Sope - that sweet smile before my eyes

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-: that sweet smile before my eyes :-

Hufflepuff! Jung Hoseok x Slytherin! Min Yoongi

Hogwarts AU
Birthday fic for nicowememoney on ao3!

Words: 5.5k

Jung Hoseok likes Herbology, Quidditch, his friends and "mean" Slytherin senior Min Yoongi.

He didn't think Yoongi would come into his life as a cat and wreck a tiny bit of havoc in his heart.


If Jung Hoseok was to be described in a word, then the answer you would get would always be "sunshine".

A boy with red hair, a heart smile and the purest heart you could ever have the chance to come across. Jung Hoseok was the guy who people privately believed was the human personification of the sun.

He was the most popular Hufflepuff in the entirety of Hogwarts too, known for his Beating skills, kind personality and love for all things Herbology. It was a common occurrence to see him in one of the greenhouses until late in the evening just before curfew.

Hoseok liked plants. While he did like humans and animals too, there was something more soothing and relaxing when he was with plants. They were like his silent companions (sometimes not so silent) and he just naturally gravitated to them.

So it was just a normal thing when his friend Taehyung couldn't find him in the Hufflepuff common room and immediately went to check the greenhouses. Taehyung was a fifth-year Prefect (how he was selected, no one could figure out) and although he was a year younger than Hoseok, he was still his best friend and Hoseok loved him like he was his blood brother.

"Hyung?" Taehyung's voice echoed slightly in the greenhouse. Orangish red sunlight streamed in through the glass walls as Hoseok appeared from behind a large plant with flowers that were opening and closing by themselves. Hoseok smiled at him and waved with his gloved hand. "Come on, it's getting late, it's almost time for dinner!"

"Oh, yeah, let me just clear this up first," Hoseok said, pointing at the mess of soil created on the tables. "If I don't, Professor Longbottom will be disappointed."

Taehyung nodded, his eyes shining as he silently watched the older boy remove his gloves before non-verbally spelling the dirt to vanish. It was good practice for him and it always reminded Taehyung of how strong yet humble his Hoseok-hyung was.

Ten minutes later, the two had walked into a booming Great Hall full of students still filled with enough energy to talk louder than each other and send plates of food flying from one end of the table to the other.

Taehyung waved energetically at Jimin as the two Hufflepuffs made their way to the Hufflepuff table. The Slytherin waved back with just as much energy, making Taehyung grin as he dragged Hoseok to an empty spot on the Hufflepuff table.

"...the ball right away," one of the second years, Kai, was saying excitedly to another older Hufflepuff. "He was so cool!! Hoseok-sunbaenim is the coolest, I really want to be like him. Soobin-hyung, do you think I can be a Beater as good as him? I started practicing this summer but Taehyun says that I'm more likely to hit my own team members than the opposing team's."

"If you practice hard enough, then you might end up hitting more than just the other team's members," Hoseok said from behind him, ruffling his hair. Kai looked around in shock and squeaked, his eyes shining with admiration as he stared at Hoseok. Taehyung remembered being like that in his first year when he had met Hoseok in the Hogwarts Express and learnt that the older boy had made it into the Hufflepuff Quidditch team in his first year– a rare feat that hadn't happened in Hogwarts in the past 6 years.

"You'll get there soon," Taehyung said to him and Kai beamed, nodding at him with a new-found enthusiasm. Hoseok slid into the seat next to Kai, making him go wide-eyed as he freaked out to Soobin, who was watching it with amusement. Taehyung giggled to himself as he sat down on Hoseok's other side. "Did you hear from Namjoon-hyung about the Amortentia incident?"

"What Amortentia incident?" Hoseok asked in confusion as he piled his plate with the Korean dishes the elves had made specially for them. Namjoon was his same year friend from Gryffindor. Being in different houses meant that they couldn't really talk as much even if they wanted to. "I haven't talked to him since our last Charms class, which was two days ago."

