Beomgyu - 20 cm Away

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-: 20 cm Away :-

Bestfriend!Beomgyu x Bestfriend!Reader

TXT High School AU

Words: 4.3k

Falling for your best friend is honestly not advisable, but then again, the short distance one has to cross even then is filled with the obstacle of damaging a budding friendship.


“Oh come on!” I whined with a pout on my face as I glared at the four boys laughing at me. “It's not my fault you are all such giants!”

“It kind of is,” Kai joked. “Not our fault that your height didn't increase–”

“I hate you all,” I announced loudly for the four of them to hear before leaving the library without getting the book that they had all ‘worked so hard’ to remove. Followed of course, by merciless teasing that seemed to have no end.

“Hey, atleast take your book!” Yeonjun's shout behind me didn't sound very inviting because it was followed by more snickers. I didn't bother to even turn around and just ignored them.

I walked back to class before slumping into my seat. The class was barely filled because lunch was still a few minutes from ending, but I was too angry at my ‘friends’ to care about that.

“Hey, I got your book,” a familiar warm voice next to my right ear made my heart go into overdrive. I kept up my act of being angry even though his sweet act of bringing it to me had already wiped my frustrations. Choi Beomgyu just smiled sweetly at me and even though I knew better, my eyes looked up to the top of his head. Why? “I'm sorry I'm so tall.”

I rolled my eyes at his joking tone before smiling as I took the book from his hands. I kept it in my bag before turning to face him.

“Atleast you don't tease me like those bullies,” I reminded him. His face scrunched up in anger and confusion.

“Bullies? Someone's bullying you? Why didn't you tell me before–” he started saying in an angry tone but I interrupted him.

“I meant our friends,” I said with an amused smile. Beomgyu's anger faded away as he looked down from embarassment at his misinterpretation. “Sometimes I wonder if they're my friends or bullies, basing on how much they tease me. You were all just a few centimetres away from me last year and over one summer you just, shooted up like bamboo shoots?!”

Beomgyu laughed at my choice or words and that made me smile. His blonde hair that was flopping on his forehead made him look really cute and innocent.

I shook myself out of those thoughts immediately, because I had to stop. I had to stop thinking of Beomgyu in such a way because he was my best friend for years. I can not let some stupid feelings come in between our friendship.

“Hey, we're sorry,” Soobin appeared in front of us with the other three tagging along. I just smiled to let him know I've forgiven them. “So, I was wondering.... Why do you never get angry at Beomgyu?”

“Because he, unlike you, respects my height,” I said without missing a second. “You all just love to tease me constantly because you know I'll forgive you right away when you say sorry but he doesn't take me for granted like you guys.”

“Now I feel bad,” Taehyun murmured. “We don't take you for granted... We appreciate your existence, y'know?”

“Hmm,” I just let out a playful suspicious hum and saw Beomgyu smile from the corner of my eye. It made me smile unconsciously, and I would be stupid to say that Soobin and Yeonjun didn't notice that.

Could I risk them knowing my feelings? I wasn't so sure...


“Junior prom,” I whispered to myself as I saw the posters being plastered by the new club of the school.

“And senior prom,” Yeonjun added from beside me. Yeonjun and Soobin were seniors, so it was senior prom for them. While Beomgyu, Taehyun, Kai and I had junior prom.

“Yeah,” I whispered.

“Why are you whispering?” Beomgyu whispered in my ear. I knew he was bending down a bit to reach my ears but I ignored it.

“I don't really know,” I whispered back. I turned around to look at the five boys that were staring at the posters. “Don't care. Not like anyone is gonna ask me, and there's nobody I wanna ask, so whatever.”

One truth and one lie. Sure, nobody would want to ask me, but I wanted to ask someone. And that someone was Choi Beomgyu. My bestfriend since I was 11. My crush since I was 14. That Choi Beomgyu.

But I couldn't tell him that. I couldn't ask him out because that would ruin our friendship. And I treasured our friendship more than my feelings.

“If you're not going, I won't either,” Beomgyu immediately followed my statement. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“What? Why?” I asked, my heart jumping at the thought of a could be reason.

