How To Catch A Predator (NamGi) ANGST/FLUFF

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Namjoon: Age 9

Yoongi: Namjoon's Father

Yawning and stretching his arms over his head, Yoongi peered up at the ceiling of his room. He didn't want to wake up yet. He wanted to go back to sleep. Unfortunately though, he had an important meeting to attend for work. It would only take two or three hours, he estimated, considering the things that needed to be discussed. This was supposed to be his day off, but he supposed a few hours at the meeting would be fine. After that, he could enjoy the rest of the day freely.

Thump, thump, thump...

Well, almost freely. Yoongi didn't live alone. No. He had someone special who took up his time, but that was okay. Yoongi loved every second of it.

"Daddy!" That cheery voice broke the silence of Yoongi's bedroom."Daddy, you awake?!"

Yoongi sat up and looked toward his closed door."I'm awake, Namjoon!" he called back with a smile. Wasn't this supposed to be the other way around? His son was checking on him, like the little angel he was.

Now knowing that his daddy was awake, Namjoon opened the bedroom door and ran into the room."I'm hungry, Daddy." he said as he climbed onto the bed."Can you make pancakes for breakfast?"

With a fond smile, Yoongi wrapped an arm around Namjoon's shoulders."We had pancakes yesterday, blossom. How about eggs and bacon today?"

"Can the eggs be scrambled? With cheese?" Namjoon asked while knowing what the answer would be.

"Of course." Yoongi knew Namjoon would be okay with not having pancakes but under the condition that his eggs were scrambled with cheese. Or if he had chocolaty cereal, but they were all out at the moment."Let's go to the kitchen and get some breakfast."

"Okay!" Giddy and ready to have some food in his belly, Namjoon hopped off the bed and rushed out of the room.

With a small shake of his head, Yoongi got himself out of bed and looked at his full-length mirror in the corner."You got this." he told his reflection."Be a good dad. Be the best you can be. Namjoon deserves the best dad in the world, and that is you." This was his morning pep-talk. Yoongi believed that having a positive morning was the key to having a successful day.

"Daddy, are you coming?!" Namjoon could be heard calling from the kitchen.

Chuckling softly to himself, Yoongi left his bedroom and walked down the hall to the kitchen. The house was small because they couldn't really afford anything better right now, but they were happy here. As long as they had each other, they were okay. Still, Yoongi did strive to make more money, wishing to spoil Namjoon with toys and maybe even special trips to the theater. Entering the kitchen, Yoongi spotted Namjoon putting the carton of eggs on the counter, a clean skillet already on the stove."Do you plan on cooking too?" he asked with a perked eyebrow.

Namjoon grinned at Yoongi and shrugged his shoulders."Maybe you can teach me. Someday, I can cook breakfast for you."

"Maybe. We'll see about that." Stepping over to the fridge, Yoongi got out a pack of bacon and a pouch of shredded cheese."Are you ready to make breakfast with me?"

"For real?" Namjoon's whole face lit up with excitement."I'm ready!"


"Daddy, do you have to go?" Namjoon whined as Yoongi was pulling on his shoes."You said you don't work today."

"I know, blossom. It's just a meeting." Yoongi sighed as he was tying his shoes."I'll only be gone for a few hours. Then, I'm all yours. I promise. We'll go to the park, go shopping, see a movie, anything you want." Once he was finished tying his shoes, he stood and lightly patted Namjoon's head."Your sitter will be here any minute. Make sure you behave."

Namjoon stopped. It was like his brain took a moment to think about what was going to happen today. Then, he whined again."But, Daddy, you don't have to go to the meeting, do you? Can't you just stay home? Please? I don't want you to go."

This caused Yoongi to frown."Namjoon, you know the meetings are very important for my job. Going to these meetings and producing good ideas for the company projects can increase my chance of getting a raise or even a promotion. If that happens, I can afford to buy better things for you, like that chocolate cereal you like so much."

"I don't need the chocolate cereal, Daddy. Please stay home." This was pure desperation. Namjoon didn't want his daddy to leave. He didn't want to be left with his sitter.

Before Yoongi could respond again, the sound of the doorbell grabbed his attention."He's here." He stood from where he had been seated on the couch and ran his fingers through Namjoon's hair once."Behave, okay? I'll be back soon."

"Fine." Huffing, Namjoon stormed away to his bedroom.

