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you: yoongi i cant believe you!

infiresman: look babygirl/boy

you: dont call me babygirl/boy anymore

infiresman: (Y/N). . . im sorry

you: if we were still together, i wouldve forgiven you

         but we're not so

infiresman: are you seriously breaking up with me over text?? 
                         thats the lowest move

you: thats why you deserve it

infiresman: look (y/n), i regret cheating on you

                         i was just feeling a bit adventurous and it somehow turned out like this

you: that excuse would work if it were a one night stand. but it wasnt. you and (g/n)/(b/n) were together for THREE WHOLE MONTHS. yoongi, im officially saying this, im breaking up with you

insfiresman: (y/n) please! hear me out! i swear this is all a misunderstanding. 

                           im sorry babygirl/boy and i regret it all, please jsut let me restart. . . 

not seen. 


infiresman: hey, we haven't talked for a while

                        thanks for saving my ass back there (y/n)

you: yeah, no prob
         i knew you couldn't stand being awoken from your nap
        and you were hella drunk too

       if i wasnt working there, you wouldve been locked up 

infiresman: i mean, i would prefer a quiet cell than hanging out with these loud fucks

you: i see you havent fixed that potty mouth of yours

infiresman: im a rapper, its just a habit

you: of course of course

         so. . .

infiresman: so. . .

you: what have you been up to these days
          cheating on girl/boyfriends? 

infiresman: oh haha, you're still hung up on that huh?

you: eh, not really, these days, ive learned to let go of grudges and find my inner peace

infiresman: i guess you're into some deep shit now 

you: is that a bad thing

infiresman: no! it's cool 

                         i wish i couldve recovered that easily

                       i mean after you, i kept regretting everything and got into some deep shit

                     like actual shit

you: oh. . .

infiresman: yeah, it wasnt the best route. but i kept twisting and turning in my bed hoping that you would come back to me. i was so fustrated, i started hanging up with the bad people. yeah some rappers do certain things to destress themselves, but man these people were bAD 

                       with a captial B. they were the same group of people that were with me in that karaoke room. 

you: you know its wrong, why do you keep doing it
          find your way back home yoongi

infiresman: i've missed you saying my name. .  err. . texting it. 

you: haha, i get it

infiresman: i also miss your laughter and warm hugs. . .

                         (y/n), you are my home, and somehow, after three years, we found each other again

                        two weeks after our break up, i saw that you booked yourself a one-way flight to (country) to achieve your dreams of becoming a(n) (occupation) 
                       i have to admit, i thought i lost you

you: this is all very touching yoongi but 

infiresman: (y/n) will you allow me to restart?

you: yoongi. . . 
         these past few years have been relaxing and great but i failed in (country), and when i failed, i came back to the house i was living in and cried on my bed. 
        i remembered a similar scene when we were still together
       you came into our room, and wrapped your body around me, like the outer leaves of a cabbage. you didnt say a word because your hug said everything. 

     it was then that i fell in love with you again. i left (country) to go to a calming place, and learned to let it go. so i came back to Korea. i've been working at that karaoke place bc thats where we went often to vent out our feelings, as a rapper, you have a lot to vent

      i was just hoping, just wishing, that i would meet you again. 

infiresman: (y/n), 

you: yoongi, im sorry i was just overreacting but running away to (country).

infiresman: nono babygirl/boy. . . its ok. but will you please give me your answer? 

you: . . . yes yoongi. yes, i will restart with you

infiresman: you dont have to restart with me


infiresman: wiat no-- 

you: haha, im just messing with you ok yoongi?
         but if you cheat on me again, i will cut your treasured balls off and sell them on the black market. 


infiresman: yES MA'AM/SIR




hooboi, your author-nim is back with an extra long chapter. idk it just hit me and bAM IVE BEEN WRITING NONSTOP FOR 45 MINS (not counting when my mom and brother inturrupting me and my laptop suddenly resTARTED LIKE WHAT IS THIS SOCERY??? THE CHAPTER IS CALLED RESTART??? AND I WAS TYPING THE WORD RESTART??? WHEN MY LAPTOP JUST. .. RESTARTS???) 


anypoo, its been a long while, i cant promise regular updates, im not sure if this is a one time thing, i've been in a great slump lately, i cant even do graphics. 

oH THIS CHAPTER MY HEART IS SO OH MY GOTEU (but really feels ya'll)

sighs. but #4YEARSWITHBTS amirite? my smols have grown so much. 

so yeah, its great to be back, i'll finish up the remaining requests ASAP and hopefully open requests again or have milestone chapters but yup, thats been my life (I DIED FROM MARCH - MAY BC OF FINALS HALP) 

also went back to my weeb roots. bless eromanga-sensei. and started rp-ing on tumblr again. 

haha thankiees~ 

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