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"I'm going to make you the happiest person alive."

"Just wait and see, Noona."



What am I doing?

I'd been making my way back from the corner café, tired and wanting nothing but to crash into bed after a long shift. Today had been especially hard— it had been such a busy day.

So what am I doing now, with a child buried in my arms?

"Hey." I call, my heart speeding as I look down at his tightly closed eyes. "Hey! Wake up!"

I'd found him crumpled on the ground. I'd nearly missed him at first, with the streets being so dark and his figure being so small and thin. Once I'd realized that the suspicious lump was a body, I'd nearly screamed straight into the night.

A boy. He looks no older than seven. Six, maybe?

I glance up at the sky.

It was going to storm soon. It was why our manager had let us leave fifteen minutes early, and he was really strict on schedule.

My anxious eyes find the boy's face again.

Could he have parents? I couldn't take him to a hospital— or a nearby police station, with the storm brewing so rapidly over my head. My arms were already aching from holding him, and I'd held him for barely a minute.

The anxiety turns to uncertain doubt.

And I couldn't just leave him here either.


I end up taking him back to my tiny, one-room apartment. It's started pouring outside— the thunder had roared the moment I'd arrived with him.

Not knowing what to do with him, I'd just set his small body down on my blankets. My arms are aching terribly.

So now I'm just watching him, massaging my stiff shoulders and trying to figure out where in the world he could've come from.

He hadn't been there when I'd left for work. I would've definitely seen him then, and I hadn't.

But he's so dirty. His clothes are nearly coming apart, from how tattered they are. His face is so pale— and he's so thin. I couldn't have carried him all the way here, if he hadn't been so thin like that.

I wrack my head.

I didn't have much food in the house. So how was I supposed to—

Wake him up, stupid. That first.

I get to my feet. And I'm about to pick him up when I freeze again, my sixteen-year-old mind completely blank.


My eyes wander over his dirt-streaked face. He's shivering a little still, even after I'd wrapped him in my winter blankets. His skin is pale and looks so cold.


I run to the bathroom. Then I crank up the dial of the cramped bathtub, so the water is as warm as it goes. I'd never had it this warm— I'd always showered cold, to save the little money I could.

I'd never thought I'd be using it this way, though.

The water fills the small tub quick. And the little boy doesn't make a sound as I heave him into my arms again, heading towards the bathroom.

I do my best to ease him in, clothes and all. His head rests lightly on the edge.

Nothing. I'd expected something to happen at least, but now I'm back to square one just staring at him with all my anxiety.

Was this not it?

I nip at my fingertips.

Maybe this wasn't it.

And I don't see his fingers twitch, too caught up in my worrying. I don't notice his eyelids flutter, either.

But I definitely notice when he yelps— a hushed, shocked noise that makes my head snaps up in surprise.

He's awake.

Oh my gosh, he's awake.

The boy shouts, scrambling out of the water. He presses his back against the tiled wall, and he looks so terrified that for a second, he scares the crap out of me too.



"I-I mean, I'm a friend!" I say, voice rushed. "I promise I'm not here to hurt you, alright? I just want to help—"

I'm not convincing him.

"Where a-am I?" He stutters, grabbing the nearest thing to him and holding it out in front of his chest. "Come any closer and I'll hurt you. I swear I will."

I blink. I didn't think he could hurt me with a toothbrush, but—

"Okay, okay." I say, stepping back and making some distance between us. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to warm you up a little because you were so cold."

He growls.

"Who are you?"



"Chaeni." I repeat. "And I just want to help. I promise. I found you in the streets, and this is my apartment, okay? It was about to rain a lot."

I meet his gaze, full of alert.

"I promise. I'll even keep my distance like this, if you want."

And the toothbrush slowly lowers.

He gives me a sideways glance as he steps out of the tub.

"Fine. But keep your distance, Chani."

I wince. It was Chaeni.

But I don't correct him as I nod, thinking it's better to calm him first. He's soaking wet, and his clothes are ruined even more with the water.

"Do you want clothes? I can get you some of mine," I offer. "I can make you some food, too. If you're hungry."

He hesitates.

But then he nods, hands clutched tightly together.

So I hurry.

Quickly picking out my smallest shirt and pajama pants I'd worn back two years ago, I set them in the bathroom along with a fresh towel. I hoped he knew how to dress himself.

He shuts the bathroom door, eyes narrowed at me. He still didn't trust me at all, did he?

I come back to the corner of the apartment I called a kitchen.

Disbelief twists my face when I open the small fridge door.


Nothing? How could— I'd thought there was at least something in there I could work with!

So I end up heating the water, a package of ramen noodles on the counter.

I grimace. I really had wanted to give him something at least a little bit more nutritious. He honestly looked like he hadn't eaten for days.

And when the little child shuffles out of the bathroom, it takes all of me not to squeal at him.

My shirt comes down way below his waist. The hem of the pajama pants are too long for him, so that he's practically stepping in a mess of flannel with every step he takes.

He's dangerously adorable.

"I can help you with that."

He presses his heart lips at me when I bend down, rolling up the hem of the pants so that it now pools at his ankles. I struggle not to smile.

"Is that better?"

He nods. Then he goes to plop himself down on the chair set next to the table, looking up at me expectantly.

"Chani. I'm hungry."


He blows out a breath.


"Spicy?" I echo, and rush to get him some water. He's so focused on eating that I almost don't want to interrupt him.


He looks up, still chewing.

"Do you...Do you mind if I know your name?" I ask, smiling. He gives me a long look, before nodding again.

"Since you were kind to me."

"It's Taehyung."

"Taehyung." I say, and he nods as if to tell me I'm saying it right. "So how old are you?"



No way.

He was half the height for an average ten year old. Was it because he was so malnourished?

"O-Okay." I stutter. "Why were you out there, by yourself? Do you have parents I can take you to?"

He shakes his head.

He shakes his head so hard it takes me aback.


No. He didn't have parents? Was he an orphan?

I soften my voice. "Then any other person, maybe? In the morning I can take you to find—"

His eyes widen.


"No, no, no." He stops eating. And all of a sudden he looks terrified again, so terrified it makes my breath stop in my throat.

"Are you going to take me back?"

"What? No, I won't." I say rapidly. "I was just asking, I promise. I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do, okay?"