"Namjoon..." Yoongi really didn't know what to do about this change in Namjoon's behavior. He had never seen his son behave this way. However, he didn't have time to worry about it right now. He needed to get to the meeting. Heading to the door, he opened it and flashed a welcoming smile at the familiar man."Hey, come on in. Thanks for coming on such short notice."

"No problem. You know I don't mind watching little Namjoon while you're busy."

"I'll be home after the meeting. It should only take two or three hours." Yoongi stated as he checked his watch."Namjoon just had breakfast, and I should be home before lunch. If he asks for a snack, there are granola bars in the cabinet. He can have two, no later than 11 o'clock."

"I know the drill. No need to worry."

With that reassurance, Yoongi left the house, leaving his son in the care of his sitter.


As he approached his home, Yoongi thought about Namjoon's behavior earlier. It was highly unusual for his son to act that way. Didn't he like spending time with his sitter? He used to say that his sitter was so much fun. What changed? Now that Yoongi was thinking more about it, something didn't feel right. What could be causing Namjoon's change in behavior? Stepping up to the front door, Yoongi opened it and stepped inside."I'm home!" he called.

"Ah, welcome back."

Yoongi turned his gaze and spotted the sitter in the living room, waiting on the couch."Where's Namjoon?"

"He's in his room. He had a little...moment."

"Is everything alright?" This was certainly not what Yoongi had expected. Namjoon was typically so well-behaved.

"I had to put him in timeout because he was misbehaving quite a bit. I'm sure he's just in a bad mood today. These things happen."

A soft sigh slipped out between Yoongi's lips."I'm sorry he misbehaved."

"It's alright. I sent him to his room, and he cried a little. He probably just wanted his dad."

"Well, I greatly appreciate you keeping an eye on him. You're free to leave now." Yoongi watched the sitter stand and head for the door."I'll try to give you a better notice next time."

"No worries. You know I'll always watch Namjoon for you."

"Thanks." After the sitter left, Yoongi closed the front door and removed his shoes. Then, he made his way to Namjoon's bedroom."Namjoon." he spoke outside the door."I'm home, blossom. Can I come in?" He never entered Namjoon's room without asking first. He believed it was important to let his son have privacy and his own space. However, he didn't receive an answer. All he heard from within the room were sniffles."Namjoon?" Opening the door, Yoongi saddened at the sight of his son sitting on his bed in just his underwear, crying as he seemed to be struggling to hold back sobs."Blossom?" Stepping over to the bed, Yoongi knelt down in front of his crying son."What's the matter, sweetie? Why are you undressed?"

Namjoon couldn't speak. He was far too upset."Daddy..." He threw his arms around his dad, crying on his shoulder.

Yoongi was stunned for a moment as he wrapped his arms around the boy."Blossom..." Things were falling into place in his mind but in all the ways he wished they wouldn't. Namjoon's strange behavior this morning, the sitter's willingness to watch Namjoon on such short notice, the sitter's swift leave, Namjoon's current state of undress, his tears. It all made sense in the worst way possible. Yoongi didn't want to believe it, but..."Namjoon, I'm going to ask you a bad question, and I need you to tell me the truth. Can you do that for me?" Feeling his son give a shaky nod against his shoulder, he swallowed a lump in his throat."Sweetie, did the sitter..." This was such a hard question to ask."Did the sitter...hurt you? Did he...Did he touch you?"

There were no words spoken from Namjoon. How could he possibly tell his dad that the sitter did such awful things to him? He wanted to tell his dad. Really, he did, but he was scared. What would the sitter do if he knew? Still, his dad needed to know. His dad wanted the truth. So he nodded.

This was one of Yoongi's greatest fears. Someone he trusted had violated his son."Namjoon..." His voice came out shaky, like his vocal cords just couldn't find the strength to cooperate as his vision became blurry with tears."Oh, blossom..." He felt like a failure. He didn't protect his son. Yoongi clung to his son, fighting back sobs of his own. He couldn't let himself cry. He had to be strong. He had to comfort Namjoon."I'm sorry...I'm so sorry he did that to you...I should have been here to protect you..."

Namjoon didn't know what to do. He could tell from the sound of his voice that his dad was very upset. Was his dad upset with him, himself, the sitter? Maybe everyone?"Daddy..."

"Yes, sweetie?" Yoongi would do anything his son asked. He would do anything to help him feel better.

