's gonna scold us anyways, like he always does.

Y/N: Why?

Yoongi: Because you exist...

Y/N: Geez...

Jin hyung: Guys, I swear if you guys don't get along and keep arguing, I'll TEAR OUT YOUR INTESTINES, FRY THEM AND EAT THEM!!!!!

Yoongi hyung: Holy-

Jungkook: Oh, man! Holy, Shit!!

Y/N: *sighs* I don't know how I ended up with you guys

Yoongi: We found you on the streets

Y/N: I found you in the garbage, then!

Hoseok & Namjoon hyung: OOHHH

Yoongi hyung: Aish, who cares?! Let's get into practicing, now!

Y/N's POV~

After practice...

Me: Maybe I should cook some pasta. Yeah! How about tat, guys?


(7:00 pm)

Jungkook: Wow! Delicious!! Daebak!

TaeTae: OMG!! PASTA!!

Namjoon: YAS!! OMG!!!

(10:15 pm)


Hoseok: Ah~ Let's rest shall we? I'm tired...

Jungkook: Yeah, I'm full

Yoongi: I wanna sleep for 13 hours!

Y/N: Hey, guys... Pasta good?

Jungkook: HELL YEAH!

Y/N: Glad you guys l-li-like it.

TaeTae: Noona?

Y/N: Hm? Yeah?

Namjoon: You aight?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm just dizzy. Anyways, don't got to bed too late, okay?

All: Okay!

Hey, guys! I'm sorry if this part was short. Yes. I was on hiatus for a VERY long time so my writings might suck a lil'. Hope you guys enjoyed it tho! Stay tuned for the next Part!

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