Not good enough~ Yoonmin

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"Come on Jimin! Its one easy step!" Namjoon yelled at me. "You're meant to be one of the good dancers and you can't get this one simple step."
We'd been practicing our new dance for our upcoming comeback for about 3 hours.
There was one step, just one that i couldn't get.
Everyone was getting annoyed with me.

"I'm sorry hyung, I'll get it next time."
The song restarted and it was coming up to the part.
I focused so hard on getting it but yet again, i failed.

"For god's sake Jimin! You know what, we have all gotten the step, you can stay and practice by yourself for a while." So they left me alone.
Yoongi gave me a sympathetic look before leaving with everyone else.
I sighed, they're right... I can't do anything...
What they didn't know was that i had been practicing the dance by myself a number of times...
I just couldn't get it!
I decided it would be best to do as they say and practice.

I lost count of many hours i practiced.
All i know is when i finally went home it was late and everyone was asleep.
I crashed on my bed after changing and instantly fell asleep.

~next morning~

We have a day off today.
I thought it would be best if i practice instead, at least then i might be able to get the move...

I woke up surprisingly early.
Almost nobody was awake.
I packed my stuff and grabbed an apple, putting on my shoes in between.
Just as i was about to walk out the door, i heard a sleepy voice.
"Where are you going so early?" Yoongi yawned.

"I'm just going to the studio, have to do a few things." I smiled.

"Jimin its our day off, you should be relaxing." He said sternly.

"I know hyung, don't worry. I'll only be gone for a couple hours. When i get back I'll relax dont worry." He looked unsure but didn't question it.

"Ok... Whatever it is you're doing at the studio, make sure it isn't making you overwork yourself, ok?" I gave one last nod and started making my way the studio.

I greeted some of the staff and went to one of the practice rooms.
I did a few stretches and got straight into it.
Even after hours of endless dancing, i still couldn't get that one step.
I grumbled in annoyance.
I'm not good enough... I never will be... I can't even get the simplest fucking step! Maybe i just need to get back to my roots...

I put on a different song and just went for it.
I didn't care anymore.
I poured what little of myself i had left into the dance, moving as my body wanted me to.
The song soon finished.
As soon as it did i broke down, collapsing on the floor in tears.
Why can't i be as good as the others?! They're all so amazing and I'm just dead weight...
It'd be better if i just quit, they don't need me anyway...

I wiped my eyes and walked over to my bag.
I made a quick trip to the bathroom to wash my face and made my way back home.
I knew they'd probably be concerned because it still clearly looks like I've been crying, but i don't care I'm quitting anyway.

Nobody even noticed I'd left besides Yoongi...
As i thought they were worried because it'd looked like I've been crying.
I said i was fine and they dropped it.
I was trying to think of a way to tell them I'm quitting...
Dinner is soon so I'll tell them then.


We were sat at the table, Jin was about to bring out the food which means I'm about to tell them I'm quitting.
Five minutes after we started eating and small conversations were started i got everyone's attention.
"I have to tell you guys something..." They turned and looked at me expectantly.
"Well... I've been thinking about this for a little while and... Well... I've decided to quit. I can't deal with the stress of being an idol, its getting too much for me..." They all gasped, saying things like 'no don't leave' or 'we need you'.

"Jimin this better be some sort of sick joke, if it is, it isn't funny." Yoongi said.

I felf tears start to form in my eyes.
Don't cry in front of them, it shows that you're weak.
I tried to blink them away but more kept coming.
The guys were hugging me and telling me not to go.
I didn't think i could hold it in much longer so i said a small apology and ran up to my room, locking the door.

They tried getting me to come out but i didn't listen.
Yoongi was last to try.
"Jimin... Its Yoongi... Look I'm not going to tell you not to quit. You're young and i can understand why the stress might be too much for you. We know you're crying so i want to come in and comfort you."
He's not trying to convince me not to stay so i guess i could let him in...

I opened the door trying to hide my face.
If physically possible, he looked even sadder when he saw me.
He sat on my bed and patted the spot next to him.
I sat down and leaned on his shoulder.
"So whats really going on? I know its something more than just stress. And before you say anything, I'm not trying to get you to stay, as much as i want you to, I'm just trying to see what the problem is."

I sighed. "I just don't feel like i live up to you guys... You guys are all really talented. You can all dance, sing or rap really well and i can't even get one stupid step... I just don't feel like I'm good enough compared to you guys..."

"Jimin thats not true. And is all of this because you couldn't pick up that dance move? Look you need to realize we had been practicing for hours, Namjoon and everyone else was tired and wanted to go home. They didn't mean to say that stuff to you or make you upset. Please don't quit if its because of this... I can help you learn the move and I'll get them to apologize." Geez Yoongi! Why are you so convincing?!

"Ok..." Although i couldn't see his fave, i knew he was smiling.
After a while i fell asleep, waking up the next morning next to Yoongi.

A/N ayeeeeeeee im back. So im writing a shitton of fics atm, and i wanted to do something different. So here it is. If you didn't read the description just a heads up, no smut. I don't do that stuff cause no. Anyway, i have written a few more chapters besides this and will publish one tomorrow (or maybe the next day idk) and will continue to do that.

If you want me to write something specific just ask! All i need is what ship and the basic story line. I'll say who requested it at the start of the chapter. So enjoy!

~le weirdo

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