"Can I...Can I take a shower..?" Namjoon felt disgusting. His body remembered the feel of the sitter's hands and mouth. The faint feel of his breath made the boy's skin crawl and stomach churn. He felt sick. He felt disgusting in his own skin, wishing he could peel it all off like a stained outfit.

For some reason, those words made Yoongi feel like dying. There was nothing he could do, was there? His son must be feeling so repulsed by what happened. How could he expect Namjoon to ask him for help after he failed to protect him?"Of course..." Pulling back slightly, he looked at his son's tear-stained face, the sight adding more pain to his already-broken heart."Want me to get the water ready for you?"

Namjoon shook his head just a little."No..."

"Okay." Yoongi ran his fingers through Namjoon's hair a couple times then leaned forward to kiss his forehead."I'll let you have some time alone. Take as long as you need." When Namjoon moved back on his bed, Yoongi stood and stepped away. He went to the door and glanced back at his son for a moment before leaving the room. Namjoon needed space. He needed time. Yoongi understood that. At least, he thought he understood that. He needed a moment to himself as well. Going to his own bedroom, Yoongi sat on the edge of his bed and held his head in his hands. What should he do? What could he do? He could go to the police, sure. But would that help? Would his son speak to the police? How could he put Namjoon through that humiliation after what he already experienced? But more importantly...

How could he make the sitter pay?

If Yoongi went to the police, he knew that would start an investigation. What chance would Namjoon have of winning? It would be the word of a nine-year-old against the word of an adult with no criminal record. Sure, the accusation alone would be enough to ruin many aspects of the sitter's life, but would it be enough to put him behind bars? Would it be enough to make him truly regret what he had done?

As Yoongi thought about this, he became more and more upset. He was so upset that he felt like his heart could stop at any moment. But he was also very angry. He was angry at the sitter for what he had done, of course, but he was also angry at himself for not listening to Namjoon this morning. His son had whined for him to stay home. If only Yoongi had listened to him. If only he had skipped that stupid meeting."How many times..?" Yoongi didn't even know if he could think about that. There was no way he could ask Namjoon how many times the sitter violated him. Had it happened before? It must have. Why else would Namjoon whine like that this morning? He knew what was going to happen if he was left alone with the sitter.

Standing from his bed, Yoongi grabbed the small lamp from his nightstand and threw it across the room, the prongs at the end of the cord probably bending from being forced out of the socket like that. The lamp shattered when it hit the wall, but Yoongi didn't feel bad about it. No.

It felt good.

Anything within reach, Yoongi threw it all across the room. He broke things, destroyed his room. And it felt GREAT. There was no denying it. Smashing things, being destructive. It made Yoongi feel better. But was this enough?


Yoongi leaned his back against the wall and sank down to the floor. He put his hands over his face and began to cry. He just broke down into sobs. Why did this happen? If there was a God, why did he allow such despicable people to roam the earth? Why didn't God destroy them?

Why couldn't predators just die?

No one would miss them, right? The world would be a better place without them. Namjoon and other children would be safe.

Yoongi didn't know how long he sat there sobbing. He didn't know when a set of feet entered his room and approached him until a small hand touched his arm.


Moving his hands away from his face, Yoongi was met with the worried expression of his son."I'm okay, Namjoon." He sniffled and failed to hold back his sobs. He didn't want to cry in front of his son. He wanted to be strong for him. He wanted to be Namjoon's pillar of strength.

Namjoon hated seeing his dad like this. He hadn't seen his dad cry since the day his mom left."Are you mad..?"

Yoongi reached out both arms and wrapped them around Namjoon, pulling his son to his chest. As he hugged Namjoon, his body trembled."Yes, I'm mad..." He needed to be honest with Namjoon. An honest relationship was the best."But I'm not mad at you...So don't worry about that..."

Laying his head on his dad's shoulder, Namjoon felt safe in his dad's arms. He never wanted to leave his dad's side again. He wanted to be safe in his arms for the rest of his life. The world was scary. Other people were even scarier."I wish Mom was here..."

"Me too, blossom...Me too..."


The rest of the day was very fragile and delicate. Yoongi and Namjoon both didn't speak much, but they stayed near each other. Namjoon wanted safety, and Yoongi wanted to protect his son. Once night fell, Yoongi figured it would be best for Namjoon to sleep in his bed."Sweetie, you got your pajamas on?" Yoongi asked through the door to the bathroom.

