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Day One

This was definitely not how Jungkook imagined he would be spending his afternoon. Never had he thought that he would be standing on the street corner with a sign that said 'FREE HUGS' in bold red letters. This was so embarrassing. Of course, he wasn't getting any hugs. Who would hug a total stranger? That would be weird. Jungkook felt like his face was on fire with how humiliated he felt.

Why was he standing on this street corner with this sign? Well, he lost a bet. Now as punishment for losing the bet, he had to stand on this corner with this sign for three hours every afternoon for a whole week. Not a bad punishment but really embarrassing. He would remember to never make iffy bets with Taehyung again.

Passersby would give Jungkook expressions of confusion and disapproval, thinking he was very strange for standing there with that sign. All Jungkook could do was avoid eye contact and pray that time would speed up. As time passed on this first day, he would shift his weight from one foot to the other, not used to standing in one spot for so long. He much preferred to move around. Standing still like this was torture.

When the three hours were coming to an end, Jungkook noticed someone across the street. No, this wasn't his first time noticing the person. The person was a man, slender and blond. Jungkook had noticed him about an hour ago. The man had paused to peer at Jungkook for a few minutes before continuing on his way. Now he was standing there again, eyeing Jungkook. His expression didn't appear to be full of disapproval, like the other people who passed by. He seemed to be curious. But again, he only remained for a few minutes before continuing on his way.

Jungkook could not even express how relieved he was when this first day of embarrassment came to an end. He walked home with the sign, returning to the apartment he shared with Taehyung."Dude, that was the most embarrassing thing I've ever done!" he complained as soon as he found Taehyung in the living room.

"How did it go?" Taehyung asked with his wide boxy grin."Get any hugs?"

"Of course not." Jungkook plopped down onto the couch and placed the sign on the cushion beside himself."No one is just going to hug a stranger."

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders slightly."You never know. Someone out there may be in desperate need of a hug."

Jungkook rolled his eyes."Well, whoever needs a hug that badly probably has a friend or family member to hug."


Day Two

"Here we go again." Jungkook mumbled to himself as he got to the street corner with his sign. He didn't want to do this. He really didn't enjoy all the stares he received. Many people started crossing the street to avoid him because they thought he might be mentally unstable to be willing to stand here in offer of free hugs to strangers.

Again, Jungkook avoided eye contact. He hated this. This was only the second day, so he had five more days after this one. How ridiculous. Maybe he should have made a bet with Taehyung of how many people would hug him. After all, Taehyung seemed to be sure that someone would actually do it. Jungkook, on the other hand, knew no one would be desperate enough to hug a complete stranger on the street like this.

As he stood there, Jungkook shifted his gaze around, trying not to let his eyes linger in one spot for too long. A lingering gaze would make him seem creepy if he happened to look directly at someone or accidentally make eye contact. That would make this much more awkward. While shifting his gaze around, Jungkook happened to see someone across the street. Looking at the person across the street, he recognized the man from yesterday. It was the blond, the one who stopped to watch Jungkook for a few minutes. He was doing it again.

Why did he keep watching Jungkook with such curiosity? Would he be back to stare at Jungkook again later? Soon, the man walked away, heading toward wherever his destination may be.

About a half hour later, Jungkook received a scare when a police officer approached him. He feared he was going to get in trouble for causing some kind of public disturbance. However, the officer simply asked why he was doing this. When he explained that it was punishment for losing a bet, the officer gave a chuckle then told him to just make sure he didn't bother anyone. Jungkook was quite relieved when the officer left him alone.

About twenty minutes before the three hours would be over, Jungkook looked ahead and spotted the blond man across the street again. Whoever he was, he didn't stop to stare at Jungkook this time. His head was hung low, and his shoulders were slumped. Perhaps he was sad. Jungkook wondered why he was sad. Something must have happened within the past hour to bring him down because he hadn't seemed sad earlier.

When the time was up, Jungkook returned home again."Still no hugs today." he told Taehyung.

"Really? Oh man. I keep hoping someone will hug you." Taehyung was truly disappointed that Jungkook hadn't gotten any hugs yet.

"Why do you want people to hug me?" Jungkook set the sign down by the front door and kicked off his shoes.

Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows."I can just imagine the look on your face when some stranger hugs you."

"You're strange." Jungkook let out a heavy sigh, knowing that tomorrow was going to be just as embarrassing as today.


Day Three

Another day. More unwanted stares. Still no hugs. Not that Jungkook wanted hugs from strangers. He was fine with not getting any hugs. He did feel happy when he got to see a woman walking by with her little dog. He asked to pet the dog, but the woman, however, didn't allow it. She kept her distance from Jungkook, not wanting to get near the 'FREE HUGS weirdo'.

