🌳 𝟕. 𝐊𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐚 (𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤) 🌳

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T/W - mention of blood, murder.

Kalopsia [ka-lo-se-a] Greek (n.) - The delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are.

The winds kept howling and the trees kept swaying in manners unknown. The clouds were rumbling with thunder, begging to be released of their heavenly droplets. The least to say, it seems the weather is degrading within moments.

Beware of the path you choose. Does Hoseok dare lift his head or is he doomed forever?


"Hoseok, my child? Can you come down?"

Hoseok looks up from his book. He watches as the sun was setting in a crimson red color over the horizon.

"Mother should have been back by now." He slides off his bed, tidies it and places the book neatly on his desk. Hoseok's mother had always taught him to be tidy and clean. That is how real men are.

He opens his door with a creak and descends the stairs. The wood creaks beneath his bare feet and every sound echoed in the house. It was silent because the mother wasn't home. That is why his father had called him.

"Yes, father?" he bows in front of him.

His father was a gigantic man. Whenever he stood up, it felt like he was towering over him. He had this aura of being powerful yet sensitive. There were so many times that he would come back from work and the horse carriage ride would make him so tired that he would fall asleep right in mother's lap.

His father was smoking a pipe so he took some time to answer, "It looks like a storm is nearing."

Hoseok looks at him, confused. Just a few seconds ago, it looked like a peaceful evening. But when his eyes turned to the window outside, the winds seem to be howling and the trees seem to be swaying in manners unknown. The clouds were rumbling with thunder, begging to be released of their heavenly droplets. The least to say, it seems the weather is degrading within moments.

"Your mother isn't back yet." His father sits on his chair as Hobi helps him lift his legs.

"Shall I go to fetch her, Father?" he was massaging his father's legs to give some relief to his already tired bones.

"Please, will you son? She promised that she would be back by today but I fear she will be caught up in the storm. If you meet her half-way, fetch her as quickly as possible. The carriages won't work in this weather so be careful. If she hasn't left your aunt's house, then no need to return home. Stay the night there. Your aunt will be delighted to have you." He concludes.

"Very well father. I'll go right away." Hoseok turns to take the lantern from the kitchen when his father stops him again.

"Don't take the shortcut son. You might get lost." His eyes were already droopy.

"Don't worry father. I'll be back before you know it."

He hurries to cover himself warmly with the coat and takes another, just in case his mother needed one. A lantern in one hand and a warm coat in another, he walks off to the stony path.

His mother was called to her family as her sister was very ill. Hoseok volunteered to accompany her but she softly declined.

"Don't worry my son. I'll be back."

Hoseok walks until his journey comes to a halt. He had to cross a bridge to go over to the other side but one man seems to be locking it up.

"Excuse me, sir!" Hoseok shouts and runs towards the aged man. "Could you please open this?" he says, panting.

"Sorry son." He says tightening the ropes more, "The orders came for it to be closed. There is a storm coming." He points up at the sky.

Hoseok follows his finger. He was right. The clouds that were rumbling loudly earlier, have now become dark and malevolent. The river was bouncing off the rocks and it would be damaging to the bridge.

"Is it urgent son?" the man guesses, looking at Hoseok's distressed expression.

"Yes. My mother seems to be stuck on the other side and I have come to fetch her." He says, showing him her coat.

"Why don't you take the shortcut? You can reach earlier and the trees will protect you from the rain." The man suggests.

Hoseok didn't notice that the pitter-patter of rain has already started. The old man was right. He should use the shortcut. The bridge on the mother's side will be locked too so she would take the shortcut too. But there was a problem.

The shortcut was a forest. A thick, dense forest.

Hoseok mutters a small 'goodbye' and covers himself in his coat. If he was going through this wretched forest, he has to prepare himself. He starts walking towards the path that now leads to the forest. It started with small bushes that looked menacing as they cast their shadows on the path.

Before he knew, he was already in the middle, surrounded by tall trees that acted as a canopy over him. It was true. It wasn't raining inside the forest. The forest looked even more dreadful in the thick of the night. And the thunder going outside wasn't helping. The forest seemed dead but still alive. There were no 'creatures of the night' hooting or flying over Hoseok's head. There weren't any twigs lying around so that Hoseok would step on one of them and then be scared of the noise he made.

But there was something that felt alive. Was it the air inside the forest? Was it less suffocating? It felt as if people freed themselves of their inhibitions here.

Hoseok is still trudging ahead, the lantern giving him some necessary light. Suddenly, he hears the silent sobs of a woman. Everything around him was barely audible but he could clearly hear her sobs. His heart melted to the sight of a lady, crouched under a tree and her head buried in her knees.

He takes pity on her state. Her clothes seem to be fine but her hair was a bit dishevelled. He takes a few careful steps, not intending to scare the already devastated lady. He crouches in front of her, shining the light on her head.

