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"Ever heard of Princess Charming?"

Cinderella twist-off, switch roles



This again.

It's always the same.

"I thought I told you not a single speck of dust."

My knuckles stretch taut as she hurls the metal bucket in my direction. It hurts where it hits my arm and crashes to the floor, with a piercing, metallic sound.

She screams.

"Do you not realize what you've done, you bastard?"

My teeth grind against each other as I hang my head forward. Then I deafen her insults to my mother, who had died birthing me.

I want to tear her mouth off her face, but doing that to my stepmother would get me nowhere.

"Relax, mother." A cold, smug voice echoes from the side. And I glance upwards as Avan walks in, dressed in a full suit and tie.

He smiles in my direction.

"I'll be sure to discipline V. Make sure he never does this again."

"You better. Make that bastard see exactly where his place is."

He continues smiling as she leaves, her face red and flushed. As soon as the door slams shut behind her, he unravels his tie and pulls up his sleeves.

I don't even make a noise when he slaps me right across the face.

"You never learn, do you?"

I stay silent.

Another blow. I lose my balance, crashing to the floor. This time, a suppressed cough jerks out of my throat.

He grips a handful of my hair. Then he forces my head upwards, bending down and tilting his face to the side. A slight wince twists my lips.

"Answer me, V."

He slaps me again.

"Answer. Can't you talk?"

"Or did your mother birth you mute?"

He lets me go all of sudden. And I crumple to the dirty, wooden floor, tasting blood on my tongue. I'd probably bitten it, when he'd hit me.

Avan curses colorfully as he dusts off the sleeve of his white dress shirt.

"Dammit. You got blood on my clothes."

"Listen now." He says, lowering himself down to my eye level. "Clean the entire house top to bottom. And when I return from the Gala, I expect a piping hot dinner for both my mother and I."

He shoves me away, with a smirk.

"Or it won't just be a bruise on your pretty face."

"Wish me luck tonight, with the Princess."

Then he leaves. And I'm left lying on the floor of the attic, the side of my cheek red and tender. I don't want to move— just want to die, in this position.

I close my eyes.

I want to fall asleep.

My rough fingertips brush against the rusted locket hanging from my neck. It's the only reminder I have of my late mother.

Countless times I'd cursed her. For bringing me into this world, into this family of strangers. That she should've taken me with her when she'd taken her last breath.

Gasping shallowly, I wrap a hand around my aching shoulder and stumble back up to my feet.

I struggle to find my balance.

They fed me only once in two days, to keep me weak and obedient. So I could never fight back, resist against any of them. And that if I ever did, so I could be struck down immediately.

I grip the metal bucket, my hands so roughened from servant work that I can barely feel the skin anymore.

Then I tense when I hear the door open again.


"You're coming with me." My stepbrother says, with an amused tone. I glance up in dull surprise as he blows off a piece of lint on his shined suit.

"Every noble needs a servant trailing him around like a dog, doesn't he?"



"I really don't understand why I gotta do this." I whine as Livi tightens the corset of my dress. "Why won't Father listen to me? I'm only eighteen! I can't get married!"

She sighs.

"Princess, eighteen is the ripe age for marriage. And all that His Majesty just wants you to do is look over the suitors that have come from all over the nation. He won't mind if you refuse to choose."

I bite my lip. "He needs to understand he's wasting a bunch of money for nothing. I'm not going to find anyone, Livi."

"You never know."

I gasp again as she pulls, one more time. The corset cinches my waist to an unbelievable width.

A choked breath leaves my lips. I'd had to get rid of it when Livi wasn't around to look, before I suffocated to death.

"Now come along."

I grumble, but follow after her anyway. The banquet hall is noisy and flashing with lights even before I step inside.

I already want to go back to my room.

"Good luck, Princess." Livi tells me before I step inside. The dark dress coming down to the floor swirls against my ankles, and I flash her a forced smile, making her laugh and shake her head.

I wasn't going to find anyone today.

I wasn't going to find anyone ever.

I slip into the massive hall. Already so many are dancing inside, drinking and having fun. And I don't even get the chance to grab a slice of chocolate cake before the first suitor is on me.

A well-dressed noble, with light hair and stunning violet eyes.

"Good evening, Your Highness."

"...hi." I murmur, my eyes flickering over his shoulder towards the table piled with cakes.

"May I introduce myself? I am Thelen Lacoste, from the House of—"

His words blur into the background. And my expression just turns to dismay as I slowly see a line of young men form behind him, waiting for their turn.

At this rate, I'd never get a cake.

I focus back on the talking man.

"...I think you are very beautiful."

"Thank you."

And I slowly feel myself turning into a droning machine, as time passes. The men in front of me keep changing, but it feels like they're all the same to me. Their words are nothing special— meant to charm a lady, all empty words.

An hour passes by.

Then another.

"Thank you."

"Thanks a lot, I appreciate you saying that."

"You too. Have a good day."

Then my thoughts, which had been a gray, blurry mass all this time, turn clear. My bored eyes suddenly turn intrigued as I look up, staring straight over the shoulder of the man that had come talk to me next.

Holy crap.

He is absolutely beautiful.

"Good evening, Princess." The man with golden hair and blue eyes says, but I can't listen to a single word he's saying. My mouth is parted in wonder, eyes fixed at a tall young man with pale skin and hair as dark as night.

He is the first one that I haven't met eyes with tonight.

He's stunning, even though he's dressed in nothing but servant clothing. He must be servant to this man talking to me now.

But there is an aura around him that screams nothing but regality. His eyes are not on me, but around the room. His head is slightly tilted forward, but it doesn't seem to be out of submissiveness. His voice is silence itself.

I want him.

The desire turns stronger with each passing second I look at him. I want to get to know him, want to talk to him. I want to learn what he likes and dislikes.

"Your Highness!"

My head jerks back towards the noble man.

His expression is stormy. He doesn't even bother to hide the anger from his face as he looks at me, then at his quiet, attractive servant.

His jaw tightens as he gives me a taut smile.

"I would love for you to focus on me just a little bit more, Princess."

"Of course." I whisper, a little taken aback. He'd nearly yelled at me just now.

"My apologies."

But for all he demands of me, he's exactly just like the others. My eyes slowly find way back to the servant, to his dark, shadowed eyes and the rusted, golden locket hung around his neck.

I wonder if the locket is anything special to—

"I want to ask for your hand in marriage."

My eyes flash back to the nobleman in surprise. Usually suitors weren't so outright— especially with me. I thought it was known nationwide that I would never accept such a blatant request.

I give him a practiced smile.

"I'm afraid that I'm going to have to say no."

He smiles back at me.

"I see. I'll take my leave, then."

He twists on his feet, and leaves. My eyes linger on the back of his young servant as he disappears into the crowd. And I'm about to attend to the next person when I glimpse something golden on the floor.

It's the locket.

My eyes turn wide.

"Excuse me." I say to the next suitor as I scoop up the fallen locket. Then I rush after the direction of where the both of them had gone.

