Respect Is Sexy (TaeGi) FLUFF/SMUT 🔞

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Three months, two weeks, and four days.

That was how long it had been since Yoongi got to feel Taehyung's touch. Sure, he had seen his boyfriend in many facetime calls, but it just wasn't the same; it wasn't enough. Seeing his face and hearing his voice just made the craving for his touch stronger. But that hadn't been possible for such a stretch of time.

Yoongi had been far too busy with his university studies, and Taehyung had been away on an important trip for his job. And though they had both not wanted to separate for this time, they respected each other's choices and needs. But that time was coming to an end.

Tonight, they were going to see each other in person again and finally spend some time together. Yoongi's studies paid off, and he could enjoy a break from university now that his final exams were over; Taehyung had returned from his work trip with a big bonus in his pay. It was time to see each other, and they could hardly wait.

They had agreed to meet up at Taehyung's apartment in the evening, but Yoongi couldn't wait that long. He wanted to see his boyfriend now. But it wasn't their agreed time. Taehyung had chosen the time, and Yoongi had agreed to it, so he was trying so hard to not show up early. Taehyung must have a reason to choosing a specific time.

So Yoongi waited, rather impatiently. He paced around his dorm room and kept glancing at his phone for the time. Maybe he also hoped Taehyung would text or call him and say that it was okay to come over early. And maybe he should have just made a wish sooner because, as soon as he internally wished for see his boyfriend as soon as possible, his phone lit up with a text notification.

Grabbing his phone from his dresser where he'd kept glancing at it, Yoongi's chest warmed at the sight of Taehyung's name, the text being from him. I'm ready early so you can come over, it read. Yoongi didn't need more invitation than that, pulling on his shoes with haste and nearly forgetting his coat as he rushed out the dorm door. He only managed to get his coat on and zipped once he was outside, not caring about the snow that was falling.

Normally, Yoongi would ask Taehyung for a ride during bad or cold weather, but he was too excited to wait. He felt his phone buzz with another notification, another text from Taehyung. Yoongi shook his head, despite being alone, when he read Taehyung's offer to pick him up. He sent back a simple 'Nah omw' in response and just continued his speedy walk.

Yoongi was in such a hurry to see his beloved boyfriend that he couldn't tell what was causing his eyes to be moist. Tears? The cold? It didn't matter. He just needed to get to Taehyung. Nothing could stop him. Now that he was almost there, he felt like he could climb a mountain with the amount of determination he felt to see Taehyung; to hug him, to kiss him, to feel his warmth. Nothing was going to get in his way.

Except the passcode.

There Yoongi stood, in front of the complex in which Taehyung's apartment was located. What was the passcode? His excited, desperate brain couldn't think of it. The excitement to see Taehyung brought forth frustration at not being able to remember the passcode to get to him. "I know the passcode," Yoongi mumbled to himself, lips quivering from the cold or maybe from the overload of emotions. "What is it?"

Yoongi tried inputting the passcode from physical memory, trying to get his fingers to remember the motion of pressing the correct numbers. But after four incorrect attempts, he pulled out his phone and tried to find the code in his texts. Taehyung had sent it to him before, but they texted so much and so often that he didn't know how far he'd have to scroll back through their texts. Sure, he could just ask Taehyung to send it to him again, but he didn't want to admit that he forgot it.

The moistness of his eyes grew, and Yoongi found himself barely able to read the texts he was scrolling through, vision blurry from what he knew now were tears. The emotional overload he felt couldn't handle being blocked from what he wanted. He wanted to see Taehyung. He needed to see him. "Taehyungie~" Yoongi whined as he was failing to find the passcode.

It almost broke him when the texts suddenly scrolled all the way back to the end, where he'd started. He thought he was going to have to restart his scrolling for the passcode. But then he saw it. The passcode was right there in a text he'd just received. How was Taehyung so good with his timing? Perhaps he just knew Yoongi that well.

Inputting the correct passcode with shaky fingers, Yoongi was able to enter the complex. Now he just needed to get to Taehyung's apartment without letting anything else get in his way.

