Namjoon - Happily Ever After

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-: Happily Ever After :-

Prince! RM x Princess! Reader

BTS Kingdoms AU

Words: 1.3k

Arranged marriages don't have a happily ever after... Do they?

My first BTS x Reader!! 😳


"(Y/n)!" my mother's voice brought me back to this world. I turned around, back facing the window that I was facing before. "Come on. The guests are here!"

I sighed and nodded. She put on an encouraging smile and went out of the room. My maids started dressing me as I though about the 'guests'.

Being a princess is all great and lovely but behind that loveliness lies the fake 'happily ever after'. No witch is going to curse me and no prince is gonna save me.

I lived in a palace with my mother, father and little sister. My little sister believed that she would find her prince ever since she was small. I did too, until I heard my mother and father talking accidentally one day.

They wanted me to take over the kingdom and wanted to marry off my sister to the son of the Kim kingdom. I knew how much she wanted to fall in love and live her life.

So I gave up my freedom. I told mother and father that they should marry me off and let her live how she wants. They were hesitant but also proud of me. Years later, I don't think I regret it so much.

I mean, the sons of the Kim kingdom are all quite handsome and have great personalities. I firmly decided that whatever happens, I will try my best to make this marriage work.

"Big sister!" (s/n) rushed into my room, excitement dripping from her voice. "You are called!"

I smiled and stood up. I was wearing a light blue dress that complemented my (h/c) hair and (s/c) skin. She gasped.

"You look so beautiful," she gushed in awe. I laughed lightly and came near. She never knew about the deal between our parents and me. "He will fall for you at first sight!"

"Let's hope so," I said in a gentle way, joking lightly. We walked down the marble hallways that I had memorized over the years. My heart was in my mouth as the butler pushed open the doors to the room where my parents and future in-laws sat along with their sons.

"And these are our daughters," my father stood up to introduce us. He gave us both a hug before continuing, "This is (y/n) and this is (s/n)."

We bowed before them and as I straightened up again, I saw my soon-to-be-mother-in-law's eyes linger on my sister a bit longer than necessary.

Of course, I was beautiful but my sister was more beautiful. My facial features followed my father's as much as they followed my mother's. My sister, on the other hand, completely followed my mother.

My eyes dropped to the three boys sitting adjacent to them. My parents sat to my right, my in-laws straight ahead and the boys to my left. The couches were fixed in a square position with gaps at the points to go in.

The oldest son, Kim Seokjin, was smiling politely at me. I knew that he was married last year. I almost expected to see his wife to appear any moment but no one did.I smiled back politely as well.

The second son, Kim Namjoon, was my fiance. He was undeniably the tallest of them all, but his eyes were avoiding mine. I giggled to myself lightly. I had met him once before when they had finalised this. We were 13 then.

The youngest one of them, Kim Taehyung, was around my sister's age. But he had no hopes with her, as she was already smitten over the head knight, Jeon Jungkook. Still, I smiled at him, knowing that they will be good friends. He gave me a boxy smile in return and I knew I would like him.

We sat down on the couch and waited patiently for parents to speak up.

"Well, as we had decided," my father spoke up, "our (y/n) is to be married with your son Namjoon. I hope you mean to keep your end of the deal?"

"Yes, yes of course," my future-father-in-law replied. But his wife interrupted him.

"I wanted to know if we can make a change on your end," she said, her voice sharp. My breath was caught and my heart stopped.

"Meaning?" my mother asked, puzzled.

"Ah, how about we marry (s/n) to him, instead?" she suggested. Tears threatened to spill as my hand on (s/n)'s elbow gripped tightly in fear. I worked hard to avoid this but now...

"I- I am sorry?" my mother and father were shocked speechless. I decided to take charge. I stood up.

"I am sorry but that cannot happen," I said firmly. My parents looked at me with confused and angry expressions telling me with their eyes to sit down and not talk. I ignored them. "My sister is not to be pulled into this, this deal."

My sister placed her hand on my arm, trying to calm me down. She stood up and bowed towards them.

"I am sorry but I cannot do this," she said, as gently as possible. "I already have someone in mind, so I am extremely embarrassed to tell you that I have to decline your offer."

If my parents were shocked before, they might have died now. They didn't know anything about her crush on Jungkook.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim were slightly shocked as well, as it was unheard of. I bowed to apologise.

"I am sorry if I don't meet your expectations,"I said, my eyes stinging. I pushed them back, trying my best to not cry. "I promise I will try my best to qualify as a wonderful wife."

Mrs. Kim sighed. I guess she really doesn't want me. Suddenly, Namjoon stood up.

"I am sure you will," he said, giving me a smile. I think those dimples killed me. I mean, he smiles pretty. I smiled back at him.

Maybe this won't be so bad...

"Namjoon!" Mrs. Kim looked aghast. "But her sister's more, more..."

She struggled to find a word that will not offend me and at the same time make her point across.

"Beautiful?" I asked, smiling. Namjoon's words had encouraged me and boosted my confidence. Mrs. Kim looked down with shame. "I know she's more beautiful than me. And I know she was the one who was to be married off, not me. But I asked for it. Please let her marry who she wants to. Don't burden her with your politics."

I pleaded to both my parents and future-in-laws. My sister on the other hand looked shocked.

"Y- You gave up your freedom, f- for me?" she said, tears spilling from her eyes. I hugged her.

"Anything for you, sister," I whispered into her ear. "Now go get Jungkook!"

She blushed heavily as I stepped back, a smile on my face.

"I don't want (s/n)," said Namjoon to his parents, who looked as if he had suddenly sprouted tail and horns. "I want (y/n). I didn't wait 7 years for nothing. The only girl that has ever came into my mind is (y/n). So please, don't break the deal."

I didn't care who was watching. I didn't care what was etiquette. I didn't care what was right and what they thought. At that moment, I flew to him and hugged him tightly.

"I don't care," I said in a low voice only he could hear. "what they think. I will marry you, deal or no deal."

He smiled down at me and wrapped me in his arms.

"I have loved you since we met, (y/n)," he said in a soft voice. My face burned and my knees felt weak but I kept still. "Marry me?"


And so, despite the fact that I gave up on finding love, I guess I found it anyway. I couldn't have found a better 'happily ever after'.


The End

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