How To Calm A Stressed Leader (NamGi) FLUFF

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Namjoon let out a heavy sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair. He slouched in his chair and stared at the monitors in front of him. He was so frustrated. The past few weeks had been extremely stressful, and he still had lots of work to do to prepare for their comeback. Songs still needed to be finished, and Namjoon needed to work on them. But he was too stressed and frustrated. No matter how hard he tried to remain calm, he had ended up losing his temper with the other members. He hadn't meant to. Namjoon would have to swallow his frustration and apologize to the others later once he could calm down. For now, he just wanted to be alone in his studio to work on the remaining songs. However, he couldn't concentrate. Everything was making him feel more and more stressed.

"Namjoon?" a voice spoke cautiously as the studio door was opened. Only one person dared to enter Namjoon's studio without knocking. It was Yoongi."Are you okay?"

Namjoon folded his arms over his chest and groaned."Honestly, no." He didn't even attempt to say that he was fine. Everyone knew he wasn't doing well right now. It was completely obvious.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi stepped up behind Namjoon's chair and placed his hands on the younger man's shoulders.

Namjoon felt Yoongi begin to massage his shoulders. This was unusual for Yoongi to do, but Namjoon definitely wouldn't complain about it."There's just so much to do, Hyung. I can't keep up with everything. Everyone is counting on me to get this stuff done, but I can't. I'm a terrible leader."

Yoongi kept massaging Namjoon's shoulders, hoping to get him to relax a little."Just take a deep breath, Namjoonie. I know it's hard, but you can do it."

"Why do you support me so much, Hyung?" Namjoon could feel himself relaxing a little while being massaged. It felt great.

"Because you're a great leader." Yoongi moved his thumbs to press on Namjoon's shoulderblades, relieving some of the tension in them."And you're my friend. I may not act like it much of the time, but I'm quite fond of you."

Namjoon unfolded his arms and set them on the armrests of his chair."Thanks. I'm fond of you as well." He was still feeling quite stressed though. A heavy sigh slipped out."I don't know how I'm going to get everything done though. I think I'm too stressed out to be efficient."

Yoongi felt a smirk tug at his lips as he slid his hands down from Namjoon's shoulders, onto the taller man's chest."I know how to make all that stress go away."

Namjoon was getting confused by Yoongi's behavior. The older one was not usually so sweet and touchy."How?" Namjoon was really curious as Yoongi pulled away and spun his chair around. His eyes widened when Yoongi got onto his lap, straddling him."Hy-Hyung, what are you doing?"

Yoongi bit his lower lip in such a seductive way as he placed his hands on Namjoon's chest."Relieving your stress." He leaned in close and playfully brushed his nose against Namjoon's. The small touch was full of affection that words could not describe. The look in Yoongi's eyes portrayed wonder and adoration.

Namjoon was mesmerized by Yoongi. He had never seen the shorter man like this. He was at a loss for what to think. He could feel Yoongi's hot breath on his lips, and it was enough to make him feel like melting.

Yoongi had always wanted to do this. Slowly, he slid his hands up Namjoon's chest and snaked them loosely around the younger man's neck. He brushed their lips together so lightly before fully connecting them.

Namjoon was definitely lost now. His hyung was kissing him. And he soon found himself kissing back. This was so strange, but maybe he enjoyed it. Namjoon had always thought he was straight, but Yoongi might be proving him wrong in this moment. As they kissed, he wrapped his arms around Yoongi's slender waist, holding him close.

The kiss remained tender and soft. No tongue, just gently meshing lips. One of Yoongi's hands moved up onto the back of Namjoon's head, his fingers tangling into the soft locks that felt like silk. He pulled away from the kiss then pecked the tip of Namjoon's nose."Do you feel better, Joonie?"

"Y-yeah." Namjoon couldn't deny that his stress and frustration had dissipated. He felt so relaxed and calm, aside from his quickened heartbeat."Hyung, that was...really nice."

Yoongi smiled and leaned up a little to kiss Namjoon's forehead."Good. I'm glad you feel better." He didn't want to move away from Namjoon, loving this closeness. However, he knew Namjoon still had work to do. Moving himself off of Namjoon's lap, he winked playfully."Now get your work done, Leader. Make sure you concentrate fully."

Namjoon was completely let down as Yoongi walked over to the door to leave."How the hell do you expect me to concentrate after that?!" He didn't want Yoongi to leave. He wanted his hyung to stay with him.

Yoongi didn't say anything back. He just chuckled quietly and left the studio, closing the door behind himself. He knew Namjoon would be able to work now. Perhaps he would stick around and wait for Namjoon to get done. He knew how he could reward the leader for getting everything completed.

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