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A/n: This one shot might be kind of long— (or short?) because I'm basing this from my deleted book Gathering Blue, which used to be a Taehyung fanfic but I'm curious to write in another member's view. Happy reading!

"Land and ocean."

"It's a beautiful thing, isn't it."



It's only me and the ocean.

I sigh, finally kicking off the cozy blanket and stumbling up from the warmth of the armchair. It was getting dark outside— and there were storm clouds, brewing.

I'd have to get the lighthouse.

Snagging my cap from the table, I push it low down on my face and rush out of the door. It's cold as usual, the wind strong with the coming storm. My hair whips wildly across my face as I cover the short distance between the two, wishing I'd brought a jacket.

Only when the light is on, I slump down on the wooden floor. It's completely dark now, skies gray.

Rain's pouring outside the glass, absolutely pouring. I hadn't seen a storm this strong ever since a few months ago, during storm season.

Both lightning and thunder cross the night.

Shivering, I finally end up curled in my usual corner of the small, dark room, watching the bright line of white sweep across the dark ocean. It's so dark, I wouldn't be able to see a thing if it hadn't been for the light.

This would've been cool if I hadn't done this for such a long time.

Loneliness suddenly seizes me, and I sigh as I tuck my head into my knees.

Remember this is your duty. It's something that you just got to do.

I dig through my pockets, a small smile flickering on my lips when I find a mint packet I'd slipped in earlier.

My eyes roam back outside the glass, my mouth full with mints now.

And I stop.

I completely stop.

I suck in a sharp breath as I jump up from my feet, running up to the front window and pressing my face to the glass. The light flashes again.

"Holy. Crap."

It's a person. I wait for the third flash, just to be sure. And I'm right— it's a silhouette of a person, unconscious against the rocks.

Fear and panic clenches me in sharp waves.

This was the first time something like this had ever happened. What was I supposed to do? What if that person was—

I swallow.

Finally, I set my mind and rush down the stairs. The moment I open the door, rain hits me so hard I nearly stumble back in.

Now I'm furious for not bringing a jacket with me.

Chattering my teeth, I quickly run down the path until it curves sharply into the rocks. The light sweeps past the darkness, and I blink wildly, my chest falling in harsh breaths.

It's a boy.

His lower half is barely visible under the water, and I carefully make my way down. The rain lightens a bit, but I know I only have little time before it comes down heavier.

"Hey!" I rasp, soaked down to my skin as I get down and shake at his shoulders. "Hello? Excuse me!"

I curse.

He's completely out.

Forcing his arm around my shoulders, I swallow back a growl as I push up to my feet. His body leans heavily into my side, and it takes all of me to get him out of the rocks.

This was going to be hell for my asthma.

By the time I manage to get back in the house, I'm more tired and cold than I'd ever felt in my life. This even beat the time I accidentally fell asleep outside and had woken up to a storm.

I lead him to the couch, gasping for air as I slam the door back shut.

".....hey." My voice is all broken from exhaustion, and I slump to the ground, tapping because I'm too tired to shake.

And then my eyes catch on a dark spot on his soaked shirt.


My head goes a bit light when I realize it's blood, and I quickly run to get my inhaler. The panic gets a bit less when I can breathe better, my mind spinning.

Bandages. No— check the wound first. Yeah, definitely do that first before anything else.

I take another frantic puff when I lift the corner of his soaked shirt. It's worse than I'd thought— a long bleeding cut in his side.

I'm panicking.

Do I have enough bandages in the house? Do I even have bandages?

Inhaler gripped tightly in one hand, I desperately search for any kind of gauze. But the only thing I can find are band-aids, and I end up bringing out one of my shirts.

And then he wakes.

He wakes while I'm not looking, focused on stopping the bleeding as best as I can. And I can't look, because my eyes are firmly closed with the blood and all that.

And I realize when his cold hand wraps around my wrist.

"Who are you?"

"Oh, dammit!" I yelp, jumping back in shock. My eyes fly open, and I would've crashed into the table behind me if his hand wasn't wrapped around my wrist so tight.

"I mean— sorry."

"Who are you." He repeats, but then his features suddenly twist up in pain. I wince when he looks down at his exposed side.

"I tried to stop the blood." I say softly, tugging at my sleeves with the red shirt in one hand. My breathing's getting fast again, and I look down at the floor the same time I see him look up.

"Oh, and I'm— I'm a lighthouse keeper."

"A what?"

I'm about to repeat myself when he suddenly winces, hand pressing against his side.

"I'm sorry. I don't have any bandages." I say, but he shakes his head and runs his hand through his dark hair.

"It'll heal soon. This isn't a problem."

Then he suddenly touches my upper arm, his fingertips so cold. I shiver, and he narrows his eyes. His hand pulls away.

"You're shaking. Is it because of me?"

I look back down.

"J-Just the cold." I stutter, still dripping water onto the ground. My heart starts racing when he tilts his head— I hadn't seen a person for the last five years.

And I'd never seen a boy around my age.

"Did you find me?" He asks, voice softer now. When I nod, a slight smile tilts across his lips. "You're a shy one, aren't you?"'

My voice gets a bit loud.

"Well, I just met you." I say defensively,  and a quiet laugh echoes above me. "How come— how come you were there? Were you shipwrecked?"


"Never mind." I shake my head, but he pulls me back when I start heading to the kitchen.

"Where are you going?"

"To make you some tea." I blink, and he blinks back at me with an empty look in his eyes. "Do you know what that is?"

"I know what tea is." He says, crossing his fingers. And then my eyes suddenly go wide when he stumbles, falling back onto the couch.

"I'm fine." He smiles at my stunned expression. "It's just been so long, that's all."


But he's trying to stand again, and I cut off my question pushing him back down to the couch.

"No—stay sitting. I don't want you to fall..."

"Jungkook." He says at my curious gaze. Now I see his eyes are dark blue, the color of the ocean at night. "It's Jungkook."

"Jungkook." I finish, and his lips lift into that curve again.

He follows me to the kitchen, sticking close to my side like a baby bunny even as I make the tea.

"Here. Try it."

He looks down at the steaming cup, and his lips push into a doubtful line. "That looks hot."

"It's supposed to be." I laugh softly, not realizing I'm watching him with a stupid smile as he sips carefully on the edge. "It's good though. Right?"

I turn away for one second.

And when I turn back around, he's fast asleep, right there on the couch with his eyes closed.

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