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"Shouldn't you go back to them now?"

"I like staying with you, Dahyun." He says, looking soft in his way too big clothes. Taehyung had ended up giving him some, because both of them refused Jimin to wear mine.

He sidles over to me, plopping himself down on the couch. A hot red blushes my cheeks when he presses his side against mine, leaning his head against my shoulder.

"J-Jimin, what are you doing?"

"Now I know you're not going to leave me." He whispers softly, and then my eyes widen when I feel something soft touch the side of my neck.

Did he just lick me?

"Jimin!" I yelp, and he looks up at me with wide, surprised eyes. There's not a single trace of lust in them at all, just full of purity and innocence.

I settle back down.

Stop overreacting. He's just being a regular human cat.

"What's the matter?" He says, and I just shake my head. I force myself to fix my gaze at the old television, trying to ignore him as best as I can.

"Nothing. It's all fine."

Then I blink when I hear soft purring. Jimin mewls, and when he half-hugs and half-straddles me, I have to remind myself this is just his kitten instincts.

Wait, were kittens usually this affectionate?

"Kit—Jimin." I want to slap myself at my mistake, and he looks up at me with his bright teal irises.

"You can call me kitten. I'm fine with that."

"No, but it sounds—"


"Never mind." I mumble, rubbing my temples. You have to think much more innocent. He's just too pure for you, Kim Dahyun. Pure up.

"Let's watch the show." I suggest meekly, and he whines.

"I don't want to. Honestly I don't really understand." He whispers, and tucks his arms around my waist again. Then he rests his head back on my shoulder, and after a few minutes, I find him quiet.

He's asleep.

And it's truly the most prettiest thing I've ever seen.

I reach for the small blanket I usually keep on the arm of the couch, wrapping it around both me and him. And then I look back to the TV, trying to focus on what they're saying.

Five minutes later I'm asleep.


It's warm.

Too warm.

My eyes flicker open, and I realize that there's a soft, soothing feeling on top of my head. Like someone's stroking it with their hand.


"Jimin." I mumble, feeling his arms tight around me in the darkness. He makes a soft noise, and I can smell the sweet scent of him as he shifts.

His teal eyes glow at me.

"Did I wake you?" He says silkily, and I blink. "Sorry— I was trying really hard not to. But I guess I did in the end."

And then something's slipped into my palm.


"Your phone." He says, smiling so that I can see his slightly sharp canines. "I thought you might want to see it, Dahyun."

And there it is.

As soon as the screen lights up, I see a message notification that reads my acceptance for the second cut I'd interviewed for a company last time. And that they wanted me to come back tomorrow for the final cut.

I gasp.


"Why?" He looks up quickly, the expression on his face worried. "I— I thought it was good?"

"It is good! It's amazing!" I yelp, reading the message over and over again. "God, is this actually happening? I might actually get hired and have a steady job!"

I kiss his cheek. 

"And then I'll be able to support you for sure, kitten."

I'm so busy being excited that I don't notice the fiery blush that spreads across Jimin's light skin. He looks down, burying his face in my shoulder.

"Jimin— help me wake up tomorrow, okay?" I chirp happily, and I can feel him nod. "And oh gosh, I just realized we just spent half the night on the couch. You must've been so uncomfortable, I'm sorry."

His eyes widen.

"N-No, Dahyun. It was fine."

"Come on." I say, confused on why he'd be so red as I lead him into my bedroom. Then I flop down on the mattress, arching my back and stretching myself out.

"What— What time?" Jimin suddenly stutters out, and I clap my hands together.

"Seven. So I have four hours to get myself together— gosh, how am I going to be able to fall asleep now, Jimin?"

When I kick my legs and turn to his direction, I'm taken aback to see how close he is. He smiles his canine smile as soon as he sees my eyes widen a bit, touching my face with his fingertips.

"You're so cute."

And then while I'm all frozen up, he pinches gently at my nose. "Don't be worried, Dahyun. You'll do fine."

Then his lips turn into a slight pout, the corners tilting down.

"Now give me attention because I'm your kitten and I need it."


The next day, I walk into the company feeling so nervous I was struggling to put one step over another.

What was I going to do?

Did I know what I was going to say?

This was the final cut. If I just got through this one last time, then I wouldn't ever have to work another part-time again. I'd have a job.

My heart's racing in my chest even when I sit down for ten minutes, next to a bunch of other people who look like they're here for the exact same reason I am.

They all look so confident.

"Group B2– Shin Mina, Lee Yoojung and Kim Dahyun."

Two other girls get up, and I swallow as their heels click against the polished floor. They're all wearing skirts and expensive-looking blouses, and I quickly follow the two of them into the interview room.

There's three interviewers, and three chairs set out in the front. I hurry for the last chair, chest pumping.

And then the worst thing that can possibly happen happens.

I trip on the chair.

The interviewers look up from their sleek laptops the moment I sprawl on the floor, quickly scrambling to get back to my feet. My cheeks are redder than a tomato, and I can feel the mocking gazes they're all giving me.

I want to cry.

And through the entire interview, I'm a total mess. Whenever they ask me a question, I say things I have no idea what I'm saying of. And then I just keep quiet with the lump in my throat.

I'm not going to make it, am I?

And I don't.

An hour later, the list of accepted people is hung on the front. People crowd around it, and I struggle to make my way past excited faces trying not to break down right then and there.

I'm never going to get a job. Never, with my stupid body always falling over and being clumsy like this.

I leave the company building as fast as I can, the tears finally spilling from my eyes when I come outside.


I pull down my sleeves, finally coming to a stop and wiping furiously at my teary eyes.

What would Jimin think?

And I'd made all that fuss yesterday night, over something like this. An embarrassed flush spreads on my cheek just thinking about it, and I turn.

I go the opposite direction of my apartment, where Jimin is.

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