Seokjin / Spooky

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You should never play Rock Paper Scissors with your reflection at 3am.

Seokjin remembered hearing that as a child. It was just a silly game kids made up to scare each other, like Bloody Mary and Candy Man. He had never tried the games himself because he knew it was all just a trick. The only thing scary about it was what the mind would imagine while playing.

But here he was, standing in his bathroom in the wee hours. It was almost 3am, and he had been unable to fall asleep. Feeling bored and not wanting to do anything that would make too much noise, Seokjin stared at his reflection.

Was he really about to do this?

What was the worst that could happen? "It's impossible to beat your reflection," he mumbled under his breath. "What's the point?" He knew he'd just be stuck in a perpetual state of draw with no winner or loser because a reflection only mimics.

"Whatever, I'll do it. Then, my sleepy brain will stop thinking about it." That was the plan anyway.

Not knowing whether he had to say the words out loud or not since he was playing alone, he lightly hit his closed right hand against his open left palm for each word, ending with his right hand presenting rock.

As expected, Seokjin's reflection also presented rock. No surprise there. It was a reflection after all.

Rolling his eyes, he did it once more, saying the words aloud this time. "Rock, paper, scissors."

With his hand presenting paper, Seokjin eyed his reflection, which also presented paper of course. "This is silly. A silly child's game."

With a sigh, Seokjin turned off the bathroom light. He knew he should return to bed and attempt to sleep again. As he turned away...

His reflection didn't.

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