She's A Lonely Boy (YoonKook) FLUFF/ANGST

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"What could be wrong with me?" This was something Jungkook just couldn't answer on his own."There must be something wrong with the way I am." He just stared up at the ceiling as he was lying on his back upon his bed. Thoughts about recent events kept swarming around in his mind. Things just weren't good for him at the moment, and he didn't know what he could do about it all.

Getting up from his bed, Jungkook made his way out of his bedroom and into the bathroom. He approached the sink and placed his hands on either side, peering at the mirror that hung over it."What's wrong with me?" he asked his reflection."Is it the way I look?" Lifting a hand, Jungkook poked at his cheek a couple times then slid his fingertip over an eyebrow."Is it my eyes?" He closed one eye and lightly touched his eyelid."Maybe my hair?" He did remember being told to comb it more often, but he'd never thought that it was really an issue.

"Or is it...just me, in general?" Jungkook let out a hefty sigh and tried to think of what he could possibly do."Should I just not be me anymore? But how do I stop being me?" Thinking deeply about how to stop being himself, he got an idea."I'll just become someone else. I'll be a new person, someone completely different. The more different, the better."

Leaving the bathroom, he went straight back to his bedroom and grabbed his laptop from atop the dresser."I can become someone else. I'll be someone new and find someone to accept the new me." He seated himself onto his bed and opened the laptop. With his mind set on what he was going to do, he began browsing, searching for exactly what he needed.


A ring of the doorbell and the sound of boxes being dropped right outside gave Jungkook the boost he needed to get motivated. The things he needed had arrived. He had ordered some things, and he finally had them. Opening the front door, he could see the deliveryman going back to his vehicle. He looked down at the boxes near his front door and felt a rush of excitement surge through him. He needed these things. With these, he could become a new person.

Jungkook took the boxes to his bedroom and dropped them onto his bed."This is it. Time to become a new person." He started opening the boxes and pulling out the contents he had ordered. He laid everything out on his bed to view it all."Where do I start though?" Lifting his hands, he rubbed his face a little and sighed."I'll start with my face. That's probably one of the biggest issues anyway."

Grabbing what he needed, he took it into the bathroom and set it by the sink."How do I even do this?" Pulling out his phone from his pocket, Jungkook opened a streaming app he often watched and searched for the right kind of channel. Someone had to stream what he needed, right? Searching through channels, he found one that could help."Okay, just need a past video to watch." He looked through the streamer's videos and selected one that seemed to be what he needed."Found a tutorial. Let's do this." He encouraged himself.


Nervousness rang through Jungkook's mind as he stared at the nightclub."I can do this." he whispered to himself."This is the perfect place to test this out." He ran his fingers through the nicely-brushed black wig he wore and resisted the urge to nibble anxiously on his reddened lips. He slightly adjusted the folded collar of his soft white blouse, false nails making that a little more difficult than it would normally be."I'm a new person. I'm not me anymore."

Stepping inside the nightclub, Jungkook glanced around, scanning the interior with his dark eyes. The place was crowded, which he had expected. This nightclub was quite popular. I hope someone here can accept the new me. He thought. He hoped he looked okay. Hell, he hoped he looked pretty. He was a new person entirely. He now presented himself as a long-haired woman. He almost had the perfect body for it. Of course, lack of breasts was a bit of a setback, but he had a solution that he hoped would work.

Beneath his thin white blouse, he wore a black bra. He had some padding in there but not too much. He didn't want to overdo it. Perhaps now he looked like a woman with small breasts. Small breasts weren't bad, were they? Surely, someone would be interested. The rest of his attire consisted of tight black jeans, black boots with very small heels, and deep green earrings. He had chosen those earrings to match the dash of dark green eye shadow that softly dusted his eyelids.

As his eyes scanned the interior, Jungkook wondered if he would actually have any luck tonight. Things could go well, but things could also go very badly if someone saw through his falsehood. If that happened, surely, he would become a laughingstock. Yet, here he was, taking the risk. Was it too late to turn back now? He could just leave and pretend this night never happened. If he did that though, he would never know what could have happened if he stayed. I won't run away.

Jungkook didn't know what to do with himself at this moment however. Could he just approach someone? Or would that seem too forward of a lady? What would he himself think if an unknown lady approached him from the blue? What do I do? He truly didn't know how to behave like a lady. How long have I been standing here? I must look so awkward. So many people were moving about; getting drinks, socializing, or just dancing. I should get a drink. That'll help me relax.