Only when I assure him does he go back to eating. But my mind is wild now, with how strongly he'd reacted.

He was an orphan. But if he did have parents— or a guardian, he hated them. What had they done to him?

He suddenly looks up.

"I want to stay with you. Let me stay."


"Let me." He repeats. "In the morning, promise me that you won't take me back. Let me stay here."

His eyes fall, fingers tightening on the edge of the table.


And I shouldn't have said what I said. I didn't have the money— the capability, to keep him warm and fed. I couldn't take care of a child, when I was struggling to take care of myself.

But his large, pretty eyes are pleading. And a part of me is scared, that he will run away during the night and end up collapsing somewhere again if I said no.

So I nod my head.


"I promise."


Two years later

"Kim Taehyung! Come back here now!"

My hands are on my hips as I hold up his backpack in one hand, my brow raised. And he stumbles back in the doorway of the apartment, his shirt rumpled.

He takes the backpack from my hand.

"Thanks, Noona."

"Are you that excited?" I say, smoothing out his shirt and brushing my fingers through his hair. He nods, eyes bright as he gives me a smile.

If I'd known going to school would make him this happy, I would've tried my best to send him earlier.

Seeing him so happy made me feel better for myself. I'd dropped out of school a few days ago, so I could take on extra shifts during the day. It had always killed me to see Taehyung run to my arms every day I'd come back from school, only to see his disappointed face as I ran back out for work.

He'd been constantly left alone, these last two years. Now I could work while he was at school, greet him with a smile when he came home.

"Have fun."

"You know the way, Tae?"

He nods.

I watch him leave. It was his first day going to school, and now worry is eating at me alive once I know he can't see my face.

He'd be joining sixth grade. I'd done my best to teach him the basics, but what if he fell behind? What if the things I'd taught him weren't enough?

He was a smart child. But I'd just started teaching him a few months ago, how to read and do the simplest math. He'd caught on quickly, but I knew those things were taught in much lower grades.

I bite my lip, starting to tug on my work uniform.

It'd break my heart if he came home in tears.


The moment I'd finished my shifts, I'd run to Taehyung's school.

Now I'm tapping my feet, arms crossed as my eyes search through the kids spilling out the doors. At first I don't see him, and my brows start to furrow as the crowd slowly thins out.


Then I feel a soft weight against my side.

I look down.


He makes a small noise, burying his face into my coat. I drop lower to match my eye level with his, hands around his shoulders.

"How was school?"

He blinks. "Good."

Then he makes a face. "But not as good as I thought it would be. The teachers talk way too much."

For a second there's silence.

And I burst into laughter.

"I warned you, didn't I? It's not as fun as you think." I smile, patting the top of his head and ruffling his soft, dark locks. He gives me an annoyed look— he didn't like it when I did that.

"So Taeh—"


I look up in surprise as a higher-pitched voice overtakes mine. My eyes warm when a girl, clearly in his grade, runs toward him with her hands clasped together.

She gives me a quick glance.

And my heart melts as she holds out her opened palms. There's a wrapped chocolate there, and she smiles at him.

"For you."


Taehyung takes it. And the moment she runs back blushing to her waiting mother, he holds it out to me.

"Noona. You eat it."

"What? Of course not!" I exclaim. "She gave it to you, Tae."

Then I wink playfully.

"I think she likes you."

"I don't like her."

The smile drops from my face. He pushes the chocolate into my hand, and I sigh as he walks ahead, hands shoved in his pockets.

He better not say that to her face tomorrow.

I'd taken care of him for over two years now, but his scratchy personality hadn't changed. At least it seemed like he was doing well with school.

I look down at the chocolate he'd forced into my palm.

And weren't kids his age supposed to like these things?


That night, it's bitterly cold.

I hear the rustling of blankets over where Taehyung is. He was awake— he'd been tossing and turning for the past hour, his breaths hushed.

It's so cold I can barely see the light of the moon, the windows tinted with ice.

And my chest squeezes painfully when I hear him trying to quiet the chattering of his teeth. We both slept on the floor with only a few blankets— and the floor was wooden.

Soon I hear his breaths turn even with light sleep.

I silently shuffle up to my feet, my blankets clutched in my hand. Then I lie down next to him, wrapping my covers over the both of us.

It feels a bit more warmer, this way.

His shivering slowly comes to a stop. And I stare at the back of his head, wanting to hug him tightly. But I knew he wouldn't like it— Taehyung had been clear on that ever since I'd met him.

Of course he didn't push me away anymore, but I still tried not to do it as best as I could.

But sometimes he'd be too cute to resist.

It was moments like these, though, that made me hurt.

What if I'd given him up that day?

Because then maybe he wouldn't be sleeping on the floor shivering like this. Instead he'd be sleeping on a bed. He'd be eating better, living better. More cared for.

I close my eyes shut.

Had I done the right thing? Was I doing the right thing?


There's a sleepy murmur. My eyes jerk open.

Taehyung. He'd been awake?

He shifts around. And his large, almond eyes look up at mine, blinking drowsily. But then he freezes, all of a sudden.

"You're crying."

I am?

"Oh shoot." I murmur, rubbing at my eyes. My sleeves do come off wet, and the tips of my ears heat in embarrassment. Had I literally started crying without even knowing that I was? When?

"Why are you crying?" He asks, voice demanding. He doesn't look too sleepy anymore.

"Noona, tell. Is something wrong?"

"Nope." I force a laugh, still shocked at myself.

"Then why were you crying?"

And I don't know what to say to his firm, unwavering stare. He was six years younger than me and still found ways to take the words out of my mouth.

I laugh again, and pinch his cheeks.

"I'm crying because it's cold."

What he does next makes my heart stop in my chest.

Taehyung wraps his arms around me. His arms are too short to go completely around my back, but he snuggles tight enough, muttering into the blankets covering his face.

"You should've said earlier."

I might just die, here and now.

This is the first time he has let me hug him.

"Warmer?" He asks, when I don't say anything. And I nod, smiling as I squeeze him to my chest. It really is warmer— so much warm.

I love this child with all my heart.

"Just tell me from now on if you're cold." He says, clicking his tongue as if I literally hadn't seen him shaking like a leaf earlier. "What are you doing, Noona?"