The clasp had broken. The metal is cold against my fingertips, as I notice how old and worn it is.

It had to be something personally important to that servant.

I search for him and his master, all that night.

But it's like they both disappeared into thin air.



He hits me, for no reason.

All I'd done was stand there. Was he furious that things hadn't gone his way? He had been the one that had forcefully taken me.

I hadn't even wanted to go in the first place.

"You fucker."

My back slams into the window. Shards of shattered glass rain down on my body as I lie there motionless, blood running from a cut above my eye. My body feels warm with pain.

The glass breaking draws the attention of others.

"What's going on here?"

The shrill voice of my stepmother.

I shiver, feeling glass against my fingertips as Avan whips around. He laughs wildly.

"Mother. I was just teaching this son of a bitch a lesson."

I feel her cold glance, before she shuts the door again.

"Alright, then. Just make sure it doesn't get any louder— I wouldn't want any rumors to spread."

"Of course. I'll keep it quiet."

The door clicks shut. And the dull sound of a lock clicking into place echoes against my ear.

He grips a handful of my collar. His eyes don't look sane as he forces me to look at him, his fingertips rough against my chin.

"Why do you think I'm angry with you?"

I don't know.

I did what you asked of me.

"Because it looks like you genuinely don't understand." He hisses, his dress shirt stained with my blood. "Just from your fucking eyes. Let's start there."

He throws me to the floor.


I gaze up at him.

"I said kneel!"

I do what he says. But something still must not satisfy him, because for some reason he just seems angrier.

"What did she find so interesting in you?"


He scoffs. Then he scowls.

"That bitch just must have been crazy."

I don't expect it when he simply turns and leaves. I'd thought I might die tonight, with how furious he had been.

My hand reaches for my neck.

My fingertips only brush against skin.


And suddenly I can't breathe as I realize that the locket isn't in its usual place around my neck. My eyes frantically flicker around the attic, searching for the worn, golden necklace.

I find nothing.

Had I lost it back at the Palace?



Panic consumes me. If I'd really lost it back there, then it was gone. There would be no way I'd ever get it back.

I rush towards the pile of glass.

Cold air pours through the broken window as I shift through the shards with my bare hands, blood staining the glass red. But I don't find a single thing, even when I reach the bottom of the pile.

My hands are covered with cuts.

A sharp laughter bursts from my lips.

I'd lost it.

Something wet slips down my cheek, along with the blood. And I laugh, harder when I realize that I'm crying. Why was I crying? I didn't care. It was just a locket, worth a copper coin or two.

And I hated my mother, didn't I? For birthing me, for dying. For leaving. I should have thrown that old thing away in the first place.

It didn't mean anything to me.

My laughter turns to rough, rapid breaths.


It did not.



"I found the guy I want to marry."

There's a silence. Then I jump back when Livi spits out an entire mouthful of herbal tea, straight on the floor of my room. I give her a wide look— we both give each other wide looks.

"What did you just say?"

I show her the locket.

"I'm going to find him." I say, with an excited look. "Then I'm going to give him this and ask if he wants to be my Prince. Do you think it's a good idea?"

I pout. "Or is that too outright?"

Livi looks like she has no idea what to do with me.

"Of course that's too outri— Your Highness, who?"

"It's just this really cute guy I saw."

"So who?"

"...I don't know. I think he's a servant— I couldn't get his name or anything because his master was talking, but he—"

I catch her head, tilted to the side in uncertainty.

"A servant? Princess..."

"He's the one I want." I stress, looking down at the locket. "I'm going to look for him, starting now. Because I have to give this back to him anyways— then I'm going to ask if he wants to marry me. Then..."

Livi purses her lips.

"Then what?"

I give her a determined look.

"I'm going to introduce him to my father, obviously. You have no idea how intriguing he is."

"Besides," I flash her a smile.

"How hard can it be to find someone who is that special?"


4 years later

"And yet you still haven't found him."

I sit glumly in front of Livi. She divides my thick, sable hair into three strands, before braiding them together with swift flicks of her fingers.

"You do understand you're running out of time, Remi. You're twenty two. His Majesty is growing anxious by the day."

"I'm going to find him."

I grasp the locket around my neck.

"I'm really going to find him."


I clench my teeth. For the past four years, I'd tried everything. Tried sending out guards to check every house, held several more balls and suitor meets. I'd even gone out to the Commons nearly every single day, whenever I'd had time.

But nothing.

"...I don't know yet, but—"

"Didn't His Majesty give you until the end of this month? Before he marries you off to the Eastern Prince?"

"That's only a week, Remi."

I sigh defeatedly as she adjusts a huge summer hat on top of my head.

"I know."

"But I still gotta try."

Dusting off the front of my white summer dress, I give her a bright smile and leave for the door. No one would recognize me under this huge hat— no one would even be able to see my face.

Livi taps at her wrist.

"Back by five, Princess. You have your lessons then, and dinner."

I nod.

Then I walk out into the sun, feeling my heart beat a little faster. Even though four years had passed by without a single step forward, I'd never forgotten him.

I'd honestly never believed I would become this obsessed with just a person I'd seen for barely five minutes.

With a basket on my forearm, I stroll through the sunlit Square. The Commons is full of people selling and buying things— this was where I'd guessed I'd have the most chance in finding him.

I glance at the clock.

It was four thirty.

I only had half an hour.

Tucking a curl of my dark hair over my ear, I search through the crowd. I'd gotten good at this over the years— sifting through an entire crowd with a single glance.

Ten minutes pass.

Then twenty.

I start to get a little agitated as the clock ticks down to five. Even though I'd expected this already, Livi was right.

If I didn't find him within a week, I'd be forced into marriage with some pompous Prince from the East.

And I—

My eyes land on a figure across the Square from me.



My heart starts to crash into my chest. But it's only a moment, and the tall figure disappears back into the crowd. But I'm already running, yelling excuse me to everyone I'm bumping into.

I'd felt it.

It's him.

It's him, it has to be.

Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.


The basket swings wildly on my arm as I run, dashing and weaving through the crowd. I couldn't lose him— could not lose him.

I just run, in the direction I'd seen him. My eyes are only fixed on the back of his head, nowhere else.

He's tall, making it easier to see him.

But he's disappearing.

I run faster. The only thought in my head right now was that I couldn't lose him, no matter what the consequences were. Even if I had to say sorry to a hundred people I'd nearly toppled over, I needed to—

My shoulder slams hard into someone.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" I shout, already running. He was so close.

Right there.

But the moment I reach for him, a rough hand wraps around my wrist and jerks me back. I let out a surprised yelp as I'm pulled away in an instant.



"What about a proper apology?"

I glance back at the man who'd pulled me back. He's tall and muscular, and looks really really pissed off. I'd honestly be scared, if I wasn't so desperate.

"I'm so sorry." I speak rapidly, my hands waving apologetically. "But I need to go. I'm so sorry."

I turn to run again.

"Get the hell back here."

