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( Your in highschool while hes in middle)

you asking if he's ready for school.

BTS as your little brother

maknae line



y/n: Hey little bro

mymochi: Hello unnie when are mom and Dad coming home?

y/n: Jimin....  Are you ready for school yet?

mymochi: maybe......

y/n: Are you at least up?

mymochi:  zzzzzz

y/n: Jimin GET UR BUTT UP!

mymochi: Uuugh but I dont wanna go to school.

y/n: why?

mymochi: Cuz mommy isnt home and neither is daddy  and theres no mochi in the house(T_T)

y/n: aw JiminieI know but, Ill be home tho and we can go to the Store and buy you any type of mochi you want ok?

mymochi: ok...I'll get dressed can we walk? I dont wanna go on the bus today.

y/n: sure thing jiminie now get dressed. I'll be in the kitchen making us breakfast come down soon please.


y/n: Hi

Myalienbrother: Hi unnie

y/n: Are you ready for school?

myalienbrother: Almost just gotta get my shirt on

y/n: Ok well I made breakfast for the both of us. I luckily didnt burn the kitchen down!

myalienbrother: Ok thank you! I'll
be down soon


y/n:  You up?

bunnybro: yeah

y/n: Are you dressed for school?

bunnybro: yeah Ill be down in a minute what did you make for breakfast?

y/n: Nothing I cant cook were gonna stop at a fast food place 4 breakfast is that ok?

bunnybro: Can I get lamb skewers??

y/n: Its too early for lunch I doubt theyll be serving it.

bunnybro: aww but I like lamb skewers (ಥ﹏ಥ)

y/n: I know baby bro. Ill let you get whatever you want for breakfast deal?

bunnybro: Ok thank you unnie

y/n: your welcome now hurry up so we can go eat and you not be late for school!

bunnybro: ok unnie be down in a second!


Ayyy I think you can tell that I switched the way I was making the texts in this part I was experimenting with how its set up. If I confused you Im sorry that I did so. Also the Updates Will be kinda speractic cuz I have 10 parts and ive already posted 4(counting this one) and the other 6 are still not finished. 

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