"Ah, well, what happened is...," Taehyung started to animatedly talk about how Namjoon's description of the smell didn't describe his boyfriend Seokjin at all and how it sparked rumours about their break-up by Seokjin's fanclub. "And then, Yoongi-sunbaenim got fed up of all the people who were attacking Namjoon-hyung for it and started hexing people left and right until they all left him alone. He looked so badass doing that, I wanted to let him know but he looked really scary too so I stayed away."

Min Yoongi, the supposedly ‘mean’ Slytherin seventh-year. Though, Hoseok didn't think he was mean at all. In his eyes, Min Yoongi did not have a single mean bone in his body. Everybody else was just assuming and quick to jump to conclusions, thinking that just because Yoongi preferred to be quiet and kept to himself, it meant that he hated everyone and was out for blood. The fact that he was from Slytherin and the house already had a bad reputation didn't help the spread of these baseless rumours.

Hoseok didn't like to judge people before he actually met and talked to them. Even then, he gave them the benefit of the doubt until he knew for sure that they had ill intentions. So he never really had an opinion of Min Yoongi; until that one Quidditch match that happened between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor.

It was when Hoseok was in his third year, Yoongi in his fourth. He was playing against Gryffindor, which meant that he was playing against Namjoon, who was Yoongi's best friend. Despite being from different years and houses, Namjoon, Yoongi and Seokjin were known throughout the school as a bond closer than family. They were childhood friends, the kind that starts meaning more to you than your pureblood-loving family when they start picking on your friend for being half-blood.

Hoseok was flying around the stands, aiming to hit the bludger towards Namjoon because the Quaffle was being thrown towards the tall dimpled Gryffindor Keeper– except he saw Min Yoongi with a wide gummy smile watching Namjoon and he missed the ball– Gryffindor saved the Quaffle and Yoongi started to jump tinily up and down, his gummy smile not disappearing.

In retrospect, that was probably the start of Hoseok's tiny crush on the older Slytherin. He was blinded by that beautiful smile that he never really saw again after that one incidence. He started noticing Yoongi in every place, watching him smile, hoping for a peek of those shiny pearls but Yoongi only smiled small when in front of others.

Three years later, Hoseok was still gathering the courage to go up and try to befriend him; it was Yoongi's last year at Hogwarts and Hoseok couldn't bring out the tiny, minuscule-sized Gryffindor we all have inside of us. It's not like Yoongi was actually a mean guy– he wouldn't do anything to harm Hoseok either. But every time he tried to go up to the older boy, it's like his throat went dry and his brain went blank.

So, he kept himself content with the ten feet distance and shy peeks at the boy whenever he had the chance. And that's exactly what Hoseok did that night as well, looking over to the Slytherin table in between bites of his dinner.

Hoseok liked winter. Although his favourite season was summer, he thought winter was nice too. Sometimes, it wasn't so nice to his plant friends and that made him sad and his mouth turned into a triangular pout but despite it all, winter was nice.

As the month of November trickled in slowly, Hoseok found himself more in the Quidditch pitch, shouting out commands as captain because they would be having their first match of the year against Ravenclaw. Whenever he found the time, he made his way straight to the greenhouses, helping Professor Longbottom in any way he can and lovingly talking to all his plants.

It was a Saturday afternoon when his last class got cancelled and he had given the day off to the team, that Hoseok was making his way to the greenhouses again. While his friends joked that it was his home away from home, Hoseok really believed in that line. After all, it was a greenhouse, but it was also a home to him.

Hoseok wrapped his robes tighter around himself as he stepped out of the large front doors and took the familiar path towards the left that led to the greenhouses. The chilly wind playfully nudged him as he jogged over to greenhouse 3, mentally listing off all the things he had to do before going back to the Hufflepuff common room to finish his Potions essay.

A shout of his name behind him made Hoseok stop in his ministrations at the door and turn around, only to find Taehyung jogging towards him, something white in his hands. As Taehyung neared, Hoseok made out the white thing to be a cat, a fluffy and sleeping one at that.