"My mistake." I laugh. It's a genuine laugh, one that bubbles out from deep in my stomach.

I tap his nose. "Don't complain then, when I do this again tomorrow night."

There's a silence, before he says quietly in a defensive voice.

"I'm not a complainer."

I mute a smile.

Of course not.

You're my brave little boy.


Three years later

I wake up to late morning sunlight.


And I lie there for a peaceful, sleepy second, my mind wandering. I had work today, at the café. I was supposed to have gotten there by six in the morning.

So why—

My eyes flicker to the clock.


At first I don't believe my eyes.

Then I realize, and rush to sit up. But the moment I do, pain streaks down the back of my neck. It blinds me white for a split second, and I feel someone push me back down in bed.


"You're not going to work today." He says, voice tight. "You're sick, Noona. You're burning up."

"Wait," I rasp. "But what happened—"

"I already called the café to let them know you're not going to be there." He says. "So you have nothing to worry for. Stay in bed."

"Did you eat yet?"

He whips back in my direction. And he looks stressed— really stressed, more than usual. His voice is sharp.


I blink. The bite in his gaze is softer when he sees me taken aback, but it's still there when he talks again.

"Please. Just please, stop worrying." He whispers. "Rest. I'll take care of you, okay?"


I close my eyes again. But then the sound of loud crashing jerks me back up, and I'm about to rush into the kitchen when Taehyung hurries out, to push me back.

"Noona! Noona, it's fine. Everything's fine."

He's blushing madly.

And I try to get a peek, over his shoulder. But now fifteen years old, Taehyung had grown enough to match my height. He gets on his tiptoes, blocking my vision.

Then he tugs me back to my blankets, laying me down and telling me to stay put.

"You sure everything's okay?" I say worriedly. "It sounded like glass breaking—"

He shakes his head.

"I just dropped something, Noona. You don't need to worry."

"Go back to sleep."

I'd told him okay. But after that, all my sleepiness had thrown itself out the window. So I just lie there, listening intently to the sounds of plates being set out and sizzling. There's a delicious smell of bacon in the air.


My heart grows warm with tingles.

He's making breakfast?

Cute, cute little child. So I wait, playing along with what he'd told me to. But then my eyes crack open again when I smell something bitter.

It's the smell of something burning.

And I rush up to my feet for the second time, barreling into the kitchen with wide eyes. The first thing I see is the pan smoking black wisps on the stove, and Taehyung looking completely lost in front of it. In the corner of the kitchen, I glimpse a mess of glass.

So that had been glass breaking earlier.

I quickly turn off the heat. Then I shift the pan away from the stove, dousing it in water before leaving it to cool.


I look back at him.

And it takes all my willpower not to tackle him in a hug when I see him biting down on his bottom lip, the edges of his eyes red. His cheeks are flushed, hands clenched together into fists.

He looks like he's trying his hardest not to cry.

"...sorry." He murmurs, the words squeezing out of his tightened lips. "Sorry, Noona."

My eyes soften when he turns his head away.

"I was trying to take care of you," He whispers. "Like you always do for me. Like you always do."

"But I just keep messing up, don't I?"

I stare at him, for a brief second. Then I move closer, until I have my arms wrapped around him and my head resting on his shoulder.

I feel him tense.

"It doesn't matter." I say softly, smiling. "I don't care how many times you mess up, Taehyung. When your existence itself makes me so happy."

I swallow.

"Did you know I never knew my family? I was raised by my grandmother, until she died when I was fifteen. She left me enough money though, for me to get this place."

"I didn't know what to do. I just kept working, wherever I could. Kept going to school, because it was her wish that I did."

"Then I met you, didn't I?"

He stays still.

"You were just ten. I remember you threatening me to run away if I didn't let you stay," I laugh, my hand on his head. "So I did. And it was the best decision I've ever made. Even now."

Then I feel him shiver. He buries his face into my
shoulder, and I realize he's crying when his tears soak into my shirt.

My hand shifts to pat his back.

When had he grown this much? I remember the weak, thin child from five years ago, how I'd held him in my arms.

"So don't worry, Taehyung."

"You make me happy in whatever you do."


An year later

I finish closing up the café.

My entire body aches with exhaustion. I'd worked a complete day today, from seven in the morning. Now it's dark outside, being almost nine.

I hoped Taehyung had eaten something. Usually I'd get home earlier to have dinner with him, but today had just been a rough day.

I couldn't wait to see him. Not being able to see Taehyung's adorable face for more than six hours at a time was so emotionally painful, especially when I wasn't sure if he was eating well.

But I was so close to saving enough money to get him a phone. That would solve the problem, at least for just a little bit.

Massaging my shoulders, I shut out the lights and grab my small bag. It's completely dark out, the streetlights the only thing lighting up the night in a deep orange.

And I'm locking the door when there's a voice.


My eyes widen.

I whip around, to see the very person I'd been wanting to see since lunchtime. He smiles faintly at me under a dark cap pushed low over his head.


I run to him, reaching up to press my hands against his face. His cheeks are cold.

"How are you here? How long have you been standing outside— you're so cold! I—"

He cuts me off with a disapproving look, taking my bag and shifting it over his own shoulder. "How could you work this late? It's too dark for you to be walking around alone."

So he'd come to pick me up?

"Might I remind you that I'm twenty two?"

"And might I remind you that you're only 5'2?"

"What? I'm 5'5!" I protest, my eyes narrowing up at him. "Just because you're taller than me now doesn't mean you can make me shorter."

He gives me a look.

"Noona, it's just too dangerous to be walking alone when it's this late. You usually come back earlier than this."

I open my lips to answer. "We just had a busy day today, that's—"

Then the ground spins.

The next thing I know I'm on the ground, nausea rolling up and down my body. Taehyung's by my side in an instant, his hands wrapping around my waist.


I stare at him. His face swirls, along with the orange light from the street lamps and the darkness of the night. It's like looking into water, my vision rippling.

He shakes me hard. And my eyes focus, focusing enough to see his paled face.

"What's wrong? Why are you—"

"Sorry, sorry." I say, my head still blank and confused from what had happened. What did just happen? Something like that had never happened before.

"I think I tripped."