“Nothing is fun without you,” Beomgyu frowned. I sighed.

“Gyu, you have a long line of girls waiting for this moment,” I reminded him. “Don't waste this chance.”

“I don't care how many girls there are if none of them are my closest friend in the whole world,” he shrugged.

My body reacted weirdly to his words. My heartbeat was faster than ever, my cheeks were red and burning and I couldn't contain the giddiness inside me.

I grinned widely before pulling out my hand for a handshake.

“Alright then, let's make a deal,” I proposed. “If neither of us finds a date, we'll go together. But if one of us does, then the other has no choice but to stay home. Deal?”

“Deal,” Beomgyu smiled. I knew this was my loss, because Beomgyu will get a partner but I won't.

I never do.

And I was right.

A week passed, but not one person came to ask me for dance. Despite knowing that, I still hoped that there would be someone who genuinely found me a good person to hang out with atleast. I guess not.

I wondered which one of the girls Beomgyu must have said yes to, because I was sure many of them had asked him already.

The prom was in a week and the thought of staying home that night, all alone with ice-cream, watching rom-coms didn't sound so bad. Maybe it will help to take my mind off the thought that my crush will be dancing around and gazing in some other girl's eyes with his own beautiful ones.

“-/n)? Hey, are you okay?” Taehyun's voice broke me out of my trance. I blinked and looked around; I was in the library. My feet had automatically taken me there but I didn't know what for. “What are you doing here?”

“I.... actually don't know,” I admitted, looking around, trying to figure it out myself. “Maybe my brain isn't functioning because it's a Monday.”

“Well, Beomgyu's here,” Taehyun whispered, looking around to check for anybody who might be listening. “He's hiding.”

“From who?” I asked, confused. Taehyun grinned.

“His long list of girls,” his simple answer made my heart drop. But as the words clicked in, it soared up once again.

“Wait, why is he hiding from them?” I asked. Taehyun grabbed my arm and dragged me to one of the innermost, hidden shelves and pushed me.

“Ask him yourself,” he said mischievously before running away.

“Wha– (y/n)?” Beomgyu's voice made me turn around and I smiled at him.

“Hey,” I greeted him. “Heard you're hiding?”

“Kinda, yeah,” Beomgyu smiled sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head.


“I, um, I'm not comfortable with those girls. To be frank, they scare me. Have you seen that crazed look in their eyes when they ask me out? You'll understand then...”

“No, I haven't,” I laughed at the horrified way he talked about it. “And I prefer not to. You do know you can't keep hiding here forever, right? Just go out. Maybe you'll find someone who catches your eye.”

“There already is,” he murmured very softly but for once, my deaf ears actually heard what he said and twitched at that.

“There is? Who? Why have I never heard of her?” I asked immediately.

“I was joking,” Beomgyu laughed at my excited expression, which was actually masking my hurt one. “Didn't know you were so interested...”

“Hmph,” I looked away in fake anger. “You won't understand my romance loving self.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Beomgyu rolled his eyes at my statement and I smiled. “I guess I can't stay here forever. Let's go. Please protect me.”

“No promises,” I grinned wickedly as I dragged him out. He whined from behind me but I knew he was smiling too. “What about the others? Did they get a date?”

“Yeonjun is going with his girlfriend, Soobin is going with some classmate of his, Taehyun is going with his club mate and Kai said that he most probably won't go.”

“Hm, maybe I should call Kai for the movie marathon on prom night,” I said, thinking about it.

“Woah, what about me?” Beomgyu said with a frown as we reached near the class. I let go of his hand that I realised I had been holding for all along.

“What about you?” I asked, giving him a weird look. “You have so many choices, I estimate atleast 30 girls must have asked you last week itself. And 10 of those were probably seniors.”

“How did you know?” Beomgyu asked, amazed. I did a pretend hair flip and replied sassily, “I just do.”

“It's not that hard to find someone, is it? There are really so many different good-looking and talented girls out there wanting you and here you are, hiding yourself in a library because, I quote unquote, they have a crazed look in their eyes.”

