VMin / Fluff

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"Are you a virgin?"

That was the question that took a moment to register in Taehyung's brain. He didn't know why his boyfriend would ask him such a thing. They hadn't really discussed anything sexual yet, not being too far into their relationship. They'd kissed and snuggled only, keeping things pretty clean and innocent between them."What brought up this question?"

As the two of them were cuddled close together on Taehyung's bed, Jimin had gotten distracted by thoughts."I don't know." He felt really shy about asking something so personal."I'm just wondering."

Taehyung looked at Jimin's precious face and could immediately tell that it wasn't that simple."No, something's bothering you. What is it?" He truly hoped nothing was wrong.

"Well..." Jimin shifted his gaze to the side, not able to look at his handsome boyfriend as his own thoughts weren't fully innocent."I was just thinking..."

"About what?"

Jimin's heart thumped as the feel of Taehyung's long fingers finding their way into his hair sent tingles throughout his scalp."About sex...with you..." Those words alone were enough to make his cheeks flare red."Are you experienced? Will you be disappointed if I don't know what to do?"

"Oh, baby, is that something that makes you insecure?" Getting no response, Taehyung knew the answer."You know, virginity is just a concept people use to shame others. It's just a social construct used to control us."

That certainly got Jimin to look up at his boyfriend."What do you mean?"

"Well, it's no secret that society is very sex-driven. But this society also tries to control our outlook on sex." Taehyung sighed softly before continuing to explain."For example, women are shamed for not being virgins. They're called whores or sluts. Men are shamed for being virgins, their virginity being thrown at them like an insult. But it shouldn't matter. We're all virgins at some point, and we should be free to choose, without backlash, what we want to do with our own bodies."

"I agree with you fully, but what's your point in explaining this now?" Jimin was a little confused and wondered how this was connected to his original question.

"Well, sugarplum, it shouldn't matter if I'm a virgin or not. My level of experience may not be the same as yours, but I'll never judge you for that." This did make something clear to Taehyung though."I'm assuming you're a virgin. That's completely okay. I'll help you when you're ready."

"You're not going to feel disappointed?" That was a great relief to Jimin.

"Of course not." Taehyung pressed a tender kiss to his boyfriend's head."In fact, I can use my own experience to guide you through your first time."

Being fully at ease now, Jimin couldn't help but smile."Thanks, Tae. That means a lot to me."

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