He pulls me back again, so much more roughly this time. My hat nearly topples off my head as I trip over my own feet and land bottomfirst on the cobblestones, my basket tumbling a few feet away from me.

Now I'm scared.


"Did no one ever teach you manners?" He growls, coming closer. "Apologize to me. Properly."


"I'm sorry..." I squeak, getting more panicked by the second.

"Your hat." He hisses. "Let me see your face."

The panic gets a thousand times worse when he reaches for my sun hat. If he took it off, everyone here would realize who I was.

I push it lower down my head.

"N-N-No, you can't—"


A low, baritone voice.

"Let her stand."

I peek up. And I nearly can't believe my eyes.

It's the servant. I recognize him almost immediately— even though he's changed, a lot from before. All the youth had fallen from his face.

His sheer beauty almost makes me forget why I'm here on the ground like this.

The man spits to the side. "Let the bitch apologize."

I flinch at the word thrown at me. I wasn't used to hearing something like that at all.

But then all of a sudden, a rough hand wraps around my wrist and tugs me away from the crowd. It's him, and the skin of his palm is tough and blistered against my soft, pale skin.

I look up, my heart about to beat out of control.

"She already did."

He pulls me away. I can hear the man shout in protest behind us, but the only thing I can focus is him and his hand around my wrist.

My eyes flicker.

He's more than I'd ever imagined him to be.

His dark, brooding aura surrounds him like a shadow. His skin is golden from the sun, dark, long hair pulled back from his face. He towers an entire head over me.

He's broad, yet slender. His body is lean and muscled from heavy work.

He pulls me into the darkness of an alley.

Then he says something that I don't expect for him to say.

"That's mine."

I blink.

"Sorry, what...?"

"Why do you have this?" He whispers, gripping the locket hanging around my neck. "This is mine. You—"

His voice is hostile— not gentle at all.

"Who are you?"

I swallow. Then slowly, I undo the strap of the sun hat and pull it off my head. His eyes narrow in realization, but stay cold as I try my very best not to stutter.

"I've been looking for you."

"Because I wanted to give this back, ever since you dropped it four years ago."

He snarls.


"I'm not a noble, Princess. I'm the bastard son of House Kaya. I can offer you nothing in return. Try and take advantage of me, you will not find a single thing you can use."


Bastard son.

That's why I couldn't find him anywhere, even in the records. Maybe his family hadn't even chosen to put his existence into writing.

"I'm not trying to take advantage of you." I murmur. "I don't want anything from you, okay? That's not what I'm here for."

I shift my hands behind my neck to unclasp the locket. But the clasp is so small, and my hands are so shaky.

A few awkward seconds pass.

"I just..." I start, trying to fill up the tense silence. "I just want to give this back to you, and—"

My fingers keep slipping, with how clammy and sweaty they are.

Dammit! Why won't this just please come loose so I could stop embarrassing myself in front of him?

Then his voice cuts through the air.

"Keep it."

"It doesn't mean anything to me."

"W-Wait!" I shout when he turns away. My cheeks are burning as he turns, eyes objective and dull. This was nothing like how I'd expected things to go.

He couldn't leave, like this. I'd searched for him for four years.

"Please wait."

My head is spinning.

Do I just say it? But now that he's actually in front of me, looking at me in a way worse than a stranger, I didn't know—

His lip twists. And I realize the corner of it is torn, slightly bloodied. It's a fresh wound.

"Just tell me what you want."

I don't know.


"I like you."

Now he's looking at me like I'm a crazy person.

"I-I mean, from the moment I met you I've been really intrigued, and I know this sounds really weird because this is like the first time we're ever talking to each other, but..."

I breathe. No way to say this in any other way.

"Yes, I like you. I like you a lot."

Then I peek up at him, more terrified than I'd ever been in my entire life.

He sighs.


"Find someone else to play games with."

I jerk in surprise.

"What? No!"

I grip his wrist. I'm painfully aware that I probably look like a complete psychopath now, but I didn't want him to think that way. I didn't.

"I'm not playing any games."

He laughs sharply, bitterly.

"So you want me to do what? Marry you?"


He sighs, and shakes away my hand.


I blink at his sweeping, narrow gaze.

"Don't be ridiculous."

"You have your place, Princess."

"And I have mine."


If he really thought I was going to give up this easily, he's a thousand times wrong.

"House Kaya." I whisper to myself, as I flip through the palace nobility records. "Kaya."

It doesn't take me too long to find the page.

The Head of the House was Caen Kaya, married to Liladora Ellen Kaya. The records show that they only have one son— Avan Kaya.

I don't see anyone else.

He'd called himself a bastard child.

I probe my memory, from four years ago. Back then I'd thought that he was a servant, but now I realize he's being abused and mistreated inside of his own home. That blonde man with blue eyes must've been Avan Kaya.

And I could remember how rough his hands were, full of healed blisters and calluses.

The more I learn, the more he intrigues me.

I shut the book.


An excited smile ghosts on my lips.

I really couldn't wait for tomorrow.



Does she think I really haven't noticed her trailing behind me for the last quarter hour?

I turn.

And in the peripheral vision of my eye, I see the Princess dash behind the corner of an alley, the ends of her sun dress clearly showing against the gray-toned wall.

What is wrong with her?

Did she not have anything better to do than to follow a low-class slave around like this?

She follows me, all the way to the well.

I see her watching me— so blatantly I can't tell if she really wants to stay hidden or if she really is just terrible at this.

When the bucket is full of water, I reach down and pull it out of the well. It's heavy, and the rough handle hurts the cuts on my hands from this morning.

Avan had been out drinking all night.

And I'd been the one that he'd taken out his anger on.

Wincing, I set the water bucket on the ground and flex my hands. My palm is raw and tender, a fresh scar running across the middle. It bleeds a little, stinging with pain.

I sigh.

And I'm about to pick it up again when two small, soft hands wrap around the handle.

The Princess.

She tips her sun hat to the side, giving me a bright smile before pushing the hat back down over her head.

I stare at her in surprise.

I hadn't expected her to be this outright.

Or maybe I should have.

"Just thought you might need some help." She says cheerfully, clearly struggling to even move the bucket a single inch off the ground. "You—"

She gasps.

And I tense when I follow her eyes, fixed on my open palm. I quickly pull it back, cursing softly under my breath.

Damn it.

She looks up at me.

"Can I see your hand real quick?"

"You may not." I murmur. Then I take the bucket from her, making her squeak in shock. "Go back home, Princess. Wasn't I clear enough yesterday?"

She blocks my way.

"Put that down right now. You can't be carrying stuff that heavy when your hand—"

She glares at me.

"Just let me at least bandage it."

"It isn't necessary."

"It is. Are you blind? That's about to turn into an infection real soon if no one does anything about it, okay?"

She pulls the bucket out of my hand. Then she forcefully opens my palm, her gaze trembling a little bit from the dried blood there.

She probably has never seen blood before.

I watch her. Her fingers are soft and smooth— so different from the calluses covering mine.