Beomgyu didn't answer my question and chose to ignore me as he took out his books. I sighed.

Why was I even telling him to find a girl? Oh yeah, so that he doesn't suspect my feelings. Sure, I'll be jealous and hurt, but I wouldn't risk him knowing about my feelings and ruining everything.

I knew what would happen if he did come to know. Things would get awkward between us because every time we do anything, it will come with the knowledge of my feelings somewhere in the back of our minds. We will drift apart, get other boyfriends or girlfriends and probably lose contact over the years. And I didn't want that to happen.

I decided to just warn my hopeful heart that he will probably find a girl who's way better than me in many fields and have the time of his life. While I, will watch a rom-com movies marathon with ice-cream, take-out and Kai.

Because that is how life is, and there's no helping it.


What happened?

I should be the one asking you that. You ignored me. So I ignored you back

Sorry... I just didn't want to think about those girls anymore


Tell me by Friday if you get a partner. I need the weekend to get a dress for me if you don't.


Come on over. Let's complete our homework together.

Alright, be there in ten

Hey, this is Soobin, we're joining you guys too

Sure, but tell Kai that Taehyun and I ain't gonna do his homework for him

Yah, this is Beomgyu again, and yeah, I'll tell him that.
See ya

See ya :)

I locked my phone and kept it on my table before jumping on my bed. The boys have been my friends for so long, it was just natural to see one when the other is there.

We knew each other since we were 10, but Beomgyu and I just clicked. The way he understood me and the way I understood him, nobody else could.

We declared that we're best friends when we were 11. And now, here at 17, I am having a crush on him.

The way he smiles at the smallest things I do, the way he is so happy when he is with me. The way he doesn't hesitate to cry to me when something is wrong even while pretending to be a tough man in front of others when in reality he's just a little boy who wants a bit of love and attention.

The way his eyes twinkle when he's with the others, the way he's so cute and adorable at the most random and unexpected of times. I loved it all about him. From his smallest quirks to his biggest mistakes and regrets. I was there to love every bit of him, but he probably will never understand that.

For Beomgyu, I was just a friend, and that's how it will remain. We will go to university, he'll get a girlfriend and I'll have to stay by the sidelines, smiling fakely because my tears would have run out by then.

The doorbell rang and I ran out to invite the five goofs inside. The dumped their stuff on the coffee table in front of the TV and I went inside to bring my books.

I was alone at my house because my parents were gone to work and my sister was in university. I sat down in front of the couch, since Soobin, Yeonjun and Taehyun had already occupied it. I leaned against Yeonjun's legs and Beomgyu immediately settles down next to my right, so Kai took my left.

“I hate homework,” I grumbled as I opened the book to the equations we were supposed to solve.

“Says one of the smartest girls I've known,” Kai shook his head as he spoke. I gave him a look before defending myself.

“Just because I'm good at something doesn't mean that I should like it,” I said and started solving the sums. “Besides, even the most boring things are fun when you guys are here.”

The others hummed in agreement and we started to finish our homework together. It was always fun that way.

“Hey, how do you solve this?” Beomgyu asked me, scratching the back of his head. I looked at his book. I read the question and tried to solve it on my rough paper.

“Hey, Tae, do you know how to solve this one?” I asked as I looked over my equation, trying to figure out where I went wrong. I felt Taehyun lean down over my left shoulder as he looked at the sum.

Suddenly, Beomgyu leaned forward too and our thighs and arms were touching. My brain panicked as I froze up, and tried to calm my hyperventilating heart.

“Yeah, you just missed this one step,” Taehyun leaned down some more to write on my rough paper. But my mind wasn't paying attention to his words. It was busy thinking about the warmth that radiated from Beomgyu's body. “(Y/n)?”

“Hm?” I turned to look at my left shoulder and saw Taehyun's face really close. I placed my index finger on his forehead and pushed his face back. “Distance, Hyunnie. I have glasses and my head hurts if you get too close.”