Little did he know that Taehyung was just as excited and antsy. He paced around his apartment to make sure, for the umpteenth time, that everything was ready. It had to be perfect; his baby deserved no less. To calm his nerves and set the atmosphere a little more, Taehyung connected his phone to his sound system and turned on some soft music. Should he turn the volume up a little? He started to turn it up but then changed his mind and turned it back down. It shouldn't be too loud, right? The music was just for the atmosphere, not to actually overtake anything.

He nearly dropped his phone when he heard a knock on the front door of his apartment; Yoongi had arrived at last. Setting his phone down atop one of the speakers in the living room, Taehyung raked his fingers through his hair a couple times, hoping he looked presentable enough, before opening the door, greeted by the dearest sight.

It pulled his heart in all sorts of directions to see his boyfriend standing there. Tears in his eyes. Nose, cheeks, and ears pink from the cold. "Where are your gloves, scarf, and beanie?" Taehyung almost tsk'd at how Yoongi could go out in the snow like that with just his coat for warmth.

With a sniffle, Yoongi was doing his best to not cry. "I forgot..."

Of course, Taehyung knew Yoongi always became forgetful when he was excited. "Come inside and warm up, Hyung."

As Yoongi stepped into Taehyung's apartment, he lowered his gaze to the floor as he took off his coat, trying to calm himself a little and refrain from tearing up any more than he already had. However, as soon as he lifted his gaze, coat now in his hands, the tears came again, even more persistent this time. The tears fell down his cheeks as he realized why Taehyung had chosen a time for them to see each other. "You set this up for me..?"

It wasn't much, but Taehyung was proud of the 'CONGRATULATIONS' banner that was hung across the living room, some candles placed about--patchouli and amber scent (Yoongi's favorite), the champagne bucket on the coffee table with a bottle of red wine inside, and the soft music playing for background ambience. "Of course. You've passed your final exams. We should celebrate." It might have worried Taehyung when Yoongi started to cry if he didn't know his hyung well enough to know that nothing was actually wrong. "Come here, crybaby," he teased with a smile, arms open wide.

Yoongi immediately turned to face Taehyung and allowed himself to be wrapped up in his boyfriend's arms. He pressed his face to Taehyung's chest and whined softly as he cried. He couldn't help it; he was just so happy and overwhelmed. He knew it wasn't even that much that Taehyung had done, but it was enough for the two of them. "I love you~" he whined.

"I love you too, baby." Taehyung kissed the top of Yoongi's head then nuzzled into his hair. That teakwood scent his boyfriend always had because of his shampoo and cologne rushed over him and almost made him just as emotional. It never ceased to amaze him how much he would miss that smell whenever they were apart for any amount of time.

Finally tossing his coat aside, onto the floor, Yoongi slipped his hands beneath Taehyung's shirt, giggling through his tears as he felt him squirm. "My hands are cold."

"Yeah, I can feel that." Taehyung pulled away just enough to grab Yoongi's hands and pull them out of his shirt. He lifted them up and gently huffed warm breath over those cold digits. "What would you like me to do to help you get warm?"

Knowing this wouldn't get denied, Yoongi sniffled and moved a little closer. "It's been too long since we've been physical. Will you...make love to me? Please?"

The 'please' melted Taehyung's heart, and he wasn't even the one needing warmth. He pecked the tip of his hyung's cold nose and knew they were on the same page for tonight's plans. "You know I will. And we can enjoy the wine and some cuddles after."

"I would like that." Separating just long enough to remove his shoes, Yoongi then pinched the sleeve of Taehyung's shirt between his thumb and index finger, a smidgen of shyness showing. Though they'd been intimate numerous times before, they'd never done it while Yoongi was this emotional. He didn't know how well he would last while feeling overwhelmed like this. But still, he wanted it, and he knew Taehyung did too.

"Well then, allow me to escort you to the bedroom, my beloved." Taehyung knew it always put Yoongi at ease when he teased in this way. Though other people might call it cringe, it was just a cheesy way for him to be playful yet sweet whenever Yoongi got shy.

And sometimes, Yoongi played along. Releasing his small grip on Taehyung's sleeve, he linked his arm with his boyfriend's and smiled, his tears mostly forgotten. "Yes, please escort me, good sir." A simultaneous chuckle left them both as they made their way to the bedroom, a nicely put together room that would make Yoongi jealous if he didn't get to sleep there whenever possible.

