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"Just know my love for you will always stay the same."



Two whole days.

That was the time it took to get from the Palace to Kira, a small village against the outskirts. It was nearly at the border, the little town so unimportant that not even maps had it down sometimes.

And I'd been sent here, on a solo mission to assassinate a runaway fugitive.

Two days to get here, and two seconds for me to put a knife through his heart.

He crumples to the forest ground without a single noise, and I sigh as I toss the bloodstained weapon to the grass next to him.

I'd usually hide his corpse, but this was deep forest. It didn't seem like anyone would—


My eyes go wide. I turn to see a small boy, a tiny basket clutched in his hands as he walks. He hasn't seen me yet, but he looks scared.

A child?

"H-Hello!" He calls out a bit louder, and I quickly push the corpse under the bushes as he wanders closer. "Is anyone there? Hello—"


He whips around the moment I call him, and I kick the knife underneath the bushes as well when he sucks in a sharp breath. And then he comes running, a relieved smile on his face.

"I-I'm sorry." He says, adjusting the basket in his arms. I see it's half-full with berries and leaves. "Can you help me? I can't find my way back home."

I offer him a smile.

"Sure. Back to Kira?"

He nods excitedly. He barely comes up to my shoulder, and I frown as he sticks close to my side.

"How old are you? You barely look seven— you shouldn't have been out in the forests."

"What? I'm thirteen!" He says, blowing air into his cheeks. My eyes slightly widen in surprise— just two years younger than me? He looked so much like a child.

"It's just because my mom says I'm weaker than other boys." He says, fidgeting with his fingers. "But I'll grow tall and strong, just you wait."

I laugh. "Yes. Of course you will."

"What's your name? I'm Taehyung." He pipes up, and I blink in amusement when I see he's slipped his hand into mine. His hand is small, just like the rest of his body.


"Really? Can I call you Ki?" He says, and I nod, quickly shoving my free hand in my pocket when I see a bit of blood on the sleeve. "How old are you?"

"I'm fifteen." I say with a smile, and he pushes out his lips.

"That's not fair. How come you're so much taller than me?"

I pat his head. Now I can see he's one beautiful boy— even if his body is lanky and slender. His eyes are like large almonds, lips pressed into hearts and cheeks blushed from the sunlight.

"You'll get there soon, Taehyung."

"Where are you from?" He suddenly says, and I bite down on my tongue when he claps his hands excitedly. "I want to show you my garden. We're friends now, right?"

"Friends?" I say numbly, and he nods again. Did people make friends this easily?

"Yeah!" He says, almond eyes sparkling in my direction. But then they lose their glow a bit. "Not many people want to be friends with me. Because I can't run and play with them."

I narrow my eyes. "What?"

"My body's too weak. That's what everyone says." He mutters, lowering his head. "I'm really small too."

And I don't know what to say when he peeks up at me, smiling.

"But it's okay now that I have you. You'll see my garden, right?"

"Taehyung— I'm sorry." I say, and I wince watching his features freeze. But I was on a strict schedule— if I didn't arrive at the Palace two days from now, I'd be punished for wasting time.

But he's looking at me like that, and I finally sigh.

"Fine. But it can't take more than a half-hour."

He lets out a happy shout, clasping my hand again. And then he tilts his head. "Where are you from? Can't you stay?"

I shake my head.

"I'm from— somewhere far." I say, and his expression slightly falls hearing my answer. "I'm not from around here, Taehyung."

"But you'll visit me, right?"

I hesitate, before nodding.

"We'll see each other again."


The only thing I can think about is him.

I'd thought I'd forget over the time I'd taken to get back to the Palace, but it just feels stronger. The want to see his smiling, happy face again.

"Ki, pay attention." I hear Hyojin call, her voice sharper. "What's wrong? Ever since you've gotten back from Kira, you're daydreaming so much."

"Sorry, Unnie." I say, sighing as I force myself to focus on the target again. "I'll do better."

But she still has to call me back a multiple times during the next four hours we spend training, and I leave the room hissing and angry.

Angry at myself, for being this distracted with a boy.

Angry at her, for not understanding.

It's not her fault, I force myself to think as I rub my hurting shoulder. She's there to make me a stronger assassin.

Until I could visit him again, I had to stay focused and not distracted.


Two years later


I can't help but smiling in pleasure as I come back out of the leader's room. For all the progress I'd made over the last few years, he'd given me four days.

Four days to myself, which meant I could visit Taehyung again at Kira.

The moment I'm released, I go find my horse. I'd only be able to be with him for a few hours, because it was two days forth and two days back.

I'd forced myself to forget about him during the day when I was training, but that all came back during the nighttime. Somedays I would lie awake for the entire night, just thinking about him.

Sometimes I'd hate myself, for being this way over a single boy I'd met for just an hour or two back at Kira.

And I'd even ended up getting punished, those two years ago. I'd arrived later than the allowed time, and  I remember blaming him for the pain.

But the scars had faded, and so had the blame.

Only the want to see him again had grown stronger.



I'm curled up on the porch, having fallen asleep in the warm afternoon sun. The corners of my lips taste sweet from having eaten too much berries earlier.


My eyes snap open, and a wide smile blooms on my face when I see her. But then I force the smile back down, and curl back.

"Taehyung?" She repeats, sounding slightly confused now. My heart's racing inside my chest when I see her shadow come closer. "What's wrong?"

"I'm angry at you." I whisper, but I can't hide the happiness and relief from my voice. And she hears it.

"And why are you angry at me?" She says in amusement, tilting her head down at me. "What did I do, Taehyung?"

"Noona— you left me for two years!" I breathe, looking up now. She's even prettier than before now, dark hair pinned up behind her. "I thought you wouldn't come back!"

"Of course I would." She says, and I wrap my hand to hers. She smiles when I do, and it makes me smile too— a shy one.

"You've grown taller than before." She says, before raising an eyebrow. "Why are you calling me Noona? Did you forget my name?"

"Of course not, it's Ki." I quickly say, blinking. "But I forgot to call you that last time. You're older than me, remember?"

She sighs at my reason, and I press into her hand when she rests a hand on top of my head. "I guess it's fine."

"You've grown taller, Taehyung."

I'm about to burst in pride when I sink down again. My lips push into a pout, looking up at her slender figure.

"But I'm still a bit shorter than you."

"That's fine." She says, messing with my hair. "You'll grow even more, don't worry. You're only fifteen, aren't you?"

I nod, feeling a bit better. I can feel her smiling softly at me when I start playing with her hand, which is the same size as mine now.

"What's this?"

"Oh— I picked berries from my garden yesterday!" I say, excited again when she touches the corner of my lip with her thumb. "You should try it, Noona!"

She nods, but I can see her looking up at the skies.

"I'll be back quick."

I come back to her with a bowl full of raspberries, but she's only eaten two before she stands up.

My lips curve down in sadness, knowing that she has to go again. But it's not fair. She'd only been here for such a little time, and she had to leave me this fast already?

"I'm sorry." She says, and I look down at my feet, hand still wrapped tight around hers. "Taehyung, I have to leave."

She sighs quietly when I don't let go, bottom lip trembling.

"Please don't make this harder for me." I hear her say under her breath, and I swallow. "You know it kills me to do this, Taehyung."

"It's not fair."

"I know. But I'll be back." She says, voice softer now. I can feel tears in my eyes, and she can probably see them too. "That's something I'll promise on my life."

And I let her go.

But I still can't help but burst into tears the moment she disappears behind the walls.

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