Snowglobes Sans WIP (Christmas Version)

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So this is the drawing I used for my Sans x Reader cover.

It'll also be in the Snowglobes fanart. I actually drew it FOR THAT but was really proud of it I'm using it everywhere.

Also I promised a Shadowtale update on the 29th.

I might not be able to...

BUT winner for the art competition thing will be revealed on that day! I'll change my profile picture to the winning drawing on New Years.

My mom and dad are tattoo artists.

I'm not a very good artist outside of technology (or in for that matter.) Tattooing just isn't for me XD

Anyways, without further ado....SANS!

Ho ho ho.

H e  s e e s  y o u  w h e n  y o u ' r e  s l e e p i n g . . .

H e  k n o w s  w h e n  y o u ' r e  a w a k e . . .

H e  k n o w s  i f  y o u ' v e  b e e n  b a d  o r  g o o d  s o  b e  g o o d  f o r  g o o d n e s s  s a k e . . .

I swear the Krampus trailer gave those lyrics a whole new meaning...

And it's not very pleasant...


Why did I suddenly turn this supposedly jolly post into something dark? XD


~ Bub =)

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