Taehyung truly did enjoy his luxuries, paid for by the generous income he made from his job, but he kept his luxuries within his apartment, not flaunting it. Living in a luxury apartment and having such a nice place to welcome his boyfriend was enough for him. Upon entering the bedroom, Taehyung turned on the light before dimming it.

One look at the bed was enough for Yoongi to feel a warmth within his chest. "You put on my favorite sheets."

"This bedroom is as much yours as it is mine." Unlinking their arms, Taehyung slipped behind Yoongi and wrapped his arms around his waist, swooping in to kiss the side of his neck. "You should have maximum comfort here."

"I'm always comfortable here. You make sure of that." Having enough of the small talk, Yoongi gently grabbed Taehyung's hands and moved them away from his waist. As he stepped over to the bed, he removed his shirt and dropped it aside before glancing back over his shoulder at Taehyung. "I need you now. I don't think I can wait anymore."

With a chuckle, Taehyung removed his own shirt before stepping up behind Yoongi again. "My pretty baby needs love, and he shall get it." Snaking his arms around, his slender fingers unzipped Yoongi's pants and pushed the clothing article down. "Which position would you like?"

"I..." Yoongi felt shy about what he wanted, but it seemed like his growing neediness was overtaking his shyness. "I wanted to ride you." Though he might not last long because of his emotional state, he still wanted to attempt to last long enough to get in a good ride.

"Perfect. I love it when you ride." Taehyung gave Yoongi's butt a soft pat. "Get on the bed and let me prep you."

Yoongi did as he was told, taking off his underwear and getting onto the bed, blushing as he waited on all fours to be prepped. "You bought lube, right?" He remembered that they had used the last of the previous bottle of lube last time they'd had sex.

"Yeah, I did." Taehyung had to tear himself away from the amazing view long enough to retrieve the new bottle of lube from atop his dresser. "Water based, just like you requested last time." He remembered that Yoongi had preferred the water based lube instead of silicon or jelly based. It didn't leave as much residue and was easier to clean up afterward.

Yoongi's heart pounded with shyness and anticipation as he listened to the sounds of Taehyung's soft footsteps on the carpet as he returned to the bed and the pop of the lid to the bottle of lube. "Be gentle."

As Taehyung spread some lube over his fingers, he knew what that meant; Yoongi was sensitive and needed to be eased into the intimacy. Of course, he would definitely get rougher if Yoongi gave the okay. Once his fingers were coated well, he also spread a little lube over his boyfriend's hole. "Relax and let me get you ready."

Of course Yoongi was relaxed enough, but Taehyung said that every time they had sex. He knew his loving boyfriend was just putting him at ease a little more before getting started. And just like clockwork, after that phrase, Yoongi felt one of Taehyung's fingers begin rubbing and gently prodding at his hole. Despite being naked, he felt warmer already. The heat in his cheeks and chest seemed to be enough for now, and the softness of the bedsheets comforted him. Yoongi leaned down and let his chest and the side of his face rest against the sheets, his hips remaining up at the perfect angle for Taehyung to work on prepping him.

Taehyung could see and feel Yoongi calming a bit until he pushed a finger inside. That was when he heard a whimper. It had been a while, and clearly, Yoongi was sensitive from being emotional. This made Taehyung wonder if his hyung was even going to last through the prepping. There had been times in the past when fingering was enough to push Yoongi into his first orgasm.

As he was prepped, Yoongi squeezed his eyes shut and tried to hold on to his sanity, but he was getting more aroused by the second, needy for his boyfriend like never before. This was the first time they were uniting after such a stretch of time apart, and he was getting impatient. He needed Taehyung, and he needed him now, before his body would burst. Pushing his butt back against Taehyung's fingers a little, he heard a chuckle that brought more heat to his cheeks.

"Impatient," Taehyung teased. "Make up your mind. Do you want me to be gentle or quick?"

Yoongi needed the gentleness, but he wanted to get on with it already. The lack of patience was overriding that need. "Please...I need you...Please..." He felt himself getting teary again but this time from the neediness.