It was normal to see an animal or two around Taehyung– because Taehyung loved animals like Hoseok loved plants. Magical creatures were his calling in life and Taehyung had often expressed his desire to teach Care of Magical Creatures at Hogwarts after he had traveled everywhere in the world to personally meet every creature known to wizards.

A cat was pretty tame from the various, weird animals that Taehyung usually brought so the sight made Hoseok smile as he looked at Taehyung in question, albeit curiously. Taehyung stopped when he was a few feet away and puffed out air as he looked at Hoseok with a sheepish grin.

"Hyung, I have a favour to ask of you," Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut, the way he does when he really wants something badly done and Hoseok raised an eyebrow, prompting him to continue. "Can you please take care of Yoo– Suga here? Just for some time, please hyung... I will back in like an hour, but until then, I would really appreciate it if you look after him."

"Is something wrong?" Hoseok asked in concern, going back to opening the door of the greenhouse.

"Professor Vector wants to have a talk with me but I can't let Suga go just like this," Taehyung said, referring to the cat in his head. Hoseok finally unlocked the doors and pushed them open. "He's sleeping so you don't even have to worry, he won't make a sound or disturb you. Will you please do this for me?"

"Yeah, give him here," Hoseok held out his arms as Taehyung gratefully dropped the fluffy white cat into Hoseok's hands. The cat snuggled into Hoseok's chest, still asleep. Taehyung stopped himself from giggling at that.

"Looks like he likes you," Taehyung said with a twinkle in his eye. "I promise I'll be back, don't let him go anywhere, okay?"

"Yeah, now go, otherwise Professor Vector will get mad at you," Hoseok shooed him away and Taehyung jogged back to the castle, turning around every now and then to wave at him. Hoseok walked inside the greenhouse once he saw Taehyung disappear behind the walls of the castle and shut the doors behind him.

He looked down at the sleeping Suga and wondered what it would be like to run a hand through the fur. Without thinking, he put his right hand through his fur, his left arm tightening beneath so that the cat won't drop. His petting awoke Suga though and the cat yawned unceremoniously before looking up at him with large brown eyes. The site was adorable and Hoseok cooed, tapping his nose with his index finger.

"You're so cute," Hoseok smiled down at the cat, who shifted a bit in his arms. Hoseok's arm tightened around Suga again, making sure that he won't fall. "I wonder where Tae found you? You don't have a collar so you probably don't belong to anyone. Unless you're Taehyung's? But he already has Yeontan, hm..."

Hoseok talked to the cat as if he could understand him– and considering that the cat could be magical, Suga probably could understand. Except he just kept staring at Hoseok with wide eyes. Hoseok looked around the greenhouse and found the empty table where he was going to work. He stopped beneath it to pull out one of the large baskets they had and placed it on top of the table.

He gently placed Suga inside it and softly petted his back once before stepping away.

"Stay there, okay?" Hoseok smiled at the cat and two seconds later, the cat nodded, settling inside the basket. Suga's eyes didn't waver away from Hoseok though, as he brought out the mandrake pots from the other table. He noticed Suga staring at him and wondered if the cat really did understand what he spoke.

"Do you know who I am?" Hoseok said, glancing towards the cat once before his eyes went back to the mandrake pots. Suga meowed quietly but Hoseok didn't understand cat language so he continued, "Maybe Taehyung has talked about me, maybe he hasn't... Anyway, my name is Jung Hoseok and I'm Taehyung's friend. I'm a Hufflepuff like him. Wait, do you know what is Hufflepuff? It's... the people who wear yellow clothing. Wait, can you see colours?"

Hoseok couldn't remember if cats saw the world in black & white or if it was dogs who did. Either way, it didn't sound nice to not be able to see colours and his mouth set into a tiny frown as he checked the soil.

"Well, even if you can't see the colours...," Hoseok's voice trailed off, thinking of how else to describe Hufflepuffs. "You can know who they are if you see their personality! Most of us are hard-working and we love either people, animal or plants. We're very loyal and have our close group of friends too. That's why it's surprising that Taehyungie has never introduced us before; I generally know all his animal friends. We never really keep secrets from each other either."

