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"He's a Siren. Too beautiful and mesmerizing— and sometimes too much for his own good."



"Areum! What's wrong?"

I knock furiously on her door, eyes wide. She'd been crying for the last hour— and I'd honestly seen her never cry. Not even when she'd broke up with her last boyfriend— just never.

She had a rock hard mental, and now I had no idea what had happened that had her sobbing in her room.

Finally the door swings open, revealing her messy state. Her beautiful face is all flushed with crying, her usually perfect hair ruffled everywhere. She sniffs, wiping her eyes.

"What's wrong. Tell me— I've never seen you act like this, Areum. Never."

So when I hear that it's a boy, I almost don't believe her. And then when I hear that the boy is a complete stranger who'd refused her asking of his number, I nearly lose it then and there.

"What's wrong with you?" I cross my arms, my expression genuinely curious. "You never do that. People ask for your number first! And why are you crying about this?"

"He was so beautiful, Dalym. He had the softest dark hair, and his eyes— his eyes. They're so blue, and I can swear that he's not wearing lenses."

My mouth drops when she keeps on gushing about this stranger. I'm so shocked— not because she was saying all these things, but because she was never the type of person to say these things.

Heck, she cared more about plants than boys— she'd never approach one willingly. They approached her.

"I'm going there again— tonight. I just want to see him one more time before I leave for the States tomorrow."

"I'm going with you." I cut her off, my expression serious.

If there was someone who'd drive her this far over— making her act like an absolute love struck teenager—

That someone shouldn't be able to exist in this world.


"I don't see him." She says, sighing as she turns away from another man that comes to her. "Gosh— Dalym! Stop drinking so much!"

"This tastes amazing." I say, laughing drunkenly as I show her the colorful drink. "This is my new favorite from now on."

"Help me look!" She chides, and I finally groan, nodding. "Just tell me if you see the most beautiful person you've ever seen in your life. Because that's the one."

Taking another sip from the glass, I look around for the sake of her. My eyes roam lazily between the crowds of people dancing and laughing, not looking for particularly anything.

I take another sip, when I realize the glass isn't full anymore.

"Hold on, Areum." I mumble, stumbling to my feet. "I'm just going to get another one of this. And then I promise I'll really help you find him."

She just nods, her eyes fixed for someone I can't find.

Glass in my fingers, I make my way through the mass of people. I rub my temples when a sudden dizziness washes through my head— I'd just have to get one more drink.

And then I'd stop.

"One more of this, please." I say to the bartender, blinking slowly. My entire body feels sluggish as I sit myself down on the bar, watching him nod.

I'm waiting patiently with my chin tucked in my hands when someone slides into the seat next to mine.

"Can I have a drink, please?"

And then it's like I can't hear anything else. My eyes widen slightly at the voice— so soft and sweet. It's light and pretty, prettier than anything I've ever heard.

When my gaze slides drunkenly towards where it'd come from, I look around for Areum.

Because I think I found the person she'd been looking for.

"Which drink?" The bartender asks, his voice sickly sweet. I don't really have to look at him to know he's already smitten over the blue-eyed boy. "I can suggest a few if you'd like."

"I'll have the same one she's having."

That makes me turn away from searching for Areum to him, my brows raised. His blue eyes meet mine, and I blink once, my mind cloudy.

He's pretty, just like his voice. But my vision's distorted a bit, and I can only really tell that he has stunning blue eyes.

My eyelids start drooping from the alcohol, and I look at the bartender, starting to get impatient. He's making the drink, but when he hands it to the boy instead of me, I put a hand between them.

"I ordered first, remember?"

The bartender shoots me a dirty look, and I just stick out a tongue at him as he angrily gives the glass to me. The boy's staring at me, clearly surprised.

That kind of makes me angry. What— did he expect me to just hand it over to him or something like that?

And I'm drunk, which makes it even worse.

"What are you staring at?" I snap, my voice more on edge than usual. "You should wait for your turn."

"I'm sorry." He says, and his voice just makes all the anger just melt away. My features twist into a confused frown— how could anyone's voice be that soft?

"I mean— it's okay." I say, taken aback a bit with his apology. Now that he'd done that, I should do it too. "Sorry for that. I was a bit blunt."

"It's okay." I can tell he's smiling, but not much after that. "What's your name?"

My brows twist a bit at the sudden question. My name? Why was he asking for my name? We'd met like five seconds ago, and I'd been mean to him three out of those five.

