TaeJin / Fluff

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To say that Taehyung was sad would be an understatement. His favorite hyung was sick, basically bedridden. He was a big baby himself when he was sick, so he definitely sympathized with his hyung. Standing in the kitchen as he watched a pan of soup boil, Taehyung sighed and slumped his shoulders.

Seokjin was always ready to take care of everyone whenever they were hurt or unwell. This time, Seokjin was unwell. Taehyung took it upon himself to take care of the eldest. He even made this soup from scratch, following instructions Seokjin had written down quite some time ago.

Even though it was probably just a cold or stomach bug, Taehyung found himself feeling sad as he'd gone the whole day so far without hearing Seokjin's awful jokes or iconic laughter. He was even sad to not have a playful argument with the eldest today. Nothing felt right when Seokjin wasn't involved.

Once the soup seemed ready, Taehyung carefully scooped it into a bowl and grabbed a spoon. Then, he made his way to Seokjin's bedroom. Holding the bowl in one hand, he knocked with the other."Hyung, are you awake?"

"Yeah..." Seokjin sounded terrible, stuffy and tired."Come in..."

Entering the room, Taehyung approached the bed as he saw Seokjin sit up."I made soup for you."

That brought a surprised smile to Seokjin's face."You made this all by yourself..?" Being given the bowl of soup, he used the spoon to try a little bit of it. He recoiled at the taste."Oh...Oh my...How much salt did you add..?"

"Too much, I'm guessing." Taehyung reached for the bowl."I'll make new soup with less salt."

Seokjin shook his head though."No...You worked hard to make this...I'll eat it..." Taking another spoonful of the salty soup, Seokjin did his best to keep a straight face."Thank you..."

That really made Taehyung feel appreciated, like he was being helpful."Please relax as much as possible today, Hyung. I, uh...We miss you already."

With a weak chuckle, Seokjin knew."I miss you already too."

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