Namjoon hadn't wanted to change in his bedroom. He couldn't stand the sight of his bed, the spot where the sitter had violated him."Yeah, Dad." Opening the bathroom door, he stepped out and sighed, lowering his gaze.

Yoongi had been doing a lot of thinking today. Even now, the thoughts ran through his mind of how he could make the sitter pay for what he did."Come on, Namjoon. Let's go to bed." Walking to his bedroom with his son following close behind, Yoongi hoped Namjoon would be able to sleep well tonight. He knew that he wasn't going to sleep well himself. He had too many thoughts running through his mind."Get on the bed. I'll close the door and shut off the light once you're comfortable."

Getting onto his dad's bed, Namjoon pulled back the blanket, laid down, and made himself comfortable on the pillow. Once he was ready, he peered across the room at his dad."Okay, Dad."

Getting the okay, Yoongi turned off the light then closed the door. He made his way over to the bed and laid down beside his son. He grabbed the blanket and pulled it up over them. He bent an arm under his head to use in place of a pillow then put his other arm over Namjoon."Sweet dreams, blossom."

"Good night, Daddy." Namjoon snuggled closer to his dad and closed his eyes.

As he held his son close, Yoongi was getting lost in his thoughts. These thoughts plagued him for most of the day. These thoughts were getting worse, darker. He wanted to make the sitter pay. His mind was concocting a plan to utilize the basement to conduct a trail of his own. No judge. No jury. No police. No witnesses. Just him and the sitter. And he knew how to do it."Namjoon, sweetie. Are you still awake, blossom?" he asked softly, just in case his son had fallen asleep already.

Alas, Namjoon's eyes opened."I'm awake, Daddy. Is something wrong?"

"No, blossom. I just..." Yoongi hoped this would work. He didn't want to scare his son with this, and he would completely understand if he didn't want to do it."I have an idea. I want to punish the sitter for what he did to you. I'll make him pay. He'll never hurt you or anyone else again. But I need your help."

"How can I help?" Namjoon was worried about what his dad might say.

Knowing that this idea would most likely get rejected, Yoongi took a chance."I need him to come over tomorrow. To watch you." As soon as he saw Namjoon start to panic, he gently stroked his cheek."Listen, sweetie. Listen. It'll be okay. I won't let him hurt you. I won't really leave. I'll just pretend."

"What do I have to do?" The boy knew his dad would protect him. He trusted his dad.

"I need you to lead him to the basement door. Open it." Yoongi explained simply."I will keep an eye on you the whole time. When you have him in front of the basement, I'll push him down."

That shocked Namjoon."You'll push him down the stairs?" he asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, blossom." Yoongi knew this was a bad thing to do, but the sitter had to pay for what he had done to Namjoon."In the basement, I'll punish him for hurting you. I'll make sure he never hurts you again."

This was shocking. Namjoon didn't know what his dad planned to do, but he did know that it couldn't be good. Still, he trusted his dad."Okay. I'll do it."

Yoongi stroked Namjoon's hair gently."Are you sure? If you don't want to do it, it's okay."

"I want to do it, Dad." Namjoon didn't take another minute to think about it. He wanted the sitter to pay for hurting him.

"Alright." Yoongi kissed Namjoon's forehead."If you change your mind in the morning, tell me. I won't do it unless you're fully sure."


"Are you sure you want to do this, Namjoon?" Yoongi knew he had asked this question a few times already this morning, but he needed to be one hundred percent sure that his son wanted to do this. He would never dream of making Namjoon do anything like this against his will.

"Yeah, Dad. I want to do it." Namjoon sat on the couch beside his dad and watched him tie his shoes. He knew his dad needed to make it seem believable that he was heading out.

Yoongi had called the sitter and told him that a last-minute meeting was scheduled. He gave a fake apology for asking him to come over on short notice and started getting ready. When the doorbell rang, he became extremely uneasy, though he knew Namjoon must have been feeling worse. He had to be strong for his son."You're going to be okay." he told Namjoon then gently pat his head."I'll protect you, blossom."

"I know, Daddy." Namjoon threw his arms around his dad and hugged him tight.

Yoongi returned the hug for only a moment."Let's not keep him waiting. Just get him to the basement door."

"I will." Namjoon moved to sit on the couch, waiting for his predator.

