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*chapter warning: mention of self harm and suicide.
skip this chapter if you are uncomfortable with it.


jungkook took out a razor, from god knows where.

he sat on the corner of the bed and,

placed the razor on his skin and thought,
'sorry taehyung, i think you would hate me after i do this, but i really miss this feeling.'

he grazed his skin with the razor, slashing his wrist in the process.

jungkook sat there in a daze, feeling comforted by it.


i walked to jungkook's door, and held on the doorknob.

it was locked, i knocked on the door and said, "jungkook, it's me,".


"open the door please, kook."


i decided to use the key to open the door as i did not get any responses.

after i opened the door, i saw jungkook sitting on the floor.
when i walked over to him, i saw his wrist, with cuts and blood on it.

"jungkook, why did you do it?", i asked.

"i'm sorry.", jungkook replied in a barely audible voice.

"why did you do it, kook?,", i asked again,
then i lowered my gaze to see him tearing up.

"i-i find comfort in cutting. i don't deserve love, don't i?", jungkook stared at me, teary eyed.

"you do, jungkook. you deserve love.", i sat down beside him.

"he told me i don't deserve love, mingyu told me i don't.", jungkook croaked out.

he then began to tell me everything.


so what happened was:

two years ago, jungkook was dating mingyu. one day, he walked in to see mingyu and a girl, kissing.

mingyu saw jungkook walking in and told him that dating him was all a dare.

mingyu told jungkook that he was a freak because he was gay and hence, he didn't deserve to be loved.

mingyu and his friends then spreaded to their whole school that jungkook is gay.

people started calling him names and bullying him.
even the teachers looked at him with disgust.

everyone seem to loathe him.

one day, he decided to end his life, as everyone loathed him as he was gay.

he wanted to jump into a river.

just as he wanted to jump, a hand pulled him back.
he then saw lee taemin, his lifesaver.

what taemin did was to convince him to not end his life.

taemin then introduced to jungkook his new company that makes robots that act as people's boyfriends, after he heard that jungkook was gay.

jungkook joined the programme called, 'build a boyfriend' and he met taehyung.

he respects taemin a lot, as he provided him a new life.

what taehyung felt after the story was that, he felt that he wanted to find mingyu as he was a jerk.

he wanted to punch mingyu for treating jungkook like this.

for short, he wanted to protect jungkook.

taehyung then accompanied jungkook to clean his cuts.

after he cleaned jungkook's cuts, taehyung and jungkook sat on their bed, then jungkook placed his head on taehyung's chest.

jungkook began listening to the taehyung's heartbeat to make him calm down, slowly he fell asleep.

while taehyung was there thinking that if he found mingyu, mingyu will be dead.
as mingyu did somehting horrible to his jungkook.

yes, you read it right.
his jungkook.

not edited, not proofread.

i am writing this before i'm falling asleep. so it may not link together.

hence, i apologise if some parts don't make sense or have errors grammatically etc.

and also, i apologise if i offend any carats here as a made mingyu into a bad character oops.

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