Making his way to the bar, Jungkook looked at the many alcoholic choices. Unfortunately, he thought of something troublesome as he looked at the beverages. I can't show the bartender my ID. Well, no alcohol for me then. Seating himself on a bar stool, Jungkook sighed and tried to think of what he should do now. He tapped his false nails on the bar top and sank into his thoughts. Maybe this was a mistake. It certainly was starting to feel like a bummer.

Jungkook didn't know how long he sat there. It probably wasn't too long though. Someone sat on the next stool to his right. He glanced at the person, a man. He looked to be just a small bit shorter than Jungkook, not that it mattered.

The other man showed the bartender his ID for just a second then put it away."A bottle of apple soju. Two glasses." he ordered simply, using such a calm tone. The bottle and glasses were soon placed in front of him. He poured some soju into both glasses then lightly slid one closer to Jungkook."A pretty lady with no drink? What a tragedy."

This brought a small smile to Jungkook's lips."That's very kind of you, but I don't know if I should."

"I insist." The other man smiled softly as well."You wouldn't make me drink alone, would you?"

"Well, if you put it that way, perhaps I can provide some company." Accepting the glass of soju that had been pushed toward him, Jungkook lifted it to his lips and took a small sip.

"I'm Yoongi." the other man introduced himself."And you are?"

Oh crap. Jungkook hadn't even thought of a name."Uh..." He had to think of a name right now."Soo Yun." he decided."I'm Soo Yun."

"Soo Yun, a perfect lotus flower." Yoongi eyed Jungkook with approval."It suits you."

"You really think so?" That actually made Jungkook feel flattered. Not only had he chosen a seemingly good name, but it apparently suited him? This man just basically compared him to a lotus flower.

"I do." Yoongi took a drink from his own glass before speaking again."If you don't mind me asking, why are you here alone? I would figure that someone with your looks would be accompanied." This didn't make sense to Yoongi. Someone so attractive must have a significant other, right?

Jungkook slightly shook his head."I'm a little short on friends these days, and I'm fresh out of a relationship, so I suppose I'm here to find new company."

"Would you like to talk about it?" Yoongi wouldn't mind being an open ear to a lady's problems."The relationship, I mean. How did it end?"

Jungkook didn't know if he was ready to talk about this, but it might help. Maybe talking about it could help him figure out what was wrong with him."He left me." He lowered his gaze and took another small drink of his soju."He said he wasn't satisfied."

"He wasn't satisfied?" Yoongi scoffed quietly."How could he not be satisfied? You're gorgeous."

"I'm not...really..." Jungkook didn't know if he could take that compliment. After all, he was no longer himself. He also felt sure that there was something wrong with him, so he couldn't possibly be gorgeous like this man just said."Maybe I'm not good enough. My looks weren't enough. Perhaps my personality is the problem. I don't know." He lightly traced the tip of his index finger along the rim of his glass."Or maybe he got fed up with never getting any."

Yoongi made a small hum as he understood."You never had sex with him. I see." This fine lady's ex was already seeming like a jerk to Yoongi."He couldn't be satisfied with a casual relationship? Sex was so important to him that he chose to leave such a fine catch? Someone needs to mail his brain back to his mother because he clearly isn't using it."

Jungkook slightly shrugged his shoulders then drank the rest of his soju."What if it wasn't just the lack of sex though?"

Pouring some more soju into the lady's glass, Yoongi wasn't convinced that there could be more issues than that."Impossible. You're gorgeous, and you seem like quite a lovely person to have. How could there be any other issue?"

"I don't know." Jungkook looked at Yoongi and almost felt bad for deceiving him with his womanly appearance."The way he looked at me and spoke to me...He always made me feel like I was doing something wrong. It was like he was constantly disappointed in me. If I did anything that was less than perfect, I felt like I would lose him. I had to try so hard to keep him, but in the end, he still left."

A look of disgust took over Yoongi's expression."Perhaps now you can look back and see that he clearly manipulated you."

"Manipulated me? What do you mean?" This didn't sound good to Jungkook at all.