That was all Taehyung needed to begin prepping quicker. Of course he was still being careful to not go too fast or hurt Yoongi at all. He didn't want to cause any sort of discomfort for his beloved boyfriend. As he worked his way up to two fingers then three, his ears picked up the quiet sounds of Yoongi's breath hitches and whines. He too was aching to get started. Every sound and the sight of his fingers pushing into his boyfriend aroused Taehyung, his pants definitely feeling too tight now.

It was a struggle for Yoongi to not give in and moan as he was being fingered. He loved it every time. There had been times when he'd been horny and simply requested to be fingered to completion. His boyfriend's fingers were just magical that way. So when he was soon left empty when those fingers pulled out of him, he let out a needy whine.

"You said you wanted to ride. It's time." Giving Yoongi's butt one light smack, Taehyung then removed his own pants and underwear as Yoongi got up and moved aside. He lathered a good coating of lube over his erection then got onto the bed.

Yoongi's shyness and neediness battled as he maneuvered himself over Taehyung's lap, a knee on either side of his boyfriend. He placed his hands onto Taehyung's shoulders and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips before gently pushing him back.

Taehyung watched as Yoongi's hands slid down his chest and stomach at a moderate pace before those fingers wrapped around his cock. He bit his lip and let out a soft moan as his erect cock was pumped a few times. Looking down, he could see that Yoongi was just as hard.

Having gotten a little bit of lube onto his fingers from Taehyung's cock, Yoongi then wrapped his fingers around his own. The feel of it was enough to give him shivers of delight. Touching himself might be too much this time, but he wanted to do it at least a little. Raising his hips and getting into position, he lowered himself onto Taehyung's cock, whimpering shakily as his boyfriend was soon fully sheathed inside of him. He didn't even wait; he couldn't. He was too needy, and he could see in Taehyung's expression that he was ready as well. So he began, raising and lowering his hips, rolling them and giving the right amount of bounce.

Taehyung's hands found their place on Yoongi's beautiful hips, guiding his bounces and rolls. Though they'd done this position before, his lover still required guiding whenever he became stimulated or needy. Not admitting it aloud, Taehyung knew he probably wouldn't last much longer than Yoongi. He was worked up, his excitement at seeing and touching his boyfriend after so long had made him sensitive as well, which he wasn't used to. He normally didn't get as sensitive as Yoongi, but here he was, throbbing inside his hyung when they'd only just begun.

This was exactly what Yoongi needed, full connection with the man he loved in the intimate way they were both craving. As he bounced and rolled his hips, one of his hands stroked his own cock, occasionally sliding a fingertip along the slit. Each bounce created the sound of skin-on-skin, and that aroused them both further.

This had to be what heaven was like. Looking up at his angelic boyfriend as passion and pleasure filled them both was enough to put Taehyung on cloud nine. Leaning his head back a little, he allowed his moans and groans to come out audibly, not shy at all about his sounds. Soon, he could feel Yoongi's movements getting sloppy, and that made it known to him that his hyung wasn't going to last. So he began thrusting upward into him, meeting each bounce and roll.

Every thrust upward evoked a sharp moan and whine mixture from Yoongi. He was trying so hard to keep going, but he couldn't. His body had more than enough stimulation to climax. "T-Tae, I..." He couldn't hold on. Squeezing his eyes shut as he was overcome with the sensation, Yoongi reached his orgasm, his cum spilling out onto Taehyung's stomach.

The clench that squeezed around his cock when Yoongi orgasmed sent Taehyung into a spiral. He began thrusting up quicker, chasing his own release. He could see Yoongi's exhaustion as the smaller man hunched down a little, hands on his chest for support. It didn't take much longer at all for Taehyung to climax, releasing inside Yoongi. Their movements slowed to a halt, and Taehyung peered up at Yoongi with adoration. "May we try for another round?" He knew Yoongi was exhausted, and he was satisfied with this one round, but he wanted more and saw no harm in asking.

Yoongi knew another round would overstimulate him, and they'd never pushed into overstimulation before. He didn't know if he could handle it. "We...can try..." Through his panting, Yoongi had given his answer with a small nod.