His lips purse into a taut line. Then he looks back, at where I'd fallen. The ground there is too smooth for my lie.

"You're tired." He whispers, lifting me up to my feet. "Can you walk?"

"Yeah—yeah. Of course."

"Let me know if you don't think you can." Taehyung murmurs, pushing his cap down deeper. I don't need to see his eyes, to know that I've worried him.

The entire way back home, his arm is clasped tight around my waist.


Where is he?

I check the calendar, just in case I'd missed anything. But it's a Wednesday, and Taehyung should've been back already from school. The dinner I'd made is starting to get cold.

My anxiety gets worse, with each passing second.

He should've been back hours ago.

I get to my feet. And I grab my jacket, about to push my arms into it when I hear the front door swing open.


He's breathing hard, as if he'd run here. I look up at him, one side of the jacket tugged on my shoulders and the other half hanging off.

"Where were you?" I exclaim. "I—"

"I'm sorry." He says. "I was...I was preparing for midterms with some friends after school. I didn't think it'd be this late."

He looks genuinely anxious.

"It's fine." I say, squeezing his hand once before pulling him towards the table. "Midterms is important."

He starts eating. And with a small smile, I pull out a white, rectangular box and hand it to him.

Taehyung blinks.


"Open it." I motion, propping my head up with two hands. An expectant smile grows on my lips as he shifts open the covering, a confused expression on his face.

His eyes go wide at the sleek, dark surface of a phone.

"For your birthday." I say, kissing his cheek. "Happy sixteenth birthday, Tae."

His face reddens. "Noona—"

"See, if these things like tonight happen," I say, plopping back down on my chair. "Just text and let me know, okay? Because otherwise I'm going to lose my mind worrying."

He nods, his face still flushed as he looks down at the screen of his new phone.

I smile proudly at myself.

I think I've made him feel happy.


He's been studying a lot lately.

I tuck my phone in my back pocket after checking the message he'd sent me. It said that he was going to be home late again, because he was at the library.

A mixed expression clouds my features.

I was proud of him, for taking care of his academics. But at the same time I can't help but feel a little empty as I have dinner by myself for the fifth night in a row.

I cover his in plastic wrap, so it doesn't get cold.

A wave of fatigue washes through me as I lower myself down to get into my blankets. I felt so tired, and I'd worked barely one shift today. I'd usually still be wide awake at this time.

I laugh under my breath.

I was already twenty two. Maybe I was getting old.

Tucking the blankets up to my chin, I slowly settle into sleep. For a while I toss and turn, because of a slight headache I have. But finally I start to drift off, my eyelids getting heavier.

I close my eyes.

I don't know how long I've closed them for when I hear the soft noise of a door opening. There's a low sigh, and then muffled footsteps, coming closer.

And I feel cool fingertips touch my cheeks, chilled by the cold outside.

Taehyung. Was it him...?

I needed to let him know, that his dinner was on the table. But my eyelids feel twice as heavy than usual, and my body feels glued to the ground.

But I hear his soft whisper, and feel him adjust the pillow under my head.

"Sweet dreams, Noona."

Then, much quieter.

"I'm sorry."

Sorry for what?

I want to ask him. But sleep pulls my consciousness down deeper, and the last thing I see through slitted eyes is the back of his dark silhouette.

Sorry for what, Taehyung?




I blink again. Then I look back at the screen of the ATM, completely confused now. I'd come here to withdraw to pay the monthly rent, worrying that I might not have enough.

I have more than enough.

But I shouldn't have this much left in my balance.

I tilt my head to the side. It was I just confusing myself? Maybe the café manager had given me a bonus and I hadn't remembered, just depositing the entire paycheck in without another thought.

A lot of things seemed to slip my mind lately.

But there's still a thought in the back of my mind. Because the one thing I was most careful with was money, and I didn't think I'd forget something like that.

I blink.

But maybe I really was being just stupid these days.

With the money in my hand, I make my way back home. Taehyung had been asleep when I'd come out, and I'm wondering happily if I should take him out for the weekend when I'm stopped right outside the entrance of my apartment.

It's the landlord.

"Where's my money?" He says, and I glare at him, about to shove the stack of bills I'd withdrawn into his hands when he smirks.

"You know, you've stayed here for a long time. I've seen the kid you're taking care of— must be hard, hm?"

I frown. What was he trying to say?

I start to pull out the money from my back pocket. "Just take this. I've never been late on my payments, have I—"

"I could cut down the cost for you, if you can do something for me in return."

I freeze.


But then before I can even react, rapid footsteps echo to my left. My eyes flicker in surprise at a deep hiss, a familiar voice.


"What did you just say?"

I quickly fist the back of his shirt. I'm even more shocked to feel how tense he is, and grow more urgent to put this to an end before it went over my control.

My palm presses against his back. "Taehyung, it's fine—"

"Is this the kid?"

The landlord leans his weight backwards, his lip curling in distaste. He doesn't seem to like the look in Taehyung's eyes.

"Who taught you to be this disrespectful? Didn't your Noona teach you to be respectful to your elders?"

He spits on the ground.

"Kids these days— they're just out of their minds now, aren't they?"

I grind my teeth. Just be patient. Let it pass. If I lost control here, it wouldn't end up well for either of us.

But the moment I see him poke a harsh finger into Taehyung's chest, I forget what I'd been telling myself just a second ago.

"Didn't I just say to show resp—"

In a second I've put myself in front of Taehyung. I hit his hand away, my heart racing with anger as I shove the due money into his chest.

I couldn't believe this.

"He's only sixteen. Say what you have to say to my face if you have any, old man." I hiss, my gaze icy. "Just take the money. Like I said, I've never been late, have I?"

"I don't need any discounts."

He sputters. And I grip Taehyung's hand, pulling him back towards our apartment. There's a lingering thought in the back of my mind that he might evict us by tomorrow, but right now I couldn't give two damns.


I slam the door shut behind us.

"Are you okay?" He asks quietly, as I stand huffing in the doorway. His voice sharpens.

"Has he done this before?"

I shake my head. Disgust twists my expression as I think back to what he'd said, before Taehyung had come.


But now with every second that passes, I'm feeling the dread slowly creep up my spine.

"What's wrong?" He whispers when I start scrolling through my phone, with an anxious face. "Noona?"