“Ya, sorry about that,” Taehyun grinned sheepishly. “Anyway, help me with this sum. I can't figure out what exactly to use to sol–”

Beomgyu suddenly stood up and I turned around to look at him. And so did the rest of the boys.

“I, um, I just want water,” he said embarassedly at allthe attention.

“Oh, I'll come with,” I stood up as well. “I'm thirsty too. Oh, and Hyunnie, you solve the next one, I'll try to solve it when I come back.”

“Sure,” Taehyun said, but he was looking at Beomgyu with a smirk. “Bring some for me too.”

“And biscuits,” Kai added.

“Do you have bread?” Soobin.

“I'll like some juice,” Yeonjun nodded.

“I'll get it all,” I laughed before following Beomgyu to the kitchen. I watched his back as we both entered the kitchen and he went to the water purifier to get himself some water. “Gyu, get me a glass as well.”

He hummed in response while I brought out some flavoured bread and biscuits. I poured the orange juice while drinking my water that Beomgyu handed to me.

Beomgyu was holding another glass of water when I was done. I looked at him questioningly.

“Taehyun,” he said simply and I remembered that Taehyun asked for water too. I stuck my tongue out a little and laughed at my own forgetfulness.

We both came out with the things and I gave each one his own while Beomgyu gave the water to Taehyun. Well, more like, held out.

They were both holding the cup and staring at each other. I couldn't sit down because the cup was held right over my seat and Beomgyu was standing on his seat.

“Um, guys?” I asked. They both looked at me. “I wanna sit. Can you please do the water exchange already?”

Taehyun quickly pulled the glass to himself and Beomgyu let go and stepped back so I could go to my seat. The other three snickered and that made me smile too.

Idiots. But they are mine.


And before long, it was Friday. I was nervous. I kept thinking that everytime Beomgyu came up to me is to say that he has a date to the dance and I'll be alone.

Despite it all, I still wanted to go with him very badly. He might think of it as just friends, but it was a memory I would store and cherish forever.

I couldn't stop my fast beating heart as I glanced at Beomgyu every now and then as he casually talked with Kai.

“Aish, what's wrong with you?” Beomgyu asked a minute later and I jumped.

“Huh? Sorry, what did you say?” I asked him because I hadn't heard him.

“I asked you if something is wrong,” Beomgyu explained. I saw Kai left and Beomgyu had now turned to talk to me.

“Ah, nothing, I was just thinking,” I smiled fakely. His gently look dropped as he gave me a cold one.

“Do you really think you can lie and smile fakely to me and I won't realise?” He asked. I winced at my mistake; how could I trick my best friend?

“Don't worry, it's nothing big,” I assured him. He didn't look much convinced but I didn't elaborate and he didn't ask either.

I had to carry the fear the whole day because Beomgyu either forgot or he actually got himself a girl and was now feeling awkward on how to let me know that. It could be either and the latter made me scared.

It was 8:00 pm in the night and I had nearly given up hope when my phone dinged announcing the arrival of a message. It was Taehyun.

Did he tell you?

Tell me what?

He forgot??

Okay, lemme just go and remind him real quick


I waited for a few more minutes and then my phone dinged again. It was Beomgyu this time. I took deep breaths before clicking on our chats.

Omg, I'm so sorry!!

It's okie!!!

I'm the worst...

We're going together! 😄

Well, atleast it was worth the wait 😉😂


And also... You are the best, not the worst

If you really think so...


Goodnight! See ya tom!😴

Yup! G'night!

I backed out of our chats and flopped down on my bed, a really wide and stupid grin on my face.

We are going to the prom. Together.

I spent five minutes squealing in my pillow before I realised– I need to thank Taehyun.

And then I spent the next half an hour chatting with Taehyun. Because I can always sleep in tomorrow!


I nervously looked over my reflection again and again. I was wearing a knee length dark blue dress and hair was in an updo. I was wearing dark blue heels as well (only an inch; I need to walk and dance, people!).

“So? What do you think?” I asked Kai who was the scapegoat of the day.

“Absolutely beautiful,” he said with a grin as he stood behind me and looked at my reflection with me. “You'll knock all the guys off their feet. And also make them regret not asking you to the dance.”