Jungkook understood. He knew how odd he seemed to everyone. As he waited for the time to pass, he found himself scanning the sidewalk across the street. Was the blond man going to pass by again today?

Sure enough, the blond walked by again. He didn't stop to stare at Jungkook. He had a cardboard box in his arms, and the heavy stomp in his steps paired with his quick strides suggested he was angry.

This had Jungkook wondering what might have happened yesterday. The man had been in a seemingly decent mood the first time he passed yesterday. Then, he was sad. Now he was angry. Something was definitely going on in that man's life that was putting him through some tough emotions.

He looks like he needs a hug. Jungkook thought to himself. What am I thinking? I'm not going to just hug a stranger. Still, Jungkook waited to see the man pass by again.

About an hour later, the man passed by again. This time, he had no box. He was still angry though. His hands were stuffed into his pockets, and his shoulders were a bit hunched as his body must have been tense with rage. He stopped for a moment and glanced over at Jungkook, almost instantly making the eye contact Jungkook had avoided so well until that point.

When Jungkook returned home today, he couldn't stop thinking about the blond man. He seemed to be going through something tough in his life."Tae, I keep seeing a guy every day who really looks like he needs a hug."

"Well then, hug him." Taehyung said so simply, as if that was the easiest thing in the world to do.

"No way. I'm not a creep. Only creeps hug random people on the sidewalk." Jungkook cringed at the mere thought of hugging a stranger like that.

Taehyung pointed to the sign."It's not creepy if you have this sign."

"Yes, it is."


Day Four

Jungkook heaved a heavy sigh as he did his best to avoid eye contact again. Why couldn't Taehyung just make him do this for a couple days? Why did it have to be a whole week? Slumping his shoulders a little, Jungkook kept an eye out for the blond man. Would he be feeling better today? Would he still be angry? Or would he be sad again?

"Mister, why are you holding that sign?" a little girl asked Jungkook, such sweet innocence in her tone."Do you like to give hugs?"

Jungkook smiled down at the girl, doing his best to not seem like a creep."Hugs make the world a better place." he told the girl."Hugs make people happy."

There was a light call, a woman getting the girl's attention. But the girl just smiled up at Jungkook."My mommy likes hugs. She hugs me lots."

That brought a bit of cheer to Jungkook. It was sweet."Maybe you should give her a hug right now. I'm sure she would like that."

"Okay. Bye bye, Mister." The little girl waved cutely and ran to the woman who called for her, clearly her mother.

Jungkook chuckled and returned his gaze to the sidewalk across the street. He had seen no sign of the blond man today. Was he just not going to pass by today? Maybe he had other things to do that did not require him to walk by this way. It was a strange feeling for Jungkook to experience, being somewhat let down by the blond man not making an appearance for a few minutes.

Waiting the whole three hours, Jungkook never saw the blond man today. It was oddly saddening. At the end of the three hours, he returned home."I'm back, Tae!" he called when he got inside."Tae?!"

"I'm in the kitchen, Kook!" Taehyung called back.

Making his way into the kitchen, Jungkook was surprised to see Taehyung making food for once."Oh, no frozen dinners today?"

"Nope. I thought it would be nice to have a homemade meal this time." Taehyung wasn't really that good at cooking, but he wasn't terrible either."So did you hug that guy today?"

"No. I didn't see him today." Jungkook hopped up to sit on the counter."And I never said I would hug him."

Taehyung looked at Jungkook with disappointment."You really need to hug him, Kook. You said it yourself that he looks like he needs a hug."

"A hug from a friend or from his family." Jungkook specified."I never said he needed a hug from me."

"Just give it some thought." Taehyung gave Jungkook a playful wink.

"Whatever, Tae."


Day Five

Today did not look good. Jungkook had asked Taehyung if he could stay home today, but he had been denied. He wanted to stay home because it was pretty cloudy. It looked like it was going to rain. As Jungkook stood out on the corner, not many people were out and about. Most people were probably staying indoors to avoid the imminent rain. After about an hour, the sidewalk was pretty bare. Cars still passed by, but no one was walking.

Jungkook just wanted to give up and go home when he felt the first few droplets of rain fall down on him. The rain surely didn't waste any time. A few droplets turned into a light drizzle. The drizzle turned into steady rainfall. Soon after, it became a heavy downpour. Jungkook was getting drenched. He lowered his gaze and sighed, holding his sign close to his chest as if his body might shield it a little from getting wet.