The moment she looked up, everything around Hoseok stopped. Everything ceased to exist. He hadn't seen such a beautiful lady in his whole life! His eyes widen looking at her milky white skin, honey-brown hair, a strand of which was delicately resting on her cheek. A cute little nose and rosy lips got him crazy. Her eyes demanded attention so he went a few steps backward to help her get up.

"Miss?" he coos politely. The lady looks straight into his eyes and Hoseok prays to God that he shouldn't dive deep into those blue orbs. They were the most mesmerizing eyes he had ever seen. He was soon shaken from his thoughts when she held his arm.

Her touch was so warm that he could melt in it.

She held his arm to stand up and then leaned on the tree. When she stood up, Hoseok saw her in her all glory. Her hourglass figure, slender arms, and her small face, all complimented her very well. Her dress was torn a bit from beneath and was a bit muddy.

When she realized that Hoseok was staring at her dress, she tries to hide it.

"Sorry Miss, I didn't mean to offend you!" he quickly gazes back on her eyes.

"I was running....so my dress got ruined..." she looks down again. Her voice was as sweet of that of an angel. Even in this stormy night, her voice was clear.

"May I ask why were you running?" he comes closer to her. He wanted to see her face.

"They kidnapped me...and then I ran from there...now I am stuck here...." She jumbles a few words here and there but Hoseok understands her completely. It felt as if he was born to understand her.

"Who kidnapped you, my lady?" he asks in a very polite manner.

"The ones who killed my father." She starts sobbing. Hoseok lets out a gasp. People can be so disgusting. Even after killing this poor woman's father, they would chase her into this unknown forest.

"Sir, will you help me?" she looks up, with tears brimming in her eyes.

"Yes...yes...." He stutters.

For the first time, he felt something wrong.

"Will you take me to your home sir?" she inquires with a hopeful tinge in her eyes.

"But I have to look for my mother, Miss." He got his courage to refuse her. Something wasn't feeling right.

The lady frowned. Why didn't he agree? She was growing impatient and there was no other way for her than to use the magic.

She held his arm tightly. Hoseok was taken aback.

"You will safely escort me to your home, sir. Other duties will be kept for another day." She now intently stares in his eyes.

Hoseok froze on his spot. He couldn't move an inch and those captivating eyes kept him in one place. He mutters a weak yes and holds her hand to navigate back home.

"Why do I feel like I am forgetting something?" Hoseok mutters under his breath while walking out of the forest.

"You are not forgetting anything, sir. You are fulfilling your duty." She smiles back at him.

The rain had already stopped but the darkness still engulfed the area. Hoseok gently knocks on his door, holding onto the lady beside him.

A servant opens the door and bows in front of him, making way for him and the 'guest' to enter.

"Father, I brought in a guest," Hoseok shouts at the top of his voice.

His father, who was now descending the stairs, keeps staring at the lady. Hoseok was dreading his father's wrath for bringing an unwanted guest rather than his own mother. But he was quiet, awfully quiet.

"Oh! My beautiful lady!" He bows in front of her and slightly kisses her hand, "My humble home has been blessed by your presence."

He then turns around and clicks his fingers, "Bring some warm clothes and a hot meal for the lady!" he shouts at the top of his voice.

He looks back at Hoseok with a strange expression, "Well aren't you going to help the lady? Take her coat. Do I have to teach you these manners?" he threatens with a dangerous tone.

Hoseok is still confused. He looks back at the beautiful lady who was wearing the coat he had for his mother. She smiles back, takes it off and hands it to him.

"It is okay, sir. He must be very tired from the journey." She walks with his father to the dining hall.

As the two figures fade away at the end of the hall, Hoseok seems to breathe better. He clutches his chest as if a great burden was lifted off of it. He puts the lantern back in its place and follows the footsteps of his father. He doesn't seem to remember anything.

He stands quietly, his head hung low near the doorframe. His father speaks when he notices him.

"Come, son. Have dinner with us." He turns to the lady sitting right beside her, "This is my son, Hoseok. If he has been any trouble for the lady, I sincerely apologize." He bows again.

Hoseok clenches his jaw watching his father beg in front of that woman. He walks and settles right opposite her and bows too.

"It is okay, gentlemen. He was very sweet and nice. It is an honor for me that you have granted me shelter for the night. I am Lady Katherine, of the Jane household." She gives a small curtsy bow.

"Oh my! Katherine of the esteemed Jane household." Hoseok's father gives a loud gasp and then signals the servants to serve the food as quickly as possible.

The whole dining hall was smelling of herbs and spices. The chicken was so soft that it would melt in their mouths. The vegetables so tasty that no kid will refuse to eat them.

"Father," Hoseok speaks before anyone could start their meal. Katherine looks at him with a confused frown. Why isn't my magic working on him?

"Shouldn't we look for mother after dinner? I am worried that she might get caught in the storm." He says with a worried look on his face.

"What mother? What storm?" his father puts his knife down, looking at him with wide eyes.

