Illegal (V sort of Fluff?)

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This is another Christmas gift for my friend Kaitlyn. Enjoy!

"Kait...Kait...Kaaaaiiiiitttt..." I felt my boyfriend repeatedly tapping me.
I grumpled a muffled, "What Tae?"
"I need your help."
I groaned, "You're going to force me to turn around and look at you, aren't you?"
"Yes. It is 11:32 after all."
I awkwardly turned in the multiple covers and kissed his lips, "You're lucky you're hot. I would never wake up before noon for anyone else."
He kissed me back, "Thank you for your sacrifice."
I reached for my glasses on the night stand and yawned as I put them on my face, "So what do you need my help with?"
"Well I actually wanted to make some brownies with you," he smiked.
Brownies? I thought.
   Today was one of those rare days BTS had off. The had just finished up a world tour right before the holiday season. I had thought that maybe he wanted to sleep in and enjoy a relaxing day full of nothing, but here he was wanting to actually bake something. Neither of us were very talented in that department. I made meals and desserts occasionally while his only real cooking expertise was eating rolls and locking squirrels in gardens.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yes!" he grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen.
   Right before we enter the kitchen he covered my eyes and rubbed up against me. I didn't believe that rubbing his crotch against my ass was really essential in guiding me safely into the kitchen, but I did not verbally complain about that. The chocolatey aroma was quite pleasant, but something had made it smell kind of off.
"Tae," I said, "Did you start without me already and burn it?"
"No, I just took out all the ingredients and placed them on the counter. Why? Do you smell it?"
"It? What is it?" I tried to remove his hands from my eyes.
"Hold on a minute Kait! Please promise you will keep them closed if I leave you alone for a second!"
"Okay fine," I laughed, "Just hurry. I can't handle surprises."
   I heard some clanging going around before I smelt what exactly Tae was talking about. He hovered it below my chin. I immediately began panicking because I knew how dangerous it was. Tae could lose everything is we actually used it.
"You can look jagiya."
   Right there in front of me was about four grams of that sweet sweet Mary Jane. Oh yes! He had brought marijuana into South Korea somehow. The scent of the kush infiltrated my nose. Holy fucking shit. I had not smoked or even smelled weed in so long, well actually more like a little over a month, but that was long enough for me. South Korea was one of the stricter countries when it came to weed or even drugs for that matter. Tae was risking it all for me.
"You got this? What the fuck!" I took it and set it down gently as if it could and would explode.
"Surprise!" he clapped and cheered, "What do you not like it?"
I embraced him, "I absolutely love it Tae, but we need to hurry up and use it before the police come. I mean, where the hell did you even get this? You are an idol! A drug lord would sell you out in a fucking heart beat."
"Baby I found it in your bag whenever you visit your family for Thanksgiving, didn't you buy it and smoke some while you were there?" he explained.
My eyes were widen from the shock, "I did, but I told my cousin to take the rest of it. How the hell did I get past fucking security?"
"I'm not sure. I found it stuck in between the inside fabric of your suitcase and the actual suitcase structure itself. Perhaps it was so small that security had missed it?" he shrugged his shoulders, "None of that matters now though. This is your Christmas gift...weed brownies!"
I was so happy I started to cry. Tae was absolutely the best boyfriend any could ever ask for. It really wasn't the weed that had made me overjoyed. It was the fact that he knew how much I missed it and decided to do a bunch of illegal shit for me. He risked his reputation, BTS, his very life...just so we could be tripping balls together.
He frowned," you not like weed brownies? We could just smoke it if you would like that more. I thought that making brownies might be a lot more fun."
My arms soon felt their way around him. I was a blubbering mess that cried into him and hit his upper chest. He wrapped his strong around me and petted my wavy and soft hair. He whispered sweet nothings in my ear trying hard to gently push my feeling back into their dingy cage.
"Thank you so fucking much. You have no idea how much you mean to me. This is a great gift, but you are the best gift of all! I love you with all of my very being Kim Taehyung!" I kissed his rose lips.
"Not as much as I love you Kaitlyn. My jagiya! No one else's!"
"Jealous?" I smiled.
"Honestly...a little. I sort of feel like when I am away you are so lonely. Being such a beautiful woman, I sometimes wonder if you will ever tire of me and go for some other lucky guy. But then I remember that you would never do that to me. You are loyal and compassionate. You are precious and patient. You are my beginning and end. You are my love Kait! I'll shout it from the rooftops if I need to," he held me tightly in his arms.
I looked up at him, "Thank you my love, but how about we not go on a rooftop when we are high?"
He smirked, "So you do want to try them?"
"I never said I did not want to," I broke our embrace and walked over to the rest of the ingredients, "So what do we do first?"
Tae stared at me for a few moments then spoke, "Jagiya...have you ever had sex while you were high?"

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