I give her a bitter, amused smile.

"Not used to seeing blood, are you?"

"I have seen it, actually." She says, as she unravels a small cloth tied around her wrist. It's a small, silk handkerchief, and I can't help but smirk a little at the way she treats the cut. She's acting as if it I might just die from this.

"Are you planning to take the rest of the day, Princess?"

I feel her glare on me again as I take the cloth from her and wipe the blood in one swift motion.


She glances at the clock as she takes the handkerchief back. Then she taps at her own palm, spreading out her fingers.

"Do it like this."

I hesitate.

"Come on." She says. And when I do, she wraps the cloth around my palm. Her eyes are focused downwards as she chews on her lip.

"I don't even have that much time left, you know?"

I sigh.

"To stalk me around, you mean?"

She freezes, her eyes widening. My voice is lower.

"Princess, I've given you my answer yesterday. Do I have to remind you of it again? And do I also have to remind you, that I am the unwanted child of a declining House?"


"I told you that doesn't matter to me."

The words pause on my tongue. And she looks at me, her gaze firm. Just like yesterday.

"I don't care. I don't care about all that." She says, clenching her hands together. "I told you that I liked you, didn't I? So I'm going to try my best to court you, and make you change your mind."

My expression chills.

"That's never going to happen."

I search her determined eyes.

What did she want?

There had to be something else she wanted. Something she would take the moment I gave her my trust, and then throw me away. It had been like that, all my life.

Nobles were selfish. They were cold and cruel, underneath a mask.

But the Princess.

She smiles.

"Well, I'm going to keep trying until you do, okay?"



His name is V.

V Serra Kaya— Serra his late mother's name, and Kaya his father's.

That's got to be the most attractive name I've ever heard.

The very next day, I'm out again— the moment I'm finished with my lessons. I had a one-hour break between four to five, before my evening lessons started.

He always goes to the well at this time.

This time, I don't bother to hide myself. When I catch him walking, I just start running up to him behind his back, sun hat bouncing on my head.

I'm about to tap him on the back when someone gets to him first.

I immediately stumble backwards.

It's him.

The man who had been with V, and had brought him along like a servant at the Ball that day. His mean face had turned even meaner with time, with blonde hair slicked back and eyes narrowed.

Avon Kaya.

I quickly shuffle to the side. V doesn't look like he's seen me— and I push my sun hat lower down on my head, blending into the crowd nearby.


"What?" Avon repeats in a mocking tone, his smile toxic. "Just on my way back from the party, and I see you. I wanted to say hi— haven't seen each other for a while, have we?"

V tightens his jaw. And I tense, as I notice him flex his injured hand.

My handkerchief is still there.

And he notices, the same time I do.

"What's this?"

He grips V's wrist, jerking up his hand closer to his face. I flinch when he barks out a harsh laugh, tearing off the silk cloth I'd bandaged around his palm yesterday.

"I would've never imagined."

"Have you found a whore to play around with or something?"

I freeze as he tosses the bloodstained cloth to the ground.

He'd just...

"What did you just say?"

"What did I say? You heard what I said." Avon smirks, crushing the cloth under his boot. "Did I make you angry? You really met some bitch, didn't you? Is she another slave?"

He tilts his head. "Is she pretty?"

"I might take her in, just to fuc—"

The bucket clatters to the ground. And I hear a woman scream as V crashes a fist into his stepbrother's jaw, sending him flying backwards into a cart full of fruit.

Apples and oranges scatter on the cobblestones.

Before I can even think, V's on him again. He grips a handful of his collar and pulls him up from the broken remains of the cart, throwing him onto the center of the market square.

Avon's styled hair is wild and specked with dirt.

And he climbs back up to his feet, his blue eyes blazing with shock and fury as he stares at V.

"You fucking bastard. You—"

"Shut your damn mouth."

It's all so one-sided. The blonde noble is no match for V, whose body is fit and powerful with years of brutal work. He'd just never chosen to show it, always taking the abuse without a word.

But now he isn't holding back.

I snap out of my daze when a crowd starts to form around them. And I realize just how bad this is going to turn out.

Servants could get hanged— they could get killed for beating up their masters.

I had to get him away to somewhere safe before the soldiers came.

I break from the circle of people, rushing over the wooden debris of broken carts. Several voices yell at me to back away, but I lunge forward— gripping the back of V's shirt.

"V! Stop! The soldiers are going to come soon, and I—"

I should've been more careful.

He whips around, turning too quickly with bloodlust still deep in his eyes. He turns too fast, and his hand catches on the rim of my hat.

Both our eyes widen as the sun hat is knocked off of my head.

My face is out in front of the entire crowd.


V curses under his breath as I stutter, trying to hide my face with my hands. My mind is blank with panic.

I couldn't— I couldn't let them see me. If my father heard that I'd been sneaking out during my lessons then he would...

Then a soft fabric wraps around my entire head, hiding my face. My eyes widen underneath my hands as I'm suddenly swept off of my feet, into someone's arms.

It smells like pine. And mint. And a little bit sweet, like honey and trees.

I must be going a bit crazy.

Is this V?

It has to be, right?

I feel him running, with me in his arms. And I'm a little worried that I might be a bit heavy— such a stupid thought when I should be worrying about other things.

Then it's over.

He lets me down.

The moment my feet touch steady ground, I find my balance and shuffle the cloth he'd thrown over me off my head.

"Thank you so—"

My words cut off mid-sentence.

Oh my goodness.

He had put his shirt over me.

And all I can see for the next second is his toned, golden skin, stretched taut over his chest and shoulders. His body ripples with lean strength.

I'm so distracted that I don't even notice that he's pulled his shirt back out of my hands.

He gives me a look, pulling it back over his head.

"Have you never seen a man undressed before or do you just not even bother to make your staring subtle?"

I gasp.

"S-Sorry." I stutter, a heavy blush covering my cheeks. "I didn't mean to...I mean, I did mean to, but I really didn't at the same time—"

I could not sound more like an idiot than I do now.

I push my head down.

"What I'm trying to say is thanks for helping me. I really can't let my father know that I'm doing this everyday, and those people will spread the rumor to the edges of the kingdom within two hours, I'm sure of it."

I peek up. "But what about you? Are you okay?"

He nods. But I know he isn't.

"No you're not. He's going to get you hanged if he sees you again." I say worriedly, remembering how rotten his stepbrother had seemed.

"Come with me to the Palace, V. I can get you somewhere safe to stay."

He shakes his head.

"I'll be fine by myself, Princess."


"Please come with me." I whisper, my hands tightening together. "I really— I really just want to help. This isn't just because I like you."

Because this happened because of me. I'd given him that handkerchief yesterday.


His eyes shift down to mine when I falter. There's a brief silence, until his voice cuts through the air.

"Then I'll have to thank you. I wasn't really telling the truth when I said that."

I give him a wide smile.

I knew it.

"Promise you won't regret it. I really promise."

