How To Make A Flower Arrangement (NamGi) FLUFF

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The sunshine. It assaulted everything with its rays, making every place hot. The heat was getting unbearable. Namjoon stretched out on the couch and couldn't even think of what he could do to cool off. It was simply too hot in this house. Namjoon had even had the oh-so-brilliant idea to stick his head in the freezer earlier. That hadn't really helped much. Why did this have to be the day the air conditioning stopped working? Namjoon wondered how Yoongi was dealing with the heat. He hadn't seen him around for a while. Where was he?

Namjoon decided to look for him. Getting up from the couch was quite a rough task. All Namjoon's body wanted to do was melt from the heat. Still, he forced himself to walk to each room of the house, searching for Yoongi."Maybe he already melted." he guessed to himself. As he walked around, he began opening some windows. Maybe that would help circulate the air and cool the place down a little. Hopefully.

"Yoongi-hyung!" Namjoon called. He received no answer. Well, if Yoongi had melted, there would be no response. Perhaps Yoongi was taking a nap. In which case, there would still be no response. This meant, Namjoon was out of luck. He had to rely on his own searching skills to locate Yoongi. Opening a window in Yoongi's bedroom, Namjoon sighed. Yoongi's room was the stuffiest because he tended to keep the window shut and covered by thick curtains.

Upon opening the window, Namjoon discovered a spot behind the house that was blanketed in shade. The shade covered a small garden Namjoon adored. He had raised every flower himself. He was quite proud of it. Maybe he could go out there and enjoy the shade. That might actually be better than staying inside this stuffy house. Working his way through the house to the back door, he stepped outside. Namjoon went to the little garden and paused when he noticed something blue and fluffy near his flowers.

It was a good thing he decided to come out here. In doing so, Namjoon found Yoongi. The older man was lying on the grass beside the garden, sleeping in the shade. A smile etched itself onto Namjoon's lips. He thought Yoongi looked so cute and peaceful as he was sleeping. Quietly, Namjoon sat on his knees by Yoongi's head. He thought of something he could do to entertain himself while enjoying the shade.

Very carefully, Namjoon started picking some flowers from his garden. He was the only person allowed to pick these flowers. They were only his. And he could always grow more of them. One by one, Namjoon began to place the flowers around Yoongi's head and in his hair. He tucked a couple behind Yoongi's ears and even set a single flower on his hyung's forehead. He was being picky with where he set each flower, making sure they were in the best spots to show off the beauty he wanted to create.

Namjoon placed small white and yellow flowers in Yoongi's hair. Purple flowers were surrounding his head and spread across his collarbone. The one on Yoongi's forehead was pale pink. Namjoon thought these colors fit Yoongi perfectly. He was very pleased with how it all looked once he was done. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he held it up and took a picture of the beautiful display.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi asked without even opening his eyes.

"I made a flower arrangement." Namjoon answered with a bright, dimply smile.

"You put them all over me. That's not a flower arrangement." Yoongi sighed and sat up, causing most of the flowers to fall, but some still stayed in his hair and tucked behind his ears."How is this even considered a flower arrangement?"

Namjoon turned his phone to show Yoongi the picture he had taken."To make a flower arrangement, you should pick a special flower to be the center, the one with the best beauty and allure." he explained."The rest of the flowers should be picked and placed carefully to complement the prettiest flower. I think I did well."

"Hm." Yoongi eyed the picture, his attention flicking from one flower to the next."Okay. So which one is the center flower? Is it the pink one?" That would make sense to him because Namjoon had only used one pink flower.

"Nope." Namjoon reached out and lightly tapped Yoongi's nose with his index finger."It's you. You are the prettiest flower, my blue blossom."

Yoongi hit Namjoon's hand away."I am not a flower, Joon."

"You are, Hyung." Namjoon leaned in close and smiled as Yoongi leaned back."You're the prettiest, most precious flower."

Pretending to be annoyed, Yoongi twisted his expression."You're being weird, Joon. Cut it out. You disturbed my nap."

Namjoon chuckled and leaned closer again, resulting in Yoongi leaning back more. This caused Yoongi to press his elbows onto the ground to keep himself propped up a little as Namjoon shifted to hover over him."Why were you napping out here? I thought you would nap in a bed."

"I was napping in a bed." Yoongi rolled his eyes."A flower bed."

"Point taken." Namjoon brushed his nose against Yoongi's."You know, you look really cute with those flowers in your hair."

Yoongi blushed but didn't want to show it. So he pushed Namjoon off and rose to his feet."I'm going back inside, brat." His blush darkened on his way inside as he could hear Namjoon laughing. He knew Namjoon loved the way he always tried to cover up his shyness. But he just couldn't openly show it well. At least Namjoon understood that.

Namjoon laid on the grass and couldn't stop smiling. It made him happy to know that he could make Yoongi blush so easily. Yoongi would always be his favorite flower, no matter how many he planted in his little garden.

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