"He might evict us for that."

His face darkens. "I'd be fine with that. I can't believe he—"

But then he looks up, worry clouding his pretty features. "Wait, is there not other places?"

"I'm not sure. I'll have to look." I breathe, clicking off my phone. "Tae, are you okay?"


I adjust his shirt over his shoulders. And he puts his hand on mine when he realizes what I mean.

"Noona, I'm fine."

"I was going to take you out today," I say softly, my eyes going downcast. "Because it must've slipped my mind that I had more money than I thought I did. But now..."

I wasn't in the mood anymore. And Taehyung, too. Even though he was saying that he was fine, he'd gotten yelled at and pushed around.

"Were you happy?"

I blink at his unexpected question. "What?"

"Were you happy that there was more money?"

My brow raises. "Of course, yeah. I was happy thinking about how I was going to spend time with you."

He gets to his feet. "Let's go, then."

"But you're...okay?"

"Noona," He laughs under his breath, giving me a look. But he somehow suddenly looks better— happier. "I already told you that it was nothing to me."

"So let's go."

He takes my hand. "Let's go eat something nice. And what do you want to do— watch a movie? Anything that makes you happy."

His eyes are glittering with a childish excitement.

"Anything, Noona. Anything."


Two years later

I look down at the cute keychain hanging off my phone. It's a little pink bunny, and I brush my fingertip over it in reminiscence.

Two years ago Taehyung had gotten it for me, saying that it was my lookalike.

I laugh quietly. I remembered we'd had so much fun that day. We'd had a delicious lunch, roamed the busy streets and tried street food. We'd even walked along the Han River, and had watched a late-night movie together.

A large hand suddenly drops on top of my head.

"Noona, what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." I say as I turn around. Taehyung smiles at me, brushing wavy dark locks of hair over his ear. If he'd been a cute, small boy at the age of ten, he was now a gorgeous man of eighteen. He'd grown even taller, and his baby fat had completely thinned out.

I pinch at his cheeks, sighing when there's nothing to grab at anymore.

"What are you doing?"

"Sad that all your adorable cheeks are gone." I say, sighing again. "Taehyung, when are you going to get a girlfriend?"

His eyes narrow. "You want me to get one?"

I think for a second, before I shake my head.

"Actually, no. Forget what I said. You'll find a perfect girl eventually. She'll come along."

There's a silence.

And I look up to see him staring at me, his heart lips pursed.

"I already did, Noona."

"You did?!" I exclaim. "Wait, who? I've never seen you with a single girl— I've always just seen them confessing to you. You never accepted a single one..."

He turns his head away.


"Never mind."

I make a playful face at him. "Are you messing with me? But you'll definitely let me know if—"

"Are you thinking of a boyfriend?"


His face is completely serious. And it's so serious that I almost laugh.



"I don't know. I never really thought about it." I say, tapping at my chin. I was reaching the age of twenty four now, but I'd never really given it much thought.

"Probably not. Besides, I have you, don't I?"

I didn't need a boyfriend. I already had Taehyung to look after, to care for. I was so used to giving him my love and attention that I didn't think I could spare any for someone else.

"Noona." He grips my hand.

"I'm an adult now, right?"

"Mm...I guess." I smile, wondering what he was going to say. He would always be a child in my eyes.

But I'm surprised at what he says after.

"Let me work." He says. His hand holds mine tighter when my face starts to darken. "I want you to stop working, Noona. I want you to do the things that you want to do. You've worked to support us for so long."

"Let me do that now. Please."

I'm already shaking my head. ""

His gaze turns pained. "Noona."

"You're going to college just next week." I say. "Taehyung, what are you thinking? You—"

"I don't want to go. I want to stay here, with you. I want you to stop giving up your own life for mine."

His jaw tightens. "I know you want to go to college. I know you want to follow the things you want to do. But I'm holding you back. Why does it always have to be that way? Let me help you, Noona. Let me be the one that you come back home to every night. Let me support you the way you've always supported me."

I look into his eyes.

If he only knew.

If he only knew that I wanted nothing more than to just protect him. Protect him from this life of working, give him a life where he wasn't chained to money. I wanted this, more than I wanted to attend college.

I wanted him, at least, to follow his dreams and do the things he wanted.

It was too late for me.

I didn't even know what I wanted to learn. What I wanted to do. All I knew that I wanted was the things I was already used to, and that was working to support us.

And I was perfectly fine doing that.

So I tell him no.

But I can see it, that he's growing more frustrated.

"Stop it." He whispers. "Do you think that I can't do it, Noona? I can, I promise. I've done it until now, and I—"

He freezes.

And I fall still, as well.


"Done what until now?"

His eyes are wild. I notice him fidgeting with his hands— one of his nervous habits, when he knew he had messed up.

My voice is quieter.

"Taehyung. Done what until now?"

No way. It couldn't be true.

His expression is agonized when he looks up to face me. "Chaeni Noona, please—"


My mind is spinning.

"Tell me that it's not true."

But he doesn't say anything. And my voice sounds broken as I meet eyes with him, my hands curled into trembling fists by my sides.

He'd been working. Without me knowing.

How? Since when?


Since the day he'd started to tell me that he'd be late studying at the library. He'd gotten his first pay, the day that I had thought myself crazy when I'd looked at my balance and was confused on as to how I had so much money leftover.

Two years.

I was a terrible person.

How in the world had I not noticed for two years?


He grips my wrist, snapping me out of my daze.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." He says, his eyes pleading for forgiveness. Forgiveness for him?

It was me who I needed to forgive.

"Where...have you been working?"

He doesn't respond at first. He looks hesitant, and that makes me even more frightened.


"No— no, it's nothing like you're thinking." He says, holding both my hands with desperation written all over his face.

"I started working just a few hours at a convenience store. Then I took a job being a server at a restaurant. That's it."

"That's all."

I silently wrap my arms around him, around his body that had grown to be twice as bigger as mine. He'd taken it into his own hands to help me— to earn money, at such a young age. When he should be doing nothing but worrying about school and making friends.

Tears start welling in my eyes.

My tears must have soaked through his shirt. He lifts me up in his arms, and I start sobbing uncontrollably when I shouldn't be. I should be keeping myself together, as the older one here.