"He made you believe that you weren't good enough. He convinced you with his behavior that you had to work hard to keep him." Yoongi took a drink of his soju before pouring himself some more."In reality, he didn't deserve you. I bet you can't even name three instances in which he was nice to you unconditionally. Did he ever show up out of the blue just to give you a little gift or even to simply say that he cared for you? Did he treat you out ever?"

Now that Jungkook thought about it, no, he couldn't name any times when those things had happened. Those things never happened. His ex forgot his birthday and acted cute about it, so Jungkook had easily forgiven him. His ex never gave him unwarranted gifts or words of affection. Jungkook had even been the one to pay for every outing they had together because his ex would berate him with accusations of not being financially responsible if he didn't.

Seeing the expression on Soo Yun's face, Yoongi knew he was right."By buying you a drink, I've already proven myself to be better than your ex. He must have been a real loser to be outdone by a random stranger so easily. Anyone with a functioning brain would want to hold on to a flower like you, not be in a hurry to pluck the petals."

"I know nothing about you but your name, and you've already opened my eyes." Jungkook was amazed but also horrified. How could he have been manipulated like that and been completely unaware? He was disappointed in himself for not seeing the signs, though he supposed victims of manipulation only ended up as victims because of the manipulator's tactics."How can I repay you for helping me see that?"

"Keep me a little company tonight." Yoongi wasn't in this for anything big. He had just seen a lonely lady and decided that a lonely man could join."You came here alone. I came here alone. That problem is solved for both of us if we just stick together for a while."

Jungkook couldn't help but smile at those words."You're right. So as we spend a little time together tonight, can you tell me why you're here alone? It's only fair after I've told you."

"Very well. I can do that." Yoongi didn't mind speaking about that."My best friend has just recently been married."

"That's great." Jungkook thought marriage was a beautiful thing. Though, he also thought it was something he would never experience himself."That's such good news, but why does that explain why you came here alone?"

Taking a drink of his apple soju, Yoongi thought about the wedding."He and his wife are so happy together. I wish I could have that someday. I've never been so lucky with love though. As much as I'm happy for them, being at their wedding reminded me of how alone I can feel sometimes. Perhaps I came here alone to seek companionship, but what worthwhile companionship starts at a club?"

"I don't know. I think a worthwhile relationship of any kind can begin anywhere if the right person is there." Jungkook was a believer in love, but he also wondered how that belief might be affected by the recent breakup and discovery of his ex's manipulation.

"Maybe you're right."

Jungkook didn't know how long he and Yoongi spent together, just chatting and drinking. It was a good time, casual and calm, despite the loud music and bustling people around them. It must have been around two o'clock in the morning when they both parted to head home, giving lightly-spoken hopes of seeing each other again.


Lying in his bed, Jungkook stared at the wall. He couldn't stop thinking about last night. He thought Yoongi was a pleasant man to be around and hoped that he could continue to see him. However, something did worry him. What if Yoongi discovered that he was a man and not a pretty woman? He had deceived Yoongi and felt bad about it. He couldn't just come out and tell him the truth though, could he? That could be a disaster.

"It's okay." he told himself."It's not like I'm trying to get into a relationship with him. I'm just making a friend." With a sigh, he pouted. If things start to take that turn, I'll tell him the truth. Jungkook hoped he wouldn't mess things up and unintentionally toy with Yoongi's feelings. He never wanted to do that to someone.

Throughout the afternoon, Jungkook remained at home and tried not to think about things too much. He did some cleaning around his house and put away some things that would only make him think of his ex. He didn't want to think about him anymore. He wanted to move on, especially after realizing how manipulative he had been.

Even when his phone rang and displayed 'TAEHYUNG' on the caller ID, he ignored it. Jungkook didn't know why his ex was calling him, but he didn't want to hear his voice."Just leave me alone..." he groaned quietly the second time the phone rang. He refused to answer it. At one point, he did find himself holding the phone and just watching the screen light up as it rang. His thumb hovered over the answer icon, but he resisted.

After calling three times, his ex seemed to give up for a while. Jungkook was made aware that Taehyung didn't give up entirely though when he received a text that asked him to answer. After about thirty minutes, he received another text that just said three words he had hoped to never see. 'I'm coming over.'

This can't be happening... Jungkook didn't want to see his ex. He didn't want to see that handsome face and cute smile. He didn't want to be weak and fall for his tricks again. I'll just pretend to not be home. He turned off his ringer and seated himself on his bed. Jungkook just waited there. Silence filled his home for a while.