"Some would tell you that it's more of a Slytherin trait but I don't really believe that," Hoseok said thoughtfully, almost forgetting that he was talking to a cat as he worked. "Slytherins just prefer to be in close groups you know? They don't trust people easily, which is very unlike us Puffs– I think Hufflepuffs are the ones who trust the most easily. But we balance each other out don't you think?"

Suga meowed from the basket, which Hoseok took an affirmation and continued, "Sometimes people can be mean though. They like to assume things about people without knowing them, without knowing what they have been through. Even some Hufflepuffs do that, but once they really know someone, they are immensely loyal so I can forgive that. But people just don't deserve all the unnecessary hate you know? It makes me sad, because I want to spread positivity among them but it's really hard."

Suga's tail flicked and Hoseok caught that through the corner of his eye. He smiled at the cat before going back to noting down the differences in the colours of the pods of one of the venomous plants.

"You know, you remind me of one of the Slytherins," Hoseok found himself saying, his first time talking to someone about Yoongi. "His name is Min Yoongi and he's my senior. He looks like a cat too, and you're so white it reminds me of his pale skin. Everyone thinks he is mean and hates everyone because he glares at them, but you know what? I don't think that at all."

Suga seemed to have stilled, listening to Hoseok sharply but the red-haired Hufflepuff didn't realise, his thoughts full of the senior he harboured a crush on.

"He's just quiet and keeps to himself," Hoseok said softly. "He has a face that can look soft if you think he is so, or look evil if you think that way of him. I think he's sweet and just very protective of his friends, like Namjoon. And he has this precious gummy smile that makes me smile and would probably light up anyone's mood, because it's so pure and genuine you know? I wish you could see it–"

Hoseok had chosen that moment to look up while he was speaking but the sight in front of him made him halt. The basket was empty and instead of Suga, Min Yoongi was sitting on the table, his legs curled in and fingers fiddling shyly with the hem of his dark green sweater. And he looked so cute and adorable, as he stared at Hoseok with pink cheeks that reminded Hoseok of dumplings and his white hair was falling into his eyes but Yoongi made no move to get it out of them as he stared at Hoseok for a few seconds.

Silence trickled in for a few seconds before the whole situation settled in on Hoseok and mortification and embarrassment started flooding his system. Yoongi, unawares of this, jumped off the table and turned to face Hoseok.

"Thank you," he said softly in his deep voice that generally made Hoseok feel calm but was making his heart palpitate at the moment. "I would appreciate if you don't tell anyone about me being, y'know..."

Yoongi looked at Hoseok expectantly and it barely registered in Hoseok's brain when he automatically nodded along to whatever Yoongi was saying. Yoongi sent him a grateful smile before his cheeks were dusted with pink again.

"And, uhm, I was wondering...," Yoongi hesitated for a second, "if you would like to go on a date with me the next weekend to Hogsmeade?"

Hoseok couldn't believe his ears.

He wondered if he was in fact dreaming but the way his heart was thundering in his ears and the way he was gripping his pen tightly enough to make all the blood in his body rush to his hand, was enough of a reminder that he wasn't dreaming. This was real and Min Yoongi, the sweet shy and misunderstood Slytherin senior that Hoseok had been pining after for 3 years, was asking him out for a date.

Yoongi looked at him, waiting but Hoseok's mind wasn't catching up with his body. His brain had gone blank and he couldn't bring himself to move or talk or do anything other than stare at Yoongi with wide eyes.

The mortification of what he had said started to sink in once again, all his inner thoughts that he revealed to Yoongi because he was a cat (and why was he talking to a cat for goodness' sake, Yoongi must think he's dumb and embarrassing) but Yoongi was still asking him out and Hoseok didn't know what to make of it– did that mean Yoongi liked him the way Hoseok liked him?

Before he could formulate the words inside his brain and form them into coherent sentences, Yoongi backed away, his face turned away and eyes shining as his pressed lips trembled.

"It's okay if you don't want to," he said, flushed and Hoseok realised that his silence was taken wrongly. "I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable."

