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Jeongguk was the bad boy of the school. The fuckboy that girls just wanted to, well, fuck. And then he'd leave them the next morning with no hesitation. That was his school reputation. But no one hated him, they physically cant hate him, because there was no reason to. Jeongguk was nice. Despite being a fuckboy. He'd tell the girl he was going to sleep with that he would be gone the next morning, and usually, the girls he told would either think he's joking, or not give a single fuck because of the heat of the moment. But soon they'll realize it, when they'd wake up in the morning.

So, Jeongguk was some sort of, nice fuckboy. Which is not a good combination I tell you. But it was kind of fun. You loved the jealous stares of girls because from afar, to those girls, you seemed to be in love and was talking about plans about sleeping together, but in reality, you were his best friend, and was actually laughing over ice cream at the park because you were talking about how Jim or Bob from bio had got caught picking his nose or something.

and it was clear, no one hated Jeongguk.

Well, no one but you.

You could deal with Jeongguk fucking every girl and leaving her the next day just so he could pick up pizza to watch movies with you, you could deal with Jeongguk talking about how he was thinking of fucking Taehyung and Jimin from Chemistry, you could deal with him calling you when he ran out of condoms, you could deal with all of it.

Why were you mad exactly when you had the school's hottest, coolest guy as your best friend?

Well, it's simple. Because you fell in love with him. And what's worse? You fell in love with him way longer than he was your best friend. You fell in love hard.

And the worst part was that it got more worse, because he fell in love too.

But not with you, but you didn't know that.

So, you were really shocked when he suddenly showed up at your doorstep and had asked; "You wanna be my girlfriend?"

You were shocked, and didn't know how to react. He was sweaty and he was panting, as if he had just ran from home instead of taking his car. And you didn't know whether it was a cruel prank or an honest confession.

You blurted out; "E-excuse me?"

"I mean, Hoseok is having this party tonight and I just got invited last minute, it was a stupid couples only party, but Jaeun was going to be there! And I hadn't had the chance to talk to her privately, please be my girlfriend (Y/n), I'll get you tons of chocolate, and stuffed animals, and Pizza, and Disney movies, and that Yoongi guy you talked about last week, and-"

"Jungkook shut up" You said, holding out a hand to stop him "And backup"

You actually heard it the first time, but you begged your ears to be playing tricks on you, that he hadn't just asked you out to be his girlfriend just so he can talk to another girl at a couples only party.

"I want you to be my girlfriend for a night, just for a night (Y/n)" He begged, and it looked as if he wanted to cry. He wanted to see her that badly huh?

You didn't know what was the most stupid part, the fact that he just asked you out on a fake date just to swoon another man's girl, or the fact that you agreed.

Because he was your crush

And you were his reliable best friend.

But you didn't care. You thought that it could be one of those cliché movies or books that had a plot twist, where the male lead fell in love with the female and they ended up riding a horse to the moon, in wedding dresses and flower petals. Okay, that may be too dramatic, but you get the point.

You even went to the mall the next day just to get a new dress, just for the occasion, hoping that Jeongguk got the message that you loved him more than a friend.

But you knew you should have given up, especially when you opened the door when he picked you up, as if it was prom, and he just smiled, and said "This was a perfect plan!"

The car ride there was silent, but when he pulled up the driveway to Hoseok's, he suddenly said; "Hey, sorry in advance if you see me leaving with Jaeun early, get home safely okay? I don't want my wingman to be alone this night" he winked and joked, and you just laughed.

Because not only was he hurting you, but he was going to ditch you, and he just apologized for it.

You just shrugged it off, and went inside the house, and was already greeted with drunk couples, doing things you didn't want to know. Some playing spin the bottle, some having a bonfire at the backyard, but you didn't care.

Especially not when Jungkook suddenly pulled you in a kiss.

You forgot you were just his bestfriend in the moment his lips touched you, you had forgotten that this was all an act, you didn't hear the distant; "GET SOME (Y/N)" from your senior Jin, and you hadn't seen a girl come to him from the corner of your eye.

Because all you saw way Jeongguk's doe eyes that shut tight, as if he was kissing you with all the love he had in the world.

And when he pulled back, you were suddenly out of that dream. You were back in reality, where everything in life was unfair. Where people took advantages of each other just because they can't speak for their stupid emotions and feelings. Because life sucked in general.

"You're a great kisser" You muttered silently, and suddenly leaned back in, wanting more, but Jungkook had pulled back like lightning

"(Y/n)? You hadn't even drink yet, why are you like this? Jaeun is looking at us" He chuckled under his breath, and you looked at him under your half lidded eyes,

Oh fuck it

"I love you" you said.

You didn't know what you expected, because you didn't see it. All you did was pull back and cover your mouth, seeing Jaeun walking back to her boyfriend, tears glistening in your eyes, because the whole room was staring at you now.

And you just ran.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n) wait! Stop! Please!" Jungkook tried calling after you, but you didn't care, you just ran outside, passed his car, passed the gates, and into the streets. "(Y/N) STOP!"

But what you didn't ran pass was the headlights that rammed your side

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