However, the silence was broken when there was knocking on the front door. Jungkook felt like he heart stopped each time there was a knock. Every knock was harder to resist than the previous. Jungkook broke down and couldn't take it, especially when he heard Taehyung call his name.

Standing, he went against his better judgment and made his way to the front door. Opening it, he came face-to-face with Taehyung, his ex."What do you want, Hyung?" He tried not to sound hostile, but he was upset. He had loved this man. He would have done anything for him. His feelings were manipulated.

"Now, now, don't be that way, Kookie." Taehyung said with such sweetness in his tone, that captivating smile on his lips."I just came to end this little misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" Jungkook didn't know what could have possibly been misunderstood.

Taehyung acted so innocent. No one would think he wasn't innocent if they had no prior incidents with him."I know you ignored my calls because you think we're broken up, but you've misunderstood me. I never wanted to end our relationship."

Jungkook didn't understand."You said we should break up because you aren't satisfied with me."

"Oh, Kookie, I was only testing you." That charming smile remained on Taehyung's face, like he knew everything was going to go his way.

"Testing me?" This wasn't sounding good to Jungkook at all though."You broke up with me to test me?"

"I wanted to see how you would handle it."

That drove in the last straw for Jungkook. He saw Taehyung for who he really was now."You played with my feelings and hurt me just to test me. You left me."

"Baby, you're misunderstanding." Taehyung's smile faltered only slightly.

"No, I'm not." Jungkook wasn't going to give in to Taehyung and be weak. He could do this. He wasn't going to let Taehyung manipulate him into taking him back and acting like their breakup was just a misunderstanding. A misunderstanding would make the breakup Jungkook's fault, but Taehyung was the one who left."Leave. I don't want to see you anymore."

This was certainly not going the way Taehyung had planned."Baby, you don't mean that."

"I do mean it." With that said, Jungkook closed the front door and locked it. He had to be strong. He couldn't let Taehyung play with his feelings again. Even as Taehyung stood outside and tried to convince him to open the door, Jungkook didn't budge.

Eventually, Taehyung gave up and left, but Jungkook could only wonder how long his ex would stay away. After this, he could hardly wait to see Yoongi again. At least Yoongi was nice to him. Though, he supposed that was probably just due to Yoongi believing he was a pretty lady. That was okay for now though, wasn't it?


Jungkook was anxious as he entered the nightclub. He wanted to see Yoongi. His eyes scanned around the interior of the packed club, looking for the nice man. He had on his black wig, false nails, and makeup. He even wore the stuffed bra again. He needed to keep up this facade. If he didn't, he would be exposing himself as a liar and deceiver. As he looked around, he didn't see Yoongi anywhere. Perhaps he hadn't arrived yet. Though there was also the possibility that Yoongi just might not show up tonight.

"Looking for someone?" came a familiar voice from behind, containing such a knowing tone.

Spinning around, Jungkook smiled at the sight of Yoongi."Not anymore. I'm glad to see you."

"A fine lotus is glad to see me? I'm so flattered." A happy smile spread across Yoongi's lips as he made a motion with his hand toward the bar."Care to join me for a drink, Soo Yun?"

"Of course, Hy--Oppa." Jungkook mentally scolded himself for almost slipping up like that.

Fortunately, Yoongi didn't seem to catch that."Great." As he started to walk with Jungkook toward the bar, he noticed that something seemed a little different from yesterday. So he decided to ask."Did something happen today? You seem eager tonight, but you were a little reserved yesterday. At least, your body language was more reserved."

Is it that easy to see that something happened? Jungkook hadn't known that his body language was so obvious. Or maybe Yoongi was just observant."My, uh, ex came by my house today."

Yoongi definitely didn't like the sound of that."Is everything okay? Did something happen?" He knew that this was technically none of his business, but he wanted to be sure that everything was alright. He didn't want someone as nice as Soo Yun to be in a manipulative relationship.

As they seated themselves on the stools by the bar, Jungkook sighed softly."He said that our breakup was just a misunderstanding. He said he was just testing me."

"What an ass." Yoongi looked at the bartender."A bottle of apple soju and two glasses." he ordered simply before returning his attention fully to Soo Yun."I guess he realized that he messed up by letting go of a gorgeous catch like yourself." When the bottle and glasses were set in front of him, he poured some soju for himself and the pretty lady."I hope you didn't take him back."