Mentally, Yoongi swore to do whatever it took to keep his little boy safe. He would do anything for Namjoon. Making his way to the door, he opened it and faked a smile."Hey, sorry again for the short notice. They called me this morning with the sudden meeting, said it's super important."

"It's no problem at all. You know I don't mind."

It took every ounce of Yoongi's willpower to refrain from breaking the man's nose right then and there. Knowing that he was face-to-face with the man who violated his son filled Yoongi with a kind of rage he had never experienced before in his life."I don't know how long this meeting will last. Might take a while."

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure little Namjoon and I will have lots of fun while you're gone."

Any other time, those words would have reassured Yoongi. But now he knew what the sitter meant. He had to leave now. Otherwise, he would end up ruining his own plan."I'll be back later." Turning his gaze toward his son on the couch, he knew he had to do this right. There was no room for error."Be good while I'm gone, Namjoon." Yoongi said before leaving the house. He closed the door behind himself but didn't actually leave. Instead, he went to a window to watch his son and the sitter. He had to wait for the perfect moment to go back into the house as quietly as possible.

Left alone with his predator, Namjoon's heart was pounding harshly. He was scared. However, he knew his dad was still nearby. He knew his dad would keep him safe. He had just one task to do. How was he going to get the sitter to the basement door and get the door open without seeming suspicious?

The predator seated himself on the couch beside Namjoon, too close for comfort."Looks like it's just you and me again, Namjoon." he said with a sick grin, one that reminded Namjoon of a cartoon villain.

As soon as the sitter tried to touch his thigh, Namjoon quickly stood from the couch."Will you help me get my bouncy ball?" he asked suddenly.

"Your bouncy ball?" The predator sighed. There was time. Yoongi wouldn't be back for at least a couple hours, right?"Sure. Where is it?"

This was Namjoon's chance."This way." For a split-second, he caught sight of his dad through a window. His dad was watching and waiting for the right moment. Namjoon needed to give him the opportunity he sought. Stepping away from the couch, he got the predator to follow him out of the living room and into the kitchen."Over here." He opened the basement door and pointed down the stairs."Daddy had the door open earlier, and my bouncy ball went down the stairs."

"Your bouncy ball is in the basement?" The sitter let out a sigh."Namjoon, you don't need the bouncy ball. You and I are going to have plenty of fun without it."


A skillet made hard contact with the back of the sitter's head, causing him to fall forward and down the stairs.

Namjoon looked at his dad, seeing the skillet in his hands."You said you would push him." Though, he didn't really mind this change of plan.

"I like the skillet better." Yoongi set the skillet aside then gently stroked Namjoon's cheek."Wait up here, blossom. I'll take care of the rest." Leaning down, he kissed the top of his son's head."You did a very good job. I'm so proud of you."

Watching his dad go down the stairs to the basement, Namjoon didn't really know what was going to happen next. Once his dad reached the bottom of the stairs, he closed the basement door and sat at the kitchen table to wait. It was so quiet for a few minutes. Namjoon wondered what was going to happen down there.

But then the screaming started.

Namjoon couldn't hear the screaming much, but he could tell that it was definitely the sitter, not his dad. His dad was making the predator pay. Namjoon didn't understand how his dad was punishing the sitter, but he knew it had to be really bad to cause so much screaming.


There was no telling how long Namjoon waited for his dad to emerge from the basement. He didn't look at the time on the microwave to check. Instead, he just waited. After a while, the screaming stopped. It must be over. Several minutes of silence passed before footsteps were heard coming up the stairs. Namjoon perked up as the basement door opened. What he saw almost made his heart stop."Daddy..?"

Yoongi was covered in blood. He was breathing heavily, like he had just gone through a major workout."It's done, blossom. He will never hurt you or anyone else again."

"Is he okay..?" Namjoon couldn't describe what he was feeling. He wasn't afraid. He would never be afraid of his dad. Maybe he was...relieved. It was over. No more sitter. No more predator. He was safe.

"Don't worry about him." A tender smile spread across Yoongi's lips."I'm going to take a shower and put on something clean. Once I'm ready, we can go out for ice cream. Would you like that?"

In return, Namjoon smiled back at his dad."Yeah. I love ice cream."

"Good boy. Go and play. I'll get you when I'm ready." Yoongi watched his son run off to play before heading toward the bathroom.

Today was just a point proven. He would do anything to protect his son.

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