BTS / Spooky-Angst

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The claps and cheers sounded so loud, like thunder within the Big Top. The circus-goers had enjoyed the various shows, especially the last. But the lights were too bright, spotlights shining onto the ones who stood in the center for the audience to see one last time before they went away.

What had the last show been? The Freak Show. In the center, the freaks stood, the cheers and claps sounding like mocks to their ears. They weren't there because they were loved. They were there because people loved to see their misfortunes and feel better that they didn't look like the freaks.

One by one, the freaks were led away from the crowd's view, ready to go to their private quarters. They preferred to be in their private quarters, no eyes on them but those of each other.

Jungkook, the strongman, arms unnaturally long with bulging muscles and scary looking veins.

Namjoon, the beast, razor-sharp teeth, arms in a straight jacket, and a love of devouring raw meats.

Yoongi, the rotten man, the flesh of his left arm and bits of his face peeling with wilted flowers and weeds protruding from within.

Jimin and Taehyung, the twins, two heads on one body, stitches around their necks hidden beneath flesh-colored paint.

And lastly, Seokjin and Hoseok, the stilt dancers, legs inhumanly long and thin like stilts.

Away from the eyes of the crowds, the freaks could stop their false smiles, frowns of sorrow and pain taking over their faces. This cruel fate they had been forced to endure, knowing they would never be loved or wanted by anyone but each other.

"When is our time?" Yoongi asked no one in particular.

"Who knows?" Taehyung sighed as they all walked into cages in a roped-off tent, their private quarters being a prison. Bars separated them from each other, but they often reached through for contact and comfort.

"Why must we endure this?" Namjoon seated himself on the ground and leaned his side against the bars separating him from the twins on his right.

Reaching through the bars, Jimin had such a soft look in his eyes as he touched Namjoon's shoulder."At least we have each other."

"Each other is all we have," Seokjin said as he wrapped his arms around Hoseok, who shared his cell."In the least, we won't die alone."

Jungkook lowered his gaze to the ground."But that's all we die."

Alas, they were doomed to be a part of this circus until their captors gained enough pity to kill them and end their suffering. They shouldn't even be there. They weren't originally freaks. These horrible abnormalities that plagued them were the results of experiments, cruel doctors twisting their bodies to create freaks out of mental ward patients with no next of kin.

They had all been alone in their world. Now all they had was each other and their wish for deathly freedom.

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