Jungkook shook his head."No, of course not. I told him to leave me alone."

"Good." Yoongi took a sip of his soju."He doesn't deserve you."

Taking a sip of soju as well, Jungkook could actually feel proud of himself for not giving in to Taehyung."Who does deserve me then? In your opinion, I mean."

"Who knows?" Yoongi did have interest in Soo Yun, but he also knew better than to make moves on someone so fresh out of a relationship."Someone who would treat you right, for sure."

From there, Jungkook and Yoongi talked about anything and everything that came to mind. They downed soju until they both were a bit tipsy. That's when Jungkook got an idea for fun."Dance with me."

"Dance?" Yoongi made a small, dismissive wave with his hand."Soo Yun, I've got two left feet."

"That's okay." Jungkook stood from the stool and held a hand out to Yoongi."I'll be your right feet."

How could Yoongi possibly reject that? Simply put, he couldn't."Alright. Let's dance." With that, he accepted the lady's hand and allowed himself to be led to the dance floor.


Such fun nights of drinking and dancing left Jungkook feeling like he'd found the perfect way to live. Oddly enough, he could be himself with Yoongi, and he enjoyed it night after night. He kept going back to that nightclub to see the other man. Occasionally, Yoongi wouldn't show because he obviously had others things to do too, but the nights he did show up were the best ones of Jungkook's life. If only he could be honest with him.

Jungkook was honest about almost everything. He talked to Yoongi about his favorite things, like music and food. However, he still wasn't honest about his identity. Could he ever just tell Yoongi that he wasn't really a lady? What would Yoongi think of that? Surely, the man would not like the fact that Jungkook had been lying to him all this time. It would surely not go over well, right?

"Technically, I never told him 'Hi, I'm a lady', but I let him believe it." Jungkook spoke lowly to himself."I don't want to lose him though." Through the nights they spent together at the club, he was growing quite fond of Yoongi. He didn't want to tell the truth and end up being hated by his new friend. But what if this friend could possibly become more? What if Yoongi wanted that?"I'm going to hurt him if he falls for Soo Yun then finds out she's not a real person. She's just a made-up facade."


Even after doing a bunch of thinking all day, Jungkook still didn't come to a decision by evening. He went to the nightclub, once again meeting up with Yoongi. It got to the point that other people in the club were starting to think that they were a couple. In all honesty, Jungkook wouldn't be opposed to that, but he would only want that if he could be fully honest with Yoongi. He didn't know if he could though.

As he drank and chatted with Yoongi tonight, he had a lot on his mind. He wanted so badly to tell Yoongi the truth. He didn't know how to come about saying it though. Should he just say it outright? Should he wait for something to prompt such a detail from him? He didn't know. After all, it's not like he had done anything like this before. While they drank, they both seemed to drink a little more than usual tonight.

Jungkook didn't know where things were going now. At one point, Yoongi had gently grabbed his hand, but Jungkook couldn't remember exactly when it happened. He didn't mind though. He liked it. As he looked down at their connected hands, he smiled and wondered if this was the type of thing he needed.

"I think you were right." Yoongi said as he finished the last of his soju."Worthwhile companionship can start in a club if the right person is there." He could see a bit of pink in Soo Yun's cheeks but couldn't tell if it was from drunkenness or a blush. Either way, he enjoyed the sight."Shall we take this elsewhere? To my place?"

There were no thoughts in his mind of what was about to happen. Perhaps he couldn't think of any consequences because of the alcohol he had ingested before now."I'd like that." Just like that, he was off with Yoongi, leaving the club and catching a taxi. He held Yoongi's hand during the ride, not thinking of anything else.

When they got to his house, Yoongi led Soo Yun to the front door and unlocked it. They were both stumbling a bit, obviously drunk. Getting inside, Yoongi was pleasantly surprised when the pretty lady basically attacked him with a drunken kiss. Dropping his keys on the floor, he reached up to put his hand on the back of Soo Yun's neck. Their lips meshed messily as they tried to stumble their way into another room. Yoongi tried to lead the way to his bedroom, but they were both too engrossed in each other to pay attention to where they were going.