Taehyung moved his hands up and wrapped his arms around Yoongi, being very careful in rolling them over. He knew Yoongi didn't have the energy to ride anymore. Now being on top, he pressed a kiss to Yoongi's forehead. "Remember the color system, baby."

They didn't need the color system often, but it was definitely handy whenever they tried new things. Green, yellow, and red were the colors, and they had specific meanings. Green meant go. Yellow meant unsure. And red meant stop. It was simple and easy to remember. Giving another small nod, Yoongi was as ready as he was going to be for this.

So as Taehyung began to thrust into Yoongi, he kept his eyes ready to see any change in comfort. It was almost immediate that he saw Yoongi close his eyes and bite his lip. He knew that was what Yoongi did when he was trying to endure a strong feeling. Slipping his hands to the backside of Yoongi's knees, Taehyung lifted his legs for a better angle.

Moans spilled out of Yoongi at the pleasure he was receiving, but he was quickly getting overwhelmed. It was normal for them to go for more than one round if they weren't feeling too stimulated, but Yoongi's emotional state had caused him to grow more stimulated than usual, and that was obvious. It was becoming too much for him too quickly.

As each thrust built up pleasure within Taehyung, he noticed that Yoongi had stopped moaning after a couple minutes. The moans had become whines and whimpers. Seeing Yoongi move a hand up near his mouth as he whined, that was when Taehyung noticed tears. Was this too much for Yoongi? Slowing his thrusts, Taehyung moved a hand up to brush his fingers through Yoongi's hair. "Give me a color, love."

Being prompted to answer, Yoongi choked out a color, the stimulation being more than he could handle. "" His body couldn't take it. Maybe overstimulation just wasn't for him.

Taehyung stopped his thrusts before slowly and gently pulling out of his boyfriend. "We'll stop here then." He would never try to convince or push Yoongi to do more than he could handle. Despite being able to handle more himself, the comfort of the man he loved came first. "Stay here while I get a wet cloth to clean us off a bit."

Yoongi didn't want Taehyung to leave his side, but he couldn't say anything more as he quivered and whimpered. He needed to calm down and regain clarity. So as he was left alone on the bed, he moved his hands up over his face and quietly cried. It didn't exactly hurt, but it was too strong of a feeling for him, and he had become too overwhelmed.

Taehyung returned shortly with a warm, wet cloth and smiled as he peered at Yoongi. He loved him so much and planned to spend the rest of tonight making sure he was completely comfortable. "I'm going to wipe you off now," he said, not wanting to shock Yoongi or take him by surprise with the feel of the wet cloth.

The feel of the warm, wet cloth was welcome. Yoongi's soft cries died down as his hole and backside were wiped clean of cum and lube. "Tae~" he whined. "Hold me~"

"I will in a moment." Once they were both wiped clean, Taehyung tossed the cloth into his hamper then pulled on his underwear. Then, he grabbed Yoongi's underwear and guided his boyfriend's legs in, pulling it on him. "Let's cuddle in the living room with a blanket and wine."

"Okay..." Yoongi reached up toward Taehyung and made grabby hands. He wanted to be carried and pampered and knew he would get it.

Scooping Yoongi up into his arms, Taehyung did exactly that, carrying his boyfriend into the living room. He set Yoongi onto the couch with care and gave him a small pat on the head. "I'll get a blanket and a couple glasses for the wine."

Waiting there, Yoongi peered at the bottle of wine in the champagne bucket and listened to the soft music that was still playing. He felt a little bit like a baby for crying, but he wasn't embarrassed about it. He knew Taehyung respected his needs and feelings, and in Yoongi's opinion, that was the sexiest thing about his wonderful boyfriend. As soon as he saw Taehyung return with two wine glasses in one hand and a blanket in the other, he knew he was in for a lovely night. "Taehyungie."

"Yes, baby?" Taehyung set down the glasses on the coffee tale before draping the blanket over Yoongi.

"I missed you." Though that was obvious, Yoongi wanted to say it. It was the truth.

"I missed you too." With every intention of making this night as wonderful as possible, Taehyung poured the wine and proceeded to cuddle with Yoongi, beyond happy to be with him again.

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