And before Hoseok could deny or say anything, Yoongi had already run out of the greenhouse, leaving behind a confused Hoseok who was still grasping the situation. The red haired boy stared at the glass doors of the greenhouse, wondering why he was so tongue-tied around the older boy that he couldn't even say yes to an offer for a date.

A few minutes of silence rested inside the terrarium. It was broken only when Taehyung walked inside, the grin on his face slipping when he saw Hoseok staring off into space with a sad look.

"Hobi-hyung?" Taehyung asked gently, checking him to see if he got hurt somewhere. His call jerked Hoseok out of his thoughts, who looked at him in surprise. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Hoseok mumbled, looking back at the paper he was noting down on. "What are you doing here?"

"I came here for Suga," Taehyung said, unconvinced by Hoseok's reply but deciding to give him some space before he tries to coax the answer out of him. He looked around, trying to find the white cat but when he couldn't see Suga anywhere, he looked at Hoseok inquiringly.

"Oh, he um, he ran away," Hoseok said at first, remembering that Yoongi had asked to keep it a secret. Hoseok didn't want to. He wanted to spill out everything that had happened to Taehyung, maybe cry about how he lost his one chance. Taehyung looked at him with wide eyes at his reply. So Hoseok added, "It was Yoongi-sunbaenim. Suga, I mean. Suga is Yoongi-sunbaenim. And he um, ran out of here."

"Oh," Taehyung didn't look as surprised at first, then he said an even louder ‘oh’, mumbled a hurried apology and ran out of the greenhouse, quite similarly to Yoongi and Hoseok was left with more questions than before but his only solace now was the mandrakes in front of him and they were underground.

"Just you and me, crying out loud when we are tossed into the air," Hoseok whispered to them, caressing the pot with a gentleness that always ran through him when he was with his plants. "God, he must hate me..."

As the days of the Hogsmeade trip drew nearer, Hoseok found himself avoiding a certain pale boy whenever he came across him in hallways. That's to say that Yoongi himself hadn't been doing the same– it was a mutual avoidance, really, stemming from embarrassment of both parties.

The only third party that wasn't embarrassed would be their friends, and Hoseok was disdained to find out how insistent they can be.

"Hyung, look, just talk to him," Taehyung tried for the 23rd time that week (yes, he has been counting) but it only prompted Hoseok to turn around 180° and start going the other way instead. Taehyung ran after him, frustrated but tired. He watched Hoseok duck inside an empty classroom as a shortcut.

Taehyung was tired. This was so dumb– both of them liked each other but couldn't even get past their own embarrassment to tell each other that. He was sure that Hoseok would regret it if he doesn't do anything this year because it was Yoongi's last year at Hogwarts.

He had to do something.

‘Something’, as it turns out, involves dragging in his best friend and soulmate Jimin (a sly Slytherin who loves playing matchmaker), his shy but smart boyfriend Jungkook, and the resident it couple, that is Namjoon and Seokjin– all ready at a moment's notice to pitch in their opinions and ideas and plan something to get these two idiots together.

The plan was simple.

"Hyung, can you come here?" Taehyung called from behind Hoseok. It was the day of the Hogsmeade trip and Hoseok was sulking as they surfed between the shops upon Taehyung and Jimin's demands. The red-haired boy looked at his friend inquiringly and Taehyung grabbed his hand and started dragging him.

"Where are we going, Tae?" Hoseok asked, letting himself be pulled because who even says no to Taehyung? An impossible feat in itself. Taehyung didn't respond, just continued dragging him so Hoseok didn't insist either and looked around to see that Jimin was jogging behind them, a small smile on his face.

Something felt off to him. And the moment they stopped in front of Madam Puddifoot's shop, Hoseok was left reeling with confusion and questions. Before he could question Taehyung, the two fifth years pushed him inside the shop, where Namjoon was saying something rapidly to a confused looking Yoongi.

