TaeJin / Fluff

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Emotions are wonderful.

Sometimes we enjoy them; sometimes we wish they would stop, but we would be incomplete without them.

To not know emotion would be to not live, right?

This is how Seokjin feels. He knows the difficulty of emotions and which ones he'd certainly like to feel less, but he takes the bad with the good. Without negative emotions, he could not appreciate and enjoy the positive emotions.

With his fascination and love of emotions in mind, he works tirelessly on his latest project.

Lying on a table in his hidden laboratory is an android, given the name Taehyung. Seokjin has been working on Taehyung for a long time, years. Taehyung functions well; he can carry on coherent conversations, learn freely, perform tasks, and have independent thoughts. He is a marvelous success.

However, Seokjin knows something is missing. Taehyung has no emotions; he does not feel. It is hoped that this will change today. Seokjin, after so much time and effort, will insert a new data chip into Taehyung's chest, into his 'heart compartment.' Will it work? There is only one way to find out.

Inserting the chip, Seokjin peers at Taehyung's face, praying that the android will experience what he feels. He wants Taehyung to know the beauty of life, bonds and connections. He closes the compartment and steps back, waiting and praying.

It takes a couple minutes, but the chip begins its process. The faint humming whir of machine processing can be heard from the android. Taehyung is learning, upgrading.

Soon, the whirring stops. Taehyung's eyes open, and he peers up at the ceiling."What is this?" He moves a hand to his chest, gently feeling the closed compartment."I feel something. I feel...feelings."

"It's working?" Seokjin steps close again and smiles down at his wonderful creation."I designed this chip to give you the ability to feel emotions. How are you feeling? It's not uncomfortable, is it?"

"Uncomfortable? No." Taehyung sits up."I need to think. One moment." Tiny beeps and flicking sounds emit from Taehyung as his cyber brain scans any online sources he can access for information about emotions."I have feelings. I feel..." He searches for the correct term, the right word that sums up what sensations are rushing through him at this very moment."Joy. I feel joy."

It almost worries Seokjin as he sees tears in the android's eyes, made from distilled water."Taehyung?"

"So this is what joy feels like." The android peers at Seokjin and smiles."It is a beautiful feeling." He can feel the joy becoming stronger as he keeps his gaze on Seokjin. This connection of emotion must be a natural response to all the time they'd spent together during his creation and numerous data upgrades."You have given me joy. Do I give you joy?"

That question brings a soft pink to Seokjin's cheeks, the answer obvious to himself."Yes, you do. I can't wait to help you through each emotion now."

With his smile growing wider, Taehyung reaches out to touch Seokjin's hand with his fingertips."I trust you."

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