Sope / Fluff

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A hefty sigh escaped Hoseok as he slumped his shoulders, sitting all alone on a hot summer day. He occupied a wooden bench and just watched other people pass by, their shadows mimicking their every move. Glancing down at his own feet, he frowned at the sight of no shadow.

Everyone had a shadow but Hoseok. Shadows were bound to the lights of people's hearts, but Hoseok's was too bright. He couldn't have a shadow, which made him feel too different from other people. He just wanted to have a shadow like everyone else.

As he hung his head low, Hoseok was rather surprised to see a shadow come beside him. Did someone really just sit with him? Turning his head to the side to see, he was confused and surprised to see a lone shadow, not attached to anyone."You' yourself?"

"So are you." The shadow's voice was low and a little gruff, but he still sounded somewhat friendly."Why don't you have a shadow?"

"I'm too bright." Hoseok slumped his shoulders and let out another big sigh."What about you? Why aren't you attached to someone?"

The shadow let out a sigh of his own."I'm too dark. I don't blend in with the other shadows."

"If I'm too bright for a regular shadow, and you're too dark for regular people, maybe you can be my shadow?" Hoseok suggested curiously."If you want to give it a try, I mean."

"It's worth a shot." The shadow scooted closer to Hoseok to move beneath him, attaching himself to the bright man."Can you still see me? I don't think your brightness cancelled me out."

Hoseok's eyes were wide at this."You're right! I can still see you! We're a perfect fit!" Giggling happily, he knew this was the most amazing thing to ever happen in his life."I'm Hoseok. What's your name, shadow?"


"Well, Yoongi, I'm so happy to meet you."

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