It was not made apparent that he was not alone until the heavy rain stopped falling on him, but it continued to assault everything else. Lifting his gaze to peer upward, Jungkook found a large black umbrella over his head. Looking to the side, he was shocked and surprised to see the blond man. Unable to snap himself out of his surprised state right away, Jungkook's eyes took in the blond man's appearance now that he was so close and not across the street. The man was shorter than him and quite slender. His skin was pale and fair, like porcelain. His dark eyes were like chocolate, peering up at Jungkook as his sclera were a bit pinkish. Were his eyes irritated? Did he just wake up?

Had he been crying?

"If you're just going to keep staring at me, I'll leave cause that's creepy." the blond man warned.

Jungkook snapped back to reality and quickly turned his gaze away."Sorry. I didn't mean to stare." He quietly cleared his throat, trying to think of something to say."What brings you out here in the rain?"

The blond man sighed softly."You, actually." He wasn't going to make up an excuse to be out here at this time."I've seen you out here a few different times and figured you might be out here again. I thought I'd be nice and bring you an umbrella."

Jungkook looked at the shorter man again and lifted his eyebrows in question."Really? You brought this umbrella for me?"

"Well, yeah. Don't think I'm just going to stand here with you the whole time." The blond man's cheeks turned a rosy shade of pink, probably embarrassed to be doing such a kind deed for someone he didn't even know."I'll get my umbrella back from you later. Will you be here tomorrow?"

"Wait, you're serious?" Jungkook was dumbfounded. This stranger was lending him an umbrella. How kind.

"Yes, I'm serious. Now answer the question." The shorter man seemed to be a little tired, like he just wanted to curl up in bed and sleep for the rest of the day."Will you be here tomorrow?" he repeated.

Jungkook held the sign in one hand and wrapped the fingers of his other hand around the handle of the umbrella, gently taking it from the other man."Yeah. I'll be here."

"I'll see you tomorrow then." The blond man stepped out from beneath the large umbrella, letting the heavy rain fall on him.

"Wait!" Jungkook really needed to know."What's your name?"

The blond man looked back at Jungkook over his shoulder."It's Yoongi."

"Yoongi." Jungkook liked the sound of it."I'm Jungkook."

Yoongi stuffed his hands into his pockets."I'll see you tomorrow, Jungkook."

With the umbrella left with him, Jungkook watched Yoongi walk away in the pouring rain."Yoongi..." he lowly spoke the man's name once he was alone again. What a nice person.


Day Six

Jungkook was relieved that there was no forecast of rain today. It was going to be sunny all day. Of course, that meant he was going to be really hot the whole time he would be outside with the FREE HUGS sign. However, Jungkook was looking forward to it today. He could hardly wait to see Yoongi, the cute blond. Wait, cute? Yes, Jungkook did think Yoongi was cute.

As he stood on the corner, Jungkook's eyes scanned his surroundings. Yoongi's umbrella was propped up against his leg, ready to be given back to its rightful owner. But Jungkook didn't know when Yoongi was going to show up.

"Looking for me?" Yoongi spoke from behind Jungkook.

Jungkook spun around, knocking over the umbrella."Oh, hi, Yoongi."

Yoongi picked up his umbrella and sighed."Why do you keep standing out here? Isn't it boring?"

"Well, yeah, it's boring, but this is my punishment for losing a bet." Jungkook felt embarrassed as Yoongi perked an eyebrow at him."I made a bet with my roommate and lost. The punishment he gave me is that I have to stand out here with this sign for three hours each day for a whole week."

"Oh, I see." Yoongi seemed to be a little relieved that Jungkook wasn't simply doing this because he liked being weird or something."How many days have you been doing this?"

Jungkook pouted childishly."This is the sixth day."

"Tomorrow will be your last day then." Holding his umbrella in his hands, Yoongi shifted to stand beside Jungkook."Want some company? I've got nothing to do today."

"Sure. If you really don't mind." Jungkook had not expected Yoongi to want to stay on this corner with him. It was definitely a pleasant surprise though. Maybe it wouldn't seem so bad while he would have some company."Are we just going to chat then?"

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders simply."I guess so."

It got quiet for a few minutes as neither of them knew what to say. However, Jungkook had a question on his mind. He knew it was none of his business, but he really wanted to ask."A few days ago, you looked pretty upset when you walked by. And you were mad the next day. Did something bad happen? I know it's none of my business, so you don't have to answer. I'm just wondering."

Yoongi lowered his gaze and silently debated on whether he should answer or not. Maybe it would be okay to tell Jungkook what had happened."I caught my boyfriend of three years cheating on me. I was pretty upset, but when I got over the upset part, I moved on to the angry part, I guess. He didn't have much stuff at my house, so I packed it up and took it to his house. Told him we're over and that I never want to see him again."