"Uh—" I hesitate for a long moment, before finally opening my lips again. "Dalym. Sin Dalym."

"Your name's beautiful." He says, and I close my eyes for a brief second. I could honestly listen to him talk forever. "I'm Jimin."

".....Hi." I say, not knowing what else to really say. He laughs, and it might be the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. Then he gets up, the blue in his eyes disappointed.

"I got to go, Lym." He says, and I nod like some invisible strings are pulling on my head. "Can I call you that?"

I frown, and he laughs.

"I'll take that as a yes." He says, a slight teasing note in his breathy voice. "I'll see you later."

"No we won't." I say outright, my drunk eyes wandering all unfocused. "We'll probably never see each other ever again. Probability just works like that."

"Not with me." He says, and I just sip tiny sips at my glass. "Do you have someone to get you home, Lym? Did you come here with somebody else?"


"Oh yeah." I say, my head lifting up. I start look around, remembering that she'd wanted to meet him. "She actually wanted to see you. Do you mind—"

His warm features suddenly turn icy, like the answer I'd given him wasn't the answer he'd exactly wanted. Then my head feels more dizzy, and I groan loudly as I drop my head into my arms.

"I hope you feel well." He says, and I shiver. He sounds much closer than before, as if he's whispering right into my ear. But when I look with bleary eyes, he's still the same distance away as just a moment ago.

"It's a regret I can't stay longer."


"I still can't believe I found you passed out on the bar counter and that I had to drag you home on my back last night." She huffs, and I blush in embarrassment. "And you don't remember anything."

"I'm sorry, Areum." I say sheepishly, hugging her as I help her with her luggage. "I don't know what made me like that yesterday— I literally don't even remember."

"And I didn't even get to see that boy." She sighs, and I pat her back encouragingly.

"You'll find plenty in the States."

"I'll never find anyone like him." She says, shaking her head ruefully. "But I'll text you if I do."

I wave at her furiously as she disappears through the crowd, the exhaustion finally settling in when I don't see her anymore. It was only six in the morning— and I had to get to my shift at the café soon.

I really didn't want to, with a medium hangover and only four hours of sleep, but I needed the money.

"Good morning." I say tiredly when I walk into the shop at seven a.m. Several of the workers nod at me, and I take my place at the cashier.

And a flat, boring hour passes after that.

"Two Americanos— I'll have that to you soon."

"One strawberry sundae and Cookies and Cream cake. Does that sound right to you?"

"One cappuccino and a lemon cream pastry."

I shouldn't have gone to the club last night. There was honestly nothing I remembered, and now I was really struggling not to fall asleep right now.

"Yes, can I get your order?"

"One milk tea, please."

That voice. My eyes instantly snap up at the familiar sound, and then I lose all words at the person standing in front of me.

Breathtakingly beautiful.

"Hello, Lym. Nice to see you again." He says silkily, and I swallow. My hand is hovering on top of the cashier, unable to push the order down.

"H-How do you know my name?"

Everyone in the café is staring at him. And by everyone, I mean everyone. I see some who are even taking pictures, which makes me frown in distaste.

His features scrunch disappointedly, and he runs his slender, pale fingers through his dark hair. "You don't remember last night? I told you we'd see each other again."

His blue eyes sparkle at me, and I honestly don't know what the heck I could've done last night to gain the attention of this surreal man.

But then my eyes flicker over his shoulder, and I speak extra loudly when I realize that the girl in line behind is trying to touch him. Her eyes are filled with wonder, her hand starting to stretch.

"One milk tea— can you step up to the register?"

His eyes slightly widen, but follows my instruction. Soon a smile tugs on his lips as I take him through his order.

"Thank you— can you wait over there please?"

Then I ask someone to take my place temporarily in the cashier, and quickly make his drink. I hurry— making it almost twice as fast as my usual time.

Who is that?

And I told him my name? When?

I wrack my head as I shake some ice into the glass. It must've been at the club last night— there were just no other places I'd been to recently.

With his drink in one hand, I rush over to him. Everyone's still staring— and I feel so self-conscious as I finally stop right in front of him.

He takes the drink, blue eyes mesmerizing. But his voice— I still can't get used to it. And I definitely found it familiar, so he wasn't lying when he said we'd somehow met last night.

"Can we go talk somewhere a bit private?"

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