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I don't see him for the next two days.

He'd been kept away from me, somewhere I didn't know by my father. Just yesterday I'd heard the guards talking about his punishment, and I'd shoved myself underneath the blankets before I could hear more about the details.

But now I'm here again, hiding myself in the little corner where I could hear the guards talking.

I sit there for hours.

They talk about boring stuff— their breakfast, whatever else. But there's something else I'm waiting for.

"I'm supposed to bring that robot supplies tomorrow."

My ears perk up. I press further into the wall, eyes widening.

"What— Agent V?"

"Yeah, that's the one. Do you know where he is? No one told me where to go."

My heart's racing so hard I'm afraid I won't be able to hear what he says next.

But I do, and the moment I hear where V is I jump up to my feet. Then I run over to the window on the far side of the room, sliding it open without any hesitation.

Remember to breathe, Lilah.

I breathe. Then I slowly wrap my hand around the sill, my stomach starting to hurt from anxiety. It wouldn't kill me if I fell— but it was high enough to hurt a lot.

But I couldn't stay in there anymore.

Carefully, I set myself on the sill. And then I stretch the tip of my feet, my hands trembling as I manage to touch the small, thin platform on the side of the wall.

If only I can just—

I reach for the metal pipe attached to the other corner, about to set myself down on the ground when my hand slips.

What happens next is a blur.

I end up hitting the grass back-first, barely pushing down a surprised yelp as my hand slices against something sharp.

"Ow, ow, ow...."

My heart starts beating fast again when I see red— my blood. I hadn't seen my own blood in years.

Stop it. You have to find V.

Whimpering slightly at the pain, I shove my cut hand into my pocket and hurry around the edge of the Palace. I'd stayed here for so long I knew almost all of it.

And thankfully, the West room was only second floor.


There's guards.

But they're talking— and most of them look all drowsy. The ones that look more awake are stationed on the far side.

I had a chance.

Pressing close to the forest, I start climbing up the wall as best as I can. It hurt a lot— and I couldn't even use one hand well, but I force myself up there.

I'd hurt him more than this.


I tap frantically at the glass pane. It's curtained, but then I smile widely when the cloth starts to move apart.

I'd missed him so much.


"P-Princess." He stutters, and I'm about to smile again when my gaze catch on his body.

The smile disappears.

"What— What is..."

His back shows metal. The rest of his body is wrapped in bandages, and then I nearly lose my balance when I get a full look at his face.

Half of it is bare.

"Ah— Lilah." He whispers, pulling me in the room when I start crying. "Please don't look at me right now. Why'd you come? How'd you find me?"

I bury myself in his arms.

"B-Because I was worried." I say thickly, gripping onto his shoulders. "V, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'll never ask to go outside anymore, it's all my—"

He kisses the top of my head.

"It'll heal. Don't think that this is your fault, Princess. Thank you for coming."

I glance up when I feel him taking my hand. He bites his lip unhappily, noticing the blood I'd smudged all over my palm.

"What happened?"

I hiccup, forcing a weak smile. "O-Oh, nothing. It doesn't hurt that much."

He turns my head away. He knows I'm afraid of my blood, he knows. He knows everything about me. "Don't look at it, Lilah. I'll take care of it for you."

I nod.

His fingers are warm against my hand, and I try not to break down all over again when I peek up at his ravaged face. The skin had been completely torn off on one side, showing his metallic structure.

His warm brown eyes fix at my hand, busy wrapping bandages around the cut.

I love him.

V tenses when I shyly press a kiss on his lips.

"I'm sorry still." I say, avoiding his gaze as I wrap my arms around his body. "I don't need to go outside anymore if I can stay with you. Really."

I tap the red and blue lines, the glowing ones that run down the side of his cheeks.

"This is really pretty too."

And he blushes.

I smile when small blue squares glisten down his the unscathed half of his face, sparkling at me before disappearing back into the pale skin.

He sits me down between his legs, on his lap. I lean against his chest, feeling different— all bubbly.

We'd done this countless times, but it had never felt like this now.

He smooths my hair back.

"I should be scolding you for coming." V whispers, and I lick my lips as his fingers graze underneath my chin. "It wasn't safe, Princess. And I don't know how to send you back safe either."

But then he tilts his head, pressing his lips against mine.

He kisses me deeper than he'd ever did.

V laughs lowly when I break off, my face completely flushed. I'm breathless and flustered, curled up into his chest with a wide-eyed look.

"You've always been so small." He murmurs, brushing his thumb against my jaw.

"So vulnerable."

"Hey," I frown, shooting him a light glare when my heart's fraying in nerves. "That's not my fault."

He nods, smiling. "You're right."

"It isn't, Princess."


He gets down to the ground so easily. I just stare at him as he reaches his hands, motioning me to jump.

"How—How'd you get down so fast?"

"I'm half-robot, Lilah." V just says, and smiles when he notices me hanging on the edge. "I won't let you fall."

And he doesn't.

"I'm taking you back to your room." He whispers, lifting me into his arms. "Don't come for me from now on, alright? I'll come for you, if I can."

"Every day." I squeak up, but then quiet right back down again.

I'm asking for too much.

Last time I'd done it, he'd gotten hurt.

He laughs when he sees the hesitation spark across my expression. And then he just seems to read my mind.

"Princess, for you it's never too much."


It's only been a minute since he'd brought me back and had left— but it feels like another day.

I sigh, disappointed at myself.

Thinking like this again.

Fluffing my pillow, I'm about to tuck myself under the blankets when a sudden shiver runs through my body.

I stop.

It's nothing.

But something feels wrong, and I jerk when any chest starts to feel tight. I can't breathe, even when I keep telling myself to.

Another attack. I'm having an attack.

The guards pour in the moment I scream, collapsed on my bed with my body curled up like a ball. I can't breathe— I can't breathe.

A few of them try to pick me up to take me to the infirmary, but I kick them away, crying.

"Don't touch me."

I need V.

Another rough seizure shakes my figure, and I just keep mumbling V's name. The pain in my head and chest is worse now, like it's tearing apart.

I hadn't gotten an attack this bad for months.

And now it was getting worse and worse. He'd always soothed it before it ever reached this stage, and I didn't accept anyone else but him.

Painful tears streak my face.

I'm going to die.

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