Luella Cherish

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FULL BIRTH NAME: Luella Cherish

ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good

CURRENT AGE: 27 years

GENDER: Cisgender Female



ETHNICITY: Caucasian



PLACE OF BIRTH: London, United Kingdom

PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Highlands, Scotland




PORTRAYER: Daisy Ridley

PERSONALITY: Luella Cherish is a kind-hearted, strong-willed individual. It was difficult for her to be sorted a single Hogwarts house because she fit into all of them. Her dominant personality traits, however, all leaned towards Hufflepuff, so she was ultimately chosen to be in the Hufflepuff Hogwarts House, which was very happy with. She is very intelligent and quick-witted, but she is also very emotional and sometimes acts on her emotions without thinking them through. She is very sociable and charming, but it is difficult to gain her trust because she has been betrayed and taken advantage of many times. When her trust is gained, she is loyal to a fault. She is very witty and easily frustrated, but also very understanding. She is uniquely creative and has a gift with magic creatures and alchemy. She is an avid reader, a talented writer, musically gifted, and has a talent for law. Despite her stubborn nature and her unstable character traits, she is overall a kind person who wants to make the world a better place.

CHARACTER ARC SUMMARY: Luella Cherish was born as a Magbob to two muggle parents in London, England. When she was thirteen years old, her magical abilities were revealed when she was being bullied at school. Her parents disowned her, so her older brother became her legal guardian and enrolled her in Hogwarts where she met Newton Scamander and befriended him. She grew up with him and a girl named Leta Lestrange, but left the school when Newt was expelled and continued her education independantly until she enrolled in Ivermony, where she earned her degree in magical law. When Newton was expelled from Hogwarts, Luella quit to stand up for him and blended in with the muggles until she was reunited with Newton years later. In the future, she finds a husband and has children.

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