Hoseok's heart dropped at the sight of the older boy. Namjoon turned around at that moment and saw Hoseok staring at them– his eyes widened and he quickly ran outside the shop, pushing past Hoseok as he did so. Outside, Seokjin and he held the doors closed, eyes narrowed at Yoongi, who ran up to the door and tried to come out.

The customers inside the shop were staring at Hoseok, Yoongi and the ragtag group of five boys holding the doors closed. Yoongi turned around in defeat, looking at Hoseok in embarrassment. Hoseok felt himself flush down to his toes, his hands wrapping around himself even though he was out of the snow and inside the warm shop.

An awkward silence rested between the two and Hoseok felt the need to dispel it. He didn't want his last memories with Yoongi to be full of awkwardness and embarrassment. He cleared his throat quietly but Yoongi was near enough to hear it and looked up at him.

"I didn't think you would like Madam Puddifoot's," Hoseok said shyly, waving his hand to refer to the pink cherubs and fake snow that was magicked to fall over the couples who had their hand intertwined, permanent blushes and for some, even their lips on each others'. The sight made Hoseok's heart beat fast, wondering if that's how the day might end for him and Yoongi if he could just work up the courage to admit his feelings and correct his mistake.

"What?" Yoongi looked affronted at the insinuation and Hoseok jolted out of his thoughts to look at Yoongi in surprise. "Why would I even like this pink madness in the name of Merlin's–"

Madam Puddifoot, who seemed to have overhead Yoongi's half-yells from the counter, shot them such a nasty glare that Yoongi promptly shut up, his cheeks flushed red with embarrassment as he looked away in slight frustration.

"Maybe we should leave?" Hoseok gently offered, eyeing the now empty doorway. "Come on, Yoongi-sunbaenim."

He let himself pick up the hand at Yoongi's hip and gently led him outside the shop, hoping that Madam Puddifoot won't judge them too harshly for the scene. Outside, it had started snowing again and the wind blew in their face when they finally stopped in the middle of the bustling road.

Hoseok turned around just in time to see Yoongi shiver, his breath falling into a white mist. Yoongi wasn't meeting his eyes, instead focusing on the warmth of Hoseok's hand.

"Are you cold?" Hoseok asked, worried about the other boy, momentarily forgetting the awkward moment they had shared previously. Yoongi grimaced lightly but before he could speak, Hoseok offered a quiet, "Do you want my scarf?"

The question made Yoongi freeze and Hoseok saw his pale cheeks colour in and he realized the very cliché moment they had going on. Except Hoseok really meant it and was ready to give up his only scarf if it meant that Yoongi would be warm and not shivering.

"No, thank you," Yoongi said timidly, his hand curling a bit in Hoseok's hold. Hoseok found himself internally cooing at the cute sight, wondering how anyone could ever believe that Min Yoongi, this adorable little kitten, could ever be mean. "You have only one scarf, you shouldn't sacrifice your health for me. I won't die in this cold."

No, but he really was so sweet and thoughtful; so considerate yet people were always so judgemental, quick to assume. Hoseok found himself squeezing Yoongi's hand a little more firmly.

"Maybe you should turn into a cat and I can put you into my coat," Hoseok tried to joke except that made Yoongi's face drop into an expressionless state. He wondered if he said something really wrong or sensitive to Yoongi. Was it the cat part? Because he mentioned Yoongi's Animagus abilities? But before he could hurriedly apologize, he saw that Yoongi's face was flushed once again.

"Please don't," he said in a small voice before clearing his throat and saying it louder. "Just, tell me you don't like me that way and stop this. Because I don't know if you thought I was joking or something, but I really meant what I asked you back then. I really do like you and your words aren't helping my situation. Is this a game to you? Because my feelings are real, please don't treat me like this if you don't like me back."

Hoseok's heart dropped at the same time he dropped Yoongi's hand from his own. The shock was evident on his face as Yoongi shifted in his place, bringing his hand back to himself, wondering if this was where they parted ways. The Jung Hoseok he thought he knew and had a crush on was far too sweet and gentle and kind– but maybe Yoongi had put him on too high a pedestal because now he was saying sentences that made his heart beat faster while his brain screamed at him that he doesn't like him that way.

