BTS Imagine (Jimin)

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Jimin Imagine requested by @xXBTSXGOT7Xx . Sorry to keep you waiting X) I hope you like it!


"Y/N* Jimin said, "Move on," with that, he smiled at you and walked out the room.

A friend once told you to let go of the past so that you could give space to something greater. Would there be someone greater than your ex-boyfriend? Maybe not, but no matter what you still have to learn how to live without him.

It took you a quite a while to get the hang of the fact that he's never coming back, but you're getting your bearings back.

Jimin made it easier yet harder at the same time. Harder, because of the simple fact that he reminds you of your ex. Easier, because he's a great guy, once you get to know him.

You and Jimin had an argument ago because of 'of a bunch of girls who were trying to flirt with him. He pretended that you were his girlfriend and you graciously played along. You really are too much like a couple, but none of you ever mentioned anything about it. After a while, he suddenly turned all moody on you and walked out .

You were so pissed that you walked to the mall to cool off. After a few more hours of walking around, you went home, thinking that maybe Jimin had finally cooled down.

You were surprised the moment you entered the house though, It was.. What's this? Why is it so dark in my condo? You tried to turn the lights on, but suddenly..

"Why do birds suddenly appear, everytime you are near? Just like me.. they long to be.. close to you.."

The emergency light turned on and you saw Jimin standing by the dining table, holding a single rose in his hand. He continued to sing that stupid, ancient song and swayed from side to side, looking awkward and cute at the same time.

"Jimin," You asked, after he finish the last verses of the song. "What's all this?"

"Food and flowers... duh?" he deadpanned

"Emergency light, Jimin? Really?" You teased. "Whatever happened to the candles?"

"Well, I couldn't find any!" He argued.

"And you cooked?"

"I had help."

"And what's all this for?"

"Coz of this afternoon." He grabbed something on the table and threw it at you. It was a box with a cute woven bracelet inside. There was also a note saying "Sorry"

He still wasn't looking at you so you reached over and turned his face towards you. Oh my God! He's blushing! Your traitorous heart beats ten times faster.

Well why not? This guy, who's never cooked a meal in his life,decided to prepare a feast for you just to say sorry. you at his hands and saw many bandages and cuts, he must have had a hart time. It was heart-warming, really, and it felt so amazing, you think you don't want to where your thoughts and heart would lead you next.

"Listen," Jimin said,suddenly turning serious. "I know I'm always moody and I'm always a jerk. And I don't know why you're always sad and spacing out whenever you're with me or whenever I say certain things. I don't know if it's good that I remind you a lot of things but.. or a person. But hey, anytime you need a friend, I'm here, okay?"

You blinked a few times to keep yourself from crying. That was the most touching thing he's ever said to you. You smiled and whispered a soft thank you. He smiled and reached over your tears away, "I'm here," he said again as he got nearer.

Your heart stopped beating when he was only an inch away from you, "I'm here to..." he touched your cheek...... and pinched it!

"... to piss you off and make you cry!" he finished with an evil cackle.

"Jimin, you troll!" You screamed. You were about to hit him, but he suddenly leaned over and kissed your cheek.

"You blushed! You liked it! You like me!" he stood up and ran away before you could react, "Hey Y/N! When I get older, I want to be a thief!"

"Do what you want!" you said still reeling from his antics and... kiss.

"Ask me why!"

"Fine! Why?"

"So I can steal more kisses from you!" He stuck his tongue out at you and and left you at the dining table to eat by yourself.



lame isn't it? sorrryyyy >w<

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