“Thanks,” I smiled at him. “Still, I guess I'm lucky Beomgyu didn't accept any of the girls who asked him to the dance.”

“Well don't you know?” Kai said in a teasing tone. “He declined them all just to get this beauty he knows.”

I blushed at his words, imagining it as true. The bell rang and I knew it was Beomgyu.

“Go get your man!” Kai cheered and we both ran down to the living room. Kai stopped me and gestured that he'll open the door.  I stayed back and let him do it. “Hey Beomgyu!”

“Kai? Where's (y/n)?” Beomgyu familiar, melodious voice filled the air and I just wanted to reveal myself but I had to wait until Kai told me. “And what are you doing here?”

“Jealous?” Kai teased him. “Don't worry, she's all yours.”

Kai gestured and I finally came out to see Beomgyu in a suit, looking absolutely handsome and breath-taking.

“You look gorgeous,” Beomgyu blurted out as he held his hand out. I blushed and took his hand, the smile coming on my face by itself.

“And you too,” I put in casually, trying not to come off as flirty. He blushed as his grip tightened and my heart started its daily marathon.

He took me to his car and as we drove away, I waved back to Kai who also mouthed, Go get him!

We both talked the whole ride, laughed and smiled. I didn't want this day to end. I wanted to just stop the time and live through it again and again.

We got out after parking his car and made our way to the hall where the prom was being held. Beomgyu held my hand as we walked in through those doors and I felt so happy, almost euphoric.

I felt like I was his and his alone. And at that moment, nobody else mattered but the two of us.

We met up with the others, had fun laughing and talking and just being ourselves. We ate and drank and enjoyed ourselves. The dancing was happening in the background and I was hoping that Beomgyu would ask me when a slow song comes up.

And when it did, Beomgyu was there. He was smiling, one hand behind his back, the other held out and a twinkle in his eye.

“Would you care to dance with me, milady?” he asked in a posh and highly refined way. I smiled as I placed my hand in his.

“Of course,” I resisted the urge to say ‘good sir’ and play along. We walked over to the dancefloor where other couples were taking places too.

His hand on my waist, mine on his shoulder and the others held together. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine– and for me, that was when my world wanted to stop.

But it didn't, because we started moving and he started speaking.

“We have been friends for so long,” he said, this soft look in his eye. “I cannot imagine my life being the same without you in it because just your mere existence makes it all seem so much better and brighter.”

I blushed at his words and didn't know how to react. Why was he saying all this?

“There's nobody I have ever loved so much in my whole life,” he continued. “I love the way you smile at my smallest actions. I love how you never care what you are doing if I need you. I love how you're always there and I love how you never take me for granted.

“I love the way you laugh even when we crack stupid jokes and I love how you always care for everyone. I love those small moments we have when we hang out and I love how deeply emotional you can become.

“I love all your inner hidden strengths that I've learnt over the course of being your friend and I love all your flaws that you try to hide from the others. I love every inch of your being from the inside and out, but above all of this,

“I love you.”

My heart seemed to stop at that moment because my mind was blank. The chorus of Ed Sheeran's Perfect seemed to be just background music that faded away because his words echoed inside me.

“I was scared to tell you because it would ruin our friendship, but then I realised. We're not that weak for a mere confession to destroy us. And now, I'm hoping against all odds that you would say yes to my question.

“Will you be my girlfriend?”

“Yes,” I nearly yelled, grabbing the attention of those around us. But I didn't care who heard me in that moment. “A thousand times yes, Beomgyu!”

And I didn't wait as I stood on my tip-toes and he didn't wait either as he leaned down to close the 20cm gap between us and our lips met for the first time.

It was soft, warm and comforting. It had a sense of familiarity yet something that made it so special and unforgettable.

Because crossing that 20 cm distance took a lot of courage and efforts but more than anything, it took love.

“You have no idea how happy you just made me by saying those words.”


The End

My longest ever and I'm gonna try to make more than 2k in all the ones I write from now on.

Hope you liked it!

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