I recommend skipping. Art in next post --->

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I truly recommend skipping this chapter.

It wasn't meant to turn into a rant, but knowing me, it always does...

Just a heads up, most the art I post for awhile won't be completely free style.

I'm still learning, and am still trying to find my style.

Everyone I've met here have been drawing since they were little.

I drew a bit as a kid, mainly because both parents run a tattoo shop and I wanted to "be like them".

Now, I have no interest in tattooing as a career, and honestly can't see myself on that path, I just found a hidden love for drawing.

I've been actually trying, actually wanting to improve in drawing for over a year now.

This is a drawing from last year.

My first drawing of Cyndle.

And confession time?

I traced.

...crap, I deleted it from my gallery...but it's here in the beginning of my art book titled "Cyndle (OC)"

Can't find the picture I traced from either...but it was half and half of Chara and Frisk.

I had just recently come into the Undertale fandom back then.

I desperately want to improve.


I'm afraid I won't.

I mainly draw digitally and feel that's more my strong suit.

Looking at the artists around me and at how much they've improved in such little time, makes me look over my own work.

I don't feel confident in my art or writing or anything I do for that matter and in turn, I don't always feel motivated.

I don't draw every day.

I don't write every day.

One simple drawing - freestyle - takes me two days (occasionally less) at least.

I've been requested to draw things, to write things, and haven't.

Simply because I don't think I can.

I don't know what I'm saying anymore.

I hate that I rant when I truly only mean to explain myself a little. And I hate that my rants are so all over the place.

Main point of this is, I really want to improve in my art and writing. (The main point of this was my art though) I'll be using a lot of references for awhile, and my style might waver every so often.

Thank you to everyone who has been helping me with drawing, it's appreciated.

I'm dragging this on too long.



-I'll see myself out now…

~ Bub =)

(PS to anyone assuming so, this isn't a pity stunt.

I'm usually accused of that by people irl. Maybe that's why I don't like to talk about my problems.

I hate it.

So I type it here.

And I hate it even more.

But I can't bottle it.

If I do, I'm able to snap way too easy for my liking.

Sorry, this was supposed to end on a high note.)

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