JinYoonKook / Fluff

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"Has Yoongi taken his allergy medicine today?"

Jungkook knew he'd been forgetting something."No, I forgot to take it to him. I'll do that right now, Hyung." He could hear Seokjin sigh from the kitchen. Getting up from where he'd been sitting on a bean bag seat in the living room, he made his way to the bathroom.

Shaking his head, Seokjin put on oven mitts to pull out the chicken he was baking for lunch. He knew Yoongi was feeling awful and needed rest, so he was taking care of most house duties today. He'd assigned Jungkook the task of taking care of Yoongi.

When Jungkook opened the medicine cabinet behind that bathroom mirror, he saw another thing he'd forgotten. There was an allergy cream Yoongi needed as well. Of course, he didn't need it every day, but he was going to need it for the next few days at least.

It didn't get a reaction from Yoongi at all when he heard someone come into his room. Though it was a little past noon, he still wasn't out of bed. He knew he should be up by now. However, he was feeling so much fatigue and achiness that he just didn't want to get up.

"Hyung, are you awake?" Jungkook asked as he approached the bed with the bottle of allergy medicine in one hand and the cream in the other."I brought your medicine and cream."

Yoongi huffed softly with a tiny whine mixed in as well. He knew he needed this, but he didn't want to move.

"We know how you feel after spending as much time in the sun as you did yesterday." Jungkook set the bottle of medicine onto Yoongi's nightstand, beside a bottle of water that had been placed there last night."Take your medicine, then I'll put the cream on your arms."

"No..." As much as Yoongi knew he needed it, he didn't want to move. His body ached, especially his arms and shoulders. Being outside on a hot sunny day had taken its toll on him yesterday.

"You leave me no choice but to call for backup." Clearing his throat, Jungkook knew what had to be done. After all, this wasn't the first time this had happened."Hyung, he's not listening to me!"

It only took two minutes for Seokjin to leave the food and go to the bedroom."Yoongi, you know the drill." Stepping over to the bed, Seokjin pulled the blanket away from Yoongi before seating himself onto the mattress."We all know you need this."

Jungkook had to hold back his giggles as Yoongi was pulled up into a sitting position and hugged to Seokjin's chest. He watched as Yoongi cooperated and took his medicine, despite being sleepy and miserable. Once that was done, Jungkook opened the tube of cream."I'll be gentle, Hyung."

Yoongi frowned--more like pouted--when his wrist was loosely grabbed and lifted. Though, the cold, soothing feel of the cream being applied to his red, itchy arm was comforting. He relaxed limply against Seokjin as Jungkook's hands thoroughly spread the cream along his irritated skin, reaching up beneath the short sleeve of his shirt to apply it to his shoulder as well.

Providing additional comfort, Seokjin pressed a kiss to Yoongi's head, wondering if he might fall back to sleep before they finished caring for him. It would be understandable. He knew  Yoongi's condition caused discomfort that he'd rather just sleep away.

After spreading the cream over both of Yoongi's arms and shoulders, Jungkook leaned in close and nuzzled lovingly against his tired hyung's cheek."All done. That wasn't so bad."

"I baked some chicken for lunch," Seokjin stated in a low tone, not wanting to be too loud."Jungkook will cuddle with you while I finish getting it ready."

Yoongi kept his eyes closed as he was shifted from Seokjin's embrace to Jungkook's. He knew this was the consequence of being out in the bright sun yesterday. But it was kind of worth it. The discomfort sucked, but he had two loving men who took care of him so gently. Worth.

"We appreciate you going out with us, Hyung. So we'll always take care of you afterward." Jungkook felt bad about Yoongi's condition, but he knew it meant a lot that Yoongi was willing to have this discomfort as a result of going out with him and Seokjin on sunny days.

Yoongi knew he could count on them.

A/N: The condition I've given Yoongi in this scenario is solar urticaria. It's a rare allergy to the sun that causes redness, itchiness, rashes, and/or hives on any skin that is left exposed to the sun. This is a condition I personally have, and it's definitely uncomfortable.

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