But I can't stop thinking about how he had to lie for me. How he'd been working somewhere, instead of going out with friends and making memories.

I hadn't wanted him to live life the way I'd done.

He pulls me to his chest, placing the two of us down on the blankets on the floor. He wraps a smaller blanket around my shoulders, and I cry even harder when I feel his hand on my hair.

How small he'd been before, when I'd done the same thing and he'd looked up at me with protesting eyes.

I feel him kiss the top of my head.

"My sweet Noona."

"I'm not a child you need to protect anymore."


Maybe he's right.

It's a Tuesday night— one of the more easier nights at the café. So I can sink more into my thoughts as I tidy up the counter, my cream-colored beret hanging low over my eyes.

He wasn't ten years old. He was eighteen— turning nineteen, and could make his own decisions for himself. Even though I'd preferably be the only one working, maybe it wouldn't be the best idea to...

"Excuse me?"

My head jerks up in the middle of wiping a plate.

It's a customer. He gives me a smile, and I quickly put down the plate— blushing in embarrassment when I realize I'd completely zoned out and neglected him.

I hadn't even heard the bell when he'd come in.

Focus, Chaeni. Your shift isn't over.

"I'm sorry." I apologize, tapping at the order button. "What would you like?"

"Just a coffee, please."

"A coffee? We have cappuccinos if you like sweeter things, americano if—"

"What do you usually drink?"


I look up at him again, getting a better look this time. He seems about my age, with soft, hazel hair and eyes glittering dimly behind a pair of glasses. He must be coming back from work too, judging by the loosened white shirt he has on.

"Um, I usually just drink a lemonade."

He laughs. I notice how the tips of his lips are slightly curled upwards, and think he must be someone who smiled a lot.

"Then I'll just get an americano, thank you." He says politely, and I nod, tapping the order into the machine.

"Anything else?"

He shakes his head.

"That'll be three dollars and 41 cents."

I start making his order. And I can tell that he's staring at me, feeling his eyes so intensely on my lowered head. It makes me fidget a little.

He looks around.

"Miss, are you the only one here?"

I nod, pushing up my beret when it starts to slip forward.

"It's pretty late. A long day, hm?"

"Today was actually okay." I reply, pouring the coffee blend into the water. "There are harder days."

"Am I your last customer?"

I nod again. I'd close, right after I made his order. It was already a minute over closing time.

"Miss. Could I get a lemonade as well?"

"Of course."

Passing the finished americano to him, I ring up the lemonade. And I'm about to pass the finished cup of lemonade to him when he pushes it back in my direction.

"For you. I was worried you might not accept if I let you know beforehand."

I blink.


"Thank you for the coffee. Have a good night."

And with that, he leaves. I watch his back as he walks out the door, a little touched with his kindness. I take a sweet, long sip of the iced lemonade, before starting to close up the café.

I think of Taehyung.

He'd told me the name of the restaurant he was working tonight. So I pack up and head there, sipping at the drink.

It's completely full inside.

I'd never been in such a nice restaurant. The walls are obsidian black, the name of the restaurant engraved with a glittering gold. There's a delicious smell in the air, loud with people talking and enjoying their nights.

It's so different from the usual quietness of the café.

I'm stopped at the entrance.

"Hello." The worker says, giving me a smile. He looks like the manager of the place. "Do you need a table, ma'am?"

I shake my head. "I'm just here for one of the waiters."

"May I ask who?"

"Tae— I mean Taehyung." I correct. "Kim Taehyung?"

The man's face brightens. "Ah— Taehyung! Yes, of course. Come sit first, and I'll bring him to you right away. Are you his sister?"

"Um...yes, I am."

He's so nice. All the workers actually seem very friendly, greeting me as if I'm one of their customers when I was just here to see Taehyung.

It puts me more at relief, knowing that he worked in a good environment at least.

The convenience store I'd first worked at had a terrible employer.

I'm seated at a round, dark table. Then I'm left alone, and I glance around at all the other people.

They're laughing, drinking. It seems like they're having a good time, on a night-out with their friends. They all seem my age— mid-twenties, still young and beautiful.

And I clasp my hands together, suddenly feeling bitterly alone in the middle of all of it.

Then I feel a hand around my shoulder, and a familiar, deep voice.

"Chaeni Noona."

I look up. And a smile spreads on my face when I see Taehyung. The feeling of loneliness fades away.


How could I forget I had him.

"You look so handsome, Tae." I compliment, instinctively reaching to smooth the ruffled collar of his shirt. He does look beautiful tonight, the dark sleeved shirt lining his shoulders and a matching apron around his waist.

He smiles, a little catlike.

"Do I?"

And for a second I'm taken aback by the feline, seductive curve of his lips, the way his eyes slant.

I blink.


"I get off in ten minutes." He murmurs, squeezing my hand lightly. His hand overwhelms mine, slender fingers twining for a brief second before slipping free.

"Wait for me, Noona?"

I nod, still stunned as his shadow disappears back into the low lights in the restaurant.

My goodness.

I touch my cheeks. And I'm appalled to find that they're warm with heat, blushed red.

It's Taehyung. Get a grip, Chaeni. Did you really just blush to the child you've taken care of for the last nine years?

Shaking my head wildly, I take another long sip of the lemonade. It cools my cheeks down, and I convince myself that it's just the heat of the restaurant.

Because there was no way.

He was like a younger brother to me.

As he'd promised, Taehyung comes back in no more than ten minutes. He looks more excited than I'd seen him earlier.

I know exactly what that excitement is.

"Happy to get off work?" I wink, and he nods, smiling shyly. "What do you want for dinner, Tae? You have to be hungry."


He suddenly pauses. His eyes turn down to fix on my lips, expression passive.



It lasts a second. His fingertip brushes against the corner of my mouth, and I blink in shock as he lifts his thumb back to his lips.

"Mm. You had lemonade?"

I'm frozen for a heartbeat. And when I search his gaze, they look both so innocent and suggestive at the same time it drives me mad.

"Kim Taehyung."

He blinks.

"What in the world has gotten into you?"

But instead of answering my question, he tilts his head at me with a curious look.

"Noona, are you blushing?"

Heck no.

"No." I hiss, flipping the hood of my jacket over my head as I push him down the sidewalk. "Start walking or no dinner for you tonight. You understand me?"

