The Only Sun He Needs (NamSeok) FLUFF

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It was early morning, soon after sunrise. Namjoon had awoken to something that alarmed him. He needed help. He needed someone to help him. He couldn't do this on his own. His gaze was glued to the thick curtain that had fallen, uncovering a window in his bedroom. Why did this have to happen? Why did it happen while he was alone?

Scared out of his wits and full of panic, Namjoon scurried off of his bed, grabbing his phone from atop his nearby dresser as he made his way to a corner. This was the furthest spot in the room from the window. Barely able to tear his gaze away from the fallen curtain, he managed to call for help, fumbling with his phone with shaky hands."Seok...Answer...Please...Seok..." He was panicking so much.

When the call was answered, he couldn't even respond at first. He was breathing heavily and nearly paralyzed by fear. However, it was clear that his heavy breaths could be heard.

"Namjoon, is everything okay? You're not usually up this early." Hoseok sounded concerned by the call, as well as Namjoon's heavy breathing."Is something wrong?"

Namjoon was trying so hard to will himself to speak, but it was very difficult. He was getting so choked up with fear."C-c-curt-tain..." he managed to stammer out."The c-curtain..."

"The curtain? What about it, Joon?" There was some rustling on Hoseok's end, possibly the sound of clothing.

"It fell...It f-fell..." Just speaking was a struggle for Namjoon right now as he was staring at the fallen curtain. He needed it to be put back up. He couldn't calm down until it was covering the window again."Seokie..."

"Are you able to get into the closet? Or can you get into another room?"

Namjoon shook his head, despite Hoseok not being able to see that."No...The sun is...It's in here..."

"Okay, Joon. I'm heading over there right now. Stay in a place that helps you feel calm. Maybe you can put a blanket around yourself. Can you do that for me?"

"Y-yeah..." Namjoon looked toward his bed, trying to muster up enough courage to retrieve his blanket. He should have brought it to the corner with him, but he had been too panicked to even think of that. He just needed to get away from the sun. Ending the call, Namjoon crouched down and crawled over to his bed slowly. He was so cautious. What if he was noticed? What if the sun came further inside his room?

When he got close enough to be able to reach the blanket, Namjoon outstretched his arm to grab it. As soon as he had a grip on the blanket, he pushed himself backward as fast as he could until his back hit the wall of the corner. He was a little relieved to have the blanket now. It would protect him a bit until Hoseok would get here. Namjoon pulled the blanket over himself, even covering up his head.

As he waited beneath the blanket for Hoseok to arrive, Namjoon felt like the temperature in his room was rising. Though, that was probably just a result of breathing heavily within the blanket. Nothing was trying to cook him alive inside his room. The sun couldn't do that, right? His mind was racing as he tried to convince himself that he was safe. He knew Hoseok was coming to help him.

He didn't know how long he waited for Hoseok. It felt like a couple hours, but it was most likely just about twenty minutes. Namjoon's heart raced when he heard the sound of the front door opening. It was proven time after time that giving Hoseok a key was the best decision he ever made. He listened to the approaching footsteps as they came into his bedroom and stepped closer to him.

"Namjoon, sweetie, I'm here." Hoseok said as he gently touched the top of Namjoon's head over the blanket."I'll get the curtain fixed for you."

"Thank you, Seokie..." Namjoon was already starting to feel just a little better now that Hoseok was here. He remained within the blanket, just listening to the sounds of Hoseok leaving the bedroom and returning a couple minutes later.

Hoseok needed a few things to get the curtain to stay up for good, like; a hammer, nails, and duct tape. He needed to make sure no light would get around the thick fabric. Holding up a corner of the curtain, he pressed the point of a nail to it. Using the nail to hold the curtain corner in place, he grabbed the hammer he had retrieved and got to work. He had to put the curtain directly against the wall and not use a curtain rod. If he used a curtain rod, the curtain itself would be a few centimeters away from the wall and allow slivers of light to come into the room. He couldn't let that happen.

Namjoon listened to the loud hammering. In between hammering, he heard the familiar sound of duct tape. So much duct tape. So many nails being hammered into the wall. This would be so much better than before. He had no doubt. He had put the curtain up himself previously and just had it up with a bunch of duct tape. The duct tape had apparently lost its adhesive hold. With how much hammering was happening now, Namjoon knew that Hoseok was putting in many nails to keep the curtain up for good this time.

Once the curtain was fixed fully, Hoseok set the hammer down atop the dresser and took a step back to admire his work. No sunlight was going to get in through that window now."All done, sweetie. You're safe." He stepped over to Namjoon and knelt down in front of him."Can I see my handsome Joonie's face now?"

Pulling down the blanket enough to expose his head, Namjoon looked at Hoseok with a pout on his lips."You really came for me, Seokie..."

"Of course." A wide grin spread across Hoseok's lips."I will always come to your rescue."

Namjoon felt his cheeks heat up in a comforting way as Hoseok reached out to stroke his hair."Can we have some safety cuddles..?" Cuddles with his wonderful Hoseok always made him feel safe. So he loved the fact that they always cuddled after a scare like this would happen.

 Shifting to sit on the floor beside Namjoon, Hoseok grabbed the end of the blanket. He lifted the blanket enough to scoot himself beneath it. Then, he wrapped an arm around Namjoon."You know, Joon, I think it's time for me to move in with you. That way, I can always be here to keep you safe. What do you think?"

"Really?" That definitely caused Namjoon to perk up."It won't be a bother for you, will it?"

"Sweetie, of course it won't be a bother." Peering right at Namjoon, Hoseok smiled so warmly."I want to be here for you and always make sure the big bad sun won't get in. I promise to protect you."

A blushing heat in Namjoon's cheeks and tears in his eyes made it obvious that joy was present now."I would love that, Seokie. I know I keep it pretty dark here, but that's okay because you are my light."

"I'll gladly be the only light you need, Joonie." Hoseok softly pecked Namjoon's cheek and held him close, happy that he could help him feel better after being woken up to such a scary situation.

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