"Oh, bummer." Jungkook now felt bad about asking. Yoongi probably didn't want to talk about it."I'm sorry that happened."

"Nah, it's okay." Yoongi made a small wave with his hand."I was suspicious for a while. I'll get over it. There's no use in being upset over someone who didn't even think twice about betraying me."

"I guess that's true." Jungkook didn't see how someone could cheat on a man as cute as Yoongi. The blond seemed pretty nice too. What kind of idiot would give up such a fine catch?

As they awkwardly found things to talk about, Yoongi started to relax with Jungkook. They discussed things like Jungkook's bet, funny childhood stories, and a few movies. Yoongi was actually quite pleased to be chatting with Jungkook. It was nice to just talk with someone who didn't expect anything from him.

As they were talking, Jungkook occasionally checked the time on his phone. He was surprised, quite pleasantly, when he saw that they had spent nearly the whole three hours together, just talking and getting to know each other."It's about time for me to head home."

"Your three hours are almost up?" Yoongi seemed to become unhappy when Jungkook nodded."Okay. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Wait, what?" Jungkook was confused. Yoongi was going to come back again tomorrow?

Yoongi flashed Jungkook a soft smile."I'll see you tomorrow." he repeated."Tomorrow is your last day, right?"

"Yeah." Jungkook smiled back at Yoongi."I'll see you tomorrow." After Yoongi left, Jungkook couldn't stop smiling. Even as he walked home, he still had that smile on his face."Tae, I think this is finally becoming a good thing."

Taehyung perked up at those words."Did you finally get a hug?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively."Did you like it?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and seated himself on the couch beside his roommate."No hugs, but I made a friend. That guy I told you about before actually talked with me the whole time today. His name's Yoongi, and he's really nice."

"Kookie, hug him!" Taehyung seemed to be desperate for Jungkook to hug someone. Or be hugged by someone."This is your chance to get a hug!"

"Why are you so enthusiastic about me hugging someone?" It didn't make sense to Jungkook.

Taehyung groaned."I made a bet with Hoseok-hyung that you would get hugged during your punishment."

That made Jungkook laugh."Well, you're going to lose that bet."


Day Seven

Jungkook was happy to be standing on the corner with that sign in his hands. It was no longer embarrassing because he wasn't standing alone. Yoongi was with him. They talked about all sorts of things, just like yesterday."He seriously thought the cardboard wings would work?"

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders."Yeah, what a dunce. I ended up with a broken arm and damaged trust." He chuckled lightly."But we were kids. All kids do stupid things. Now we just look back on it and laugh."

"That's so nice." Jungkook was actually forgetting about the FREE HUGS sign as he spoke with Yoongi. He really enjoyed the other man's company."So you two are still friends?"

"Sure are." Yoongi really liked talking with Jungkook. It was so pleasant. They had some laughs and shared smiles. It was like they became so close over just a couple days. It was wonderful."So um...About the free hugs...Can I have one?"

Jungkook peered at Yoongi and could see that he was embarrassed about asking for a hug."Well, I suppose we aren't strangers anymore, so it wouldn't be weird, right?"

"So I can have one?" Yoongi shifted his gaze to the side. He had never asked for a hug before. It felt unusual to him.

"Not yet." Jungkook had an idea."Wait until my time is up."

Yoongi didn't understand."Why do I have to wait until your time is up?"

"Well, my roommate made a bet with a friend of ours that I would get hugged during my punishment." Jungkook explained."I want him to lose the bet."

"Oh, okay. I get it." Yoongi thought that was pretty amusing."I'll wait until your time is up."

Unbeknownst to each other, they were both now hoping that time would speed up. They wanted to hug each other, sure that it would be a very nice experience. Jungkook kept checking his phone for the time, getting anxious as there remained less and less time of his punishment. And when that time was finally up, he set down the sign and turned to Yoongi."Time's up."

Yoongi peered up at Jungkook with a smile."Your roommate lost his bet."

"Yup. He sure did." With a wide grin, Jungkook opened his arms wide, not caring about the people who were walking past them. Who cared if anyone stared?

Despite being embarrassed about this, Yoongi moved close to Jungkook and wrapped his arms around him. He felt Jungkook's arms close around his body, encasing him in a warm hug."This is weird, but uh...It feels nice."

"Yeah, I agree." After a moment, Jungkook pulled away from the hug, feeling awkward."Anyway, I know we've just been corner buddies for a couple days, but..." He lifted a hand to scratch the back of his head nervously."Would you join me for some coffee?"

A smile spread across Yoongi's lips."Sure. I'd like that."

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