I'm so happy that I completely forget as I bounce out of the alley.

A large, slender hand wraps around my wrist, pulling me back into the shadows.

"Your face, Princess."

He gives me a look.

"Wait here."

Then he disappears. Not even a moment later he's back, with a gray newsboy cap.

I give him a smile as I push it down over my head.

"Thank you."

I couldn't wait. I really couldn't.

My heart beats rapidly as I walk down the streets of the marketplace, so conscious of his steady, comforting presence right behind me.

I'm really glad the cap is pushed down deep enough to hide this blush on my cheeks.


"Wait, what?"

"There's no more space for another servant, Your Highness," The head maid tells me, her face serious. "We're fully hired."

No, no.

I go to the cook next. But he tells me no, and I slowly grow more depressed by the second as I sequentially get rejected by the head guard, the scribe, and even the library keeper.

This can't be happening.

I get more anxious as the seconds tick by. He must be waiting right now, wondering what was taking me so long.

I frown and sigh.

This was all because he insisted to work, if he was to stay here. I had told him that he really didn't have to, but he'd shaken his head and looked at me with firm, dark eyes.

I won't stay if I cannot work, Princess.

And I was afraid he really might leave if I didn't find him something.

I sigh again.

If only I could make him my personal servant. But I already had Livi, and father would definitely find out if I had a male servant.

I would eventually have to tell him I was planning to marry him, but not now.

Only after I got V to love me back. Only then.

I'm about to give up when someone calls me.

"Your Highness?"

I turn around. It's the palace gardener— I recognize the old man, who always kept our massive garden in perfect shape.

"I heard you were going around, looking for a spot for a new worker?"

Oh my goodness.

"Yes— yes, I am." I say hurriedly, nodding.

"I'm looking for a young one to help me." He smiles, his mouth crinkling kindly up in the edges. My expression brightens.

He was so nice. When I was young, he used to give me the sweetest peaches from the peach trees

This was great.

I smile.


"Your Highness, who in the world have you been staring at for the past three hours?"

I jump.

Livi's right next to me, her eyes searching over my shoulders and out the glass window. I blush when she finds V, the old gardener with him.

She blinks.

"I haven't seen him before."

"His name's V."

She gives me a sidelong glance. "V?"

"Mhm." I say, gaze drifting back to watching him. He's listening intently as the gardener tells him something about the rose bush in front of them, his expression deep in focus.

Livi looks back and forth at me.

"So you've given up on your mysterious crush?"

"He's my mystery crush, Livi."

She freezes. "What?"

I explain to her everything that happened. How we met, how I'd been going out to see him. Who he was, and how I'd brought him back with me.

I sigh softly.

"Isn't he so beautiful?"

"He is. I can see why you fell for him, Princess." She admits, and I just nod dazedly. Her lips purse.

"But do you think the King will approve? You do understand you have five days."

"I don't care if he doesn't let me. If V ends up liking me back, I'm not going to let anything stop me."

Her mouth drops open.

"He doesn't find interest in you?"

My eyes turn a little forlorn. And I look at his gorgeous face, deep in concentration as he handles a pair of shears. My gaze skims over his toned forearms before flitting away with a blush.

"I don't think so."

I squeeze my mouth tightly in determination.

"But I'm going to make him fall in love with me in five days. Father made a promise with me that I could marry anyone I want before the end of this month."

I can do it.

I had to.

I look down at my hands. The Eastern Prince was a cruel womanizer— who looked at women like they were his toys. And if I didn't make V fall in love with me, I would end up being one of his playthings.

I could not— could not get married to him. I would rather die.

"I have to do this."

Livi makes a noise.

"Then start now, Remi. Go down to him. Staring at him from six hundred meters away is not going to make a difference."

"You're right."

I burst up to my feet. Then I give Livi a twirl, in my white dress.

"Do I look okay right now? How do I look?"

She laughs under her breath.

"You look like you just woke up."

"Come, Princess."

Livi smiles as she throws open my closet door.

"Let's get you married off to this man."


I do feel beautiful in this flower dress.

"Hi— Hello." I correct as I wave my hand slightly. I'd read a couple books on this the night before, and all of them had said men were attracted to classy elegance.

I had to be regal. Like the Princess I was.

V looks up. And my heart nearly stops at how even more beautiful he looks, close up like this. His sleeves are pulled up, and his dark hair is swept messily back from his forehead with the sweat.

"How's it— Is everything going okay?" I ask, tucking my hair back.

The gardener gives a hearty laugh.

"You brought a good one to this old man, Your Highness! He's a looker and a worker!"

I flush.

Then a low voice cuts through my jitters.

"Thank you, Princess."

I look up. And V smiles at me, his eyes turning to two dark slits and lips tilting upwards. The sun lights his face a soft gold.

"For all of this."

"Y-You're welcome." I stutter, cringing at how shaky I sound. His smile had completely thrown me off just now—completely thrown me off.

I can feel myself blushing. Blushing a lot.

"I'm gonna get, uh, going then." I say, my body stiff as I turn around, like a robot. "I'll see you at dinner maybe...hopefully?"

I do not sound regal at all right now.

The gardener chuckles quietly under his breath. He's clearly caught on, and I just blush even harder as V tilts his head.

"Dinner, Princess? Wouldn't I eat with the other servants?"

Oh my gosh. What am I saying right now?

I had to leave. I was absolutely losing my mind.

I creak away like a metal can, feeling terrible as I rush back to Livi. I'd basically turned all her hard work into making me a beauty to nothing.

She sighs when I dash back into my room and throw myself onto my bed, smothering underneath the blankets.

"Princess, I have never ever seen you that nervous around anyone."

I groan.

"I can't do this."

"He seemed to find you cute."


I jerk back out, up in a sitting position.


"Him." She motions out the window. "V."

My eyes widen, as I try to push down my streak of hope.

"Stop lying to me. He probably thought I was the biggest weirdo ever."

She shrugs. And then she goes back to folding a pile of clothes, leaving me curious and burning with heat.

Found me cute?



Time to try again.

Livi had told me to relax. To calm down.

But my heart's already doing the opposite of that as I stand outside his closed door, with a jar of salve in my hands.

The gardener had caught on, like I'd thought earlier. He'd tipped me off that V had cut his hand on a rose thorn this evening, and that maybe I would like to bring him some salve instead of him.

So now I'm shifting on foot to foot outside the doorway.

Finally I knock.


The door clicks open.

I'm calm. I'm—


He's dressed in a white shirt, a towel slung around his neck. His hair is wet as if he had just finished washing.

"Why are you..."

"The gardener wanted me to take this to you."

He notices the jar of salve.

Then he shifts, moving to the side.

"I see. Come in."

He closes the door behind me. And I can't help but slowly feel the anxiety come back as I put down the tray on the table.

Stop it.

Just act casual.

"I heard you cut your hand." I say, plopping down on the edge of his bed. "You have to be careful, V."

His weight makes the bed dip as he sits next to me. The candlelight flickers on the nightstand, lighting the room in a dim, intimate gold.