Hoseok looks at him and then at Katherine. He looks outside the window only to find it clear. No clouds were rumbling, no pitter-patter of rain. It was a clear and peaceful night.

"Hoseok, son," his father places a hand on his shoulder, "Your mother has been dead for the past 15 years. We shouldn't be talking about the dead when we have a guest in our home, should we?" his hand almost crushed Hoseok's shoulder.

But he wasn't focusing on the pain.

His mother was dead? Then who was he looking for in the forest?

"It is okay sir. He must have been very close to his mother. I was too." Katherine chimes in. She acts as if she was affected by it. "I am sorry for your loss."

The father smiles and encourages her to start the meal, after giving a death glare to Hoseok of course. When the meal was finished and it was time for dessert, they all gathered in the living room. Father showed Katherine every inch of the house and Hoseok was quietly following them behind.

They sat on the sofa and Katherine took out a ragged doll.

"Sir, would you mind keeping this for safekeeping?" she hands the ragged doll to his father.

"May I ask what is so special about this, my lady?" he bows politely, taking the doll.

"It is important for the ritual. Just keep it safe till dawn." She gets up and signals one of the servants to show her the room.

"I must say goodnight to you gentlemen." She bows politely and walks away, smirking on her way. Hoseok caught that little sly smile and rushes to his father.

"Father, how can you...." but a lump forms in his throat. He cannot speak and his throat gets dry. Even a small whimper couldn't be heard from him.

"Not today son. You should go and sleep." He taps his son's shoulder and walks up to his room, carrying the ragged doll up with him.

Hoseok touches his throat, tries to drink some hot honey tea but to no avail. He couldn't even call any of the servants to bring him his night clothes.

But he remembers Katherine's sly smile.


Hoseok wakes up in the living room, his father hovering over him.

"Is this the time to sleep? The sun is already on top of our heads and you are laying around." He barks at Hoseok, "Go out and bring some firewood."

"Father....is....is the lady gone?" she asks groggily.

"What lady? Have you been dreaming again?" he looks at him with an angry expression. "What a useless son! My daughter here has been helping me since morning and you are here dreaming." He kicks Hoseok in the legs and he falls off the sofa. "Now go out!" he screams before going back to the dining hall.

Hoseok thinks hard about it. He is chopping up some firewood but his mind keeps revolving around his father's words.

Daughter? He never had a sister!

"What are you thinking, Hoseok?" Katherine sweetly calls him from behind.

Hoseok shivers at her voice. He dreads turning around. But when he does, a horrifying sight awaits him.

Hoseok's mother was hanged to a wooden stick with a stake right through her heart!

He is left speechless, his eyes brimming with tears.

"What...what have you done?" he rushes back inside the house to call father.

"Father! Father!" he catches hold of him in the living room, reading the newspaper. "That woman is back! And she murdered mother!"

He looks back with a puzzled expression until Hoseok pulls him out of the chair.

"Hurry father! Mother would still be alive!"

"What is god's name are you blabbering about?" he is being dragged by his son without any reason.

Once outside, Hoseok is forced to look at the sight again. Her beautiful lilac dress was now full of blood. Her honey skin now pale and skinny.

"See!" he shouts at his father and points at the corpse.

"What are you talking about?" Katherine says from the back.

"YOU! You did this!" he rushes towards her to choke her to death but his father comes in between.

"This isn't the way for you to behave with your sister!" and then looks behind Hoseok, "That is the doll there!"

Hoseok looks back again but he can still see his mother.

"No! It is my mother!" he keeps insisting.

"Shut up!" He slaps Hoseok right across the face. "That is the doll that Katherine brought to us. The ritual is complete and now your sister is back." He says angrily.

Hoseok tries to speak but his father shushes him.

"Enough! Come back inside. You are now banned to go anywhere near that dammed forest!" he walks back into the bouse with angry steps.

Hoseok is still on the ground. The impact of his father's slap burning on his cheek.

"If you don't get your act straight now, the next person to be on that stake will be your beloved father." She grins and helps him stand up.

"You have great resistance to my powerful magic but not to my threats." She pushes him a little, "Now go ahead, brother. We have a meal to eat."


Hoseok sits in the dining hall, his father sitting there with his newspaper and Katherine serving them.

"Thank you for the food, my daughter." His father smiles and digs in the food.

The food in front of him was red and bloody. The piece was incredibly soft.

"It is our mother's heart." Hoseok gasps. Katherine grins at him once more to remind him of the threat. "She had such a pure and clean heart." She settles down too to enjoy the 'delicacy'.

Hoseok looks at his plate.

And he doesn't dare to lift his head.

The End


Author's Note –

The story is loosely inspired by the famous poem 'Christabel' by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Even though the poem never saw an end, I tried my best to give it a small change. I loved the sheer usage of the theme and form of the poem (a narrative ballad). It isn't exactly the same but I tried. Feel free to know more about the poem here on its Wikipedia page.

My readers rn ~

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