Jungkook didn't know what was getting into him. Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was the fact that Yoongi had been nothing but nice to him every time they'd interacted. He'd never gotten intimate with his ex, but he was ready to get drunkenly intimate with Yoongi. This could be a huge mistake, but that wasn't even crossing his mind. He wasn't a pretty woman, as Yoongi thought he was, and things were about to get exposed if they went too far.

Giving up on taking Soo Yun to his bedroom, Yoongi pulled the lady to the couch as they had been trying to navigate through the living room anyway. He tried to guide her down onto the couch, but her strong hands pulled him down as well. He finally broke their sloppy kiss to connect his lips to her fine neck. He could feel her begin to tug on his shirt, so he assisted in removing it. His own hands slipped beneath Soo Yun's shirt to lightly touch her sides.

Perhaps Jungkook's drunk mind forgot that he was in drag. He forgot about his stuffed bra. He forgot about his wig. All he knew was that he wanted Yoongi. His hands touched the other man's bare chest and loved the skin-on-skin contact. He was getting so turned on as Yoongi's hands slipped down to his hips and seemed to hesitate a little."Please..." he begged softly.

That tiny beg brought a smile to Yoongi's lips."I want to." He latched his mouth onto the side of Soo Yun's neck as his hands roamed. He still had just enough clarity in his mind to know that they shouldn't take this all the way. However, that didn't stop him from wanting at least a little more.

Jungkook's mind was getting so fuzzy. He didn't know if he could keep this up. He wanted this so badly in the moment, but a clearer mind would tell him that this was an awful choice. Still, neither of them stopped just yet. There was more touching, more kissing. More clothing was removed from them both.


The morning hit Jungkook like a pile of bricks. His head was hurting so much, and the previous night was a blur. As he opened his eyes, he was assaulted by the brightness of the sunlight that poured in through a window. Where am I? He couldn't remember. Looking around as he sat up on the couch, it started to come back to him. I'm at his place. Suddenly remembering what had happened, he looked down at himself. Oh shit! His shirt was off, as was his stuffed bra. Reaching a hand up to his head, he felt that his wig was also off. His pants were still on though. He found out I'm a guy and quit. He must be disgusted with me.

The sound of clinking dishes caught Jungkook's attention. Getting up from the couch, he regretted the movement as his head was pounding. He made his way toward the sound and managed to find the kitchen. Peeking into the room, he saw Yoongi. The other man was by the stove, seeming to be cooking. Jungkook didn't know what to say. What could he possibly say to this man he had deceived?

"I'm not mad, if that's what you're thinking." Yoongi spoke knowingly. He turned his gaze toward the doorway and smiled softly."I just didn't think it was a good idea to go all the way last night." He returned his gaze to the food he was making.

"You're...not mad?" That was unexpected. Jungkook thought Yoongi would be furious at him for making him believe that he was a pretty woman."But I'm not a woman. I lied to you."

"That's okay." Yoongi carefully flipped the eggs in the skillet he was using."I already knew."

Jungkook finally entered the kitchen but didn't approach Yoongi. He felt unsure."How did you know?"

That earned a light chuckle from Yoongi."Your face. The facial structure of a man, especially around the eyes and cheeks, is different from the facial structure of a woman. Some men can pull it off flawlessly, but I could tell. I figured you would tell me when you felt comfortable enough, but things didn't quite go that way, I suppose."

Seating himself at the table, Jungkook rubbed his face with his hands."If you knew this whole time that I'm a guy, why did you keep being so kind to me? Why did you bring me here last night?"

"Because I'm still interested." Yoongi turned off the burner he'd been using and scooped the eggs onto a couple plates he'd had on the counter nearby."I swing both ways, so I'm not bothered by you being a guy."

Jungkook watched Yoongi bring the plates of fried eggs over to the table and set them down, one in front of each of them. After Yoongi seated himself across the table, Jungkook sighed softly."You still want me?"

"Of course I do." Yoongi couldn't stop himself from smiling."Though, I would like to know your real name."

Feeling a light blush come over his cheeks, Jungkook was quite happy that this had turned out so well."My name's Jungkook."

"Jungkook. I like it." Yoongi only had one other thing he needed to say."You know, even without the feminine getup, you're still a pretty lotus flower."

And those words were nicer than anything he could have been told in that moment, in Jungkook's opinion. He was accepted, and he was happy.

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