"I really was."

"Does it hurt?" I ask as I examine the small, red cut on the back of his hand. He shakes his head.

Then I feel his eyes somewhere else.

"You still wear this?"

He touches the locket around my neck.


"Just...Just because." I say. I really don't have the courage to tell him that everything that reminded me of him, I wanted it close with me.

His fingertips fall away.

"It suits you, Princess."

"It suits you very well."


"Did you know you talk very regally?" I say, avoiding his eyes. "You— sometimes you make me think you're a noble or something. I'm...I'm a Royal, and you seem much Royal to me than I do."

I swallow.

"Honestly everyone seems much Royal than me."

He speaks quietly.

"You are very elegant, Princess. And very beautiful. Do not put yourself down like that."

My heart starts to race.

"Just...Just something I was thinking."

He called me beautiful.

But the flutters in my chest fall away the moment he purses his lips and turns his head.

"You should leave— it's getting late and I know you have an event early in the morning tomorrow."

He's keeping his distance.

Because he doesn't like me.

"Oh yeah." I say as I stand up quickly, my cheeks heating again. "The equestrian event, right? A lot of people are coming— do you think you can come?"

I really wanted him to come. Riding was a strength of mine and I wanted to show him that I actually had something that I was good at other than acting like a dimbo.

He blinks uncertainly.

"I don't think I am."


"I-I mean, that's okay." I say, giving him an awkward smile as I leave. "Have a good night, V."

"Good night, Princess."

The door closes.

And only when it does do I let the disappointment show on my face.


It's early in the morning.

And I'd been feeling terrible, right up until now. Blue had come down with a sickness— and the keeper had told me that I wouldn't be able to ride her until she'd gotten better.

Then he'd given me this dark black stallion that I could barely keep any control over.

He also kept snorting at me, and I was pretty sure he didn't like me at all even after I'd given him sugar cubes.

And it had also started to rain a little— a cold, dreary type of rain that I'd need to ride in with an uncooperative horse.

But now.

An uncontrollable smile blooms on my face when I see V, standing by the lanes with his arms full of daisies. He's decorating the empty flower stands.

He's here.

And he seems to light up the entire place, with his presence. The white daisies in his arms are so distinctive against the soft rain.


"Alright, Ace." I whisper down to the dark stallion, brushing his mane as I feed him another sugar cube. "We're going to do well together. Just bear with me a little, okay?"

He snorts again.

The rain continues. I brush the droplets out of my lashes as I get ready for my turn, my eyes flickering towards V's direction every once in a while.

Just do well.

Finally, it's my turn. My cheeks are struggling not to heat as I do the Princess wave, smiling and bowing slightly to all the nobility out here. Ace is behaving, and I whisper sweet words to him as we trot up to the starting line.

"Good boy. We're going to get the gold, aren't we?"

I smile as he shakes his mane out.

Maybe we were going to get along after all.

I take a deep breath as the starting horn sounds. Then I urge Ace into a fast gallop, my eyes fixed straight forward at the first fence.

We fly over the first fence. And I suppress a smile as I hear several gasps of awe.

Ace is a jumper, and definitely a looker. His dark mane whips in the air at the wind, like a streak of a shadow as he charges towards the second obstacle.

"Ready?" I whisper, tightening my grip.

I squeeze my legs tightly against his side. And as he sails over the high fence, I start to enjoy myself.

What a huge mistake that was.

The excited smile disappears off my face the moment he suddenly veers off course.

"...Ace? Ace!"

I desperately pull the rein the other way, commanding him to stop. But he doesn't, and panic starts to come all over me as he gains speed, straight towards the thick forest.

I hear screams behind me.

This can't be happening.

"Halt! Halt, Ace, please!"

We're getting closer. And closer.

And I squeeze my eyes close as Ace breaks through the thick underbrush of the forest, taking me straight into the woods and deeper.



The horse had gone wild.

Screaming of both men and women are all around me. The women are screaming in panic— and the men are yelling orders. And not even a single soldier is going after the Princess.

I curse.

The flowers fall from my hands as I run, towards where the horse had gone. It had broken straight through the underbrush— leaving branches broken and torn. It would be easy to track where it had gone.

The rain falls relentlessly.

My jaw sets at the thought of the Princess, terrified and soaked down to her skin on top of that horse.

I needed to find her.



The only thing I can hear is the sound of my own breathing.

Ace had taken me deep. He'd taken me really deep, and had chucked me off a muddy hill. Then he'd run off, to nowhere.

I whimper quietly.

I think I broke a rib or something.

I can't breathe properly. Maybe it's from getting the wind knocked out of my chest, or maybe it's from the shock from tumbling all the way down here. I don't know— I'm too disoriented to tell.

I need to get up.

The rain splatters against my face. And I shift, the slightest bit. Another whimper bursts from my lips as pain streaks up my spine.


I really screwed up today.

My face is stained with mud. So I don't think I should be crying, but I can't stop the tears from coming out of my eyes. I feel so stupid now.

It feels so stupid that I was so happy that I could show off to him, like some childish brat. That I could show to him that I wasn't completely talentless at everything.

The tears turn to sobs.

I feel so worthless.

I feel—


Warm hands wrap around my body. And I flinch sharply at the familiar voice— the voice of the one person I really loved but really didn't want to see right now.

"V." I squeak.

Then I burst into tears.

"What's wrong? Where does it hurt?"

"I can't—" I suck in a shallow breath. "I can't breathe. Every...Every time I breathe, it hurts and I—"

I'm soaked down to my skin. I shiver as he shifts the hair out of my face, his fingers gentle as he checks my side.

I glimpse him squeeze his lips together.

"Why? Is it bad? Is—"

"Shh. It's fine."

My bottom lip trembles. And suddenly, as I'm curled up in his arms covered in blood, mud, and rain, it all hits me. It just hits me like a truck.

How stupid I am.

How I'm going to get married off to the Eastern Prince in just a few days.

How I was never, ever going to get V to love me back. Not when I was always showing him sides like this.

"Why are you crying?"

"No reason." I sniffle, covering my swollen, red eyes. "Don't look at me. Not right now."

This is so embarrassing.

Then his soft voice echoes, through the rain. His palm touches my cheek. It's so warm, against the cold, pale skin.

"Don't cry, Princess."

He's just so unfair.

"Y-You know what, V?"

"You're really—You're really mean. I know you don't like me, okay? You don't like me back the way that I do, and I'll probably have to move on. But how— how do you expect me to move on when you're the first person that comes to help me, and when you're holding me like this a-and telling me all these things? How do you expect me to not love you any more than I already do?"

My eyes feel so puffy and ugly as I rub them.

"You really—"

"Maybe I don't want you to move on."

My hands stop in their tracks.


But before I even look up at him, the sound of sirens and neighing cuts through the air. The soldiers— the soldiers are here.

V shifts me into his arms. Then he lifts me off the cold, muddy ground, his eyes avoiding mine.