He tries to look back. "But Noona—"

"Do you want food or no?"

A defeated sigh runs through his lips.

"Okay, okay. I'll go."

I keep behind him, the entire way back home. My cheeks are on fire, with embarrassment and confusion.

What was wrong with me?


A day later

"Hello again, Miss."

Oh no.

I jerk up from dozing off, to see the man I'd seen yesterday. He's giving me an amused look, and a wild flush decorates my cheeks as I quickly hurry up to my feet.

Why did this man always catch me when I was most tired? Or most off guard?

"H-Hi." I say, wiping the sleep from my eyes. It's nearly closing time again— the café is empty, except for me and him.

"What can I get for you?"

"An americano, please." He says, a smile playing on his full lips. "Is it just me, Miss, or are you not getting enough sleep?"

"No, I am— I am. It's just that you always come in last, and by then I'm just very tired..."

"Could I also get a slice of cake?"

"Mhm." I nod, reaching over to slide the glass panel open. "Which flavor?"


I blink.


"A slice of lemon cake, please."


"I don't want you to buy for me again." I quickly say, looking back up at him. "Thank you, really, for yesterday. But I can't..."

He laughs, a deep sound from his throat.

"Miss, I'm sorry."

"This is for me."

My goodness. I turn silent. And he looks fully amused with me now at the clearly embarrassed expression on my face, his eyes curved into playful crescents.

I rush to get him a plate.

"I'll—I'll be at the bathroom for a moment." I stutter, calling myself a complete idiot in my mind. Just because he'd bought for you once, how in the world would you think that he was going to do that again, every time.


"Let me know if you need anything else. I'll be out soon."

With that, I nearly run into the women's room to splash a handful of cold water into my face. My cheeks are burning now— red, up to the tips of my ears.

I usually didn't blush this easily.

Rubbing at my soaked face with a paper towel, I make my way back out. The man is gone, and I'm looking around the café when my eyes catch on a slice of yellow cake, on the countertop.


No way. It's the lemon cake I'd served him, gleaming gold now under the low lights of the café. There's a small note set on the rim of the plate.

You caught me.

And for the millionth time, I find myself blushing like an idiot.




"What's this?"

"Cake." I hear her call from the kitchen. "I already ate some, but take the rest if you want, Taehyung."


I slip the top of the box open. Inside there's a slice of half-eaten cake, the kind that Chaeni Noona always got on her birthday because she loved it so much. But today wasn't her birthday.

And I knew that she'd never buy something like this when it wasn't. I knew— I was usually the one to tell her to indulge herself more.

I don't understand.

" something special?"

She comes out of the kitchen with a light smile. There's a glow in her cheeks, making her even more beautiful than usual.

"No. Some kind person bought it." Noona says, which makes me tense.

"For you?"




"This man." She replies, and I look back down on the glazed top of the cake— stunned by the warmth in her tone. "I'm not sure who he is. But he always comes in when I'm nearly done with my shift."

She smiles. "Anyways, try it. It's so good."

A man?

Noona walks back into the kitchen. And I'm left there standing, my expression blank. I don't know what to think.

Did he like Chaeni Noona? He probably did, if he was coming in every night and had even bought this for her. How was he like?

Tall? Older?

Was he good-looking?

A breath rushes out of my lips as I push my fingers through my hair, not being able to calm the rapid tugging against my chest.

I didn't care if he liked her. Maybe a little, but I didn't. Because all this time I'd been with Noona, I'd seen a lot of men trying their luck with her. Because who wouldn't— who wouldn't? She was too beautiful, too kind and sweet. She was soft and gentle with everyone.

But what if...

What if Noona ended up falling for this man?

She'd never talked so warmly, about someone.

I needed to know.


The next night, I leave my shift a bit early. I'd planned to leave earlier, but Jin hyung had held me back to help out one of the busier tables. After that, I'd left so fast I hadn't even gotten to change my clothes.

The café Noona worked wasn't too far away.

It's dark when I get there. The sun has completely set, and the air is cooler as I pause outside the glass walls of the café.

She's there.

Her eyes are unfocused with exhaustion, like how she always was on the ends of her shifts. Her fingers tap sleepily against the counter, and I can see her gaze flickering back and forth to the clock, counting down the minutes until she can close up the café.

But even with her tiredness, she looks beautiful.
She looks beautiful as always, the dim lights swathing her pale face in a soft gold. Her white beret's slightly crooked on top of her sable hair.

And I see him.

The moment I see him, I know he's the one that she'd been talking about.

He's tall, almost as tall as I am, with light hazel hair and glasses set over glinting dark eyes. He's wearing a work shirt, tie loose around the collar.

Noona looks up at him. And they start talking— I can't hear them, but I can tell that they are.

My chest squeezes when I see her smile softly, her eyes on him. She nods to something he says, and then takes his order, her lips still tinted with that smile.

Then the man slightly leans forward. My body tenses when I see him fix her beret, whispering something to her before pulling back away. Noona's cheeks blush a light red, clearly taken aback by how close he'd gotten.

Why was he getting so close to her?

Then while she's turned away to make his coffee, I see him write something in a note. He passes it to her as he takes the coffee, with a smile.

I really don't like his smile.

Then he leaves. And my eyes are so fixed on Noona, to see her reaction as she opens the note that I don't realize the man is coming closer to where I am.


I jerk back.

"Who the hell are you?" He says, voice icy. He stares at me with disgust, clearly having seen that I'd been looking at them.

My lips press.

"What did you give her?"

"And why would I tell you that?" He steps closer. "Answer my question. What were you doing, looking at her? Do you know Miss Chaeni?"

Do I know her?

I love her.

But I don't tell him that. I just tilt my head to the side, with a passive expression.

"And you? Do you know her enough to get so close to her?"

His eyes glint coldly at my quiet reply. He takes another step closer, but I keep my ground, gazing steadily back at him.

Then his expression turns amused.

"You look young."

"How old are you? A schoolboy who's fallen for someone older? Keep to the girls your age— she wouldn't even give you a glance." He says, voice mocking.

His eyes flicker down my clothes— the uniform I hadn't been able to change out of.

"Get an actual job first, kid."