Yoongi smiled sadly at him and turned around to leave. Before he could walk away, a hand wrapped around his wrist and tugged him back– Yoongi found himself facing Hoseok again, who was looking at him with gleaming eyes that held a fire inside them. Hoseok removed his scarf with his left hand skilfully, not letting go of a shocked Yoongi as he did so and wrapped it around Yoongi's neck.

Yoongi was so close to him that he could count Hoseok's eyelashes. And it was really distracting when Hoseok was looking at him with this smouldering expression that made Yoongi feel warm to his toes (or was it the effect of the scarf?).

"I like you too," Hoseok mumbled, his fingers interlocking with Yoongi's as he spoke. "For a long time, I have liked you, if my speech at the greenhouse wasn't obvious enough."

"Wh...," Yoongi was stunned speechless for two seconds as he watched Hoseok nervously look at him in hope. "Why didn't you say it before then? I thought you..."

"I was too shocked," Hoseok admitted weakly, his left hand finding purchase in Yoongi's (Hoseok's, that is) scarf. "I was embarrassed. You heard me say all that and I couldn't comprehend it, coupled with the fact that I wasn't even aware you were the cat. I was frozen and I just couldn't respond– and it took me so long that you were gone before I could say anything. I'm sorry. I was mortified and I didn't know what to say."

"That... sounds like you," Yoongi sighed, but the beginnings of a gummy smile on his face made Hoseok's heart lurch in his chest once again. He was finally seeing that sweet smile once again, and this time, it was because of Hoseok. "I'm sorry for avoiding you too, instead of talking it out like a mature person."

"No, please don't be," Hoseok shook his head, his eyes trained at Yoongi's soft smile. Yoongi noticed it and blushed, thinking that Hoseok is staring at his lips. He leaned in and Hoseok's mind was reeling once again, watch Yoongi draw closer, their flushed faces just a few inches apart.

He had dreamt of this before, but he couldn't even compare the crazy beating of his heart to anything he had imagined. He had stopped breathing, leaning in too, both his fists curling around the yellow scarf, ready to kiss him when– something cold fell on his nose.


Hoseok pushed in his moment of fear– except it was Yoongi in front of him, who fell down with a thump and a groan as he landed on the freshly powdered snow. Realization struck Hoseok again as he watched Yoongi's scrunched face in horror, his hand flying to his mouth as he comprehended what he had done.

How could he ruin even this? Embarrassment coursed through his veins once again as he extended a hand to Yoongi, bumbling out a panicked, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Yoongi-sunbaenim– I really didn't mean to, are you okay?!"

Yoongi took his hand and pushed himself up, looking at Hoseok funnily. Hoseok looked ready to cry and Yoongi shook his head, smiling gently at Hoseok.

"I'm okay," Yoongi reassured him. "And call me hyung, not sunbaenim. If we are to date, I mean, if you want to, then you shouldn't call me sunbaenim."

Before Hoseok could respond, a loud voice called out behind him and the two stopped in their talk to turn around.

"See? Was that hard now?" Taehyung said, grinning as he hopped closer to them, his hand slipped in between Jungkook's who was smiling at them with his bunny teeth too.

"You are both such smart yet dumb hyungs," Jungkook shook his head fondly. Jimin jumped onto the two's backs and Hoseok found himself smiling despite all their words.

"Your shriek could be heard inside Zonko's, hyung," Jimin teased. Hoseok buried his head in his hands in embarrassment as the others laughed. He peaked through his fingers to find Yoongi just smiling fondly at him with pink cheeks.

"Yoongi-chi looks ready to kiss you for real this time," Seokjin humoured, smirking at the two. Namjoon laughed silently at that when Hoseok whined, wondering what sins he might have done to have such friends who were forever teasing him.

"Well, if you are," Taehyun paused, his face serious, "then please go to the Shrieking Shack. Maybe we can scare some people with actual shrieks from Hobi-hyung."


The End

I posted this on my ao3 last month but I forgot to post it here ㅠㅠ

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