He shouts for the soldiers, in his deep voice. That we were down here and that I was hurt.

But all I can think about is what he just said.

"Wait, V—"

But before I can say anything else, hands lift me out of his arms. And I'm shifted onto a stretcher, surrounded by soldiers and guards yelling and asking me questions.


Stop it. Just give me a second.

I had to ask him. I had to ask him what he had meant by that.

My heart is beating so fast right now.

Maybe I don't want you to move on.

Oh my goodness sakes.



Why had I said that.

I had said that without even knowing it. It had come from my heart— straight from it. In that moment, I had found her just so beautiful and vulnerable, with her red-rimmed eyes and flushed cheeks.

I was starting to love her.

Which I had sworn myself to never do.

She was Princess. Crown Princess of the entire kingdom, and who was I to marry her? I would be grateful enough to stay as her slave— her servant, to serve her with all that I could offer.

I'd given her my trust a long time ago.

But my love.

I couldn't.

It was fit for her to marry a Prince. A powerful Prince, who would treat her like treasure and give her a life of comfort and happiness. If she married me, she would become labeled things I never wanted her to hear.

Even then.

I'd seen her flinch with surprise, when Avan had called her a whore just for giving me her handkerchief.

I would've killed him then, if she hadn't stopped me.

I would've torn him apart.

My fists clench so hard the knuckles turn white.

Tomorrow I would have to tell her to forget what I'd said. I'd have to see her expression fall with dismay, her bottom lip tremble as she drops her gaze to the floor.

Who was I, to make her feel that way.

But it would be for the better.

It would be better for her.

And how I felt shouldn't— didn't matter.



Livi gives me a weirded out look.

"Why do you look so happy that you got thrown off a horse, Your Highness? Did you hurt your head?"

I just continue smiling at her.

She sucks in a long, slow breath.

"Okay, I'm going to leave if you don't stop."

My heart is still beating, from hours ago. And I giggle as I gather up the sheets in my arms, burying my blushed face in the cool, soft pile.

"I think he might like me back."


"Uh-huh." I say giddily, stretching out my legs. "Oh my gosh, Livi. What do I do? The doctor told me to get some rest, and I just can't. I can't stop thinking about him."

She laughs. "He just absolutely has you wrapped around his finger, doesn't he?"

A shy smile lights up my face.

I couldn't forget how soft his voice was. How gentle his hands were, the callused skin against mine. The raindrops on his dark lashes.

Livi tilts her head.



"When did the doctor say you could leave the infirmary?"

"Tomorrow night, I think." I say, and Livi taps her chin thoughtfully.

"That's only two days away."

I purse my mouth. "Yeah. I need to get V to consent to marriage by then so I can tell Father. The Eastern Prince is coming then."


She claps her hands together.

"Pay him a visit. During the evening hours, since he'll be done with work by then."

An excited smile spreads on my face as I see her eyes glint with anticipation.

"I have just the perfect thing for you to wear."


"You want me to seduce him?"

"Obviously." Livi says, not even bothering to hide anything. "Why do you think I made you wear something like that? He is still a man, isn't he?"

I look again at the mirror.

And I blush.

The nightdress is clearly meant to draw attention. It's completely black— made of lace and silk. The dark fabric stands out against my fair skin.

The straps show my shoulders. And the neckline dips down steeply, showing my collarbones and nearly the tops of my chest. The back hugs my curves tightly.

I'd never worn something so revealing.

"You look ravishing." She says, and a bit of my anxiety turns to confidence.

"You think so?"

"I told you, Remi. He's still a man. There is no way he'll look at you and not feel a single thing."

"Now go, and thank me later."

I tuck a lock of my hair over my ear. The ends of the dress sweep against the floor as I walk down the hallway, not entirely knowing what to feel.

Be confident.

What is he going to do, kick you out?

Taking a deep breath, I knock on his door. My voice echoes softly down the empty corridors as I whisper out his name.

"V? Can I come in?"

I hear his reply through the closed door.

"...of course, Princess."

It makes me feel even more fluttery when I realize he'd recognized my voice right off the bat like that.

I close the door behind me. The room is lit with a dim, golden candlelight, smelling faintly of lavender and mint.

He'd been reading a book.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, looking up. "I was wo—"

He's noticed.

And I can't help but turn a little red as he blinks, feeling exposed and shy under his gaze. It feels as if he's taking me in, with just a single glance.

I cut him off.

"What— What are you reading?" I ask, shuffling closer to him. I try to catch a glimpse of the title.

But he doesn't let me.

"It isn't anything." He says. And my eyes widen a bit as he shuts the book and lays it facedown on the nightstand, his gaze returning back to mine.

"Is there a reason you're here, Princess?"

I blink stupidly.

I hadn't really expected him to react like this.

"I wanted to say thank you." I say, stuttering up an excuse. "For— you know, helping me. The doctor said I might've caught something had I been out there for longer."

He shakes his head.

"The soldiers would've found you in time."

The confidence from before is drying up really, really fast right now.

"Oh—oh. Yeah."

I glance upwards.

"Then I was meaning to ask. What did you mean by what you sai—"

His eyes avoid mine again. And the air suddenly feels so much colder as he stands. He towers over me, easily a head taller than I was.

"Forget what I said. It didn't mean anything."

My heart crashes to the bottom of my chest.

I think I'm going to cry.

"W-What do you mean? I—"

Forget it.

I was just making myself look even more pathetic than I already was.

"Never mind." I whisper. Then I turn away on my heels, tears slowly filling my eyes. And I'm about to run out of the room when he pulls me back.

His voice is full of pain.

"Let me escort you back. It is way over midnight, and your dress—"

My dress.

What about my dress?

"I'll be fine." I whisper, trying not to break down then and there. "I can walk back myself."

All I can hear is how urgent his voice seems to sound. I don't look at him— I refuse to. He'd see the tears for sure.

"Your room is far from mine. I promise you won't hear or see me, Princess. If you will only give me permission—"

"I said I'm fine."

I break away from his grip. Then I shut the door behind me, my knees giving out the moment I do. Then I start sobbing uncontrollably, right next to the closed door of his room.

My cries are silent. And the tears soak into my dress— the dress I'd worn to impress him tonight.

Idiot. Stupid idiot.

I hate him. I hate him so much.

If he was just going to say that he didn't mean it, why had he said it in the first place? Was he playing with me? Was he enjoying that he had me wrapped around his finger, just like Livi had said?

I feel furious. It feels like the anger is a tense hall inside my chest, fiery and hot.

Stupid V.

I hate him.

I ha—

Sobs shake my curled up body.

What am I even saying.

I don't hate him. I can't. I couldn't.

I could not hate him, even if he did this to me over and over again. I was a pathetic sunflower who knew nothing but him.

I want him so badly it hurts. I want his eyes on me, all his attention on me. I want him to love me and whisper to me in that sweet voice I'd heard only specks of.

I want him to touch me.

But it's all just a stupid, worthless thought.