"Do you really think you can make her happy?"



My eyes scrunch.

I'd closed up the café. By the time I'd finished, it had started raining out. But today I hadn't forgotten to check the weather, and had brought an umbrella.

But when I'd locked the door behind me and tucked the umbrella between my shoulder and head, I'd spotted a hazy figure through the rain.

First I think I'm hallucinating.

But the figure looks too familiar to be untrue.

Was that...?

It is.

"Taehyung." I whisper. He's just standing there, alone by the curb of the sidewalk. I can't see his face, too shadowed with the darkness and the rain. Only the dim light from the street lamp shows his figure.

Something is wrong.

"Taehyung?" I repeat, rushing to him to place the umbrella over his head. He's completely soaked, his dark hair hanging in strands over his face.

I set a worried hand on his shoulder, slipping the other around his cold hand. "What's wrong? Why are you like this?"

He just seems so sad.

And he's still in his work clothes.

He doesn't answer.

For a second, I stand there bewildered by his heavy silence. What had happened? Something at work? Maybe on the way here?

"Hey, talk to me." I urge, lifting his head to glance at his face. My fingers quickly brush away the wet locks of his hair. "Tae."


He looks up. His lips are tinged blue from the cold, but all I can see is the red around his eyes. As if he's trying so hard not to cry— trying, with all of himself not to.

It takes my breath away.

I hadn't seen him like this in years.


His voice is quiet. He falls into silence next, but the look in his eyes tell me that he wants to say something. He wants to say, he wants to say so many things. But for some reason, he's holding back.

I wrap my arms around his chilled body.


He breathes.

"But what if you hate me?"


He's shivering. And I just latch onto him tighter, feeling his breaths fast and uneven. I feel his hand, hesitantly pressing against the small of my back.

"What if you hate me?"

"I can't live hating you."

"Then will you leave me?"

"I can't live without you either."

"I love you."

"Me too."

"No...not like that." He murmurs, and I feel his heart racing in his chest, pressed so close against him. "I love you, Noona. I've loved you for so long I can't even remember."

He breathes.

"I don't want you with another man. I'm sorry for being so selfish. But the truth is I want you all to myself, and I feel so terrible every night thinking that because I can't make you happy."

"You'd be better off with anyone else. Someone who'll give you only the best of everything, will never make you worry about money again. Because that's what you deserve."

His hand slackens on my shoulder.

"You deserve that. You deserve more."

"More than I can ever give you."


I drape a second cold towel over Taehyung's burning forehead. Then I pull the blanket up his chest, touching his jaw with the back of my hand. His skin is hot with fever, against the coolness of mine.

My beautiful boy.

When would he ever realize.

Silently, I rest my head against my hands and watch him. The sleep he's in isn't peaceful— his dark brows are furrowed over his lashed eyes, and his lips pull back with deep, hushed groans every minute or two.

I love you, Noona.

I want you all to myself.

My fingertip quietly lifts. Then I trace the lines of his eyes, his nose. Every feature is so perfect.

There's an amused smile on my mouth.

"You want me all to yourself, hm?"

But I can't make you happy.

I pause. My hand stops, and I slowly pull myself up to sitting position. I'm looking down on his flushed face, feverish and agonized.

When would he believe that he was my entire happiness?

When would he believe I'd choose him over anything.

I kiss his forehead. Then I hesitate a little, before I bend forward and press a soft kiss on his pale lips. My palm rests on his chest. I'm about to break away when his eyes open.

A wild blush sets my entire face on fire.

I jerk away. But before I can, his hand wraps around the back of my head. There's a slight glaze in his eyes, from the fever. But there's also this glow that I can't take my eyes off of.

He tugs me forward. And I lose my balance, clumsily toppling onto his chest.


"You kissed me first."

He locks his lips back onto mine.


He's such a good kisser.

"Wait, Taehyung, wa—"

A rush of heat escapes my lips as he lifts me onto his lap, enveloping me with the sheer size of his figure. His fingers lock around my waist, and my brows scrunch together as he deepens the kiss. His skin seems to burn with warmth, and my own heart begins to race as that warmth bleeds into mine.

My body arches as he presses his hand against the small of my back. I'd wrapped my fingers around the strong curves of his shoulders.


"Chaeni," He whispers, voice so husky and feverish that it sends a streak of tingles pinching down my spine. He connects his lips to mine again, and I make a pressed noise as he starts to tip my head back.

My eyes widen when he touches his mouth to the sensitive skin of my throat. I feel the way he starts to suck on it.

A blush covers my face.

I pull away from him, breathing rapidly. He meets my stunned gaze with a tilt of a smile, the corners of his reddened lips tugging up into a wolfish look.

I can't imagine how swollen my lips are.

"Explain to me,"

"Where in the world you learned to kiss like this."

He blinks. "Beginner's luck?"

"Don't play with me." I reply, shuffling to my feet. But then he sits up, pulling me against his chest. His arms squeeze tight around my shoulders.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to hold you like this."

He buries his face into the crook of my neck. His skin really is so hot against mine, from the fever. I can't think straight because of it. I can feel every inch of him— from the way each breath leaves him softly, down to the heart that beats inside of his chest.

I reach up and place a hand on top of his dark hair.

"You sure you're fine?"

"Fine." He purrs, taking a deep breath. "It just hurts a little. I don't care."

And for a while, we stay like that. There's a light blush on my face, and I blame it on the heat of his body pressed to mine as I close my eyes. The sounds of rain echo outside.

I don't know how much time has passed when he whispers again, his voice low.



He's hesitating. I can feel it.

"What is it, love?"

"...that man." He finally starts, hand grasping around my wrist. "From the café."

"I don't like him."


"Did you see him, tonight?" I ask, pressing down a smile at the unhappy edge in his tone. "He isn't anyone important to me, Tae. He's just a customer."

But I find myself thinking back to the way he'd come too close to fix my beret tonight. Then he'd slipped me his number, on a note. I hadn't given it much thought at all though, after I'd seen Taehyung in the rain.

I play with the back of his hair.

"I'll let him know I don't live alone."

He makes an unsatisfied noise, making me bite back a laugh.

This kid.

But I give him what he wants.

"And I'll also let him know I already have my interests set on someone much prettier than him, if he ever asks."


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