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Jungkook taps at his console. "I told you. I dragged you home from Chou Tzuyu's house yesterday. She called me to pick up your drunk face, hyung."

He bites his lip.

"I'm never going with you guys to a club again. Never ever."

I stare at him.

"T-Tzuyu. Tzuyu?"

"Yes!" He exclaims, and then makes a circle with his mouth. "Oh. You like her, don't you. I forgot about that."

I'm panicking.

What did I do last night? What if I said something? What if I did something? What if—

"Relax." Jungkook laughs, working furiously with his hands. "You're like a dumb penguin when you're drunk. And she didn't look mad at all when I saw her, anyways."

I stutter. My mind's not on the game at all by now.

"S-She didn't seem mad?"

He shakes his head.

I couldn't remember anything that had happened last night. Not even one single memory—

I like you, Taehyung.

I drop the console.

"Hyung!" Jungkook scolds, catching it's before it hits the floor. "I'm already broke you know!"

Why do you like me?

My head floods with words, so much at once I barely register them.

You're coming with me.

Don't ever call him yours again.

I don't hate you, Kim Taehyung.

I turn my head, staring at Jungkook. He frowns, already looking weirded out at my blank expression.

"Hyung? You're kinda scary right now."

"Holy. Crap, Jungkook."


I can't.

I don't know what's wrong with me.

But I've been avoiding Tzuyu for the entire day of school, intentionally not going to my usual spots where I'd be waiting to say hello to her, making sure not to bump into her in the halls.

She'd really said that.

And now I don't know what to do, what to say.

I'm hurrying to get my books for last period, piling the stuff into my arms. And then I shut my locker, about to turn back when I nearly fall back in surprise.

Tzuyu raises her eyebrow at me.

"Hello, Taehyung."

"S-Sorry." I stutter, bending down to pick up my dropped papers. "H-Hi, Tzuyu. What's, what's up?"

She's so pretty.

"Other than you avoiding me?" She says, and my eyes go wide. "Nothing else. Why are you avoiding me?"

"I-I wasn't..."

But my voice is tiny, and she knows it.

I blush.

"You weren't?" She says, and I chew on my lip. Then my head snaps up when she turns around, starting to walk away.


No, no.

"I actually was!" I exclaim, and she looks back. My blush gets deeper— I could never control myself around her.


"B-Because... I don't know." I whisper, pulling at my fingers. "I like you a lot, Tzuyu. It was scary when I r-remembered last night, when you said you liked me. A-And I didn't know what to do, because I never really thought you'd, you'd say that, and I was scared I'd mess things up—"

She laughs.


My eyes squeeze together. I said it. I said that I liked her in front of her.


She gives me a smile.

"I'm free tomorrow."


I'm with her.

I'm on a date with Tzuyu.

She walks besides me, her every movement graceful. She's so unreal, everything about her.

"Is there anything you like?" She says, and I snap out of my daze. I'd been watching her, and she'd caught me— for the thousandth time.

My face heats, and I point at a complete random stall.

"L-Let's see over there?"


It's an accessory stall. She gives me a knowing smile when I start blushing uncontrollably, realizing I should've checked the vendor before just pointing at it.

"You like these things?"

"N-No. I just thought this might look good on y-you."

She lets me put a cat ear headband on her.

My pressed lips part.

"I think," She says amusedly to my stunned face. "This might look better on you, Taehyung."

Her slender fingers tuck the headband on my head before I can even say a word, and by the time I realize she's already paid for it.


She laughs.

And she's so— so much warmer than I've ever seen her. She smiles whenever I'm not looking at her, accepting it when I offer her waffles and other food.

"Um, two milk teas with one no sugar." I say, remembering what she'd told me.

Tzuyu looks at me when I hand her the drink.

"You remembered."

I blush.

"Of— Of course I did."

And then my eyes go wide when something soft touches my cheek. She pulls back with a light smile, her beauty glowing.

"I don't think I've ever met someone like you, Taehyung."

She kissed me.

" too." I say quickly, my voice rushed. There's so much warmth on my face, and I look away in embarrassment.

I risk a peek back in her direction when she doesn't say anything for the next minute.

She's smiling warmly at me.

And I quickly flick my eyes away, my flush getting even worse now.

I love you.

I'm too pathetic to say it, though.

Then her expression turns knowing, and I look back to her in surprise when she kisses me again.

This time, on the mouth.

"Does that show you how much I've grown to care for you?"

I nod shakily.

Come on. Just do it. Just say it.



"I love you."

She tilts her head. And then her pretty lips curve up again, eyes turning into crescents.

"If this is love, then I'm willing to try it with you, Taehyung."


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