It was never going to happen.

Never ever.



My back is pressed against the door.

And I hear her cry. I hear her trying to hush herself, hear her whimper and sniffle. But I hear everything, and it just hurts even more with each cry she silenced.

I want to comfort her.

I want to wrap her in my arms and tell her not to cry. That she shouldn't waste her tears for someone like me.

If she only knew how sinful my mind was.

How sinful I had been, when she'd walked into my room.

In that split second I'd seen her, with her shy doe eyes and anxious posture, I'd nearly lost myself. I'd wanted her against me, her skin so soft and her voice so tender.

I'd wanted her in my bed.

And I was simply wicked, for thinking that way.



It's over.

"The Prince will be here very soon to take your hand in marriage." My father tells me, his eyes glinting with happiness. "Such a great man he is. He'll be the perfect husband for you, darling."

I nod silently.

"Yes, Father."

How can I tell him?

That the Eastern Prince slept with a new woman every night? That he'd treat me like a plaything the moment I stepped into his Palace?

Angry tears slowly redden my cheeks.

"Go along now." He says.

"You should look your best for your husband, hm?"



The flowers crumble between my fingers. And the petals fall to the grass— ruining the wedding bouquet. I would need to make a new one.

I can't seem to focus.

And I'm gathering new roses again when I hear the neighing of horses. My dull eyes glance towards the front of the Palace entrance, to see a huge row of carriages covered with jewels.

The Eastern Prince.

He must be here, to marry the Princess.

My eyes flicker over his expensive clothing as he gets out of the carriage, the huge rings around his fingers. He's handsome— much more attractive than I.

He would make the Princess happy.

But then I freeze when I see a veiled woman join him. The Prince tells the guards something, and the two leave towards the back of the Palace— disappearing behind the corner together.


The unfinished bouquet drops from my hands.

And I follow them. The Prince and the woman go to the gardens— which I knew like the back of my hand since I'd started working here. They go in deep.

I would've lost them, had I not known this place so well.

I hear the kissing and moaning before anything else.

"Hush, my love."

"I can't help it! It's such a thrill to be making out in the Palace of such a poor Princess. She must be waiting for you this moment, my lord."

I cannot believe this.

"What can I say?" The Prince laughs, his hands roaming under the woman's dress. The sound of her moans and giggles drives me beyond sickness.

"She does have a pretty face. And her body, too."

The woman pouts.

"Are you saying you're going to leave me?"

He smiles. "Of course not. I'll enjoy her for maybe a little, but I'll lose interest soon enough. Like I said, I'm only marrying her for her place and pow—"

His voice cuts off into a high-pitched scream.

And the woman, half-naked and draped over him, looks at me in shock as I step out with a dark smile. I walk over nonchalantly, plucking the pair of shears out from the bush right next to the Prince's head.

"My apologies." I bow, holding up the blades.

"It must've slipped out of my hand."



"Kill him! Kill him this instant!"


Then my eyes widen as the doors slam open. Soldiers spill in, along with the red-faced Eastern Prince. But then my body freezes with shock when I recognize the figure being dragged into the room by the guards.


He looks tense and angry. He's bound completely by rope, a thick cloth gagging his mouth. There's a scarlet flush on his cheek, as if someone had hit him there.

My expression crumbles.

"He tried to kill me!" The Prince yells, pointing his finger at V. "I demand that he be executed right this moment! There is absolutely no excuse for—"

What in the world is happening?

My father scrunches his brows.

"Hold your peace, Prince."

"You're saying this servant tried to kill you?"

The Prince nods rapidly. "He tried to murder me with a pair of shears! I will not let this marriage happen unless you kill—"

I laugh.

It's such a bright laugh that tumbles out of my lips, before I can even stop it. Everyone turns to look at me.

The Prince, with shock and fury.

My father, with confusion.

And V. Despite being tied up, gagged, and forced to his knees, he smiles at me.

It's got to be the most wonderful smile I'd ever seen.

"Father." I say. "Let him speak for himself. He's a good man— a good servant. There has to be a reason why he's done such a thing."

The Prince shrieks.

"He's a slave! A mere gardener, and he tried to take my head off! If you don't throw him under the guillotine this instant, I'm calling off this entire marriage. I swear it on my honor."

Father nods at me to go ahead. And I almost run out of my throne, rushing down the steps towards V. I hurry to ease the gag out of his lips.

My dress sprawls out on the floor as I kneel, touching his face. He had gotten hit— now that I'm closer, I can see the clear flush of his cheek.


"Are you okay? What happened?"

"I'm sorry."

"I nearly gave you over to him with my own hands, Princess." He whispers, under his breath so that no one else can hear. "I've been so foolish, all this time."

His dark eyes glitter, like the hidden stars at night.

"I love you, Princess."

"I've loved you since the day you tried to help me with the water bucket in that market square. I remember you could not move it a single inch."

I laugh softly.

My heart feels like it might just fly away.

"You are such a jerk, V Serra Kaya."

"I know. And I will beg for your forgiveness for an eternity and longer."

He gives me a look, then throws a narrow gaze towards the stunned Prince.

"So am I too late, Remi?"

I glance at the clock, and at Father. He's giving me a knowing look, and his eyes are flickering distastefully towards the huffing Prince.

He doesn't like him at all.

I smile brightly.

"Not late at all, actually."

"You're just on time."


This can't be real.

The sweet scent of the flowers in the garden seem even stronger as I sit next to V on the bench, my fingers twisting together anxiously. His presence has always been so thrilling— so there. I couldn't help but be conscious.

He presses a rose into my hand.

And his eyes are enchanting as he nods, a slight smile ghosting on his tinted lips.

"Thank you." I say. The rose is beautiful— might be the most beautiful one I'd ever seen. The petals gleam a deep, rich scarlet, the stem a dark green and shades of yellow.

I blink.

"You know, I thought I'd have to get married to that— that guy. And I really didn't want to, and you have no idea how much it scared me when he was yelling for my father to kill you."


I can't believe I nearly forgot to ask.

I look at him curiously. "So why did he do that to you? He was saying you tried to kill him."

His eyes flicker away for a second, before turning back to me.

"I did."


"Because I didn't want him to marry you."

I laugh.

"So you tried to kill him? Really?"

He shrugs. Then he slightly winces, before pulling me close to his body. My mind instantly goes to his hand tight against my waist, his firmly muscled side.

Oh goodness.

He comes lower. Then he places his chin on my shoulder, his lips right up against my ear.

"He was talking bad about you too."

His eyes flicker.

He's looking at my mouth.

But then his gaze flickers away again, and I press my lips together as I turn my head to face him. He gives off a faint, sweet scent— something I can't get enough of.

"You're not gonna kiss me?"

He smiles, with a hint of playfulness.

"'Maybe later, Prin—"

I cut him off with a peck on his cheek.

He looks at me with surprise when I grin at him stupidly.

"If you really say so."

I tip the rose at him.

"But you better keep to your promise, alright?"


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